Bonus Blake and Xuina

Blake’s pov

“If you wish to join when she isn’t in heat, there is always fellatio.”

My mouth hung open.

“What is that?” Xuina asks me innocently. I feel my cheeks heat up. “I’ll tell you later,” We quickly leave the room and I hear everyone laughing in the room we just left.

Thirty minutes ago, I stepped into an alien craft.

This morning when I heard Aliens were coming I half expected the same type of thing to happen like when we met the Trenks and Casiu.

But it seemed different from the start. Unlike the other two Aliens species, these look almost human, other than the obvious.

‘The King’s’ sister came with them and they saved Dax.

Emperor Dallas clearly adores her. Every time he looks at her he wore a similar look to when he looks at his children.

She is beautiful and seems nice. I know when she meets the public she will have more than a few admirers.

But when I saw Xuina, I knew. She is without a doubt, the most beautiful, perfect woman I have ever seen.

Her long raven hair flowed gracefully down her shoulders and her eyes… Wow.

Even her little pointy teeth are cute.

When I found out she is only seventeen, my heart sank. The legal age on Marshall Providence is sixteen but only with parents agreement. If they don’t agree, you have to wait until you are twenty. When I saw her I was sure she was around twenty, she doesn’t look that young. Which is strange as Lenime and the others look a similar age, maybe a few years older, but still…

Now here I am being led to the room that I will now share with her and I feel beyond happy. I don’t even care that I can only have sex with her every few months. There are other ways to be intimate.

“This is it,” She says breaking me from my thoughts.

Walking inside, I am surprised at how beautifully it is decorated. The whole ship is different to what I expected.

But before I have a chance to take it all in I am being led to another room.

This one is equally beautiful, with a large bed in the centre.

She lets go of my hand as I look around, I turn to look at her.

My member instantly becomes hard and I think I came in my pants a little. In front of me standing completely naked is Xuina, my beautiful mate.

She is covered in a glistening sheen, like the one on her face. Probably for the same reason. Her body is perfectly sculptured, her skin white, lips a plum red. Cheetah spots, similar to Amber’s but a brown colour ran down her back, then running off and fading out half way down one leg.

Her breasts perfectly round, with pale plum colour and her nipples standing to attention. Lower down, she had no navel or clitoris, but I find that more sexy.

“Am I alright for you?”

I look at her blankly before pulling off my own clothing.

“I am a cummy mess,” I indicate to my dripping member and sticky hair above it.

“And that is just from looking at you.” I walk a few closer to her. “The way things are going I’m going to cum… Release before we even join.” Seeing her worry I quickly add. “But Humans can cum before joining and during, it will still complete the bond. Just, most of the time when a man cums they lose their hardness and have to wait minutes for it to return.”

“I can make you release without joining?” She asks with a hint of a smile. I open my mouth to answer, but before I have a chance, she pushes me back onto the bed crawling between my legs. “Xuina, what are you-” My voice suddenly stops when I felt her nose nuzzling my pubic hair.

“I like this,” She drags her long fingernails softly up my leg and through my hair. “I love the colour.” She begins shyly teasing the tip of my member with her tongues.

Fuck. I though one tongue would be good, but two. “Xuina,” I exclaim and embarrass myself by expelling the contents of my balls all over her chin and mouth.

“I am so sorry,” I say quickly. But am surprised to see her grinning and lapping up my juices from my softening member.

“Why? You taste good,” She asks confused.

“But I was not meant to cum that quick. Plus I wanted to kiss you first.”

She grins and without another word, she crawls up my body and straddling, presses her lips to mine.

I didn’t care that she is covered with my juices, I just need to kiss her.

“Have you kissed many women? Or joined? I heard many humans do,” She asks pulling back from the kiss only seconds later.

I shake my head and say honestly, “I have kissed a couple of girls when I was much younger.” She looks sad. “But they were innocent, quick, nothing like the kiss we shared. As for anything else, joining and such… Most people in the Marshall Providence – which is my planet – Wait for their mate to do anything other than kissing.

“I was starting to wonder if I would ever meet my mate because everyone else, I know, has already found theirs. Most before they turned twenty. I am twenty-nine, almost thirty.” I cup her cheek. “But I waited for you.”

I’m not going to lie, it was hard. But I did it.

“And when we are joined you won’t…”

“No, I won’t touch anyone else. You are mine.” I flip her on her back and place teasing kisses around and close to her mouth. But without actually touching her lips.

She keeps turning her face to catch my lips, but I keep moving away. “Please, Blake,” She begs and I begin kissing down her neck. “Your skin tastes good, angel.”


“It’s a nickname.”

“Oh, like how Amber calls Lenime Len?”


And I continue kissing down her body and to her plump breasts.

A moan escaped her lips as my teeth gazes her nipple. I feel my member getting hard again and I move lower down, kissing her whole body until I reach between her legs.

Pulling back slightly, I look it over. I have never been with a woman, but I know what they look like naked.

Unlike a human female, her slit starts lower down. She is completely bald down below, but apart from that and her not having a clitoris, she looked like any of a woman down below. I saw no cap, maybe it was hidden inside. I have no clue.

Moving my hand under her backside and lifting her bottom half up slightly to my face, placing my mouth over her entrance and pushing my tongue inside.

She tastes amazing. If it weren’t for Xuina’s sudden cries, I could have done it forever.

God only knows what I’ll do, not being able to eat it for months at a time.

“Please Blake, it hurts.” I look up to see her with a pained expression on her face, which is now perspiration heavily.

“I need you to join with me now, please?” She begs again.

“You know that when we do this you’ll probably get pregnant?” I ask moving over the top of her. Most times when a mated couple first have sex they become pregnant or so I’ve heard.

She is so young. I don’t want her to regret it.


Xuina’s pov

“You know that when we do this you’ll probably get pregnant?”

I smile at the thought, despite the pain.

“I know.” He moves up my body and positions himself at my entrance.

“I need you, Blake.” I reach up and move my hand through his glorious red locks.

“I want you to join with me, mate. I want you to impregnate me with a child with your perfect red hair.”

“I was hoping they would have your hair,” He says smiling. He leans forwards, presses his lips to mine and whispers against my lips, “I love you.” And pushes the bulbous head of his member inside me. I gasp at the sudden intrusion. But it is the best, most inexplicable feeling.

“From this moment, onwards you are mine and only mine,” He speaks against my lips.

“I love you too, Blake.” It is true. I heard all mates feel instant love for each other.

He grins and began kissing me, whilst gently moving inside me and out and in again.

It feel amazing. I can’t help but moan and he takes that as a chance to push his single tongue inside my mouth.

Within seconds, our tongues are duelling. My hands move down his back and my fingers explore the contours of his muscles.

“Fuck,” He mumbles almost incoherently at the same time as pleasurable electric shocks shot through my body.

He must have felt the same thing because his thrusts become faster, his kisses harder and his member seems to expand inside me.

“What’s happening? Why are you getting bigger?” I ask pulling my face back slightly. I have never heard of this happening before. It feels as though I has a large ball inside me.

“When a changed human…” He continues to move inside me.

Amber had told me the difference, saying some humans were changed hundred of years ago by a virus or something.

“When a changed human mates with his true mate the males penis head expands into a knot, trapping his seed inside the female and stopping it from coming out. It is the males version of your cap.” He kisses my nose. “But my cap is meant push out the penis and close when you finish,” I half panic.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” He just smiles.

“You won’t, angel. All will work out. We are meant to be. We wouldn’t be mates if we didn’t fit together perfectly,” He reassures me. I instantly relaxed and trust his word.

He kisses me again and his thrusts became even quicker still.

“I’m coming!” He exclaims, his eyes looking at me with a strange glow. I feel the rush of his seed filling me and the head of his member still trapping it inside.

His seed feels amazing inside me. I feel so happy. My body buzzes and pulses and I can feel my cap trying to close. But it can’t.

Blake is tightly stuck inside me. Not that I mind. “Are you alright?” He asked worried as I moan and groan. “It’s incredible,” I pant out. Instead of being painful, it feel good. My stomach suddenly gets this strange feeling which travels from my core upwards and pleasure shot through my body. My eyes automatically close.

“Blake! Oh my goodness, Blake! Yes, yes, yes.” My quiver and my legs pull him closer, forcing him deeper inside me.

The feeling felt like it lasted only a minute, but I knew it was longer.

But the moment it ended, sleep seems to take over.


I don’t know how long I slept but when I wake up and open my eyes I found Blake looking me in awe and love. “That was beautiful.” He place a kiss on my lips and I lick his cheek making him grin.

“Do you know you were orgasming for about ten minutes?” That’s what that was? I had heard about them but never guessed. “But then I passed out. I guess that is because the bond being complete, like Amber told us.”

“Yes,” I look at his neck and smiled. On his skin, like my parents were a mark. But like Amber’s first mark, it was golden.

“What is it?” He ask smiling.

“Why are you staring at my neck with a grin?”

“We have golden marks,” I point to where I know my mark will be. “There is a regular mating mark which most people have. Then there is the golden, which means the couple has a deeper connection than others. It doesn’t mean the other love each other less, it just means we have something different than most.

“Then there is twice golden that is so rare. I have only heard of a few ever having that. That is what Amber, Lenime, and Phe have. They like us, have something different. But unlike us they are mentally connected too. Their bond is deeper than anyone can imagine,” I explain.

“But in a way it is a burden, because Amber cannot be away from them for more than a few minutes.”

“I wouldn’t want to be away from you either. I am staying with you forever.” My smile widens.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

He leans down and kisses me before moving to lay beside me and hugging me.

“You aren’t still inside me?”

“No, why?”

I reach between my legs and press my finger to my entrance. “My cap hasn’t closed.” I worry making him sit up. “It hasn’t?” He look between my legs worried and pull back with a look of regret. “I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“But it doesn’t hurt,” I admit. I actually kind of wished it would never close again. I love joining with him. But I don’t want to get my hopes up. Maybe it will close, maybe the joining and Blake’s knot temporary stopped it.

“Don’t worry, Blake.” I cup his face and lick it. “I love you either way. Let’s go have a shower, get dressed. We can eat and if it still isn’t closed I’ll call Ren to come and look at it?”

He tries to convince me to go straight away. But I tell him, it might still close and he reluctantly agrees to wait.

After showering, rubbing each other down and redressing, we go to get something to eat.

“I love you in that,” I say honestly. I have used the scanner and made him a suit to match mine.

“And I love how you look in yours.” He runs his hand over my curves. “I really hope we conceive. I know you are young, but I really want a family with you.” His hand absentmindedly moves over my belly. I am sitting beside him at the table in our quarters still.

“I do too. Lots of little-red-haired children. One black hair like me, but only to make you happy.”

He chuckles. “You really were made for me.” He places a square of cidner fruit in my mouth. “I never dreamed my mate would be a beautiful alien girl. But I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

“Neither would I.”

“These quarters are great. Are they all like this?” He asks looking around. “Yes. But some are bigger because of the children, but all are similar design. Lenime is a great man. I am thankful he gave us quarters of our own.”

“As am I. I know all your people are kind and great. But I did not relish the idea of joining with you whilst your parents were in the other room.” I laugh at this.

“Speaking of my parents quarters, I need to move my belongings later. We also need to go to your home to gather what things you wish to take.”

“Will you come with me? I would like to introduce you to the rest of my family before we go.”

“Don’t worry, we will visit, often as possible. But yes, as long as your ruler allows me to leave my ship and enter your lands, then I would love to accompany you.”

I would love to see the plant my mate grew up on.

“But first…” We have just finished eating. “Is it still…?” I nod, I’ll call Ren.” I stand up and walk to the panel. Type in Ren’s code and it automatically calls the room she is located in.

A second later her face appears on the screen. She appear to be in the medical hall.

“Xuina, how are you? You completed the mating?” She fires at me smiling. She is like a second mother to everyone on board.

“Yes. But I have a problem…” I nibble my lip nervously and her smile falls. “What is it? Are you hurt?” She asks worried but professional.

“Not hurt, exactly. But I need you to come and examine me.” She looks confused.

“I think I broke her cap,” Blake interrupts and I quickly add, “It won’t close.” Her eyes widen before returning to normal.

“Where are you?”

“Lenime gave us his old quarters.”

A small smile crosses her face, “I’ll be there in a couple of minutes.” She signs off and the screen goes black.

“I love you. You know that right?” He says getting my attention. “Even if we can’t join again. That one time was perfect. I will stay with you forever.” He sounds a hundred percent truthful.

“I know. I love you too. Let’s see what Ren says.”

A minute later a beep echoes telling me Ren has arrived.

Not that it matters. I know either way, Blake and I will have a long happy life together.

“Alright, moment of truth…” I pull off my suit and climb on the bed ready for Ren.

“How did this happen?” She asks looking between my legs, then looked at a nervous looking Blake. “It was my knot…”


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