Chapter 32

Phe’s pov

I have seen that look before. I am pretty sure I know what it means. I have no idea how Phem or Clevon will react. Most don’t find the one until they are a few years older.

“Blake is Xuina mate… I think…” Dallas tells the shocked room.

I hear some muffled talking from some of the guards, but nothing bad.

Xuina is matching the man called Blake’s gaze. She looks as though she is trying to figure something out.

There are several different ways to tell if a person is your mate, being so young the choices to test are limited. Some senses don’t come until you are older. The best and most positive test is the taste test.

Stepping aside with Amber pressed between us, every other Poyun in the room copies. Other than Xuina.

My parents would never stop them. In Poyun society, she is of age from the age of fifteen.

Whereas Poyun children age like unchanged Humans until puberty, from what I have seen in movies Poyun teenagers are both physically and mentally more mature.

Taking the hint Dallas walks next to Amber. Lenime is now behind her with his arms looped around her front and his hands on her belly. Despite my arm still being around her and one hand holding hers, it is actually comfortable.

Amber’s spare hand reaches out and takes Dallas’s, making him look her way and smile brightly. I am just happy she found her biological family again.

Turning back to the unfolding scene, the guards, except Blake have moved to the side. Everyone watches silently as Blake stays fixed to his spot as though conflicted.

He best not be with another woman or reject her or I’ll hurt him. She is only young she deserves a loving mate.

Xuina, on the other hand, walks slowly over to the red haired, green eyed man. I feel amusement and worry from Amber and similar from Lenime.

“Let’s hope he doesn’t faint like Amber did,” Lenime tease. The others obviously heard but don’t remove their eyes.

The children are sat watching curiously. This is a thing all Poyun wait for. Rejection almost never happens, but when it does… That is why my dear brother Lenime made the DNA changer, to make non-mates, mates.

Stopping in front of him, her mouth quirks into a small smile. He is a little taller than Koya, about six-foot.

His eyes scan Xuina, still conflicted, but with more love in them.

In a flash, her tongues are out and lapping at his cheek. The Humans look on shocked, except Dax and Amber. But Blake leans into her and closes his eyes. He is enjoying it and she continues licking proving they are mates. If they weren’t he would have tasted vile to her and she would have pulled back straight away.

“Before this goes any further,” My father’s voice breaks them apart. They glances at each other with a small smile.

“We need to discuss what a Poyun mating entails.” Father is right. He is doing this to protect them both. He needs to know Poyun females are different to Humans.

Snapping out of his trance, Blake looks to my father and nods. Xuina looks to father too, he smiles and holds out his hand, indicating for her to take it.

She smiles and walks over, taking it and turning back to her mate who looks unsure. Father doesn’t mean to offend him, he just doesn’t want Xuina getting her hopes up.

“We will go to the meeting room,” He turns to my mother. They exchanged words and then walk to leave the room still holding Xuina hand.

We all follow them, leaving Koya, mother and the other children behind.

“What’s going on?” Dallas whispers to Amber. His still holding her hand.

“Poyun are different sexually to Humans. He wants to explain before Blake joins… Has sex with her and completes the mating. He is protecting her, he doesn’t want her getting hurt if he decides to reject her,” Amber explains, saying what I am thinking. She said it low enough for the others not to hear.

Dallas frowns, “It is illegal to reject your mate once you already mated. It always ends up with the person who rejected them going back to their mate, but in the meantime, the rejected mate ends up sick, depressed or committing suicide. It is a complicated thing to punish. Each case is different, but we always find the right way to punish them.”

I am glad to hear this. Maybe things will turn out alright.

“How old is your daughter?” He asks Ty.


“Wow. She looks much older. How old are you?”

“Fifty-five,” Ty answers as we enter another room.

“What? Really?” Ronan, who is listening, asks shocked. Ty on looked in his late teens compared to humans.

“They are all over fifty except Lenime, he’s forty-four. I’m technically only twenty-six,” Amber tells them.

They all seem to be listening except Blake.

“Take a seat.” We all sit around the table Lenime takes Amber on his lap before I have a chance to react.

Dallas sitst one side of them and me on the other. Xuina is inbetween my father and my seat. Blake is wearing an unreadable expression and sitting on the opposite side of the table.

“Amber,” My father looks at my mate. “Can you explain?” I look at her to see her shuffling on Lenime’s lap. Looking down I elbow Lenime’s side and he moves his hand back to her belly smiling.

Dallas looks surprised, obviously seeing what he had been doing and the other humans look questioning.

Dax laughs and father sends my brother a warning look.

“There are many differences between Humans and Poyuns,” Amber says distracting everyone from what just happened.

“Poyuns are very open. About everything.”

“Yes, Phe told everyone about your-” Amber slaps her hand over Lenime’s mouth. “No,” She tells him, he nods and she pulls her hand away.

“What does this have to do with Blake?” Ronan asks and Blake shh’ed him and indicating for her to continue.

“Males are capable of joining anytime. Joining means sex. But females only every six months, when they go into heat. And both only with their real mate.” They look surprised and one asked ‘why?’

She didn’t mention being able to change DNA for a mate.

“Females don’t have a clitorus…”

“Button.” Dax laughs, Amber nods, “Yes, button.” Making him smile happily.

“Nor do they have any body hair, but they do have a cap.” I rub my hand over her belly, slightly touching my brother’s which is there too. He looks at me and smiles, mouthing ‘thank you.’ I know without asking he meant for sharing our mate, giving her our child everything.

I smile back and place my hand on his, saying mentally ‘It’s alright.’

I didn’t realize people are watching until I notice my father smiling proudly at Amber with love.

“A bit out of the blue, but are you pregnant?” A man I don’t know the name of asks. “Yes, but we’ll speak about that later. Now it about Xuina and Blake.

“A cap is a membrane which covers the female’s entrance. It only opens during heat, giving birth or when they first meet their mate. It acts like a plug, the man ejaculates inside the female, after the man pulls out the membrane closes to help it stay in. Increasing chances of pregnancy. I don’t know how mating works for Humans, but when I joined, I felt pain afterwards and passed out. When I woke up I had a mating mark,” She points to her neck. “And felt a deeper connection with the guys.”

“But that mark goes down your back? It isn’t a tattoo?” Blake asks this time. “Yes, it goes down my back. It isn’t a tattoo. But this isn’t necessarily how yours will be.”

“This is a more normal mark,” Father points to his.

“Different marks have different meanings. Theirs means they have a bond deeper than anything. It is a very rare, but indicates the strongest bond. There was one time they all connected and spoke at once as though magic. But that is a story for another time.”

I notice Dallas looking at her in awe again.

But she doesn’t notice. “After fertilization of the egg and a month of gestation in the womb, the female gives birth to the fetus. But it is not fully developed. It is born in an amnion shell. After that it is transferred to a special incubator where it stays for the next five months until it is fully developed and ready to be born properly. During that time, it is nurtured, cared for by not only the parents, but also trained carers. Then at full term it hatches and joins its family. The Poyun body is not made to carry a baby to full term, nor do they make breast milk. They produce a thick gel type liquid they feed to the baby for the first month. Newborns like it, because it similar to the stuff they feed on before hatching.” She pauses taking in their shocked expressions.

“I am telling you this because-”

“I wouldn’t reject her,” Blake cuts her off. Then his eyes widen, “I’m sorry, Ma’am. I don’t not mean any disrespect.” He bows his head. “But I would never dream of rejection.”

“But that isn’t the only thing,” It is my father again. He tells them about us not being able to stay in the sun. “We can spend short amounts of time with cream in the sun. But long term, even with cream isn’t healthy. But you are welcome to come with us. We will be visiting here often for Amber to see her family. Plus your family or people are welcome to visit us. Or even talk via coms. If that is alright with you?” Dallas nods, “I want Amber in my life. I care for her.”

“We can possibly help improve your starships and defences too. That way you will be able to travel faster and defend against any threat.”

Dallas and the other seem stunned that we are offering so much. “What do you want in return?”

“Nothing, we have everything we need,” Father replies leaving them speechless.

“Would you like time to think about it?” He asks Blake, going back to his previous subject.

Xuina looks like she is trying to stay upbeat. But the sadness in her large eyes is overpowering. It reminds me of when Lenime thought he was going to be rejected.

“I’m sorry,” Blake says and looks at Ronan. “You have your mate and child. You don’t need me. I can’t leave her.”

Ronan looks teary-eyed but smiles, “I know you do. But you have to stay in contact and I want to see you.”

The mate bond is a strange, but a great thing. The overpowering love you felt when you found that person is enough to make you do anything for them. I don’t understand how some reject.

The brothers exchanged a hug and Blake turns to Xuina grinning. She returns it and the look of rejection in her eyes seems to fade.

“What about her parents? Won’t they think she’s too young?” He ask looking at father.

“No. Fifteen is the legal Poyun mating age, though few find their mates before they are twenty. They will be happy, as long as you love and care for her.”

“They can have my old quarters. I have moved all my stuff out and in with Phe and Amber. Every pair deserves their own space,” Lenime surprisingly offers. Father smiles proudly. “Xuina, you can go there now. You can rejoin us when you awake.”

Blake looks at her unsure if he heard right.

“You mean we are to… Join now?”

“Do you not want too?” Xuina asks sadly, rejection flooding her eyes. “I just… I’m confused. Shouldn’t I wait until I met her parents?”

Father laughs and Lenime replies, “No. The mates meet, the female goes straight into heat and the joining takes place almost straight away. If you wait too long it, would become painful for her. She would get pains in her feminine parts.”

“She’s in heat now?” Blake asks stunned. “Yes. The Sheen look of her skin is one of the signs.”

Blake stands up without another word. Xuina copies and hand in hand they walk to the exit.

“Oh and I learned from human movies,” Lenime calls making them pause near the exit. “If you wish to join when she isn’t in heat, there is always fellatio.”

Blake’s mouth hangs open.

“What is that?” Xuina asks innocently. Blake’s cheeks turn red, “I’ll tell you later.” They quickly leave the room and everyone ends up laughing.

“I can’t believe you said that,” Dallas laughs out.

Amber pushes mine and Lenime hands from her belly and tries to stand up.

We both copy her.

“Stay here. I need to use the bathroom.” She moves to leave and we follow. “I have a bracelet now. I’ll be fine.” She stares at us.

“No,” I say and Lenime sticks out his bottom lip.

“Boys,” Father’s voice calls.

“Let her go.”

“But what if she falls over?” Lenime worries.

“Or needs a drink?” Father looks at me with an amused smile.

Alright, I am making up reasons. But I don’t want her alone.

“I’ll wait outside,” Ty says standing up and walking over. “If she needs anything she can call me.”

He took her hand.

We want to say no, but she interrupts us. “I’ll only be a few minutes. You know if you two come, you’ll just try and join with me. We haven’t got time. We are meant to be be good.”

Lenime exclaims a heavy breath and falls back into his chair.

We reluctantly sits back down and let her go.

“Why are you still joining? She is already with child,” Bern asks seriously and everyone looks at him.

“You will understand when you find your mate,” Father tells him. Bern is the only one of us Poyun in the room who hasn’t found his mate.

“Are they always so clinging?” Dallas asks him.

“Yes.” Father went on to tell him how we can’t be apart, the special bracelets and how our hunt for her started in the first place.

“Let me get this right,” Dallas says taken back. “You and Lenime have both been dreaming of Amber since you can remember. You searched your planet and all your people for your mate and nothing. You convinced your grandparents to let you take a ship and search for your dream woman. Your parents and siblings all came with you and dozens of your friends.

“You searched for years. When you finally found her a couple of weeks ago. You never left her side. She woke up, you scared her. You bonded, joined, she met the family and after several hours and Lenime picking her up, you discovered he was her mate too. He thought she would reject him, but she didn’t and you three live happily ever after?”

I nod, “That’s right.”

“That is amazing.”

“But how come she didn’t know you were her mates?” A guard asks.

“I’ve been reading over the files from when the infection first happened. Even though the abilities are in the background as soon as they got infected, most took several days or more to show outwardly. That is why she couldn’t tell,” Lenime explains shuffling in his seat and looking at the door.

“Your story is amazing. Like a fairy tale.” The others mumble in agreement.

“Amber has been gone for too long. We will continue your tour around the ship,” Father says, saying what we are thinking.

Just before we can leave the room, the wall panel on the wall began buzzing.

“Amber?” Lenime thought out loud and quickly made his way to the panel.

Her face pops up on the screen, she is stood beside my older brother Tou and Ty.

“Sorry guys, Tou stopped us in the hall.”

“A person called us, but they could not understand us. Amber agreed to help,” Tou explains

“Where are you? We’ll come to you. What’s the person want?” I ask, speaking a little too fast.

“On the bridge. But the man has broken off the call. He was very arrogant. He demanded to know who we were and said he is coming here,” Amber doesn’t sound happy.

“I didn’t tell him anything. But told him we are friends of the Marshall Providence. He said to tell you to expect Andre Monet.” The guards groan.

“Fuck sake,” Dallas says lowly and clearly angry hearing the man’s name.


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