Chapter 26

They continue to hold me, even when I try to move forwards. I feel like a mother with two clingy children on me, except my children are giants.

But then I get a great idea.

“Ouch!” They both quickly pull back, but before they can say anything, “Ha, that got you off me. Now to pack.” I take one step forward and they both are clinging again.

“You are mean, making us worry like that,” Lenime scolds me in a baby voice.

“Today is going to be a long day.”


Three hours later and the room is packed, but only after Koya called to make sure I was alright. Apparently, she knew we were there because the computer logs every exit and entry.

She managed to convince her brothers to let me go. But they refused to let me help them move or pack things. I was made to sit on the bed or chair and watch. With them coming to me every ten seconds and kissing or touching me. To anyone else it would be comical. Lenime didn’t have much apart from the pictures he had drew and a few other bits. But between the touching and kissing it took a while to pack.


Back in our room, I am sat on the couch with a bowl of… I have no idea, but it tastes really good. On one of the screens I have taken and moved in front me, I am watching Star Trek TNG. My men are watching too, despite them telling me to sit whilst they unpack. If unpacking meant piling the stuff to one side of the room, then they are doing great. With Phe and Lenime hugging my sides, stroking my neck and feeding me random snacks and drinks, I am having a great time.

“He speaks different,” Phe asks taking note of the different accents.

I went on to explain about the many languages and places on Earth, before going back to watching it.

Only pausing to go to the bathroom.

Without asking our permission Koya enters the room with her two friends. Ty is like glue, ha.

Dax innocently following them.

“That’s alright you just come in. Don’t knock or call,” I say sarcastically and pause our show again.

Koya and Ty doesn’t notice the sarcasm, but Dax did. He chuckles.

“I asked if we should knock, she said it was alright just to enter.”

“And what if we were busy having sex? Joining?”

“But why would you do that? You are already pregnant,” Koya replies clueless.

“Because it’s fun,” I reply and Lenime adds, “And I get to play with my button and visit baby without getting yelled at.”

“I love joining,” Is Phe’s contribution.

“I get what joining is, but what is this button? Are you a cyborg?” Dax asks both amused and confused.

“Button.” Lenime instead of telling him, shows him by rubbing it through my clothing. Thankfully, Phe is learning and knows that it isn’t the type of thing they should do in public. So he hit his brother’s head and made him stop. But sadly not before a loud embarrassing moan could escape my lips, in the form of Lenime’s name.

“Ouch. Why did you hit me?” Lenime whines. Dax stands laughing and Ty and Koya sit down as though everything is normal. Sometimes I am so happy they are alien.

“Amber, my head hurts,” Lenime complains laying his head on my lap. Instead of giving him attention, I lick Phe’s cheek and thank him.

“What about me? I need attention too.” Need I say who?

“I love you, guys, you are so funny,” Dax laughs sitting down.


“Been enjoying your time on board then?” I ask him.

“Amber?” More whiney.

“Yes. Everyone is so great. Don’t get me wrong, people are nice back home, but not everyone.” I nod my head in understanding.

“I guess a lot has changed since I was around?”


“Yes. But we had to rebuild, that will be the most different. But at least we can mix again with the unchanged. Someone came up with a drug for the unchanged to take so they wouldn’t become infected and so now the last couple of hundred years we could mix. But still most of the unchanged live on the second planet.”

“That’s good news.”

“Amber, don’t know what I did wrong but I’m sorry. Be my friend again?” Lenime still has his head on my lap, but now is looking up at me. His beautiful golden eyes full of sadness.

I immediately lean down and peck his lips and lick his cheek.

“I love you, my strange mate. You never did anything wrong. I am sorry,” I whisper, feeling bad for ignoring him.

I pull to see him smiling, he turns his head and begins talking to my small bump.

“She’s daddy’s friend again,” He whispers and starts talking to the baby, whilst rubbing my belly.

“Hard to believe he is one of our people’s top biological scientists back home, isn’t it?” Koya says looking at Lenime.

“He is?” I ask surprised.

“Yes, he has helped cure several illnesses in our people and even made the genetically altering more safer for those who wish to choose their mate.” They knew my mates had told me the truth.

“Wow. Our baby is so lucky to have two such fantastic, clever daddies.”

“And a beautiful, smart mother,” Phe sayd rubbing my belly.

“Were you watching something when we came in?” Dax asks.

“You can go back to it. I like watching things,” Koya tells me.

“Do they still have chocolate?” I find myself asking Dax.

“Yes. Tons. I have some, do you want it?” He pulls out a blue wrapped object from his pocket.

“Yes, yes, yes please.” Dax reaches over and passes me the bar of milk chocolate. I don’t ask why he has it, I just want it.

“Let me taste?” Phe asks after I put a couple of squares in my mouth. I break a piece off for him, but instead of taking the piece, he places his mouth over mine and sticks his tongues in my mouth, scooping some up from my mouth and pulling back smiling.

“I want too,” Lenime says and I pop the square in his mouth. He frown and I grin, sticking my tongue out at him. He is so fast I almost don’t see him. He takes my tongue in his mouth and flicks it with his own. Before long we are kissing and would have continued if someone didn’t steal my chocolate.


The rest of that day consisted of pretty much the same stuff. Me eating and watching things with my mates and the other three. Who stayed with us most of the day.

Dax told me that the people of the planet would pay me a lot for the television shows, movies and stuff I have. But I told him I would happily give them for free. Alright, maybe I ask for Chocolate, two turtles and bunnies. But I am pregnant, I am allowed.

My mates and I are now laid in bed nude and hugging.

“Phe?” I ask remembering what he said earlier.

“Yes, love.”

“When you said earlier ‘ruler’, what did you mean, like president?”

“No. My family is the royal line, I will be King and you, my Queen. Lenime… I’m not sure, we’ll have to speak to someone about that,” He speaks as though it is the most normal thing in the world.

“You are all Princes and Princesses?”

“Yes. Why do you ask?” Lenime asks nonchalantly.

“I can’t be Queen,” I panic. “If I am Queen things will go wrong. I am not good at running things.”

Instead of frowning, both my mates are smiling. “Don’t worry, love. Everything will be fine. You have me and Phe to help you,” Lenime reassures me.

“Not to mention our grandmother will help teach you anything you don’t know,” Phe adds.

He and Lenime, both rubs my belly making me groan in pain. Their hands snapping away as quick as they came.

“Are you in pain?” Lenime worries.

“Is it the baby?” Phe frets.

“The baby is fine. My body just aches a lot. It is normal, don’t worry,” I reassure them. “It just normally, normal – original – Humans, it didn’t happen this fast. But I’m not normal. I’ll be fine.”

“Where’s it hurt?” Phe asks whilst Lenime seems to be thinking.

“My back, my breasts and my belly mostly. Especially my breasts, they feel like someone has been trying to crush them. My stomach is like period pains, that just because my womb is stretching though, my back is the extra weight and pressure,” I try to explain. Any woman who gets breast pain when they are hormonal and cold will be able to imagine the sort of pain.

“Can’t we give her Drasico?” Phe asks. Both me and Lenime say no at the same time. “We don’t know how it will effect the young. It might hurt the baby. I’ll make you some Sijo tea. It is a natural relaxant. It won’t harm you or the baby,” He reassures me.

I nod my head and he disappears from the room. I trust both of them with my life. Especially Lenime, when it comes to medicines. He is as good at medicine as his mother, but choose to work on the larger scale, making medicines and curing illnesses.

“I love you, Amber. Is there anything I can do to help?” Phe asks wanting to help me.

“Unless you have a somewhere I can bathe in warm water, then no. Just rub my back.”

His large hands begins caressing my aching back. I moan, enjoying the feeling. “You like that?”

“Yes, Phe. Continue please?” I don’t need to look at him to know he is smiling.

A few moments later my other very naked and very sexy mate returns with a glass of brown liquid. If I wasn’t aching so much… God, why do both of my mates have to be so hot and sweet? Don’t get me wrong, I love them. But right now, they were too sexy for their own good. I don’t know if it’s the mating or pregnancy, but I am so hot for them, all the time. But I can’t do anything because I hurt too much.

“Drink this, love.” He hands me the drink. “It will help the pain and help you sleep.” I sit up and sip the warm liquid. It is sweet and slightly tangy, but good. By the time I have finished the cup my pains have already dimmed slightly. Not completely, but enough to sleep.

Handing the empty glass back, I thank Lenime and Phe for taking care of me.

“You don’t have to thank us, we enjoy it,” Phe says as I lay back down and close my eyes. I feel his hands rubbing my back still. “I love you both, so much.” I feel sleep quickly taking over.

The last thing I heard before I fell completely was Lenime’s voice whispering “I’ll help stop the pain. I promise.”


That night I had the most realistic dream about me, Phe, Lenime and a small, raven haired baby with huge metallic blue eyes.

I couldn’t help but wish for it to be a foresight of my own child.


I wake up the next morning to Ren, not Koya entering our room.

Both my mates look beyond tired, especially Lenime, so I decide to leave them asleep.

Having seen me naked before, I carefully ease myself out of bed. Earning me a cute whimper from both men.

“How are you this morning, Amber?” She asks brushing my hair out of my face. I love how nonchalant they are about nudity and how caring they are.

“Alright. But my breasts hurt really bad. I never thought they could be so painful.” She gives me a sympathetic smile.

“That is why I came. I thought you would want these as soon as they were ready.” She hands me a small container of unknown capsules.

Noticing my confusion she explains. “Lenime was up all night researching Human and Poyun pregnancies. He came up with a muscular relaxant and pain killer, that doesn’t make you drowsy or hurt the baby and lasts several hours. He sent the information to my team and they made up the pills for you. The good thing is it safe for both pregnant Humans, changed Humans and Poyuns and is made up completely from natural ingredients. This will help a lot of people. You just have to take one twice a day, but if it doesn’t hurt you don’t have to, but it won’t hurt either way.” She smiles proudly.

“They are such great man. I love them. I didn’t realise he had done that. He didn’t have too. He is so perfect, so clever. They both are. Do you know, Phe spend most of the night rubbing my back because it hurt. I woke up a few times and felt him, I told him he could stop, but he wouldn’t hear a word of it. I am glad they are my mates. I don’t know what I would have done without them.” I begin to get teary eyed thinking of my family, my dead human family.

“We are glad too.” She hugs me. It is strange, I feel as though I actually have clothes on the way she is treating me. “We couldn’t have asked for a better mate for either of them. They have always loved you, you know? Even when we thought their dreams were nothing but fantasy, they cared for you. They didn’t know directly, but I think on a subconscious level they had always known you were their mate. That is why they wanted to go on this trip. But I am glad they didn’t give up. You are perfect.”

She looks down at my growing belly, smile and giving it a soft rub before leaving the room and our quarters without another word. Quietly, I leave the room and get myself a drink. The guys had shown me how to get food and drink. Talking a pill out, I place it in my mouth and take a drink, before returning to the bedroom and placing the drink and pills on the side.

It is only then I notice both my mates looking around frantically for me and calling me name. “I’m here,” I climb back on the bed, their relieved eyes glued to me.

“Don’t worry, loves. I would never leave you.” I lay back between them and let them both curl their bodies impossibly close to me.

I don’t say anything else, I know they are tired. I take their masculine scents in, they smell like home. So good, so familiar. We fall asleep again. This time though, the only sounds I hear are sighs of contentment from my mates.


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