Chapter 20

“Let’s get back on subject. What did you need to see me about?” Phe asks with both his and Lenime’s fingers brushing my back.

“A couple of reasons,” Kiy says taking his own seat. “Firstly, I wanted to make an official announcement about your three’s mating. Although the family know, others don’t but they are suspecting something.”

Phe told me before that new alien species are normally kept in isolation until they discover more about them. But it isn’t a power thing, it is purely from safety sake.

The Poyun sound like they are kind, caring species. More nicer than how Humans or at least old Humans would have treated an Alien race.

“I was thinking we could do it later today, if that is alright with all of you?”

My mates look to me for answers. “It’s alright with me, if it’s with you?”

They both smile, lick my cheeks and turn to their father.

“Then we will make a ship wide announcement shortly. As for the second matter, you might have noticed we came to a stop near a planet?”

“Yes, Koya told us.”

“Well, we stopped because there is an unknown distress beacon coming from the planet.”

“Why haven’t you gone down yet?” I ask him curiously. “I mean, if you don’t mind me asking?”

He smile. “No, it is fine. We had to scan the planet and atmosphere to make sure it is safe to go down.”

I nod in understanding, “Makes sense.”

“What’s the results?” Phe asks in professional mode. Very sexy.

“Everything is good, except the UV is higher than we would like.”

“May look at the UV reading?” Something is screaming in the back of my head to ask him.

He doesn’t even question as he hands me a small handheld device.

Looking over the readings I furrow my eyebrows. I look at both my mates and then Kiy.

“What is the acceptable UV reading for your species?”

After a short explanation, I find out that due to the planet their species evolved on they can only take a small amount of UV.

Their home planet has a very weak sun, resulting in the pale skin, low UV tolerance and because the sun is so weak it meant the air was thinner and they don’t need as much oxygen as Humans. It also explained their dark hair and eye colour. Their eyes are designed to see in low light.

On the UV index they could only take around three – low to moderate.

Apparently the sun on the planet has UV of five, Ren has developed a special cream that would protect them for several hours from up to UV eight.

“I wanted you to go down to the planet, but if you can’t leave, Amber…”

“Can’t I go too?” They look unsure.

“I don’t think it’s good idea. Even with the cream…” Lenime is so cute when he is worrying.

“I don’t know what my home planet is like now, but when I was around the sun was pretty strong.” I went on to give them a quick explanation of how I can take higher UV’s and along with my need for more oxygen.

The moment I mention oxygen I regret it. Both Lenime and Phe begins to worry and contact the persons in control of the life support and after confirming with me they make them change the ships oxygen level so it never went below what I need. Luckily it is already at the right setting because of some animal cargo they are carrying.

After another short conversation of how the sun light is actually good for my health and meaning good for baby.

Both Kiy and my mates agree to let me go on the planet, but only if I return to the ship after five hours max to be checked up by Ren and we also have to take some food and drink down on the planet with us.

Yes, my mates are total sweethearts and Kiy treat me like his own daughter. I really like him. All of my mates family who I have got to know, so far, are great.

“I never realized how bright your eyes were until now,” Ty says as we exit the small shuttle on the planet.

The group includes me and my mates, there was Kiy, Ty, a man called Bern and two other men I can’t remember the name of.

“And I never realized how white everyone’s skin was before,” I say looking at everyone.

The lighting is always so dim on the ship and their skin doesn’t look this pale. It is honestly beautiful though.

“Is that a bad thing?” Phe asks with a small frown.

He and Lenime have been fussing all over me since I told them about the whole oxygen thing. It’s crazy. I told them it doesn’t make me any different, but adding that to the pregnancy, they are treating me like I am made of China.

Lenime is acting almost scared, not trying to touch my ‘button’ once. Although, I have caught him looking longingly a couple of times. Phe isn’t much better. When he hugs me it isn’t the normal bear hugs. Now it is more the type of hug you would awkwardly give someone you don’t like much.

God, it has only been about several hours since I found out I am pregnant, making me still barely a day gone and I already feel like crying. But four of those hours since I told them about my needs.

“Amber?” Phe’s voice breaks my thoughts.

I look around and notice the others have walked a several feet away to giving us a moment alone.

“Are you alright, love?” Lenime asks, concern leaking into his voice.

Why am I feeling so emotional? I feel like I’m going crazy. I’m not meant to be emotional yet. Then again, I wasn’t meant to be able to confirm the pregnancy so fast. Maybe the Poyun pregnancy doesn’t last as long as Human’s. Then another thought hits me, Ren says the accident had unknown effects on my body, what if it made me have mutant babies or something.

Oh God. I really need to stop thinking like this.

I didn’t even realize I am crying until I feel both of my mate encase me between them, but again it is a soft almost not touching hug.

“Why don’t you like me?” I find myself whispering without meaning too.

Both my mates look at me with the same confused, worried expression.

“We love you,” They both say at the same time.

“Don’t cry, love,” Lenime whimpers. I feel horrible for making them feel like that, but I just feel really depressed that they won’t touch me properly.

“Why do you think that?” Phe asks in an unrecognizable soft frightened tone.

“Since I spoke to you earlier, you don’t touch me,” My voice is almost a whisper.

“We do. We are, see,” He answer confused. They are, but barely, there haven’t been any skin to skin connect for a couple of hours, only clothing.

“But not like you used too. Now you only touch me to hug me and then it is like you don’t really want too. It’s like I have a disease, you don’t really want to hug me, but you feel sorry for me.” I feel my eyes feel up with renewed tears.

“My heart feels hollow, my markings have started burn in pain. I feel like I am being rejected.”

A familiar retching in my throat begins and I fall to my knees, between the pair.

I feel just like when left me alone with Koya. I thought at the time it was partly that and partly because of the baby. But now I know it definitely wasn’t anything to do with the baby.

I must have sounded like a possessive or crazy girlfriend to the others, but I don’t care.

The next thing I know everything began to fade to black.

Lenime’s pov (Whoop!)

It happened so quickly. One second she standing crying in our arms, the next she is unconscious on the ground.

Almost instantly me and Phe both fell on our knees beside her and the pain she had describe in her markings began.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Our father yells at us.

I always look up to Phe. He is always so strong and stern. But not now, he let all the covers fall and whimpers over her body, as am I.

“I love her. I can’t lose her.” I honestly isn’t sure if it is me or him or both of us speaking.

I feel incomplete, the only time I remember feeling like this is when I first found out she is my mate and thought she was going to reject me and then again today when she was away with Koya.


Both me and Phe share a look realizing what she said was true.

We had treat her like a fragile flower, never touching her as we did.

After she told us about her needs we felt like she was more fragile than we thought and we had to be extra careful with her.

So Phe and I made a silent agreement, that no matter how much we wanted to touch her or my button, we couldn’t be so hard. We had to be softer, especially now she is with our child.

Not caring about the people around us, me and Phe pull the top halves of our suits down.

Then move and do the same to Amber. We need skin to skin contact, I can’t believe I have been so stupid to think that going without it for so long would be alright. Not with golden and no way for twice golden mates.

Unlike Amber’s people, Poyun men and women both see nothing sexual in the naked form of anyone, other than their mates.

Meaning it is safe to pull Amber’s top down and not worry about men ogling her.

I whimper seeing her spots. No longer are they a lovely golden colour. Now they are an reddish tone.

Forgetting what we had agreed, almost immediately, Phe and I lay down and crush her body in a tight hug between us. Whilst I lick her neck, Phe licks her face. I feel the burning start to subside and the emptiness fade. Amber starts to stir slowing awake.

“We will be around the corner. But hear me now, I know you were worried about hurting her. But by doing what you did you did hurt her. You love her like you did before. She loves you both. If you are do anything worry or hurting her, she would tell you. You need to be more careful, remember your child as well.” I hear some surprised muttering from the guys, at my father’s announcement. But I didn’t hear what they said.

When the three of us are alone, as they disappear from view.

I look back to her marks and smile to see they are returning to normal.

With my chest still against her back, my hand – as though possessed – works its way around her front and to my button.

I love that magic button. I love touching it. I love the way it makes her feel, the pleasure I can give her with just one touch. I love making her happy and feeling good. “I just want to make you feel good, Amber,” I find myself whispering into her ear, as my fingers work her button.

Both my brother and I know it isn’t the right time to join, but it doesn’t mean we can’t give her pleasure, at least once.


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