Chapter 10

He presses a switch on the wall, I’m guessing it locks the door.

In only seconds he is stripping us both and taking me on the desk located in the room.

We make love there and then. He is so caring. It is like he is pouring all his emotions out to me.

“I am really happy,” He says as we redress ourselves.

“I never dreamed I could love someone as much as I do you,” He picks me up and licks my cheek again.

“I feel the same,” I tell him honestly. “It’s crazy. I know we haven’t known each other very long but I love you so much.”

He grins and happily licks my cheek and spinning me around.

“Good, because you are never leaving my side,” He carries me out of the room bridal style this time.

“I don’t mind. But don’t your other relative’s let their mates be alone?” I question.

“Yes. But I am not them,” He says still smiling.

“No, you aren’t. You are much more handsome than them.”

“And you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.”

I just can’t believe how sweet and loving he is.

Walking down the corridor we pass several people all who look at us with a mixture of curiousness and submission.

Phe gave them all a blank expressionless nod as they all bow their heads and greet him.

I find it quite comically.

We only walk about twenty feet before we stop enter a familiar looking room.

Inside is Lenime, Koya and Ty all looking at the console screen trying to work something out.

They must have heard the door close because they all turn around and smile when they see it is us.

“When they told me I didn’t believe them.” Ty walks over and pats Phe on the back.

“I am happy for you.”

“Did you have fun?” Lenime smirks.

“Much. He took me right there on the desk,” I say making his eyes widen. Koya and her mate laugh out loud.

“You really can join whenever you like?” Ty asks curiously.

“If I wanted too,” I say nonchalantly.

“Can you put me down now?” I ask my mate.

“No,” He sits on a chair next to the work desk where all the memory sticks and other pieces are placed.

Sitting me on his lap and wrapped he arms around my waist.

“If you need anything they will get it for you,” Phe states.

There is also a screen which shows what they are looking at.

It is a bunch of text to do with the experiment.

“What does it say?” Lenime asks me.

After a short conversation we decide that it will be easier to come up with a new program between us to translate all the text into their language so I won’t have to read everything. At the same time he wants me to work on the corrupted sticks. In the end we decide he and Koya would design the program and I would help with coding and bits.

It is a lot harder said than done.

Thankfully though, having Phe beside me helps me relax and not lose my temper.

I never thought being a boffin in several different subjects would come in so handy.

Those including the obvious and English, computer programming, among others. Like I said, I didn’t have a social life and was a nerd at school.

If I didn’t have my nose in a book, I had it in a computer.

After only an hour of trying several different things on the computer I decide to carefully take one of the sticks a part and see what is inside and that is when I make a breakthrough in the memory stick department.

“I know why they aren’t working,” I state. Everyone’s eyes are on me expectantly.

“These were designed after I was put into stasis only a short time after by the look but compared to the others these two a very advanced.” I pick up the working stick and one that isn’t. “This one,” I hold up the working one. “Was made when I was still awake on is only one terabyte,” I explain that is a lot.

“But this one,” I hold up the one that isn’t working. “Has a slightly different component inside that is why it isn’t working. I just need to add and make a few adjustments to the reader and it should work. But what is amazing is that this one and the other one that isn’t working are four hundred terabytes. If it is full or even half full it will take weeks to go thought them.”

“My beautiful smart girl,” Phe is nuzzling my neck.

His brother and sister on the other hand are grinning, “That’s great,” He says. “Fix it, please I want to see.”

“Yes, sir,” I say with a mock salute.

After telling them what I need Koya brings over a bunch of stuff she already had ready for me.

Thankfully, I find the right parts and remove the old reader to update it.

“Can I have a drink please?” I ask.

“Get her some Oud juice, Ty,” Phe order no one in particular.

Ty nods and disappears out of the room.

I continue to work on the reader and Phe watches me adoringly.

Ty returns only minutes later with a large jug and glass.

“Thank you,” I say taking the glass he poured for me.

I down it in one go. He fills it up and I drink another half a glass.

“You drink a lot.” I look up to see they are all watching me.

“What do you expect? I haven’t drank in hours and my body is more than fifty percent liquid. I need to drink.”

Apparently they are only around thirty percent liquid. So they don’t need to drink as much as me but need to eat a lot more.

“Your mark is gold?” Ty says, it is more of a question than a statement.

Lenime looks at my neck in awe. “I’ve never seen a gold one before, only heard.”

“You are both blessed,” He says sounding most envious before going back to his job.

“So do all Poyun have golden eyes and dark hair?” I question as I put the reader back together.

“Yes, but different shades,” Phe answers.

“Why, doesn’t your kind?” Ty – who like Phe isn’t doing anything but watching us work – asks me.

“No. There are lots of different coloured eyes and hair. Some even skin,” I say putting in the final screw type pins.

“And they are the same species as you?” Lenime and Koya are looking at me too now.

“Yes,” I let out a sigh of relief. “Finished. Now lets put this back in and I will probably be able to show you what’s on the card.”

Koya and Lenime stop what they are doing and help me put the reader back.

Phe reluctantly lets me stand up, but stands right behind me.

“Moment of truth,” I mumble to myself inserting the stick and waiting for a second to see if it loads.

“Yay!” I squeak seeing it load.

There are several different folders, all of which contain more folders.

As I thought this stick contains movies, music and dozens of other things.

There was a short video message from my brother saying he didn’t know when I would wake up or if anyone would be around, so he put all the information I would need on the sticks.

Including a full Human medical text, information of what happened after I was frozen, including some kind of outbreak of the same thing that I was affected with. All the information they could gather on the people infected and the side effects. Entertainment, how to make different medicines and many other things.

One thing he failed to think of was what if I woke up and couldn’t get to a computer. But I guess I got lucky.

“Is that your brother?” Lenime asks.

“Yes. Can’t you tell?” He had the same blonde hair and blue eyes as me.

Knowing how desperate they are to see Humans I decide to look for movies first.

In the movie folder there was more folders, including horrors, TV, Christmas, among others.

The one that catches my eye is ‘Especially for those lonely time ;).’

I can’t help but laugh.

“What is it?” Koya asks me this time.

None of them have a clue what it says.

I decide to not answer and instead show them.

The folder is jammed full of all kinds, including lesbian and gay gang bangs.

I decide to go for the most normal looking one titled ‘teens first time’ from the hetero file.

I’m not really looking forward to it but know they will force me to show them eventually.

“You wanted to see porn?” I ask. Lenime’s face lights up and they move closer to the console.

Their eyes widen as they watch.

“And this is probably the most normal.”

“Normal? What else could there be?” Koya asks confused.

I learned early on that in their species it is only male + female matings. Gays are non existent.

I smirk.

Several videos later. They had learned all about gays (both female and males), gang bangs and two on one.

I’m not sure which shocked them more.

But it’s safe to say they have learned all about Human sexual organs.

Lenime seems to be obsessed with pubic hair, he said it is cute?

Koya is confused as to why two females would be together. Ty doesn’t understand why a female would want more than one partner and lastly Phe just can’t understand why people even made these.

Cue another awkward talk about masturbation.

“So you have a pleasure button?” Lenime asks fascinated. He is more like a teenager than a forty-four-year-old. Not that he looked it he looks twenty tops.

“Yes,” I answer cautiously.

He grins, “Can I see?”

Thankfully, Phe answers for me.

“No and before you ask she won’t show you the hair either,” He says as though reading his mind.

Only because they can’t be sexual with anyone but their mates it doesn’t make him any less the perv.

I soon learn he hasn’t found his mate yet. Phe hopes he will soon. Lenime and one of his sisters are the only ones now left to find their mates.

“No fair. I wouldn’t have touched… Probably,” He grumbles but I see the humour in his eyes. He is at least partly trying to wind up his brother.

After a while I refuse to speak about it anymore and tell them if they want to learn anything else about it to watch a blue movie.

Another thing I have learned is Poyun do not, can’t masturbate. Well, the men can but it won’t do anything because the only sexual pleasure they get is from being with their mate.

Next, I explain what a television show and movie is.

They told me they don’t really have anything like that in their culture. But then again hundreds of years ago they had something like plays.

I showed them a few short clips of movies to show them the different types of humans and they are fascinated.

I had to explain everything from hair dye to the Chinese. “I’m started to feel like a teacher,” I think out loud.

“But we are having so much fun. Your culture is very interesting,” Koya says and the others agree.

I show them the typical humans idea of an alien – the little grey man – and they laugh.

“I have never seen anything like that but I’ve seen worst,” They tell me. I dread to think.

“I have an idea…” I search through the TV shows and find what I am looking for. “Here is a different persons idea of aliens and space travel.” I put on one of my favourite shows of all time, Star Trek TNG. “I love this show,” I bounce around as I speak without realising.

I play the first episode and get so engrossed that I forget where I am. At least until Koya starts asking questions.

“What’s wrong with Worf’s face? And Data’s? Why is her eyes black?”

And a dozen others. I find a extras video where they put on the make up and explain the concept. That saves me a lot of explaining. They seem to like it. They are fascinated by make up and tell me they have nothing like it.

Phe tells me and they all agree there is no need for such a thing. They love the different colours too.

I laugh when I show them one video of a fat man. Another thing they don’t have. I have to explain that when Humans over eats that’s what they look like. They are lucky and don’t get fat because there bodies burn it off so fast it’s impossible to get overweight. They like the instrumental music they heard at the beginning of Star Trek.

So next I went on to the music file.


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