Chapter 5

Bee sat on the doorstep for about half an hour watching Oliver and the cats play together.

Eventually, it ended up that Merrywhether was sat on top of him, pinning him to the ground. Ginger had noticed her almost straight away, stopping every now and then to make sure she was watching him. But when he noticed she was no longer watching him, he let out a loud cry and threw himself in front of her. He laid on the ground as if dead.

Oliver heard this and looked up. Seeing Bee first, he smiled and stood up with ease knocking the she-cat off him. But she stood up unaffected.

Walking over he looked worried when he saw Ginger seemingly dead.

Bee bent down and touched him and as by magic his eyes popped opened and he rolled on back as if to say stroke me.

“You are turning into a bad kitty kat,” She said rubbing his belly, making his little legs dance in the air.

“I’m taking this one,” Oliver shifted into human form and picking up the now mewling ginger cat. “You are a bad cat, making me worry like that. You don’t deserve Rosie’s strokes right now.”

Bee watched as the small cat’s eyes filled up with tears. “Oliver, look what you did!” She scooped up in her arm, “Want to go to the shop with me?” She asked Ginger.


“What are you going to the shop for?” Oliver asked as she grabbed her car keys and purse.

“I need a few bits, including cat food. I won’t be long. You go back to playing with the others,” She said putting Ginger in her handbag as if it was a small dog.

Oliver laughed, “Alright, Rosie.” He leaned over and hugged her before she had a chance to go and she kissed him on the lips.

“My turn to disappear now,” She stuck out her tongue in jest, walked to her car and drove away.


Oliver watched her leave before going back to play with his friends.

As normal no one passed or called at the house. Most people in town avoided the place, some even going the long way around to do so.

He was worried after telling her that he loved her. He didn’t want to face the rejection, so he hid. He did continue watching her, but he kept a good distance away and stayed invisible. But she still sensed him and soon enough they were together again and enjoying each other’s company.

He was happy that she was acting no different than before. He loved her and how she was, he would hate to lose that. He would love for her to say it back, but he didn’t expect her too. She was a beautiful woman. She deserved better than a dead man, a ghost.

When the car returned, Oliver shifted again into human form and went to help her carry the things out of the car. He was thankful that unlike the myths he could actually hold things. If he wanted to, that is.

After taking most of the bags inside himself and placing them in the kitchen, Oliver turned to the door just in time to see Bee enter. She was holding the last bag in one hand and Ginger, no longer in the handbag, in the other hand.

“He needs a bath,” She said placing the bag on the side and holding up the small ginger cat to Oliver.

“What happened to you?” He asked laughing and taking hold so Bee could put the shopping away.

Ginger’s face was covered in grease, as was his front paws. He also had crumbs in his fur.

“We went to the chippy. I got a piece of battered fish for him. He got excited and decided to eat it with his whole body,” She explained.

Oliver laughed harder holding out the happy, yet greasy cat.

“I am going to wash you whilst Rosie puts things away. Is it alright if I use your bathroom?” He asked her.

“You don’t have to ask, Oliver. It is your house, I am just looking after it,” She told him.

“It is our house,” He corrected her as he left the kitchen. He didn’t miss the smile she gave him or her saying, “Good luck.”


“He enjoyed that bath way too much. I thought cats were meant to dislike water?” Oliver had washed Ginger, but Bee dried him.

“They don’t, normally. But is any part of our family normal?”

“Our family?” Oliver asked smiling.

Bee smiled back and wrapped her arms around him.

“An unconventional one, but yes. I love our furry family and I like you lots,” She pecked his lips. “And lots. I think I…” He cut her off by pressing his lips to hers.

“You don’t have to say it, say it when you know. I know you deserve better, but I will always be here for you, no matter what.”

She took his hand and led him to her bed which was in the neighbouring room. “Just know, I only want you. Hold me for a while, please?”

He smiled, “I would love too.”

They laid on the bed, Oliver had his arms wrapped around her, holding her body against him.

“So, you were a posh man when you were alive?”

“I came from a good family, yes. But I was not posh. My parents and even my older sister tried to make me a gentleman, go to London and parties of their equally or higher standing friends. They wanted me to find a bride,” He explained. “But, like you, I have always been more interested in animals, cats specifically. I had never been interested in women, before now anyway.”

“But I doubt if I were around in your time your parents would’ve accepted me,” Bee thought out loud.

“They would have loved you. Especially my sisters. My parents always said there was someone just like me out there, I never thought they were right though. My mother would have probably followed you around, trying to stop you laying in the grass with the cats. My father would have laughed.” He stroked her side.

“You are so beautiful. I could have only have dreamt to have met and married anyone half as perfect as you.”

Bee felt her eyes getting heavy and starting to close. “Sleep, my love.” She felt that familiar tingling kiss on her cheek. But her eyes felt too heavy to open.

How she was so tired after a nap earlier?

“I love you, Rosie. I’ll be your loyal companion forever, even when you are old and grey,” She heard him say when he thought she was completely asleep.

But before sleep took over she managed to mumble out, “I love you too.”


His eyes widen, but he felt so happy. He had never thought he would heard her say that.

Whilst she was deep in sleep, he had carried her from her bed in the small cottage to his much larger cottage. He made sure to let Ginger and a few cats could follow. He had noticed the more cats she had around her, the better she slept.

He was going to shift into his cat guise, but the moment he tried to move her grip tightened around him. When he tried to move again, her leg moved around his pinning him to the bed. He was forced to lay like that for the rest of the night, but he didn’t mind.

Much like she had done with him in cat guise, he spent the night watching her and stroking her hair. Placing a kiss on her lips every now and then.


The following week the pair spent almost all the time together. The only time Oliver wasn’t with her was when she visited the shop or used the toilet. They had become best friends. They hugged, touched and even gave each other kisses. But had yet to have a full romantic kiss, all their kisses so far had been singular lingering ones.

But all was still good. Both were happy, as were the cats who they had also continued spending time with. On one occasion, Bee brought a bag of fresh fish home for them. Whereas most were able to eat it normally, Ginger and a couple of younger cats decided it would be a great idea to stand in a bowl of fish. Covering themselves in fish mess and forcing Bee and Oliver to bath them and Ginger, again.

Ginger had continued to get up to mischief and Flora had gone into heat, meaning she spent a lot of time in the woods with some of the males. Even Ginger disappear for a while, returning some time later looking unusually happy. Flora was soon to follow.

“I expect we will have some fat, ginger kittens running around the garden in a few months,” Oliver smirked, saying what they were both thinking.

“And now you’ve had your way you think you can just come running back to me?” Bee asked Ginger playfully with her hands on her hips.


“Don’t you ‘meow’ me! Go away, I have a new best friend,” She stood hugging a similar, yet larger ginger cat to her chest.

“You know that is his brother, right? Ginger is actually the older brother though,” Oliver explained.

“Ha. Hear that, you’ve been replaced by a younger model,” She couldn’t help but laugh more when Ginger’s brother began nuzzling her hand purring. It was as if he was trying to wind his older brother up.

Ginger reared up on his back legs and reached his front paw onto her legs, as high as he could.

“Meow,” He said as if yelling ‘Give me attention. I’m here.’

“Alright, alright,” She leaned down and picked him up, holding him with his brother. “I was only playing. I still love you, you randy little cat,” She hugged both cats and Ginger licked her cheek.

“Do I get a kiss from you too?” She asked looking at Oliver.

Oliver looked to the cats, “You two go and play with your siblings,” He took them in his arms and placed them on the ground.
“Let mummy and daddy have some time alone,” He ushered the cats outside without any problem, leaving him and Bee alone in the living room in the large cottage.

“Mummy and daddy?” She questioned smiling as she looked him close the door behind him.

“Yes. They are your children and mine that makes us mummy and daddy,” He walked over to her with a smile which made her womb clench and her breath hitch up.

At that moment, she felt a lust take control of her.
He had barely stepped in front of her when she almost knocked him on his back.

She jumped up wrapped her legs around him and kissed him. Sharing their first real kiss, Oliver’s fingers on one hand made themselves into her hair and his other holding her against him.

“Rosie,” He pressed her back against the wall and she was grinding her hips against him.

“Rosie, my love…” He pulled his lips away from hers but kept his forehead against hers. “I maybe a ghost, but I am still a man and the way you are moving against me…” He kissed the side of her neck. “It is making it really hard for me not to just carry you to my room and take you.”

“Then do it.”

Oliver pulled his head back again and looked at her.

“Don’t, love. You should be with someone who can give you a family.”

“I have a family with you. I don’t want anyone else. I want you. I love you, Oliver. Please, please make love to me? I want us both to experience lovemaking together for the first time.”


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