Chapter 21

Phe kisses down her jaw and neck, until her breasts, caressing each nipple in alternating turns with his tongues and the other between his fingers.

I gently graze my teeth down the back of her neck and then began to stuck on her neck, after remembering her saying last time it felt good.

Her backside pushes against me as she wakes up properly.

“Lenime,” She moans my full name lowly. “Phe.”

As I continue working her button and kissing her neck, Phe moves his mouth from her breast to her mouth. But keep his hand still on his chest.

“Phe, I love you.”

“I love you too, Amber, so much. We’re sorry,” They both speak into the kiss.

She removes her lips from his a moment later and he moves to kiss her neck as turns her face to see me. Without moving my hand I moving my body up slightly to reach her lips.

In no time we are both hungrily kissing each other. “I love you so much, Amber. I promise never to do that again. We were so scared,” I ramble, my lips not leaving her’s once. All our speaking is muffled but it doesn’t matter.

“I love you too Lenime. You touch me.” Her hips twitch and I know it is close.

Pulling her mouth for mine, she pants for air and I return my mouth to her neck.

“I’m gonna cum,” She moans lowly.

“Phe, put your finger inside me.” In one quick move his hand is with mine in her bottoms and then inside her.

Moments later she is quivering in our hands and moaning into Phe’s mouth.

Phe pulls out his glistening finger and place it in his mouth, letting out a satisfied groan. With my fingers still near on her button, I move them further down and collect my own sample for tasting.

And does it taste good.

For a minute, we lay in bliss.

With me continually collecting tastes of her on my fingers. I don’t think she notices. Hehe.

“We really are sorry, Amber. We just…” She cut Phe off.

“I know you didn’t mean it. I forgive you both. I know it was only to protect me. But don’t ever do it again.”

“Don’t worry, we won’t,” Phe promise.

“We were so scared,” My voice comes out a whimper.

“So was I when I thought you were rejecting me. I really love you both. You know that right?” She says reaching back and stroking my cheek.

“We know and we would never reject you,” Phe tell her in a tone that left no room for doubt.

“Phe and I both have waited our whole life’s for you. I had almost given up hope and Phe had given up. But then about a month ago after we got back from the planet… Your planet he began to change. Spending all his time looking after you as you lay in your frozen state. But no one other than him and father were allowed in and to tell you were his mate. So, we all just thought you were some possible threat.

“But then came the day I saw you the first time at his side. I felt his happy beaming through. I was happy for him. But I was jealous. I didn’t understand why at the time. All I knew is you were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and I loved you from the first moment. I wanted to touch you, be near to you. But I knew that wasn’t right. I should only feel that for my mate, but you already had one and no one, at least that I have heard of have ever had two mates let along two who are twice golden.” I stroke her flat stomach.

“Then you accepted me and that was the best day of my life. Not only because of you, but it is a large part. But also because Phe accepted me as your second mate. I have always looked up to him and secretly wished I could be more like him,” He appears surprised.

“But never in a million years did I think he would agree to sharing his mate. After all I know how much he loves you. But he did and in the process me and him developed a deeper bond of brotherhood. I love you Amber, you are like my heart. But I love you too brother, not in the way I love Amber, it is a different love. But in a much deeper way than I thought possible to love my sibling. Amber is my life, but you are like the second half of me. Without either of you I would be incomplete.” And to break the tension I move my fingers and gather another taste of her still damp core.

Yum, so good.

Amber’s pov

My mates have gone back to normal and I am loving it.

“I love you too, little brother,” Phe says as we all stand up.

I look down at myself, only just realizing I am half naked.

“Don’t worry, love,” Phe says guessing what I am thinking.

“Poyun people are totally unaffected to the naked form of anyone other than their mates.”

“Good to know,” I say redressing myself.

But before I can pull it all the way up Lenime, closely followed by Phe stick their hands in my pants. Alright, so I don’t wear pants, but you know what I mean.

They insert a finger inside, pull them out and bring it to their mouths.

“I expected that from him,” I point to Lenime, “But Phe?”

“I just need one more taste before we carry on. You taste really good and I have missed touching you. Just please tell us if we are being too heavy handed.”

“Promise.” I peck his lips.

I pull my suit completely up and take Phe’s hand.

Lenime reaches forwards, but instead of taking my hand, he starts tugging on the side of my suit, near my hip.

“Len!” I scold him as he tries to rip it.

“But she is trapped!” He exclaims pulling harder. I try to keep a stern expression but am failing miserably.

“Lenime, leave her alone or you will be holding my hand instead of hers,” Phe warns smirking as his brother whines.

Together the three of us catch up to the group who are all relieved to see me up again.

They even gave me a hug, including the two I can’t remember the name of (Reck, Lein, Phe told me) and congratulated on the pregnancy.

“What’s wrong with you?” Ty asks Lenime. I am holding his hand in mine and he is pouting. But that doesn’t stop him from pulling at me with his second hand.

Thankfully, it he is getting nowhere.

“I want to keep baby company.”

Kill me now.

They stare at him and laugh.

“You’ve got strange,” Reck – I think – teases him.

“Amber, you don’t think I am strange, do you?” Lenime whines.

“Yes.” He look at me like a wounded puppy.

“But that is one of the reasons I love you,” I add, making him grin.

“I love you too.” He hugs my waist and moves his free hand to my belly, where Phe’s free hand is already.

“And Phe has gotten soft,” The same man says.

Phe’s face hardens making the man tense. All Phe does is growl and all of the men – other than Kiy and Lenime – bow their head in submission.

Lenime is too busy nuzzling my neck to even notice what is happening. The funniest thing of all, Phe kept his hand in the same place the whole time. The one on my belly even drawing patterns.

“Come on now. Stop scaring the men and let’s go find the location of the beacon,” Kiy tells Phe.

Minutes later and we are walking… Alright, so I have gotten Phe to carry me because it is hard to walk with them both holding onto my belly.

And so we walk through the masses of trees and shrubbery, with Phe holding me, rubbing my stomach and Lenime holding one hand and poking me.

Not far ahead in the distant tree line is a glade.

“It’s coming from inside there,” Bern says looking at a handheld device.

Everyone speeds up and upon reaching the clearing we are greeted by the large smoldering wreckage of a crash space shuttle. The shuttle its self isn’t much bigger than the one we came to on the planet, but has a large hole in the side.

“Looks like it was hit by a meteor. That is what the readings are telling me anyway,” Bern tells us scanning for traces of weapon fire.

“Amber, stay out here with Lenime. Phe will go inside and help find survivors but I promise he won’t be long,” Kiy says as a reluctant Phe hands me to his brother.

“Be careful, Jet,” I say kissing him.

“I will. Be back shortly.”

Everyone except Lenime disappears inside the shuttle. We sit together on a small grassy mound, with me on his lap.

“I love the way your eyes and hair sparkle in the sunlight,” He says fingering my hair which he has untied. “Such a pretty woman.” He nuzzles my cheek.

“Handsome man,” I whisper back. He grins and hugs me tighter. I miss Phe, but it is nice having a moment alone with Lenime. We haven’t really done this before.

“You have gorgeous eyes, Len.” Both of my mates do.

“I hope our baby is as handsome as both it’s daddies.” They have already explained when I found out I was pregnant that the baby would share all three of our DNA. That is just the way it works. Their mother even scanned it and somehow confirmed the fact that it is Lenime’s child too. Which I am more than pleased about.

“We want it to be beautiful like you. But if is a boy to be big like us, so he can look after his tiny sister. Who will be short and pretty like you.”

I feel like I have melted into a puddle as he nuzzles, licks and kisses my face.

“Will you sing for me?” He asks so sweetly I can’t say no.

“Did you have any song in mind?” I ask knowing he probably doesn’t.

“Anything. I just like hearing your voice.”

I thought for a minute and decided on one of my favourites.

A great song, that kind of explains how I feel. Lenime sat still – which was rare – and listens to me, watching my every move.

By the time I finish, I feel a familiar thing digging into me.

“That was unbelievable,” His voice breathless. But I know he liked it, just from the happiness poking me.

“I am feeling a little strange. I need Phe back,” I say as the sickly feeling began to return.

“She, beautiful girl. He is coming,” Lenime reassures me.

As though on cue he and Lein exit the shuttle holding a… It is a Human. At least that is what it looks like. It was a black male in his thirties by the look of it and he is dressed different. But it has been eight hundred years since I have seen another human, so that is to be expected.

“Are you alright, Phe? Is that man alive?” I find myself asking without thinking.

I notice a hint of a smile from him when I ask about him first, but he soon hides it.

“We are not sure. He seems to be alive. That is all we know.”

“There are others inside but they are all dead.” Kiy says exiting the wreckage.

“Take him to our shuttle,” He tells Phe and Ty. “Lenime and Amber will go with you and we will take one last look before returning too.”

Before we head to the shuttle I kiss Phe’s cheek, which makes me feel better again.

I know intermediate first-aid from my work before. It is an essential requirement for the job.


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