Chapter 33

Phe’s pov

“I didn’t tell him anything. But told him we were friends of the Marshall Providence. He said to tell you to expect Andre Monet.” The guards groan.

“Fuck sake,” Dallas says lowly and clearly mad at hearing the man’s name.

“We’ll be right there,” Father says and Amber gives a cute salute and the call finishes.

We begin walking to the lift, leaving the boxes of cakes in the meeting room, we will sort them out later.

At the same time, Dallas pulls out a small box out of his pocket and presses a button.

“I have word Monet will be arriving in the next hour or so,” He speaks into the device that I guess is a kind of com.

Looking at him, I can’t help but see a resemblance to my mate. He has the same nose, blue eyes, he is even short like her. His hair is similar but slightly darker.

“Yes,” He continues and we all step into the lift.

“Amber needs her next pill and some food,” Lenime worries again once Dallas is done on the phone.

This made him snap from his thoughts.

“Why? Is she sick? I thought she was healthy?” He panics.

“She is. But because the baby is growing so fast she is talking a lot more proteins and vitamins than she would normal take in. The first days after finding out about the pregnancy all she did was sleep because her body wasn’t strong enough. Because we are her mates and connected, we slept too. With the help of mother, we came up with a diet plan that consists of many small meals or snacks throughout the day and taking a few pills too. Including the one for pains that I told you about,” My smart brother explains. I am really proud of him and glad he is Amber’s mate too. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better.

“But she’s alright now, right?” Dallas asks still worried. It makes me happy that he cares for her.

Lenime reassures him she is fine, “Mother thinks it is probably because the child is a hybrid.”

“In one of the video recordings I saw of my grandfather’s – Aaron – he said that he knew that when his sister was found, they’d, not he but they, they would worship her, be sexy – his words, not mine and they would be off-landers.”

We look at him surprised. “It’s well known among our people that he could foresee certain events,” Ronan told us. “It is said that Adair Marshall was envious of him because the Vanderveer DNA was reacting differently to the enzyme than his. They both got the same dose, more than everyone else, less than Amber. But Aaron was developing more abilities and faster than him. That is one of the reasons why when Adair died, Aaron was put in as Emperor by the people instead of Adair’s son,” Dax explains and the lift door open.

“Plus the Marshall’s were and are all a bit crazy,” Ronan adds as we exit the lift.

“Thank God they voted to have the Vanderveer’s as the ruling family or God only knows what would have happened if they were in charge now,” Another man says.

If Aaron developed that, then Amber…

“It took several months for Aaron to develop his skills,” Dallas says as though reading my mind.

“I am not like my grandfather, but I can sense things. Plus it’s kind of obvious what you were thinking,” He tells me after seeing my surprise.

“This is the bridge,” Father says just before the large door open.

Standing with Amber is Phem, Nol, Ty and Tou. They are chatting and she is stood leaning against Tou, with her head resting on his chest.

He standing holding her and stroking her hair. I’m not jealous, my brother has a mate and children almost twice Amber’s age.

“You alright, love?” Lenime and I quickly walk over to her.

They all turn their heads and Amber looks up.

“Just a little tired,” She says moving from Tou’s arms to ours. Lenime kisses her head and hugs her tightly against him.

“I’ll go get you your food,” He says kissing her again and rushing from the room. I chuckle, pick her and sit down on one of the few chairs with her in my arms.

Father introduces the room and Dallas stands near us looking worried at Amber.

“Ah, you are Xuina’s father?” Ronan asks Phem.

“Yes. You met my daughter?” He asks curiously.

Ronan looks to Ty and Amber and she shakes her head.

“I forgot to mention,” Ty says getting Phem’s attention.

“Xuina found her mate, they have moved into Lenime’s old quarters.”

Phem, Nol and Tou seem surprised, but smile. “Who?”

“My brother,” Ronan tells him and Dallas adds, “He is a good man.”

“Good. As long as he makes her happy, then so am I.”

A moment later Lenime hurries back in with an arm full of food. He places the food on the counter near us, kisses Amber’s nose and then rushes out of the room.

Dallas looks at us amused.

He rushes in again only seconds later with a jug, tumbler, and her pill.

Without needing to be asked Amber opens her mouth, he places the pill inside and gives her a drink.

Placing the jug and tumbler near the food.

“Perfect,” He smiles and places a kiss on her nose.

Then she turns to me and I feed her, placing things in her mouth.

“She is looking better already,” I say to my brother and he smiles nodding.

But then look at her seriously, “This is why you shouldn’t run off by yourself. We need to be with you to take care of you.”

“Ty was with me,” She tries to argue. “And Tou…”

“Yes. But in future Phe and I am going with you.”

I nod and kiss the side of her neck.

“They are right, Amber,” Dallas agrees. “You shouldn’t make yourself sick.”

Amber rolls her eyes, “You are getting as bad as them.”

“You need to take care of yourself and the baby,” He tells her.

Lenime places another piece of food in her mouth. But instead of swallowing it, she holds it between her lips. She turns her face to me and pushes the food into my mouth.

This happens several times before Lenime gets annoyed. “They are for you. Not him.”

“But I am full and you two need to eat too.”

“You did bring an awful lot,” Father says walking over and taking a handful of food.

Lenime ignores the comment and places another piece of food in her mouth. But before she has a chance to turn to me, he places his mouth on hers and takes the food.

“She can feed you but not me?” I ask jokingly.

“Yes. If you want her to feed you then let her sit on my lap.”

I shake my head. “I like her here.” Lenime frowns but continues the feeding. I pick at the food and feeding myself.

“So, who is Andre Monet?” She asks between feeds.

Dallas frowns, “He is the Emperor of the Reese Providence, the unchanged Humans.”

“I don’t like him,” Amber says getting our attention. “I don’t think we should trust him,” She tells father.

He seems to take what she said in and nods, a habit we have all got from Amber.

“We will be extra cautious around him. What do you think Dallas?”

He is stood next to me and Amber is trying to get him to eat.

“I agree. He is a good ruler. But whenever we meet he is self-righteous and arrogant. I don’t know why, but his people seem to love him. Though he has never done anything seriously wrong to me, other than flirting with my wife, I still think it is best to be cautious,” He chuckles as he finishes. “Okay, Okay, I’ll eat,” He laughs more taking some of the food from the side and began eating.

“Hmm. This is good.” Before long they are all eating.

I have to remember to arrange a meal for us all later.

“But as I was saying, it is best to be cautious. I advise we make the meeting in the cabin where we were. I will have more of my guards patrol the area. I have no doubt he will bring his guards, but I will not allow too many in the room at one time. I am sure it will be safe. But just to be safe.”

“If you think it is best, we will trust you option,” Father says looking at Amber with a small smile. I look down and a smile comes to my face when I see my beautiful mate napping with her head on my chest. “Let her sleep until our guests arrive.” I look up and silently nod to Lenime.

“It’s normal. My wife slept a lot during her pregnancies,” Dallas says quietly.

We talk among ourselves for some time about how we found Amber and everything that has happened since. We stay on the bridge during this time because I don’t want to move and wake up Amber, plus it is more convenient if our guest contacts us.

“Wow, that is amazing.”

“So you have both been dreaming of her for years?” Dallas asks surprised.

“I remember when he first mentioned,” Father says thoughtfully. “Phe was but an infant, barely four when he mentioned the girl with the white hair and eyes blue as the sky.

“We all thought nothing of it, just thought it was one of those things. Then we had Lenime. He was around four, Phe was thirty when we first noticed Lenime’s drawings.” Everyone, including my fellow Poyun listen intently.

“We soon found out he had dreamt of the same woman as Phe. We knew straight away there was something different, special happening, but we did not know what. Poyun never dream together or of the same thing, unless mentioned, of course. But no one had ever mentioned Phe’s dream to him. We asked around but found it was only them dreaming. We spent a lot of time with Phe searching for his mate. But when we couldn’t find her after searching through our whole people, it was decided that a group of us would accompany Phe on his journey. Being the next in line we had thousands of people volunteering, but it was decided only his parents, siblings and their mates and children, along with a selected group of people would accompany him. Then when we came to a devastated planet while we were searching for supplies, we found Amber.”

“The dream girl?” One man asks and we all smile. “Yes, the dream girl,” Father continues.

“We should have guessed when Phe said she was his mate that she could be Lenime’s too. But we have never heard or seen multiple mated people before.”

I nod my head and add, “But he is a good man and he loves her a lot. I am glad she is his mate too. She deserves so much love. She is perfect.” I looke down to Amber and can’t help but smile. I love her so much. As strange as it may sound, I think I have been in love with her since I first saw her in my dream. I glance up to Lenime and he meets my eyes with a smile as though to say me too. Since joining not only me and Amber, but also me and him have had a deeper connection. Sometimes it is almost as if I know what he is thinking and him me, kind of like now.

“We are capable of recognizing our mates from a young age. My other children accompanied Phe and me on his search of our people. That is how many of them found their mates. Most of them found their mates before we left our system. The ones that didn’t we hoped would find on our journey,” Father explains.

“That is an incredible story,” Dallas says gaining our attention.

“But how long were you looking? How long since you started this search, I mean how many years since you left your system?”

I look back down at Amber to make sure she is still sleeping and then to Lenime and father.

“About a year, isn’t it?” Dax saya questioningly. “At least that’s what it sounds like from the way Amber speaks.”

Father looks at me with a solemn expression.

“No, it’s been thirty years,” I tell them causing their mouths to fall open in shock.

“Thirty years?” I feel a sharp pain in my chest.

I rub my chest and look down to see Amber glaring at me.

“Did you just bite me?” I ask her in shock.

“Yes, I did,” She stands up and moves from my lap. I stand up, as does Lenime.

“You have really been searching for me for thirty years?” She sounds angry.

“Yes. Why are you angry, my love?” I ask confused.

“But I thought you said Lenime was one of your top scientists before you left, cure illnesses? He would have been barely fifteen.”

“He was what you call a child prodigy.”

“Because you are an idiot,” She hit my chest. “And you were still a child, but you are an idiot too,” She does the same to Lenime.

I am worried and confused. “You wasted so many years looking for me.” She begins to cry, only confusing me more.


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