Chapter 34

Amber’s pov

I’m just standing here crying.

Am I overreacting? Probably.

But I am both angry and upset.

Not surprisingly, all the Poyun are looking confused at my outburst, but the Humans look sympathetic. I feel a pair of arms draw me to his chest and know for some reason without looking that it is Dallas.

I close my eyes and try to relax my breath and stop my tears.

“It’s alright, Amber,” He whispers and strokes my hair with his hand.

“What did we do wrong?” I open my eyes and see a sight I never thought I would ever see. Phe standing hugging an equally heartbroken looking Lenime.

I instantly regret my words.

“Don’t worry. I’ll explain to the others. You go speak to your mates,” Dallas whispers to me and kisses my forehead before releasing me.

Is it strange that I actually love him in a family way already?

“Thank you,” I whisper back and walk over to my mates. Taking their hands in mine and say, “We’ll be back shortly.” Before leading them to an empty room down the hall.

“I’m sorry I snapped at you both. I am just upset. I feel like you have wasted your lives and everyone else’s looking for me. You should have just taken another mate. That way the children on the ship would have been able to stay on your planet and play with the other children.”

A look of realisation crosses their faces. “You still love us?” “You are not leaving us?”

“Forever and always, and never.” I press my lips to both of theirs in turn.

“I just am upset at the idea that you spent so much time alone. Have you even visited your home system or planet in recent years?” I ask only just thinking of the question.

They both have me pressed against them, their arms wrapped around me and licking my cheeks now happy. They don’t seem to mind that I am mad now, as long as I never leave them.

“It has been many years. But we are in regular contact with them. Any of our crew can speak to families back home whenever we want. We have a great communication system. As for visiting our system…” Phe pauses. “It was agreed by everyone that we would only return to our home system when mine and Lenime’s mates or mate as it is, had been found.”

I have a hundred questions running through my head. But they all disappear when their teeth began grazing my neck.

“We can’t be without you,” Lenime whispers sadly.

“Please do not ever make us worry like that ever again.”

“I won’t. I didn’t mean too. You two are my life. I love you both.” I lick them both back and rub my backside against Phe’s lower half as I nibble Lenime’s neck. It is getting pretty heated until…

Beep and the door slides open. I stop what I am doing the moment I hear the beep, but my mates continue wanting more.

Kiy walks in looking at us and shakes his head.

“Leave the poor girl be,” He moves me from between them with ease. “She is already with child. There is no need to join for the next few months.” I know he is only teasing his sons, but they look horrified at the idea.

I hear a laugh outside and notice all the guys from the bridge are standing waiting. The group who went outside with us before, plus Tou. Phem and Nol stayed behind on the bridge, I guess. And Blake, I can only guess what he is doing.

“A ship has been spotted entering the planet’s atmosphere. We must re-coat before exiting the ship.” I nod my head in understanding.

We exit the room, my mates hurry behind us to catch up. Lenime try to get to my side as does Phe, but both Kiy and Tou have taken up sentry at my sides. “Father, hand me back Amber,” Lenime whines.

Wow, he is really picking up some bad habits.

“Get those ideas out of your head,” Kiy points at Lenime’s growth, which my young mate neither seems bothered or ashamed of having. Looking at Phe, it is only then I notice he has the same problem. Our eyes meet and his are completely lust filled. Looking to Lenime he has matching ones.

Why the hell are they so horny today?

I do love sex with them… My mind wanders, thinking of many naughty things.

“The showers in here have been fixed. They now release UV1A.”

Apparently UV1A – the cream they use to protect themselves from high UV – used to be dispensed via a group of showers in a special room on board. But it broke a long time ago and they just never got round to fixing it for two reasons. One: they didn’t go out in the bright sunshine much and when they did it was normally only for a short time so they had a person rub in on them. Two: the cream continuously caused blockages in the showers, meaning they were always breaking down. But due to someone’s brainwave, they had fixed the showers when we were gone and supposedly fixed the problem.

“You are welcome to wait in here while we refresh. Dax and Amber will show some of the video files we found,” Kiy suggests showing Dallas and the other Human’s to a good sized side room.

“Amber cannot.” Phe manages to pry me away from his older brother and father. “She has to stay with us.” He picks me up bridal style and holds me to his chest. “I missed you.” I feel Lenime move in front of his brother and his hands search my body as if silently saying the same thing.

“You will shower with us.”

“But I’m human, I don’t need too.”

My smarty pants Lenime has his answer already thought out. “But our child isn’t. At least not a hundred percent.”

“That is completely stupid. The baby is protected inside, he-” I cut myself off when Phe begin walking out with me toward the large shower room.

“Fine. But you have to remember to be good in front of the other humans. You promised me you wouldn’t treat me like a child.”

“Sorry,” They both say together.

“I will make sure they act more appropriate in future,” Kiy promises following us with into the shower room with the rest of the Poyun guards who are going outside. All of which had found their mates, one of many things I am thankful for at this moment.

“Can’t I just wait outside while you guys shower? I really don’t need too.”

I maybe not be as introverted as I once was, but I am still not as comfortable as the Poyun being naked in front of them. I know it is nothing to them, but still…

“Baby need protection,” Phe says agreeing with his younger brother.

“Fine!” I huff and glare at the pair knowing they are just perverts. They grin little boys and we all walk into the room in question.

Did I mention, in Poyun culture, in public areas or buildings all toilets and washing facilities are unisex? They would think nothing of going for a long workout with a female friend or family member and then go to shower with them. From what I have learned all public wash/shower rooms are large rooms with a dozen shower head spread around the room.

Kind of like the school shower room when I was younger. There is no place to hide yourself. But because they see being naked no different than being clothed -other than with their mates – they have no problem seeing each other’s bodies. Clothes to them are just a way to protect or keep warm. They are not fashion mad like Humans of my time were. Though I am unsure how they are in this day and age, hundreds of years in the future, have they changed that much?

Just as I suspected, the UV1A shower room is your typical public shower room as described. As soon as we are in the room everyone begins to strip and my mates decide it is a great idea to strip me themselves after they are naked in record time.

Avoid their bottom halves, either look at your mates, at the floor or several inches above waist height, I repeat in my head.

I’m not looking forward to or planning on looking at the other men if I can help it and I would prefer for them to not look at me. That is why I am standing between my mates who are rubbing the now running cream into my skin. Not that it is needed. But anyway, I was hoping they may block the others view slightly. “It’s growing fast,” Phe say rubbing my small bump and looking at it adoringly. Glancing at Lenime, he pauses what he is doing and looks at me like a child who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

“What are you doing?” I ask cautiously, not sure I want to know the answer. I know the others are looking our way but ignore it best I can.

My eyes drift down to his – not surprisingly – erect manhood. He has been palming it in his hand, putting a lot more cream than needed on the end. If he were a human, I would think he was tossing himself off, but he isn’t and wouldn’t. “This…” He points to it, “Is going in here, to coat baby,” You can guess where he points.

Phe has an erection too, but thankfully isn’t trying anything, though I know he would if the other weren’t here. At least my mates have some boundaries. Well, at least one does.

I feel something digging into my back and a pair of arms circle my waist as though to pick me up and you know what…

I guess I spoke too soon about Phe.

“No, I don’t want too.”

Alright, I do but not in front of everyone. I’m not a bloody porn star.

Luckily my mates are sweethearts after all and listen to my plea and stop what they are doing but keep hold of me while looking… Worried?

‘I only want to be close to her. I love her with my entire being.’

‘I did not mean to force her into anything. She is my beautiful little mate. I would rather hurt myself.’

Two familiar voices suddenly come from nowhere.

I look around, but it is as though no one else heard them. They are all waiting for the second stage, the beams began. The beams are similar to a normal shower beams, but these ones are designed merely to remove the excess cream what is not needed. At the end of it all I am left softer skin than normal. Surprisingly not greasy or shiny, though my hair is slightly shinier than normal. But not in a frying pan way, but an extreme healthy shine.

Soon enough Lenime is dressing me as Phe holds me. But passing me to his brother once the pair of us are dressed so he could dress himself.

“I love you both so much. Thank you for looking after me. I do love being with you, I just don’t want to join in front of everyone.” I peck their lips. I would have licked them, but I didn’t want to remove the cream.

Their faces light up. “I can I still touch it?” Lenime grins pressing his thumb again my now clothed nub.

I let out an embarrassing loud moan. I squirm in his arms as he continues relentlessly.

“That is enough.” I am suddenly picked from Lenime arms, or at least the person tries. But his hand suddenly stops rubbing and turn into a death grip. “I’ll behave. Just let me hold her until we get to the bay doors?” He begs Phe.

“Alright,” He agrees and kisses my forehead before brushing and tidying my hair. How is it that whatever they do their hair stays perfect but mine is the opposite?

With Lenime (who is nuzzling my neck) carrying me and Phe holding my hand, we all walk to re-join the other.

“Do you need anything to drink or eat before go?” Kiy asks me before reaching the room. “Maybe a drink and one of those cakes we got earlier please, Father?” He smiles and rubs my small bump. “We will pay a visit to the room on the way out. Another time I will have a selection of Poyun desserts made for you. Though we might have to keep it a secret from my sons and their mother. I am sure they would not approve due to your diet,” He whisper the last couple of sentences. But my mates hear and growl.

“Shut up. I am supposed to treat my youngest child.”

“You never treated me to dessert feasts,” Lenime pouts.

“That is because you were always such a serious child and even more so as you got older. You were like a friendlier version Of Phe.” I hear some say Lenime was different before, Phe as well. Phe is still a little closed off with some people, but Lenime is the funniest, friendliest person I have ever met. But was Lenime’s change really that extreme?

“I was honestly surprised when you spoke to her so friendly the first time you met. A lot of people have commented to us at both your changes, especially yours, Lenime. You are a totally different person. You look happy, you and Phe both do.”

“We are beyond happy.”

“And you really do not mind sharing a mate?” Tou asks his brothers.

It is then I notice we are standing outside the room the others are in and Bern went inside to get them.

“When we first realized she was both our mates we were worried how it would work or maybe that one of us might have had to give her up. But Amber accepted us both and it is honestly great. I love being mates with her, even with Phe being her mate too. He loves her as much as I and it brought us closer as brothers.”

“Yes. How can I anything but love Lenime when he helped us create our child?” Phe says honestly. Kiy seems pleased with the answers and gives us all a hug.

“I am proud of how you have dealt with this. Many would have struggled. But you three bring out the best in each other.”

“I have a question…” Ty asks gaining our attention.


“How did you do it? Get pregnant I mean? I thought only one would be the father, but they both are? How? Shouldn’t one man’s liquid get to the egg before the others?”

“Yes. I was wondering that too,” Tou admits. “We always learned only one can get to the egg in other animals and species.”

“We joined all at the same time.”

Wow, this isn’t strange at all… Sarcasm for you there.

Their eyes widen then look confused.

“It stretches.” I look to the door to notice that Dallas and others standing listening to us.

“Grandfather Aaron and Lance did the same to get their mate pregnant. Though, Lance and she already had one child from before the change. But Aaron treated her as his own. If it wasn’t for that child, he might have never met them.”

“Plus we had Drasico for the morning after the first time.”

Kiy and his guards chuckle.

“Drasico?” Dallas questions.

“It is a super powerful painkiller. It is really good for getting rid of pain and helping you heal fast, without the numbing.”

“We would be happy to share how to make our medicines if you wanted,” Phe offers with Kiy’s agreement noticing Dallas and the others interest.

“Really? That would be fantastic. Though, I doubt we can offer you such advanced things, but I will give you what we have medical wise. You will be probably be needing it with the collection of Humans you now have in your crew.”

Before we had a chance to say anything else, a melodic tone plays from Dallas’s jacket pocket. “Sorry. One moment.” He reaches into the pocket and pulls out what I presume to be a modern day cell phone.


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