Chapter 14

“I love you too.” Before he has a chance to react I push myself down onto his throbbing member.

I pause for a second still not use to their mammoth size.

But when I do start to ride him he quickly grips my hips and starts to move himself in sync with me.

I lean down and press my lips to his.

We move our bodies together.

“I love you,” He keeps repeating over and over and after not even a minute he finds his first release inside me. The feel of his seed rushing inside me set my own release. My body spasms and my core tightens around his cock, causing him to moan louder. It is short but sweet. As Phe’s did his eyes changes from their normal gold and were now bright green. I know that is because our bond being complete. I feel only slight pain compared to the first one and then it is gone.

“That’s good. At least I didn’t pass out this time,” I think out loud.

“Probably because you already have a mate bond and that is just adding to it,” Phe answers still in the room.

“You passed out the first time?” Lenime asks still inside me. His eyes now back to normal.

“Yes. Why do you think we were gone for so long?” I ask already knowing the answer. He grins, “Well, at least you didn’t this time.” Back is my cheeky chops. Still shy but now with that grin he reaches down between my legs and touches my nub.

“And I can touch this now,” He says cheekily. I exclaim a moan as he does so. His member is still hard and inside me. It is funny but I can feel it bouncing inside me.

“Phe.” He is by our side in a flash. I think he is just waiting for the bond to be completed so he can join us.

“Yes, love.”

“Take your clothes off,” I order him and he quickly obeys. Yay, I’m the boss here and these two are my bitches.

I rock myself on Lenime’s member and he still is immersed in rubbing my nub. “I like this button.” He looks up at me then back down at my nub.

Once Phe is naked I pull him in for a kiss which he gladly returns.

“I love you so much,” He says pulling back for air. I am still riding his brother and know Lenime is watching us. But he doesn’t seem to mind the interaction because he is still rubbing my button.

“Len, move your hand please.”

He doesn’t, he only rubbed it more. Causing me another release.

Reaching down I grab his hand and his second and pin them both beside his head. Both men watch me dark eyed. “Phe, I want you inside me too.”

I’m not looking at him but I know he will have the same concerned expression as Lenime.

“At the same time? With Lenime?”

“Yes. Same time. Same hole. Now!”

“But you are so small, we’ll hurt you.”

“It stretches….” ‘Mostly,’ I add the last part silently. “Just go slow at first and if afterwards you can always give me more Drasico.” The quick healing pill.

“I need you both.” I look at Lenime as though to ask if he is alright with that.

“I just don’t want you hurt,” He tells me worried.

“I’ll try it this once and if it hurts we don’t have to do it again,” I pause. “I just needed you both inside me. Please.”

Phe positions himself behind me. I pull Lenime out of me, causing him frown and push Phe in instead. “I need to make you wet first,” I tell them.

Phe groans on entrance. “You make me so hard.” He pumps himself inside me a few times. “Even with Lenime. You are so perfect.” Still with Phe inside me, I lower myself back on top of my other mate.

Thank goodness I am so wet otherwise it would be impossible to fit their huge sizes. I know already I would hurt once we are finished.

Both men and I exclaim a loud moan.

“Oh my God. You are both so fucking big.” So much for never swearing.

Somehow Lenime had wiggled his hand between us and is rubbing my nub, again. Phe nibbling on my neck, his long arms wrapped around my front, groping my breasts as my other mate licks my nipples as I move my hips back and forth between the two.

“I love you both. My handsome mates,” I moan out.

“I love you too,” They both reply.

I feel like a child sandwiched between their huge statures.

Okay, maybe not a child. But you get what I mean.

“Oooooh my….” I scream, my heart flutters, my body buzzes and my core clenches as I ride out my strongest orgasm so far.

My men are both quite to follow.

“So tight,” Phe purrs as I continue to move my hips milking them both of their seed.

I look down at Lenime and back at Phe to see this time both their eyes growing green.

Pain shoots through me again, I would have fallen if it wasn’t for Phe holding me up right.

“I’m sorry, love. I didn’t know,” He whispers into my ear.

“It feels like the bond thing again,” I state.

“It is. We didn’t know, but we must have had to do it together to complete it in full,” Phe thinks out loud.

I suddenly I feel burning, I grab my neck and tears of pain fell from my eyes.

“I’m sorry, Amber,” Lenime says looking worried.

“It’s your mark changing.”

Neither of my mates move, I know it is because my mark has to be completed first.

Sure enough, soon the pain subsides and I am finally able to stretch more body.

Both my mates are sat on the edge of the bed watching me, their eyes full of love.

“Your mark is so beautiful,” Phe speaks first.

“What’s it look like?” I ask as I can’t see.

Lenime stands up, walking over and trails his fingers down my spine causing me to shiver.

If his grin is anything to go by he is happy by my reaction.

“There are two marks either side of your neck like your first, but now there is a chain like mark connecting the two around the back of your neck.”

I hear Phe walk over and I feel his fingers on my spine to and almost melt into a puddle.

“The chain morphs off into marks almost like Phe’s spots on his back”

“Wow,” Is all I can say and I look at them in more detail. “And both of you…” I turn Phe around and look at his back.

He still has his original mating mark, but now it is joined like mine to another. But unlike mine his faded into his cheetah like markings which are now also gold.

I look at Lenime and he has the same on his neck and they are joint together, but instead of going down his spine go to has sides where his markings are now gold too.

Their eyes widen when they notice what I am looking at.

Both told me this is another very rare marking indicating the bond of the mates. This is even stronger symbol than our old ones. But they have only heard of several people ever having it.

We are more than a hour late, which isn’t that bad really.

But Phe told me we are only going to be chatting for the first hour anyway. So probably haven’t missed much.

A fun shower later. Which both my mates insist on having with me and I am finally washed and dress.

Lenime kept trying to rub my suit between my legs.

“No,” I scold him, earning a pout from him and a chuckle from Phe.

“You are not helping, Phe,” I glare at him.

He just hugs my side. We are all dressed again now.

“He just likes touching you,” He defends his brother.

Gone is my worried Phe and Lenime and in there place two men who both seem totally comfortable with our bonding.

“Are you just my mate or Phe’s as well?” I ask unsure.

Both men laugh. “Only yours,” He chuckles out loud. “I love Phe, but only as a brother and I am happy to be a tri-mating. But I have no feelings to Phe in that way,” He brushes his fingers across my cheek. “Only you, my little love,” He says softly.

“You still love me the same, Phe?”

“I think I love you more now than I did before,” He licks my cheek. “And I still can’t wait until our children are growing in here,” He rubs my flat stomach.

“And mine,” Lenime interjects.

Phe playfully glares at his brother. “I said ‘ours’ didn’t I?”

He smiles, “Oh yeah.”


I look between them. “What’s that?” I ask loosely tiding my hair back.

Phe walks to a console on the wall and presses a button.

“Yes?” He answers rather rudely.

One of his brother’s faces pops up on the screen, I’m not sure which.

“Where are you? We are ready to start,” His brother asks lowly.

“We’re just coming.”

“Do you know where Lenime is we can’t find him?” He can’t see us, we are out of shot.

Which I am thankful for because he is now rubbing the palm of his hand over my breast.

It is pointless stopping him, he will just be back there in a minute.

Phe looks our way and chuckles. “He is here, Joln. We’ll be there soon.”

Joln looks at his brother as if surprised to see him smiling. “I’ll tell mother and father. See you.” And with that he hung up.

As if automatic Phe kneels down and indicates for me to get on his back.

Something I happily comply with. At least Lenime can’t touch me all the time now or so I had thought.

“Can’t I hold her?” Lenime asks.

“Maybe next time,” Phe answers not really meaning it.

My younger mate frowns. “Not fair. I love her too.”

“I know you do. But I am the oldest and I am in charge,” Phe says in a no nonsense tone.

We leave the room and head down the corridor to the lift.

Lenime walks sadly beside us.

I hold out my hand, “Hold my hand, Len,” I tell him gaining his attention.

He grins and quickly takes it.

We get into the lift and without even noticing Lenime slips his other hand in mine to replace his first so he can sneak behind me.

“Len,” I gasp, he again begins to touch me this time my backside.

The lift doors opens and another person enters. But this doesn’t stop him.

“Sirs…” The man looks at me unsure . “Ma’am,” But greets me anyway.

“Hello,” I greet making him smile, Phe just nods with his normal hard look. Whilst Lenime on the other hand is still being Lenime and is far too busy irritating me to even notice the man looking at him.

“Lenime, stop messing about now,” Phe warns causing him to stop and again return to my side. Putting his first hand back in mine.

The lift door opens and we step out.

The other man stays inside. “See you around,” I call back as the lift doors close making him smile again. I turn my head back to see Lenime grinning at me and both brothers chuckling.

“What?” I ask. “Only because you two aren’t polite it doesn’t mean I’m not.”

That seems to make them chuckle more and we move into a familiar room. “You are just so sweet,” Lenime says. “Much too kind to everyone,” Grumpy chops adds.

Lenime rolls his eyes as do I. “And you, my darling, are too grumpy to everyone but me.”

“I have been nice to Lenime,” He reaches out and takes a familiar looking pill from a bottle. Places me on the ground, passes me it and a drink to take it with.

“Thank you, Phe. You know everything.”

He smiles adoringly at me. “I just guessed if it hurt after just me, it would be a lot worse now,” He says as I take the pill. Lenime frowns, “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because it was good during. It just hurt afterwards. But I was coping,” I say honestly. I put down the tumbler and get back on Phe’s back. “Next time tell us, okay, love?” Lenime tells me.

“We don’t want you going through pain when you don’t have too,” Phe says this time. I mumble, “Alright.” And we leave the room and go back to the lift to go to yet another floor.

“What you going to do about telling your family?” I ask curiously.

“Leave them to guess. Then we’ll tell them.” You would expect that to come from Lenime, but no, it is Phe.

Lenime laugh, “Just what I was going to say.” I silently chuckle but say nothing. I love to see them speaking to someone other than me.

“I can’t wait to see their faces when they realize she is ours,” Lenime says, his voice full of pride.

“Yes. Our perfect little mate,” Phe says in the same tone.

The lift door opens yet again and we get off on a floor I have not been on yet.

“I am not little, you are both big. Not to mention you Lenime maybe older but I look older than you.” It is true or at least I thought it was.

They both laugh. “You do not, love,” Phe tells me. “You look barely out of childhood, only just becoming a woman and not only because you are small. Everything screams innocence,” Lenime nods in agreement.

“Where as Lenime sounds the age you look and looks the age you are.”

I frown. “I really don’t look that young, do I?”

“Yes, love, but old enough. Maybe the later stages of puberty. So don’t worry,” He reaches behind himself and rubs my butt. We are just standing still in the corridor talking.

“Hey,” Lenime exclaims. “That’s not fair. You can touch her but I can’t?”

“No. Because you get carried away and do it in front of random personnel,” Phe tells him. “But I love her. I just want to be close too,” He says in a low sad voice.

“I know, brother,” His older brother replies softly. “We both do.” Two sad mates.

“Don’t worry, my loves.” They both cheer up at being called that. “It’s just the first day. We will work it out,” I reassure them.

“Now, Phe, put me down. I don’t want you to carry me into the room,” I tell him seriously.

“No. You are happy there,” He says confidently. “Yes. But I want to walk. Please”




Lenime just walks along side us holding my hand and chuckling.

Before we have a chance to say anything else Koya and one of Phe’s brother… I think it was Joln from earlier… Comes out of a door.


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