Chapter 18

I look at the text. At first it looks like random shapes and lines, but as though something clicked, everything makes sense.

“I want you to remember whatever our families think or say. You will always be my family. Both of you and you will be my wife. I have always loved you nothing will change that ever,” He leaned down and captured her lips. His hand sneaked beneath her dress and into her underwear, rubbing her….” I begin reading out loud, but she quickly closes the page and cuts me off.

I look at her to see she is again red faced. “Sorry, I didn’t realize it was that kind of story,” She says shyly.

I smile and cup her cheek. “You are so beautiful, love.” I capture her lips.

Before long my tongue’s invaded her mouth and it is only then I taste it.

Cidner fruit. I pull back from the kiss leaving her confused.

“Did I do something wrong?” She looks upset and worried.

I quickly kiss her head and return to hugging her. “No. Never. It’s just…. Did you eat something before I woke up? Because your mouth tastes like Cidner fruit,” I ask already knowing the answer.

She shakes her head, “I don’t know what that is, but my mouth does taste strange this morning, a little like strawberries,” She says in thought. “But no, I haven’t eaten. I got up to use the toilet and I swear you start whining. It was so cute,” She grins, whilst I feel embarrassed. “The moment I came back and you both touched me, you both smiled and relaxed.” She smiles into space and then frowns. “I would have no clue how to get food,” She adds as an after thought.

I frown, “I’m sorry, love. I’ll show you later. That way you can get some when you want,” I tell her. I don’t like the idea of her staving because she doesn’t know what to do. Not that I would let that happen. I will never leave her alone and I doubt Lenime will either.

“Thank you, Jet. Now was there a reason you were asking? Because it sounded though there was.”

There is but I don’t want to get our hopes up, but I can’t not tell her.

“I want us to go visit mother. Don’t worry, I promise it’s nothing bad. I just need her to check something,” I explain trying not to make her worry.

“I trust you, Jet, and if you say it isn’t anything bad then I believe you.”

“I am so lucky to have you,” I say licking her cheek. Then pull back and look at her with a smirk. “Let’s wake him up and get you fed so we can see mother.” I stand up from the bed, take hold of Amber in my arms, removing Lenime’s hand in the process.

Only this time he doesn’t whine. No, he woke up looking worried. But when his eyes lands on us… Amber. He smiles. Standing up and hugged her, “I thought you had left me,” He says worried. “Please don’t ever leavd me or Phe, please?” He pleads with his head still buried in her neck as he hugd her as she lay in my arms.

“I am never leaving either of you. You are my mates, my best friends. I love you both more than I ever thought possible. I wouldn’t want to live without you both,” She says stroking his head. He just stated standing there, his head resting on her, unmoving.

“Hey, Len. You best not be asleep,” She pokes his head making me chuckle.

“Can’t we go back to bed and hug?”

“Lenime,” She whines. “I’m hungry. I want to eat.”

“I’m sorry, love,” He says pulling back with a frown, strokes her hair and kisses her cheek.


“Why won’t you tell me why we have to go see mother?” Lenime asks for the tenth time since we left our room.

“Just trust me,” Is my reply again.

Amber is in Lenime’s arms for a change and I am holding her hand. He seems more than happy about this. Despite where we are going he is smiling. It makes me happy to see them both happy. She is happy in my arms too but it is a nice change for her. I am still with her and touching her and that is all I need.

“But Phe…”

“We are there now,” I say as we enter the medical bay.

Mother is at her desk doing who knows what. But when she notices us stopped and stands up.

“Hello.” She walks over and hugs us. “Is something wrong?”

“Mother, I need you to…”

“What is it? Is something wrong? Did you hurt her?” My mother asks us frantic. “You should be more careful. She is only small. What if you accidentally did permanent damage?”

Lenime’s smile disappears and I can tell mother is starting to panic him too.

“Mother!” I snap getting her attention. “She is well. I just need you to check something for me.”

Her eyebrows furrow and she stare at Amber intently. Almost like she is trying to work something out.

“Is this something to do with the funny taste in my mouth? Because if it is, I’m sure it’s nothing.”

“Taste?” My mother almost whispers and then everything clicks into place.

Her face is taken over by a huge smile.

“Lay here, lay here.” She ushers a confused Amber over to the bed.

Lenime and I are forced to stand a couple of feet away while mother does her work.

“I am not sure if this will be able to tell yet, because the species difference. But I’ll try.” She take a familiar object out.

“I will just have to remove you top half of clothing, Amber.”

Amber gives me a questioning look and I nod my head.

Another thing I love about her, she trusts me without question.

Lenime’s eyes widen as she takes the scanner and points it at our half naked mates stomach.

“She’s…?” His voice almost inaudible.

“I think so. But I wanted to check before getting our hopes up.”

“I’m not entirely sure what we are doing here, but if you are looking for my womb, it is more to the left.”

Lenime and me share a smile. “Our girl is so smart.” I hum in agreement.

“Thank you,” Mother says smiling and goes back to looking.

“Can you tell me why a taste makes you thinks I’m pregnant?” Amber asks, not sounding convinced.

“The taste is the first sign. The female always starts to get her first symptoms of pregnancy within twenty four hours of joining and as both Lenime and Phe are your mates and you only just completed the joining with Lenime yesterday, it makes perfect sense.”

I would have tried to explain, but I’m not really good with the medical stuff.

Lenime is getting antsy at the side of me, his body won’t stop moving. I am excited… Beyond that but much better at hiding it.

I don’t want to make Amber feel bad if it is a false alarm.

We both start to lose all hope when mother’s eyes narrow and she took twice the amount of time we both have heard is needed.

I notice Lenime’s shoulder slump and I feel my own do the same.

I secretly was positive I was right, I was so excited.

Amber’s face is blank as she watches mother. I hoped, wished she wanted one too, but can’t read her expression.

“I don’t know about now, but before the whole leak thing in my lab, human females could not tell they are pregnant for at least ten days,” She says.

“Maybe that’s it,” Lenime says hopefully. I was thinking the same. But after what happened to her, we are unsure how else it has changed her until we go through the files and logs her brother sent us. Mother on the other hand is still so deep in focus, that I doubt she even heard us.

“Ha!” She says a minute later.

“What?” Lenime asks. He looks really to bounce around the room.

“I found it!”

Mine, Lenime and Amber all are stunned. We had convinced ourselves it was a false alarm.

“It is tiny. It is less than half the size of a normal Poyun fetus of this term, but it is definitely there. That is why it took me so long, it was hidden.”

“We are going to be parents?” Lenime asks surprisingly quiet.

“We’ll have get the files translated, but yes. She is pregnant.” Mother has a smile so big, it looks like her face might crack.

I don’t know who moved more faster, Lenime or me? Okay, it was me but only by a fraction of a second.

But a second later I have picked Amber off the bed and the three of us are hugging with her between us.

I hear a squeal and a moment later mother is hugging us too.

“I am so happy. I honestly wasn’t sure if it would be possible. But I am more than happy it is. Another tiny grand baby.” My mother is excited with every baby, but for some reason seems more excited this time.

“We’ll have too have another dinner with the family and tell them. But this time you can all stick around and Amber can get to know the rest of the family,” Mother rambles.

Lenime rolls his eyes.

“Mother, we will. But we need to translate the text first for you, right?” I explain.

“You are right. We need to make sure mummy and baby are fine,” She agrees.

“Baby, baby, baby, baby,” Lenime sang or at least tried. I think he watched too many Human videos the other day.

He is also rocking us back and forth as he continues to hug us.

“Amber, you are very quiet. Are you alright?” Mother asks pulling back from the hug.

Me and Lenime share a look and he pulls back slightly so we can see her better, but I still have a hold of her.

She is crying. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Lenime asks panicked.

“Aren’t you happy?” I ask at the same time.

“I am happy.” She smiles.

“Then why are you crying?” I ask still worried.

“I just never thought this would happen, let alone with two perfect men. Then there is all your family, they are so accepting despite me not being your species. Everyone is just so great.” I don’t understand why that is a reason to cry, but as long as she is happy. Lenime look as confused as me, but just lean back in and hug her.

My mother on the other hand seem to understand. Maybe it’s just a universal female thing to make the males not understand and confused.

“You are part of our family. Of course we are accepting of you.”

I begin licking her cheeks clean of tears. I feel her cheeks quirk up as her grin widen.

As I pull back Lenime leans in and licks the tip of her nose. “Pretty girl.”

“Do you need any extra help with the translation program?” Mother asks.

“That’s another thing we have to talk about,” I say getting another confused look from Lenime.

“Lenime hasn’t tried yet, but I woke up this morning…” I tell them both all about this morning and being able to understand the different languages.

“I thought it might be something to do with the unique bond.”

“I will be able to do it too?”

“Probably, Len,” Amber says. “I was wondering if anything else magic might happen?”


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