Chapter 19

Lenime and I both smile at her cuteness.

“I hope the baby gets Amber’s cuteness,” Lenime says what we are both thinking.

“And have her beautiful colouring,” I add looking at her bright unique blue eyes.

“And maybe my teeth too. I don’t want the baby accidentally to bite my nipple off when I’m feeding it.”

Mother looks unsure, because Poyun only breastfeed their young for the first month and then they move on the other foods.

But Poyun breasts don’t make milk, but a disgusting thick gel type liquid. Newborns like it, because it similar to the stuff they feed on before hatching.

“Human females produce something called milk when they have young. I’ll translate some articles for you about it. But basically the baby lives off only that for the next several or more mouths,” I explain the best I could.

“But they don’t stop making it until the baby stops drinking. But she said I can try some too,” Lenime tells mother grinning.

“If you be good,” Amber adds.

“Mother, what about joining?” Lenime asks.

“I know she is already pregnant but can we still join?”

“I think so.” She look to Amber. “What is normal for humans?”

“Most of the time it is fine. Only if the woman has a high risk of miscarrying is she told not to for the first trimester.”

“Miscarrying?” I ask, no idea what that meant.

“It is when, for some reason or another the baby fails, dies or the body aborts it.”

Mine, Lenime and mother’s eyes widen. “That happens?”

“For some people. It doesn’t for you?” She asks.


“I honestly think there is nothing to worry about, my loves,” Amber kisses my neck and Lenime’s hand.

“After all, you two are the daddies and I have been altered to the stronger. So all is good,” She reassures us.

“She is probably right, but just be careful until I have read through the information,” Mother suggests.

“We both will,” Lenime corrects and turns to me with a strange wide eyed and sad expression.

“Can I hold her now, please?” I don’t know why but I feel bad and pass her to him.

He immediately grins and Amber giggles.

“What just happened?” I asks confused.

Amber holds out her hand for me as Lenime cradles her and licks her cheek.

I take her hand. “Len used puppy dog eyes to get his way,” She explains.

Not that that makes sense to me. As though sensing it she adds, “I’ll explain later.”

Another minute and we leave my mother and return to our room.

On own way we bump into Koya.

“Aren’t you going to the lab to work on the translation program?” She questions when she enters the lift and notice we had sent it to the living quarter’s floor.

“No. We transferred the files to our room. We are going to work from there because it is more comfortable,” Lenime tells her.

“Can I come? After all I am meant to be helping with the programming?”

Both me and Lenime had the same naked day planned and were about to say no when Amber answers first.

“Yes, that’s fine and maybe you show me how to make different clothing.”

“But we wanted…” Lenime begins to whine.

“Do you want to get that stuff translated for your mother? The sooner, the better, right?”

We both agree, realizing she is right.

“Good, then it’s settled.” Koya grins.

The lift door opens and we all exit.

“What is going to happen with Lenime’s room? Are you moving in here?” She questions.

“Yes. Lenime is moving in here, because it is bigger. We can go to collect his things later today,” I answer for him.

He grins as though relieve. Did he really think I wouldn’t let him stay after all we spoke about yesterday?

“Yes and we can take Amber to the ships mess hall, have lunch and show off your pretty little mate,” Koya suggests.

“We’ll see.”

“What was you doing with mother? Are one of you sick?” She asks as we enter my room.

“Amber is having our baby,” I say sounding a lot like Lenime would. Amber chuckles at this and kisses my hand.

“Really?” Koya is almost hopping.

“Yes. That is one of the reasons we need to concentrate on the translation so much.”

“Yes, yes. I understand.”

“We’ll work in here.”


A few hours later and with our new skills and Koya’s great knowledge the program is done in record time.

Reluctantly me and Lenime let Amber and Koya go into the bathroom alone, to let Koya show her how to design and get new clothing.

“Amber,” I am just as bad as Lenime. “We miss you so much.” It is crazy but true. She has only been gone a minute and we are even ten feet (minus the door) from her.

“Come in,” Koya calls and unlocks the door.

Amber is on her knees over the toilet retching. But nothing is coming out, we already know from Amber about sickness or morning sickness and she told us it is called is normal for human pregnancies. But normally further along. I also have no idea why they call it morning sickness because she told me it can last all day.

The moment me and Lenime touch her the retching stops.

“I don’t want to leave your side again for that long, I felt so sick without you,” She admits lots of tears falling down her face.

“Don’t worry, love. Me and Lenime are never leaving you again.”

“I’ll leave you three to tidy her up. I’ll call mother and tell her we have the files ready for her,” Koya says stroking the top of our mates head and giving me an understanding smile before leaving us alone. She really adores our mate.

“Let’s have a shower,” I say noticing she is wet from perspiration. “I’m sorry. I thought it would be alright for a minute, because Koya and your mother spend lots of time away from their mates.”

Lenime and I strip ourselves and her of her clothes and stand under the shower, both of us just hugging her between us.

“No need to be sorry,” Lenime reassures her.

“I didn’t think you would react that bad either. I think it is because of our powerful mating bond.”

“Are you mad at me, Jet?” She asks looking up at me. I have turn the shower this morning from the normal power beam cleaner to water, as Amber had asked.

The water is falling down her face, but I can tell she is crying. “No, love. Never ever, ever,” I whisper rocking her as we hold her between us.

Once we are done we redress and leave the bathroom to find Koya in the seating room with a tablet console.

Seeing us enter she smiles, places the tablet on the side and stood up. “Are you all better now?” She strokes Amber’s arm affectionately.

“Much better now.”

“Good. Mother has got those files and is going through them, but asked if you could go through the notes to do with the after affects of the treatment thing that you accidentally got.” Koya isn’t very good at explaining, but we understand what she meant.

Before we have a chance to answer she adds, “Father also called whilst you were in the shower. He needs Phe to come to his office before you do anything. I told him that you would have to bring Amber and Lenime with you and he said that is fine.”

“Thanks, Koya. Did he mention what it is about?”

“He didn’t say and I didn’t ask, but if it’s any help, we have been orbiting the same planet for the last couple of hours,” She tells us.

“Maybe they found something good,” Lenime suggests.


“Amber, is it okay if I watch some more of those movies?” Koya asks almost shyly.

“That’s fine,” Amber says and looks to Lenime, “If I show you the file, can you transfer them to her quarter’s and then she can watch as many as she likes, when she likes.”

“Ty and the children are going to love that.”


Ten minutes later and Koya has left to go to her own room and myself and my mates are getting out of the lift.

“Remember, if you get tired then tell us and one of us will carry you.”

We have agreed to let her walk as long as she walks between us and tells us if she is tired.

“I will. Don’t worry,” She mumbles hugging into my side, Lenime is on the other side.

“Wow. Is this the bridge?” She asks in awe, as a dozen people buzz around us.

“Yes, love. Father’s office is just over there,” I indicate with my hand.

A few people look over at our tiny mate, but thankfully no one stares.

But no one outside of the family know she is our mate yet.

Pressing the buzzer on my father’s office door, he presses the com button and tells us to enter.

“Oh, hello boys, Amber.” Father gets up from his seat and hugs Amber.

“Are you okay? Koya said you were sick?” He asks concerned.

“Yes. It appears that we can’t be apart or I get sick.”

He gives her a sad smile, “I will get some people researching the rare mating bond you have and see what we can find out.”

“Thank you, Kiy.”

“Remember, call me father, we are family now.”

She smiles and nods. “Before you say anything else, father, we have good news for you,” Lenime announces excited.

“Amber is pregnant. She is having mine and Phe’s baby.”

Father’s eyes widen, “That is why you was seeing you mother this morning?”

“Yes. She took a while to find the baby, because it my smaller than Poyun fetuses.”

“That is great,” He exclaims smiling widely.

Amber’s pov

Lenime had just told Kiy that I am expecting.

I am surprised, but beyond happy. “That is great news.” Kiy hugs me again and began to speak about the Inco.

“Father, she won’t need it,” Phe tells him.

“Phe, I know you was never good at biological sciences but…” He father begins, making me giggle quietly.

“No, father. I mean, she really won’t. The fetus stays inside the Human mother until it has fully mature and grown enough to be born,” Phe explains, sounding like he knows what he is talking about.

“We have videos of other Human births, we can show you,” My stranger mate, Lenime, says extremely excited. I’m not sure if it is because of the baby or showing his father the birthing video.

“But how does it get out? Feed?”

He sounds like he doesn’t believe it.

“The same. The baby pops out from between the legs and the mother and child have a pipe connecting them whilst it is inside, so the mother can feed it food and oxygen,” I explain this time.

“It’s alright, father. I’ll show you the video,” He says again, making Phe laugh.

“I am sure he won’t want to see that, Lenime,” Phe says rubbing his brother’s head playfully.

Their father smiles, “I am glad you both have the same mate.” The boys look confused.

“Because it has brought out the kinder, more brotherly side of you both and not to mention Amber is perfect for you both.”

“We are connected by the love of our mate, I can’t help but feel a special connection with him.” Lenime starts the sentence, but Phe finishes it. “He is part of our baby and our mate.” I know he doesn’t mean in a gay sense.

I smile loving that my mates are no longer worried about each other. I feel like going totally fan girl and want the scream for more skin-ship, but I don’t want to creep them out, so I keep quiet. Together we sit on the couch type seat in front of the desk, I move my arms around their backs and they move in closer to me.


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