Chapter 9

“I don’t expect you to remember them all now. So don’t worry about getting it wrong,” Kiy tells me this time.

Phe is now sat back how he was before. “What are your questions?” He ask his siblings.

“How old are you? Are you old enough to be with Phe?” That question strikes interest in the others.

“She is with you?” Lenime asked Phe.

“Yes. She is my mate,” All his siblings seem surprised, but all stand up took turns hugging me and even his father and mother again.

I can quite honestly say I have never been hugged as much as I have been today. Koya did too, but her hug is more of the ‘I’m going to pick you up and steal you,’ type of hug. I think that is just because – as she put it – I am her tiny sister.

“You’re already fully bonded?” I think it is Phlepa who’s asking.

“Can’t you tell?” Koya points to my mark. “Gold.” They seem impressed.

“Not that I am not happy for you both. She is a very beautiful and seems like a nice girl, but is she old enough?” The oldest brother, Tou asks concerned.

“From what I can tell she seems to be a fully developed adult female,” Ren answers for me, but he looks to me for the answer still anyway.

“Yes, I am more than old enough. I am twenty-six-years-old, I know I am small compared to your species but I am normal for a female of mine,” I tell them.

“Twenty-six? But you are tiny. I was sure you were much younger,” The same man says in shock.

“You really are my baby sister,” Koya cooes.

“Why? How old are you?” I asks her.


“This is some kind of Vulcan stuff…” I mumble to myself.

“You seem surprised?” Kiy asks.

“Our youngest Lenime is forty-four.”

“I am. I mean, if I wish I would look that good at when I am her age…”

Confused looks…

“My species age a lot faster than that,” I begin but I am interrupted.

“When I did a body scan it showed the same rate of aging as us,” Ren states.

“Aaron said there was some ‘unforeseen side effects’ remember? That could be one of them,” Phe surprisingly reminds me. He sounds almost hopeful.

“Aaron?” One of the twins ask.

“Her brother. There are moving images and other information on them data storage devices we found.”

“Maybe there will be more information. We will check after we are finished here.”

It is Phe and Koya speaking.

“I wouldn’t be surprised. There is a lot of medical and other pieces I skipped through. Not to mention the two I have to fix,” I think out loud.

“You can do that?” One of the sisters asks sounding surprised.

“Of course she can. Who do you think built the thing to read them in the first place?” Phe says confidently.

“We just presumed it was Koya,” The same sister answers.

“I wish. I couldn’t make sense of the things. It was all Amber. I only brought her the things she asked for,” Koya confesses.

“She’s really smart. I didn’t understand a thing she was doing.” I almost laughed but bit my lip and hold it back.

Who would have ever thought an alien as advanced as them would say that.

I am sure it isn’t true, but I love Phe for saying it anyway.

“I can believe that,” His younger brother laughs from beside him. “You always have been a bit dumb.” Phe elbows him, but he continues to laugh.

“Was that your job before?” I have lost track of their names. All I know is it is one of Phe’s older brothers who asked.

“It was part of my job to maintain the machines I worked on because the work I was doing was confidential.” I went on to explain my job and what it was. Then what happened for me to end up in the storage. Yes, that’s how I think of it. They put me in storage. “And then I woke up here.”

“What were you working on at the time?” Ren asks me.

“From what I was told it was meant to be something that would heightened peoples immune system and general health. But when the accident happened in wasn’t even close to the testing stage,” I explain.

“Believe it or not but Lenime actually does similar work to you. He will assist you in analysing the results,” Kiy tells us and the son in question agrees without protest.

“Now to a happier note…” Ren is smiling at me, it kind of worries me.

“Now you are fully bonded when are we to expect a first heat and little ones?”

I don’t even need the heat on my cheeks to tell me I am blushing, the intense look of everyone is enough.

“Mother, you are embarrassing her,” Phe says answering everyone’s silent question.

“That’s interesting,” I hear someone mumble.

“And as for heat in Humans… That is her species. They don’t go into heat,” Phe pauses and looks as though he is thinking about something.

“That reminds me. I went in the medical bay and took a ‘Drasico’ capsule out to give to Amber.”

I’m guessing that is the fast healing pill he gave me earlier.

“You hurt her already?” Ren frowns at her son. “Not intentionally,” He mumbles.

Kiy looks ready to scold him.

“It wasn’t really his fault,” I say not wanting him to be scolded for something that is normal among humans and that is what I told them.

“Normal? How so?” Koya asks me.

I don’t really fancy the idea of telling them but Phe had other ideas.

“I broke her Hymen.”

Oh great, here we go.

“Hymen? What’s that?” Ren asks.

I mentally pray he would keep quiet.

Sadly unlike the many mate stories I have read he cannot read my mind.

“It’s a…” I place my hand over his mouth before he can say too much.

“I’ll tell you later,” I told her and I turn to Phe. “Quiet,” Is all I whisper. But he seems to get the hint. His eyes widen. “Sorry, love. I didn’t…”

I kiss his lips to shut him up.

I pull back to see everyone watching us.

“Why don’t you tell us now?” Koya asks me.

As did Lenime. I internally groan knowing I will end up having to tell them.

I gave Phe a look which said, ‘I’m going to kill you later,’ before explaining to the whole of his family about the Human females sexual organs. Talk about embarrassing. My face would have been like a beetroot if I didn’t cut reality out and go into professional mode. ‘These are just curious students I am teaching. There is no need to have a panic attack,’ I keep repeating over and over in my head.

Most of them have unreadable expressions… I’m not sure if that is good or not yet…. I’ll get back to you on that.

But Koya, Lenime and his parents all wore very creepy smiles.

His mother is the first one to speak. Might I add with a bit too much enthusiasm. “Can I see?” My eyes widen. “I know it’s gone I just want to see where it was before and what an ‘uncapped’ one looked like,” She quickly adds.

‘Uncapped,’ I mentally laughed. She makes it sound like a bottle.

“Mother,” Phe says in a warning tone.

His father and some of the others chuckle.

“If I know my brother he’s probably put porn on one of the data stick.”

“What is porn?”

‘Great, Amber! Just keep putting yourself out there don’t you,’ I scold myself.

Explaining porn is even more fun than explain what a hymen is.

Lenime and Ren would have dragged me out of the room to fix the sticks and see if I could recover any of the sordid videos, that is if Phe wasn’t holding me on his lap.

The others laugh and find it ‘interesting’ and want a showing if I find any. I swear the whole bunch of them, males and females alike are perverts.

Everyone of them insist on giving their ‘new sister’ a hug before I leave the room with Phe.

They all seem to like me and are really kind, except for the fact that more than one said they have young child bigger than me.

The women like Koya think I am some kind of living doll. Cue the eye roll.

The men aren’t much better. But they are all harmless, despite their intimidating statue.

Phe agrees that the pair of us will attend a family dinner later in the day.

But right now Phe’s father is having a word with me before I am dragged where ever.

“I know that we are different to what you are probably used to, but I promise they mean no harm. It’s just in our species families are very open with each other. We understand that it can take you time to transition and we take no offence to it.”

I actually feel better after he has finished speaking to me. He seems like the most normal out of the lot… Apart from my Phe… Alright, I may have spoken too soon.

Why? Because right after Kiy finished his sentence Phe took it upon his self to repeatedly lick my cheek.

As though sensing my confusion Ren who is standing beside her husband whispers to me. “It’s a way for mates to show their affection.”

She and Kiy look pleased with what he is doing.

By this point most of his siblings hadve left to do their jobs, except Koya and Lenime who insisted on waiting because they want to make sure we go to try and ‘fix’ the corrupted memory sticks.

I thank them both for helping and leave the room, Phe’s younger siblings in toe.

Phe has stopped licking my cheek now that we are walking but holding me close to his side.

Don’t ask me what came over me, but I have the sudden urge to… Well, I stop, moveib front of him and kiss him, literally sticking my tongue in his mouth. Not that he seems to mind.

Due to the large height difference Phe has to bend over normally or be sat down, but not this time because I have jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist and he is cupping my bottom and eagerly kissing me back.

“Are you sure Humans don’t go into heat?” I hear an amused voice say.

I try to pull back but Phe decides he doesn’t want me to and moves one of his hands from my backside and up my back holding me in place.

I can’t help but giggling as he moves his lips from mine, down to my neck and he begins nibbling softly on the skin behind my ear.

Considering his teeth are so sharp he is so gentle. Not once getting carried away and piercing my skin.

I have to bite my lip to stop myself from moaning, but that isn’t a problem for long because he moves his mouth and begins licking my cheek again.

Why is it that this makes me more embarrassed than when I was almost dry humping him?

I feel my cheeks heating up as he begins to carry me down the corridor, but thankfully he is no longer licking me.

“I can walk,” I tell him. “I know,” He says making no move to put me down.

“You going to put me down?” I ask trying to sound annoyed, but I can’t he is just too sweet.

He doesn’t even think about it. “No. I like carrying you.” I look to his face.

“I’m going to carry you from now on.” He looks serious but I have no idea if he is or not.

He turns his head to look to his younger siblings as they walk into the lift to go to the correct floor.

“Please tell me he is joking?” I ask them.

Koya shakes her head but Lenime speaks, “I’m afraid Phe doesn’t know the meaning,” He sounds amused.

“But on the bright side you never have to worry about anyone bumping into you because they didn’t see you.”

“That wouldn’t happen because Phe wouldn’t leave her side and everyone other than us don’t get any closer than three feet as they are all scared of him,” Koya grins.

“Now you say it…” I think out loud. “… I have noticed how even though they look curious of me the moment they notice Phe they back up, put their heads down and always greet him respectfully.”

“Are you surprised?” Lenime asks me.

“Not really. He scared me for the first few hours after I met him, especially when I couldn’t understand a word he said and he started to randomly lick my face.”

The lift door opened and he laughed, “That would scare anyone,” He jokes. We exit the lift and Phe glares at his brother.

Phe still carrying me, my legs still wrapped around his waist. “I am the second in command. I am meant to scare everyone…” He pauses and looks down at me. His expression softened and he lick my cheek once, “But I never want you to be scared of me.”

I lick his cheek in return which he really seems to be happy about because he hugs me closer and his smile widens.

“You know that’s a way of saying you love a person,” He whispers breathy in my ear.

My heart flutters and I felt so happy.

“That’s perfect because I love you lots,” I whisper back.

Before I knew what is happening I am being taken into an empty side room.


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