Chapter 17

Phe’s pov

Back in our room Amber goes straight towards a small computer screen console I have in the seating area.

Lenime being Lenime goes straight over and began trying to take her suit off. Trying being the key word. I watch from only a couple of feet away amused.

“What are you doing?” She asks him with blank expression.

“Undressing you?”

I chuckle and she rolls her eyes. “I know that, Len. But why?”

“Because I want to feel your skin against mine as we work… Plus I want to see my button,” He adds the last part lowly but not low enough.

“I agree with Lenime.” They both look at me, he is grinning. “I want to feel you skin against mine. Even if we are not intimate, I still love the contact,” I say walking over, her eyes glued to me as I strip off my own suit.

My brother took this as a opportunity to remove her’s and then his own.

Both our members standing to attention at the sight of her small, yet curvaceous body.

“Joining later, work now,” She says after giving mine and Lenime’s bodies both a good looking over.

“Alright,” Lenime sighs.

“But we can work in the bedroom,” I tell her taking the console screen from the wall.

She appears surprised, “It’s portable?”

“Yes,” I carry it into our room and the other two follow behind me. It is a second until I hear a squeal, follow by a groan.

I place the console on the side table beside the bed and go back into sitting area to find Lenime’s member buried inside her core as he holds her by her backside against the wall. “I’m sorry, Amber… Phe, I had to. She makes me burn with want. I needed to be inside her,” He explains thrusting inside her, not she seems to mind now.

“Just don’t stop, Len,” She orders. “I want you to do me hard and when you are done I want Phe inside me,” She says followed by a loud moan. My member twitches with anticipation.

“Yes, love. I am going to make you feel so good and when you think you are done and can’t take anymore Phe is going to do it all over again,” Lenime says in a deep husky voice. It may seem weird to others of my race, but I feel excited seeing Lenime pleasuring our mate and even more that she still wants me too.

Even stranger, I don’t mind sharing her with him. In fact he actually made our bond between me and Amber stronger and him. Just not in the same way. With him, it is platonic, but with Amber it is no where near platonic. I would happily let her ride me all day.

She is so beautiful and she is ours.

“OH MY GOD! LENIME, YES, YES, YES!” She screams out loud.

The moment Lenime reaches his peak I quickly take his place. My thrusts are hard and deep, but not too hard.

I don’t want to hurt her. “PHE!” She exclaims and biting down on my neck.

Rocking my hips against hers, I tip my head and let her continue to biting my neck.

“Yes, Amber, that feels so good,” I groan.

She sucks on my neck hard, sending tingles of pleasure throughout my whole body.

My legs almost give out as I release my seed inside her, but somehow stop myself at the last second from falling.

“I love you, Amber,” I pant breathlessly, carriying her to the bedroom and placing her on the bed. Lenime and I lay on either of her sides.

“I love you too, Phe,” She leans over and kisses my lips. Then turns to Lenime and does the same, before pulling away and adding, “And I love you too my darling, Len.” He grins and she sits up.

“Now mateys, let’s go to work,” She chimes enthusiastically. I would have groaned but she is just too cute.

She looks around as though searching for something, when her eyes land on the console. Getting up and she climbs over me straddling my chest and reaching over, grabbing the console and placing it on the bed close to where we are.

She goes to move but I stop her. “Amber, you can’t just sit on me like that and expect nothing to happen,” I smirk pushing her butt back until her core met my hardened member.

“Phe!” She exclaims. I know she wants to work, but I also know she can’t resist joining.

To cut a long story short – yes, we joined again, this time was again me and Lenime at the same time. It was Amber’s request. We are happy taking turns, but joining at the same time we did feel a strange connection, like the one earlier at dinner.

We never did get around to the work, we made love – as Amber calls it, I like that term – and then Amber fell asleep wedged in a tight hug between me and Lenime.

I smile, “It may not have been as I had planned it,” I begin to say lowly, getting his attention. “But I am happy the way it has worked out. I feel as if I am one person with you and Amber both when we join,” I admit.

“I feel the same. I love her so much. I can’t imagine it being any other way than this. I also feel a strange bond that I didn’t before with you, but not sexual,” He adds the last bit quickly.

“I know what you mean. It’s hard to explain, I have the same brotherly feelings as I did before towards you except now they are ten times stronger. No sexual feelings in the slightest, the idea of doing anything sexual with you disgust me as it does if I was to think of anyone other than Amber. Yet, I love seeing you join with her and also when we both join together as a trio. The idea of losing either of you scares me. I know you aren’t my mate, but you are Amber’s and we are a group, the three of us. Without one of us we wouldn’t be complete,” I confess.

“Safe to say you are not jealous then?” He jokes.

“Of course not. I mean, when I first found out you were her mate I was. I thought her feeling towards me might change. But the moment you joined with her and then we joint as a group that disappeared. I know she loves us the same,” I tell him and he smiles looking down at our cute mate.

“She does,” He brushes his fingers gently down her arm. “And in all seriousness, I feel the same as you. I know I come across otherwise sometimes but I can’t help it. She just brings out my playful side.”

I place my hand on her stomach. “I can’t wait until she is with our children.” He smiles at the thought.

“Our children…” He says longingly. “Yes, our children. They will be so beautiful. I hope they look like her,” He thinks out loud.

“Yes and the girls to be small and perfect like her, but the boys tall and strong like us, so they can take care of their little sisters,” I add.

“I hope we have a dozen or more.”

“And I can’t wait to feel it kick and see her swollen stomach,” I dream.

“Me neither and the birth,” Lenime is creepy sometimes. “Is it the babies or the after birth you want to see?” I half joked.

“Babies of course. But the after birth interests me too.”

“You are not eating it!” I tell him in a no nonsense tone.

He frowns. “Why not? I’ll share it with you?” He offers making me laugh.

“You really are a strange man, Lenime.” I reach over and pat his arm. “I am glad it was you and not one of the others.”

“I agree. We make the perfect mates for her. You are the grumpy, serious one and I am the…” I cut him off.

“You are the over-excited, always happy one. But you are still not eating it.”

“We’ll see,” He says lowly but I still hear him, but choose to ignore it.

“She is so beautiful. Even when she is sleeping,” He says looking at her intently. “I don’t know what I would have done if she wasn’t my mate, because even though I didn’t know she was my mate at first, I still loved her like no other. It would have broken me if someone else was her second and not me.”

“I don’t think anyone one else would have fit.” He looks at me curiously. “I mean, who else would be able to put up with my grumpiness and make me smile? Other than Amber of course.”

He rubs his chin. “Plus, I am more handsome than the others.”

“Amber did say you look like a younger version of me and she thinks I’m sexy as she puts it, so I guess that makes you… Too,” I think out loud.

A low giggle gains our attention, “You are both very sexy,” Amber says without opening her eyes, her voice is full of sleep.

“Now please be quiet, hug me and go sleep,” She almost whines.

Lenime chuckles and snuggles closer to her.

“Alright, my love,” I copies Lenime’s lead and hold her close. “I love you,” I whisper before falling asleep.


The next morning I wake up feeling more relaxed and happy than ever before. To my surprise Lenime is still asleep.

But Amber, who still lay between us, is awake and doing something on the console which still lay on the massive bed. She is laid on her stomach deep in thought with Lenime’s hand resting on her backside. His gripping it as though it might disappear, it would be cute and innocent if it wasn’t for the part of the body it is on.

Looking at her it hit me, she is on her files. Yes, we have transferred them to the ships computer but you had to go through other things to get to them and not being able to read our language it would prove almost impossible.

“Love…” I say softly gaining her attention.

“Oh, good morning, handsome,” She turns and kisses my lips before pulling away with a larger smile which we both now wearing.

“Did you have a good sleep?” She asks me.

“Best ever,” I rub my hand down her back and to her bottom knocking Lenime’s hand slightly in the process.

He lets out a low whimper. My eyes widen. “I tried to remove it too.” I look at her. “He did the same thing. But his hand was originally on my stomach. I removed it and turned and he continued to whimper until I put it on my back,” She tells me looking back at him. He is back to being peaceful and holding his prize.

I smirk, “Let me guess,” I pretend to think. “Then he moved his hand down and refuses to move?” She nods.

“But I don’t mind. I half expected him to have his hand lower down when I woke up,” She thinks out loud, I chuckle having thought the same.

“But no. He has his hand firmly against my lower stomach but not holding it like he is now.”

“Do you know why that is?” I ask her knowingly. She shajes her head. “No. Do you?”

I smile fondly, “Yes. It is because he can’t wait for you to be with our children to be growing inside you,” I stroke her cheek. “Neither can I.”

“Me too. You will be great fathers.” She licks my cheek and I can’t help but grin. “I love when you do that.” I know it isn’t the norm for her because her species don’t go around showing their affection that way but that’s what makes it even better, the thought that she is doing it because she cares for me that much.

Her cheeks reddens. “I’m glad,” She says softly.

“Lenime has been asleep this whole time?” I ask remembering what I wanted to ask her.

“Yes, why?” She asks curiously.

“How did you know how to turn it on? And get to the right files and program? I mean the whole system was in Poyiness.” That is the language my race speaks and writes in.

“It was easy enough to work out how to switch on.” I nod in understanding. “As for the other part…” She looks deep in thought, “I don’t know… It was just like I knew already.” I look at her surprised. “But that isn’t the strangest part… I understand everything it says.” There is no hint of humour, she is totally serious.

“But how…?” I ask in shock. “I have been thinking about that….” She pauses. “I thought it might be something to do with us being special mates.” I can’t help but smile, ‘Special,’ she is so damn cute.

“I thought a way to test my theory is to see if you or sleepy pants could read this.” She turns back to the console and opens some text file.

“Try reading it,” She tells me pushing it closer to me.


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