Chapter 15

“There you are.” Koya rushes over, her older brother, Joln, close behind.

They stop in front of us, look at me on Phe’s back and then to mine and Lenime’s joint hands.

I am kind of thankful at this minute their cheetah spots are hidden beneath their clothing. But they still have the gold marks on their necks. But being barely visible unless you are looking for it, how long will it take them to notice?

This could be fun.

“I have several questions, but first, why is she on his back and secondly why is she holding Lenime’s hand?” Joln is the one to ask.

Koya just stands smiling at us.

“Because I put her on there and she is happy on there and Lenime tried to carry her away earlier, that is why we are late,” Phe answer for me.

“I am here because your brother refuses to put me down, because according to him, I’m too short for people to see and they might step on me.” They chuckle at this.

“And Len can’t be trusted to walk alone.” Lenime chuckles at this.

Joln looks surprised, Koya sees this. “Lenime has been teasing them all day and started whining he was bored when they left.”

Koya walks forwards and takes her younger brother’s hand. “Come on, Lenime,” She tries to drag him with her but he stands fixed to the spot.

She stops and turns to him, he looks at her amused. “Trying to do something, sister?”

“You’re a pain,” She mumble to herself.

She looks to me and smiles, “You know he is never letting you down.”

“Can you please put me down, Phe?” I try again.


“Phe!” A booming voice came from behind Joln.

Kiy? I didn’t even notice him before.

Phe tenses, “Yes, Father.”

“Put the poor girl down,” He says seriously, but I see the amusement in his eyes.

He does as he is told and places me on the ground. I walk to the side of him and he hooks me into his side.

And yes, Lenime is still holding my hand.

“Now lets get inside, the food is all laid out ready,” Kiy smiles at me, look at mine and Lenime’s hand but says nothing.

Then he and Joln begin to walk back to the room they exited.

Koya on the other hand has pulled me away from both of my mates and is now walking with her arm around my shoulders.

“Koya, you have your own mate, go annoy him,” Phe says annoyed that I’m not by his side.

“Shh, I need to speak to her about Farscape.” I chuckle.

Only a second I hear hurried footsteps, then, “Ouch.” Me and Koya both turn to see Lenime frowning and Phe smiling innocently holding Lenime’s arm.

“Bad hands again?” I ask almost cryptically but he understood.

“Yes. I think we may have to have him tied up.”

“I’ll get the rope,” Koya chimes and drags me into a room full of people.

So many eyes on me. His siblings, their mate and children. Some of the children are too young so I will meet them another time.

Around thirty people.

How big is this ship?

I want to go now.

Eek. I need my mates.

But she continues to drag me to a very large table where everyone was sat. To a space with four empty seats one next to Ty. I guess that is Koya’s seat and the other seats next to hers are for her brothers and I.

“Everyone, this is Amber, Phe’s mate,” Kiy introduces me.

Lots of hellos.

“He will introduce you properly later,” Koya tells me, sitting next to Ty.

I am about to sit next to her but someone picks me up and places me in the middle empty seat.

“Phe, she is meant to sit next to me not you!” Koya complains.

I look either side of me. Phe on one side and Lenime on the other, both grabbing my hands under the table.

Everyone’s eyes are still on me but having my mates beside me calms me.

“Oh well. You have me now,” He says nonchalantly and turns his back to her making her huff.

“You alright, Love?” He asks ignoring the others.

“Better now you two are here,” I whisper back so only he can hear me.

“Want to sit on my lap?” He asks hopefully.

I hear a couple of chuckles from people close enough to hear.

“Maybe after we eat.”

With that he passes me a plate more than overfilled with foods and everyone else starts to get theirs too.

Including both my mates.

I let go of their hands, but they keep them on my thighs. At least Phe does, he just rubs my thigh as he eats and watches me.

Lenime watches me and eat too, but unlike his brother his hand decides it would go on the mission to find my ‘button,’ as he put it.

I keep reaching under the table and hitting his hand, but he just laughs and continues.

“Len, stop it or I’ll cut your hands off,” I whisper warn.

I don’t even eat quarter of the food before I am full.

Now is the time to nap, but being a dinner with the family I can’t.

“Is everything alright, Amber?” Ren asks me from the opposite side of the table when she notices I have stopped eating.

“I’m fine, thanks. It was great.”

“She doesn’t eat much,” Phe tells her.

“She just drinks a lot,” Lenime adds placing a tumbler of something in front of me.

“No wonder you are so tiny,” Someone I have no idea coos and a few agree.

“What’s this, Len?” I ask holding the drink.

“Sijo tea. You’ll like it.” He watches me as if waiting my praise.

He is just too damn cute, I just wants me to hug him.

I take a drink and it is good. Not taste dissimilar to Earl Grey.

But on earth I loved my tea.

“Thank you, Len. It’s delicious.” I take another drink. Then place it back on the table and again take my mates hands beneath the table. Almost straight away Phe’s thumb began to rub patterns on my hand. I know even though I am next to him, he still misses me.

Lenime’s face brightens and he bounces on his chair, earning the attention of…. Everyone. Including his brother next to him.

All I know is he is one of the twins.

He looks at Lenime with a raised eyebrow. “Lenime, are you okay? You very… Bouncy today.”

“He’s been like that most of the day,” Koya chimes in.

“I am great, Riyon,” He says then turns back to me.

Riyon looks at Lenime and does a double take. Leans in closer and looks at Lenime’s neck. Busted.

“What is it, Riyon?” Ren asks noticing her son staring at the others neck.

“Oh nothing,” He replies nonchalantly, but he has a sparkle of mischief in his eye. My eyes widen and I let out a little squeak as I feel Phe’s arm lift me up from my seat and slip himself underneath me.

His plate is empty and he has completed his food.

I am still holding Lenime’s hand. I’m not sure if anyone saw it as I was lifted up but I wouldn’t be surprised.

Everyone’s eyes are now flickering between to three of us.

“What were you looking at, Riyon?” Roan asks his twin. He is sat a few seats away from him.

“That is what I was wondering,” He answers cryptically.

Most of the people have finished eating by this point, the table is almost empty.

I swear these people eat their own body weight.

“What do you mean?” His twin asks getting up and walking over to him.

Then the twins both begin looking at Lenime’s neck and poking it.

“Go away, you pains,” He says grumbling and hitting their hands away with his free hand.

They move onto Phe. “Touch me or Amber and I’ll rip your hands off,” He warns them, they quickly back away and return to their own seats.

“Can you tell me…” It is Kiy asking now. “…Why are you two pestering your brothers?” He is staring between the twins.

“Why don’t you ask Lenime why he has a mating mark covering his neck?” Roan says with a large smirk as though he is glad to get his brother into trouble.

Everyone’s face turns to shock and Lenime bursts out laughing.

“But he hasn’t found his mate? Has he?” One of the men I don’t know asks.

“No. Maybe it’s your eyes playing tricks on you, Roan,” One of their sister’s next to the man says.

“Or maybe he’s mated himself,” Koya says lowly, but not low enough.

Me, Ty, Phe join Lenime laughing now, whilst the others look on confused.

“You have been watching far too many movies,” Ty chuckles stroking her face.

The others only look more confused. I take another drink of my Sijo, finishing off my glass.

“Want more, love?” Phe asks.

“No, thank you.” I rub my cheek on his, he smiles in return and licks my cheek.

Lenime must have felt left out because he shook my hand to get my attention.

I look at him to see him frowning but he perks up when I look at him.

This doesn’t go unnoticed by the others but they still don’t understand.

Kiy and Ren both stands up. “Let’s head into the next room, out the way of all these dishes and talk more.”

Everyone stands up and leaves the room leaving me, my mates and their parents behind. They are standing by the door and indicate for us to stay.

We haven’t even stood up, we are still sat at the table.

“Can you all come over here?” Kiy asks.

Phe stands up picking me bridal style with him.

I immediately let go on Lenime’s hand, shocked by the suddenness of it.

My other mate stand up too.

Kiy chuckles, “Put the poor girl down Phe so we can speak properly please.”

“But she is fine here,” Phe defends.

Ren grins at her son. “Phe,” Kiy says again.

He grumbles and places me on the ground again. Before he has a chance to take me under his arm Lenime has me pulled tightly at his side. “I missed you, love,” He whispers so only I can hear.

Phe moves in beside us and bringing his arm around me too somehow. I’m now being held in between the pair as we walk over to their surprised looking parents.

“You are Amber’s mate too?” Kiy asks his son as we stop in front of them.

Lenime grins. “Yes. My little mate.” He looks down at me adoringly.

“But why didn’t you tell us before when you first met her?”

Lenime tells them the same he had told us.

“And that is why you were late? Because you had to speak about it?”


“And she accepted you too?”


Both their parents are wearing unreadable expressions. “But I have never heard of someone having two mates before…” Ren thinks out loud.

“Roan said you have a mark. You have already joined?” Kiy asks this time.

I blush, Lenime licks my cheek and then answers his parents. “Yes. I told her we didn’t have too, but I love her so much. If only I can hold her I’d be happy.” He is brushing a few loose strands of my hair out of my face.

“And you are alright with this, Phe?” Kiy asks him.

“As long as my mate and brother are happy, so am I. I love them both, just in different ways,” He tells her honestly.

Ren’s face erupts into a grin and she bounces over to us. “I am so happy!” She hug the three of us and pulls back.

We hear Kiy chuckling.

“As surprised as we are, we are both very happy. We love you like are own daughter” I can’t help but smile.

“Can we see your marks?” He asks.

They let me go and turn to show them their marks.

“They are all gold,” Ren says proudly.

“How far do they go?” She asks looking at mine.

“I’ll show you.” My eyes widen as Lenime pulls down the top half of his suit, stopping at the waist thankfully.

They stare at his now golden marks open mouthed. “And they stop near my ankles where my spots stop and Phe’s spots are the same. Not to mention Amber’s mark… It is as beautiful as her.”

“Can I see?” She asks me.

I look to Phe and Lenime, they both nod.

Turning my back to their parents, so I can cover my chest, Phe helps me bring my suit down stopping just above my hips.

I hear a gasp. “This is … unbelievable. It has created it’s own spots,” Ren says in awe.

They are not like humans, they see nothing wrong or sexual in doing this, at least their parents didn’t.

To my mates it is a sign to join.

Their parents are too distracted to even notice when Lenime begins to trying to place his hand in my lower suit, not to mention the bulges both brothers are trying to hide.

I bat his hand away and quickly pullled my suit back up.

“Do you like your hands?” I say calmly to him. He looks at them and nods, then moves to reach for my button again in front of his parents. I hit them away again. “Then stop it if you want to keep them,” I say in a warning tone. He pouts and his parents laugh. Phe wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls my back against his body.

“But Phe can touch you?” He whines.

“He does not try to touch things he shouldn’t in front of people. You can too, just behave.” I take his hand, pull him closer and turn my attention back to the parents.

They are both smiling at us in awe.

“Do you know what the golden spots means?” Kiy asks us.

“Our bond is stronger than most?” Phe answers as he nuzzles my hair.


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