Chapter 35

“Hello… Yes… Alright… Keep him there… I don’t care!” He snaps at the person on the other end of the call. “If he complains, remind him he is not your boss and should have made an appointment if he wanted to be seen straight away.” Without another word, he hung up.

“He’s here?” I guess. He returns his phone to his pocket. “Yes. He landed on the strip next to my home because that is the closest landing space.” I can believe that by the amount of people gathered around our ship. “That was my home-based security on the phone. Monet is demanding to use of one of our vehicles and an escort here. I told them… Well, you heard. As I said, he’s arrogant. I think it is best we conduct our meeting at my home and you can invite him here afterward if you wish. You are welcome to bring as many guards as you want.”

I look To Kiy for answers. He nods his head. “That is alright with me. Though we will not need any more guards than we already have. I do not expect anything to happen, but if it does my men are more than capable of dealing with it.” I have never seen them angry or fight, but from I have heard they are ruthless when it is needed.

“Very well. Though I do not know how long we will be gone. The day has already gone fast and I know Amber will be needed rest before long. You are all welcome to eat and rest at my home if you wish. But I advise you to bring any pills and medicines you may need for the night. My home is only a short drive from here but is hard to get to in the dark because of the nocturnal wildlife. They aren’t dangerous, but there is a lot of them and can be a hassle to get through, even in a car.”

“I will make the arrangements. Everyone go tell your mates. I will speak to Ren and we will leave Blake here. He and Xuina will probably be resting. Amber, you take these men and go eat your cakes.” Kiy kisses my forehead before leaving to speak to his mate as does the others. Leaving my mate and the group of Humans alone. I am surprised by the kiss, but it was nice. I love my new father. Even though he could never replace my own, he comes a close second.

“Come on, Queen Ann,” Dax says breaking me from my thoughts. He’s wearing a cheeky smile, “Let’s go feed that tiny baby of yours a dozen cakes.”

When Dax says a dozen, you would think he was kidding. But believe me, he wasn’t. That is why right now he is being scolded by both my mates and Dallas for encouraging me and why I am being carried bridal style by Lenime. They ate too. It wasn’t really Dax’s fault. He is like a cheeky older brother. I kept steal cakes from him before he could eat them.

I regret it now though. I am so full. Sleepy and full. My eyes closed on their own accord.

“Beautiful,” I feel a pair of lips on mine. I moan quietly at the feeling tingles throughout my body.


Lenime’s pov

I press my lips to hers and smile when she lets out a sleepy moan.

“I love you, sleeping princess,” I whisper before looking up to see my father and everyone has returned. Phe leans down and gives her another kiss, earning another, slightly quieter moan. Probably because she is now complete asleep in my arms.

“She fell asleep again?” Father asks as I stand up, careful not to wake her.

“Yes. She ate too much,” Dallas glares at Dax as I spoke.

“Should we wake her? She didn’t want to be carried out,” Ty reminds us.

“Do not worry about that.” Dallas pulls out his phone thingy and presses it a few times before speaking to someone and asking them to ‘bring it around to the entrance,’ before pressing it again and putting it away.

“My driver is meeting us just outside. No one will see Amber, you will be alright to continue to carry her. When we get to my house, you can either wake her up or put her to bed while speak with Andre?”

“Thank you.” With a single case filled with the pills, UV1A cream and dozens of translator nanite injections we need we exit the room and head in the direction of the bay doors. We are stopped a couple of times, once by Koya and Kraysa and the other by mother. All who which kiss Amber’s forehead and touch her belly.

Everyone is completely in love with my princess, not that it is surprising. She is the sweetest person I know. Kraysa treats her like a big sister. She loves spending time with Amber and hearing about the past. To Koya, she is her baby sister and to my mother and father both, she is their seventh daughter and youngest child. They love her as their own.

It is kind of funny because Kraysa is more worried about Amber going than her own father – Ty, but she did hug him and that seemed to please him.

Soon as the bay doors open we are greeted by the loud noises of the crowd and a large black vehicle which Dallas called a minibus. The man in the front of the vehicle pretended not to stare at us, but it is obvious he was looking.

“The windows are blacked out so no one can see inside,” Dallas explains as we climb inside. “You should set the miss next to you,” The driver tells me as I still hold her on my lap, her legs on Phe, who is sat next to me.

I shake my head knowing he can’t understand me.

I have no intention of having her sit anywhere other than with me and Phe.

“But-” Dallas cut him off. “It is alright, Tyler. She will be safe, just drive carefully.”

“She naps a lot?” Dallas asks once the bus began to move.

“Yes. But not as much since I started giving her the pills and medicines. But heavy meals do seem to tire her.”

My eyes drift from the beauty in my arms to the scenery outside the window.

We pass masses of trees, it looked a bit like the forests back home but different. It has been so long since we were home I forget what things look like.

I do remember it is beautiful though.

The others spoke about a random things, but between the scenery and my princess I wasn’t really listening to them. I watched Phe draw patterns on her swollen belly with his finger. He must have felt me watching him because a moment later he pauses and looks up at me and smiles. The kind of smile he only ever wore since meeting our princess. She stirs a little in my arms. Her hand move as though it has a mind of its own and somehow she manages to take hold of a couple of my fingers and Phe’s and clenching her hand around them. We both try to move them, but her grip tightens.

Our smiles widens. I really want to strip down and hold her naked between me and my brother. I have never slept so well than how I do with them.

“She looks like a child when she sleeps,” Tou says gaining our attention. “She reminds me a little of Gija when she was young.” Gija is one of Tou’s daughters. She was born just after our journey began.

It is only a short time later when we drive through a large metal gate and stopping in front of a house as one of the estate houses Amber had shown us in one of the movies we watched.

“I don’t want to leave her alone, but I think we should let her sleep for a while longer.” I nod in agreement with Phe. Despite her earlier nap, she looks exhausted. “I will show you to a bedroom to place her. You are welcome to leave the meeting to check on her whenever you want. I can have a guard wait outside the room to tell her where we are if she wakes up,” Dallas suggests.

“I can wait outside? Not to be disrespectful but I really don’t like Monet,” Dax offers.

Phe and share a look. I want to stay with her but know I should be present at the meeting. If it weren’t for Monet, I would continue to have her sleep on my lap.

“There is a room next to the room we will be holding the meeting in. It has a couch in, but big enough for Amber to sleep on. That way she will only be a short distance away in the next room and you can pop your head in every other minute if you wish?”

“I would prefer that. That way she is still close,” Phe says and I silently agree.


Dallas’s pov

Watching my great, great… Aunt sleep, I can’t help but be surprised at how much I actually love her already. She is honestly more like the little sister I always wanted than an aunt. I knew the moment I found out about her she was special and I had to make sure she still wasn’t trapped. But I never expected to feel like this.

My children, wife, and parents are going to love her, she is a complete sweetheart. From what I saw on my grandfather’s recordings I expected a beautiful yet mousy girl who would hide behind those she felt close too. An extremely shy girl. But she is far from that. But after everything that has happened in a short time it is not surprising, her change.

“That is the plan,” I say going back to our conversation. I really want to get inside and deal with Monet. I know how much my wife dislikes him. He makes no secret of flirting and trying to bed any woman he wishes, mated or not. And because he is an Emperor many of women on his planet comply.

I find him disgusting and completely arrogant. If he were not a man of importance, he would have been put in jail for trying to steal another man’s mate.

But thankfully, he has never actually succeeded in bedding mated female, at least not to my knowledge. I am positive I would find out if he did because the infidelity would have been reported. You see, when a mated female or male cheats on their partner the other can sense it.

There is a way to break the mating once completed, but that always turns out bad. So, both the breaking and infidelity is punishable with jail time.

“We should head inside before-” I stop what I am saying abruptly when I notice the man and several of his guards, along with several of mine which I have on Emperor babysitting duty exit the front door.

“Impatient bastard!” I mutter to myself seeing him stop feet from the bus expectantly.

Did I mention, I hate him?

No? Well, yes, I do, greatly.

Some of his men aren’t any better.

“This is the plan,” I tell my plan. “Dax get out first, followed by the rest of my guys. You will line in front of the door while the rest of us get out, Lenime lastly. Then Kiy and his men will make a circle around Lenime and half of my men will go in front of the circle and half behind. I don’t think anyone will try anything, but I would rather not risk Monet and his men seeing Amber in this state.” They must of understood because they all agree.

“What about you, sir?” Ronan asks me.

“I will stand in the centre of my men at the front.” That way my back and sides will be protected, but I will be able to see and speak to him if need be. Which I’m sure it will.

“Once we get in the house head to the meeting room and show Lenime to my office. Amber can sleep on the couch in there while Dax guards the door.”

They all agree. I nod to Dax to let him know we are ready.

The moment we open the door a smug grin appears on Monet’s face, it falters a little when he see it is Dax getting out. But it returns when he see me following him out.

“Vanderveer,” He walks a few steps closer as the others climb out of the car behind us. The Poyun are all well over six foot, so he can easily see them behind my men. Though they all did a good job with blocking Lenime and Amber from view.

“We will conduct this meeting in the blue room,” I tell my men waiting with him before he can start something outside. “If you’ll go ahead we’ll follow.”

Monet doesn’t seem happy about being told what to do.

Once inside the house I see my wife just in view at the top of the stairs.

For a second our eyes met and I send her a wink and grin letting her know everything is good.

God, I love her.

Mate laws or not, if she had not been my mate I would have taken her as my wife anyway. She is my lifelong best friend and my other half. She is without a doubt one of the most beautiful, perfect people I know. I cannot wait to tell her all that has happened and introduce her to everyone.

“Have the cooks prepare enough food for all our new guests,” I call to her.

“Make twice as much as you think you should,” Dax adds and I look at him. “These guys eat a lot.” I turn back to meet my wife’s eyes and nod as though to say yes. “Do as he says. I will speak to you after this meeting, my love.”

“Will Mr. Monet and his men be staying for dinner?” I am about to say no, but he cuts me off. Would it be that bad if he accidentally got murdered by me?

“Thank you. Yes, I will. I will have my men eat with the staff.” He is always like this. Staff are nothing more. His thought is ‘they are here to serve, not to socialize with their superiors.’ Whereas I , on the other hand, often have my staff join us for dinner. It is only right considering most of them live in cottages close by, away from the main town or city.

“Very well. I will have the children dressed and ready.” Another thing he dislikes, children and having them join us at the ‘adults’ table. But this is my home and I am not changing anything for him.

“Is that your mate?” A voice of Kiy, the elder of the group asks me, drawing my attention away from the brunette beauty. “Yes. That is Steph,” I say proudly.

I don’t fail to see Monet and a couple of others look back at me confused.

“She is a fine looking woman. You are a lucky man.”

“I am, very much so.” We take a side turn in the direction of my office and the meeting room – the blue room.

“This is the room, Lenime,” I indicate to a solid wooden door. Everyone stops to watch us. Dax takes a step forward after I hand him my key and he unlocks the door. Lenime walks out of the crowd and into the room with Amber in his arms, Phe and Dax follow.

“Was that a woman?” Monet asks looking as if he wants to follow them.

“Yes. But she is exhausted.” I don’t want to go into details.

Dax reappears a second later and whispers something to Kiy, who disappear into the office. Only to reappear a few seconds later with his sons.

I can guess what they were up too. They love my aunt dearly. But from what I can tell they are sex mad. But I was told about the special bond they share.

“All of you can return to your jobs, I will call if I need you,” I tell all of the home based – babysitting – guards. They look unsure but do as told.

“Are you sure that is wise?”

I look to Monet and over his fifteen men. “Yes and I want at least half of your men to either go back to your ship or relax somewhere else. Anything, I just don’t want them here when they are not needed.”

His expression turns hard.

“I am not going in without them!”

“Fine. Ronan, show the Emperor to their ship.” In all honesty, it is more like a shuttle compared to my new friend’s ship. Monet’s expression is priceless.

“No! I am staying. First you don’t tell us of the Alien visit, then stop us from conducting business on their ship. Now you try to kick me out!”


“First of all, I was not aware of their visit until a short time before they arrived. I was only expecting my men returning from a mission I sent them on to Earth.” His eyes change slightly at the mention of our original home planet. “Secondly, they are not here for business. They are here to visit family and tell us of my crew’s mission. Lastly, I am not kicking you out. I am merely sending you home as you are refusing the terms of the meeting. If you accept the terms, you are welcome to stay. But I will not have my new friends held under armed guards. They are nothing like the other Aliens we met.”

He narrows his eyes but gives in, sending half of his guards away. Then we finally enter the blue room, leaving Dax outside waiting for Amber to awake.

“I will have some of my guards return and help your man guard the female.” It sounds more like he is telling than suggesting.

Phe doesn’t seem to like what he said because he let out this quite scary growl. Everyone but the Poyun seem taken back. Lenime places a hand on his brother’s shoulder relaxing him slightly. But both look angry, cold even.

“No. That will not be necessary,” I say noticing his men have their hands ready to grab their weapons. “My sister does not need a guarding. Dax is only there to put her at ease when she wakes up.”

“You have a sister?”


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