Chapter 24

I wake up the next morning to Lenime trying to sing to me. He wasn’t going to be a popular anytime soon, but it was cute. He had even made up his own words and even to his own tune.

It was lovely.

“I love you because your mine. You are are beautiful and are are sweet.” I think you get the idea. The whole song was basically praising me.

Did I mention I was naked in bed between him and Phe who were both rubbing my stomach.

I watched him, proud to call this sweet man mine. Phe woke up and told Lenime to stop whining but he ignored his brother and continued his song. Now awake too, Phe moved his head and using my breast as a pillow watched his brother.

“Now you are with our child, soon it will be born. He will pop out and then we will have twenty more.” His song ended.

“Twenty children?” I asked.

“Twenty-one,” He corrected.

“At least,” Phe added and his brother agreed.

“I’ll think about it.”

Lenime stared at me with a frown and puppy dog eyes. “Didn’t you like my singing?”

So cute.

“It was the most beautiful gift ever. Thank you, darling.” He grins proudly. “Well, I’ll give you my gift now,” Phe said moving his head between my legs. Lenime fondled my breasts and watched as Phe gave me oral, pulling back just before I org@smed and pushed himself into me. He made love to me soft and steady as if afraid he would hurt me. We embraced and kissed before his and my release. It seemed as though he and Lenime had made an agreement not to join together with me whilst I was with child, or at least not so early in the pregnancy.

Moving to my side Lenime took Phe’s place between my legs and pushed his throbbing member inside me. With one hand between us rubbing my button and the other holding him up, he rocked himself into me. I love both my boys so much. I could never choose between them.

His thrusts became faster than Phe’s but he was still softer than normal.

“I love you so much, Amber. So much. My Amber,” His voice was more gruff than normal. “Forever ours, beautiful Amber. I am so happy you are our mate. Beautiful, perfect.” It wasn’t even a minute before I was releasing again and Lenime joined me.

“Can you get me a drink?” I asked no one in particular. A second later Lenime rushed out of them room before Phe had a chance.

“I love you, Amber. Very much. I am glad we have found out about your people for you,” He said with a small smile back I sensed sadness.

Lenime returned with a jug and a glass I took a large drink and then fed my handsome boys some.

“I love you both, you know that right?” They both said yes.

“Then why do I sense sadness from both of you?” Lenime was better at hiding it, but I knew he was sad too.

Both of their smiles fall. “We are happy you found your people,” Lenime says the same as Phe did only moments earlier.

“But?” I know there is a but.

“But we don’t want you to leave us,” Phe said. If he could cry, I know he would be. Lenime wore the same expression.

I looked at them confused. “I couldn’t. Don’t you remember yesterday?” I remember when I kept getting sick.

“When you fell asleep yesterday, Dax told us that if we ever wanted there is a way for Humans to disconnect the mating link.” As if sensing me building anger Phe added, “He didn’t mean anything by it, he was just telling us because we asked about Humans rejecting their mates.”

“You really think I would leave not only my new family, but my soul mates to stay on some stupid planet with people I could never feel even a quarter of what I could for you both?” I saw hope in their eyes. “I am so mad that you would think that, that I could hit you both,” I growl.

“But I wouldn’t because then I would just feel bad for that, even though I could never psychically hurt my huge men.” Both their lips kink up into a smile.

“I love you both. Even more than I do life or myself.” I pull them both closer to me. “Without either of you I wouldn’t want to live. Yes, Phe, the handsome, Godlike alien, who scared the hell out of me when I first met him.” Lenime chuckled at this. “But I have learned since then how great he is.” I turn to Phe and look into his eyes. “You are the one who sat by my side, even when I was in stasis. Never once leaving my side, even when you didn’t know if I would accept you or not. You are not the scary, hard person you show everyone. You are one of the most considerate, loving, patient people I have ever met and I love every single part of you, even when you won’t let me go to the toilet alone.” I lick his cheek to show my love an turn to Lenime.

“Lenime,” I smile and stroke his cheek. “You were my little surprise. But from the moment I met you, you were respectful, funny and you. Finding out I was yours, as well as your brothers mate, you didn’t demand I join with you. No, you put your brother ahead of yourself, merely asking me to be by your side as a friend, companion. Only hugging or holding hands. This is one of a million reasons I love you, Lenime. You are beautiful inside and out. Caring, sweet, funny and so much. I love you, even when you try to join the baby or play with my button.” I lick his cheek and then pull both of them into my embrace.

“The only way me and our baby is leaving either of your sides is death. I am yours both for all my life and after life.”


I don’t know how it happened but the next thing I know I am waking up laid half on Lenime, half on Phe, who are both laid side to side.

We must have all fallen asleep again. I felt like a cat laid on top of them both and best of all, they were more comfortable than any bed I have ever slept on before.

Struggling back inside them, again I fell asleep.

“Are they dead?” A male voice awoke me, but I kept my eyes closed.

“No,” A female voice. Then I feel cold fingers not belong to my mates on my marks.

“Her marks are still gold, they would be black it they were dead.” The voice I now recognize as Koya’s says.

I thanked God I had pulled the cover over our intimate parts earlier. I kept my eyes closed and hoped it would make her go away.

“Mark? Woo, that is great what is it?” Dax?

“Their mating mark. Don’t humans get them?”

“No. Do you have one like that?”

“No. Mine is small, see.” I kneow she would be pointing to a barely visible mark on her neck. “This is a normal mark, some have gold marks which means the couple have a special connection and then there is this.” She touches my back. “This is the most powerful bond. There has not been many of who ever wore it, so we are researching to learn what it means. But one thing it means is the mated couple or trio in this case, can not be without each other long or they get sick.”

He mumbles something about that being impressive, but I am not listening properly.

“Go away, Koya. We are sleeping,” Phe mumbles.

“Button?” A sleepy Lenime mumble and moves his hand to grab it but I grab it. He whimpers but stop when I place it on my stomach.

Koya chuckles, “You haven’t left this room in three days and you haven’t eaten anything because we checked. Amber needs to eat for the baby at least.”

I pry my eyes open, but close them again before slowly reopening them. “How can such low lights be so bright?” I mumble to myself.

“How can I have been sleeping so long? Are you lying?” I ask her.

“No. We have got the shuttle and everything on board and we more than half way to the planet. Mother said to give you this,” She holds out a small glass of green liquid.

Holding the cover over my chest I sit up.

“What is that?” Phe asks awake too.

“It’s nutrients. Mother went through some of the things you gave her and she thinks you sleep so much because of the baby. Your body needs to eat more and we need to change your diet to higher protein foods, because the pregnancy is taking a lot and that is way you sleep so much. As for Lenime and Phe, they sleep because you do. It is something to do with the link you share,” She explains. “But don’t worry. It is fine. You just need to eat more often.” Phe took the glass and fed me the contents.

Only several seconds later and I surprisingly feel more awake.

“Go get dressed. I’ll get some suitable food ready.” Koya says before disappearing out of the room with Dax.

As though on cue Phe stands up carries me into the bathroom, leaving a naked Lenime behind.

“No!” He cries, very over dramatically and running after us. “Don’t forget me.”

Did I mention Lenime had shown me a special laser which I could use to get rid of unwanted hair? Lenime helped me do my armpits and legs and now I am smooth.

They both told me they don’t mind my hairs, but like it smooth too, so to them it made no difference. But I like them better smooth.

In the shower, washing me, I feel both their hands suddenly stop on my stomach. I thought it was just because I am pregnant, but when they still didn’t move I ask what was wrong.

“You are growing.” Lenime says and Phe adding, “Fast.”

I look down to see my abdomen is distended already. I am only four days pregnant, but I have already swollen about an inch.

Whilst still in the shower Phe made a call for his mother to come with a medical handset.

Once we are washed and dried, they dress me and Lenime put my hair in a high pony tail. I half expected him to put it in bunches.

In our bedroom we are greeted by Ren. Again, I pulled my suit half way down to show my stomach and she scanned it.

“Everything is great,” She says smiling, surprising us all. “But I am too big?”

“Dax gave me some information on the enzyme you got and I look through some of the research your brother left you and from what I can tell, you got a five times stronger dose than the one that was released into the public. I don’t know what that means entirely, I will need to research more with yours and Lenime’s help. But what I do know is that it makes you live longer, take longer to age and now by the looks of it the gestation of your fetus will be a less than any other human,” She explains.

“Your baby will be fully developed in less than four months.”

My eyes widen, “Less than four months? But we have nothing ready. All Lenime’s stuff is still in his old room. Where are we going to put baby?” I begin to worry and both my mates hug me.

“Calm down, love. Me, Lenime, and you have nothing to worry about. Let’s go eat. Do you want some, mother?”

“No, thank you. I am fine. Just take care of my little girl and my grand child.” She hugs me and her sons once I am redressed.

“I am glad you are my sons mate,” She says before leaving the room.

“I think mother and father love you more than they do us,” Lenime jokes.

“No, they are just happy their sons are happy. You are happy, right?”

“More than we ever thought possible,” Lenime answers for both of them, whilst hugging my side and Phe on my other side. “Never did we think it was possible to love someone as much as we love you. We are all brought up to love our mates before we even meet them, but meeting you….”

Lenime continues for Phe, “Even if any of us had no love before, the moment we saw you it was impossible but not to fall impossibly in love with you.” Both my mates kiss me.

“Let’s get our girl fed,” Phe says leading us all out of the room.


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