Chapter 37

‘Where is everyone?’

“…And they are your Aunt Amber’s friends. So that means they are ours too.”

“Everyone these are mine and Steph’s children. Rose, she is the oldest and thirteen.” She is smaller than Kraysa. I forgot how small Human children are compared to Poyun. “Lily and Willow, they are twins and eleven,” He indicates to a cute girl and boy. “Heather, seven,” A girl staring up at my mates in awe. “Daisy, eight,” She is the one holding the tiny one’s hand. “And this is our youngest, Violet. She has just turned three.” They all say hello, sounding a little shy.

“Nice to meet you all. You are all so beautiful.” They all have light brown hair, other than Willow, who is blonde like his father.

“Elsa! Elsa!” The little one squeals bouncing, trying to escape her dad’s arms.

Dallas laughs, “Yes, she looks like her, doesn’t she?” The little girl nods her head excited.

“The classical princess movies are her favourites,” He tells me what I have already guessed.

But it is a little weird having a fairly new movie to me referred to as classical.

“I know that movie,” Lenime says a little too happy. The children are watching with their heads tipped to the side as though trying to work out what he is saying. “Amber like’s it.” I made him and Phe watch it once after I sang to them. They are always asking me to sing. “She sings. She is beautiful.” He kisses the top of my head. “That is Lenime and Phe. They are Amber’s mates.” He introduces all the men.

“Can you understand them?” Rose, the older girl asks me. “Aren’t you scared? They are giants,” Heather asks.

“They are sweethearts, a little like Olaf.” The tiny girl giggles.

“Would you like to understand them?”

“You can do that?” That blonde cutie asks me.

I look at Dallas, who nods. “Go ahead. They will-”

‘This is it. Shit! My heart is going to beat out of my chest. I am so damn nervous.’

‘He is so beautiful.’

‘I love making him happy.’

‘Our children, mates and her.’

‘This is it…’


“They are here. They are close.”

Dallas’s face changes. “Children, go with you mother up the back stairs. Dax, you and Monet go with them.” Dax looks like he wants to argue but I send him a look saying we will be alright and they quickly leave up a second set of stairs I never noticed before. Monet left without complaint. I am slightly surprised, I thought he would want to stay to see what is happening.

“Amber, you should go too. I will deal with whoever it may be.”

“No. I am not leaving you alone. I don’t know what they want, but I’m sure you don’t mean to hurt anyone.”

“We are here and will protect you if anything happens,” Kiy tells him.

Lenime and Phe are trying to pull me back to them. But I hug Dallas. “We are family.” I see him go slightly glossy eyes and smile. “Yes, we are.” He places a kiss on my forehead before loosen his hold.

“Do you have one father or two?” I ask remembering not one but two men’s voices. Not to mention how the people seem to get through the guards without a problem.

“One. One mother, one father. Aaron, Lula and Lance have been the only trio mating in the Vanderveer line. Other than yourself of course.” Dallas kept one arm around me. It feels like having another brother.

I smile at my mates, making them grin back.

‘Amber…’ My body freezes beside Dallas.

“Amber, Princess? You alright?” He asks not hearing people enter the pool room. I am completely surrounded by concerned people.

“Amber?” The voice from my head says out loud. But hearing it in person I recognise it immediately. “Snow? Please?” My legs would have buckled if Dallas and my mates aren’t holding me.

Everyone’s heads snap in the voices direction. The group parts enough for me to see not one but five people, two women, and three men. Only one I recognise. “Mom, Dad, what is going on?” Dallas asks looking to the older looking man and woman who stood together. But they still only look in their fifties. I expected them to be a lot older.

“Snow,” Repeats the man in the front between the younger man and woman, his eyes lands on me. They all seem to be looking at me, completely ignoring the giant aliens in front of them. “But you’re… Dead?” I finally manage to say.

I can feel my mate’s confusion.

“You aren’t the only one you can be frozen, Snow,” He walks closer with a cheeky smirk. He looks barely a year older than last time I saw him. He stops several feet away, not pushing through my guards.

“Is that your brother?” Lenime asks lowly, but still loud enough so the others can hear. I look to him and back to the man who looks like Aaron. “I think so.”

Aaron’s eyebrows raise, but he continues to stare at me with tears in his eyes.


“Give me some love already!” He sounds desperate and a tear escapes his eye.

The second my legs feel capable of holding my weight I run through the group of men and launch myself at Aaron almost knocking him into the pool. But he somehow manages to stay upright. Wow, he has gotten stronger. Before all this, he would have easily have fallen.

“I missed you so much,” He clings to me crying into my shoulder and me, his.

He mumbles almost incoherently. I hear ‘years,’ and ‘I love you.’

“You are so beautiful. Just as beautiful as I remember. Even more so without you glasses.” I completely forgot about my glasses until he mentioned them. Before the accident, I had to wear a strong pair of prescription glasses. But my eyes have been perfect since the accident.

“I miss you too. I have only been awake about a week and a half, but it seems longer. I love you. I am so happy you aren’t really dead.”

He pulls back slightly, but only enough to see my face. His arms stay tight around me. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” He repeats over and over and placing dozens of kisses on my face. “You can never leave me again.”

I close my eyes and scrunch up my face. “I’ll think about it if you stop. I know the disgusting places your mouth has been.” It is an ongoing joke between us. He knows I never meant anything really.

“Never!” He presses his lips to mine and began kissing me.

“Alright, freak,” I push him back with ease. “That’s enough of that.”

He simply laughsnand goes to hug me again, but I hold my arm out stopping him. I feel my mates approach. “You strong now, Snow. Must be all that super juice you got,” He says grinning and closes his hand around mine.

“Hang on… A week? How’d you get here so fast? I was told the modern ships could take up to a month just to get there,” He asks confused.

“Then why were you expecting to find me?” I ask him not answering his question.

“Kurt and Dawn,” He indicates to the older looking couple watching us. “They woke us up and told us you were close.”

I have hundreds of questions, but I feel my mates need to touch me. It is time to introduce them.

“I was rescued by Aliens.”

“Aliens? Who? Really?” I hear the handsome younger man close to him laugh.

“How have you not noticed two giant men in front of you?” He asks my brother.

“Shut up, you,” Aaron mumbles back. “Amber, these are my mates…”

“I know about mates.” He seems relieved. “Good, then this won’t be so weird. This is my husband, Lance and wife, Lula.” He indicates the young couple who could easily pass for models. They both smile at me as though we are best friends. But before either of us get a chance to exchange words we hear Aaron whistle. With his arm around my shoulders, he is now looking at the group of Aliens as though for the first time. “How did I not see you guys?” I know that look. It is the ‘If I could I would have you all cum on me’ look. “You were stuck on a ship with these Gods?” He is devouring them with his eyes, but his mates don’t seem to be affected. I guess that they are used to it.

“Stop perving. They all have mates. As do you,” I elbow him in his side.

“But I can still look.” He is paying special attention to Phe’s package which is perfectly visible in the tight jumpsuit. Everyone’s is.

Dallas walks over in shock and Aaron’s eyes glance at him and travel up until he reaches his face. Aaron’s face fell. “He looks like dad, doesn’t he?”

“Yes…” He moves his arm from me and walks closer. I step aside and move towards my mates as Aaron and his mates greet their grandson.

“Are you happy?” Lenime asks quietly. He and Phe are holding me between them once again. My brother and his mates are too distracted with Dallas to notice. Dallas is in complete awe of him, as is my brother is with Dallas.

“Very.” I lick both their lips making them relax. But they still seem a little tense. I can guess why. “I know we weren’t expecting this and I am happy. But I will not leave you. Nothing has changed. I love my brother and you too. But I need you every second of the day and night. I will visit my brother. But I will live with you both.”

Lenime grins widely and he and Phe begins licking my face. Kiy and the other Poyun are watching quietly. I love how non-judgmental they are.

“That’s enough. She knows you love her,” Kiy says a moment later. I know he isn’t cruel. It is his way of playing with his sons.

“No. She needs more,” Lenime mumbles and Phe silently agrees.

“No. You need more,” I laugh.

“I never thought I’d see the day.” I looks to see Aaron again watching me. “Those tongues…” He whistles and looks at them appreciably. My mates continues to lick me the whole time.

“Where is my shy sister who ran and kicked men between the legs if they got too close?” He is smirking. “Now you’re being… Why exactly are they doing that?” He asks more curious.

“That’s enough. Let me speak to my brother.” They stop but try to keep me pressed between them. “Boys!” Kiy warns, “Let her go for a moment.”

“Can’t you speak to him later? We want to join with you.”

“She is already with child. Leave her be for now,” Kiy half-jokes.

Dallas stifles a laugh, obviously understanding his meaning.

“Oh God,” I mumble, thankful Aaron and the others can’t understand.

“That is enough,” Kiy reaches between the pair, under my arms and lifts me from between them.

I could have almost laugh to their expressions if I didn’t feel an equal loss.

“What is he doing?!” Aaron sounded a mixture of worried and angry.

“Don’t worry, Aaron. Kiy is a good man, they all are.” I kiss the older man’s cheek and thank him. “No, thank you for making my sons so happy,” He whispers loud enough for only me to hear him.

I smile and give him a big hug, which he happily returns. When I turn around, I jump in surprise. Now standing only a foot away is my brother. But he seems distracted. “What’s that on your back?”

He moves closer and turns me around and touches along my neck and down my spine. “It’s my mating mark.”

“YOU’RE WHAT?” He exclaims and spins me around.

“I thought you knew I had met my mates?” I remember some thing Dallas told me.

“I knew you had two, or at least you were going too. But… Already?” He seems more disappointed than mad. “I was hoping we could spend some time together and I could explain things, sex and-”

“Aaron, I know about sex,” I cut him off laughing. I can hear a couple of the others snigger too, not to mention my mates curiousness. “Plus, why the hell did you think Lenime and Phe were licking me?”

He stands looking at me for a second as though silently speaking to me before asking me out loud, “You mean the Aliens?”

“Yes,” I introduce the new group to each of them. “This Bern, Reck, Lein, Ty, he is basically my mates brother-in-law. Tou, their oldest brother, Kiy, their dad. And then there is my-” Lenime seem to of had enough of being apart and picks me up by my waist and places me in front of him, his arms around my chest as he is so tall. Phe moves his hand between me and his brother so he is touching my bare back. “This impatient one is Lenime, he is the youngest of Kiy’s children and despite the way he acts he is really smart.” Lenime either isn’t listening or doesn’t mind what I said. I can literally feel my mates need to have me close.

What was wrong? Why do they feel so worried?

I will have to remember to ask them later.

“And this is Phe, he is kind of, but not quite the middle child.” Kiy has so many children, I am surprised I remember all the names. I am sure it is because of my change. There is no way I would remember them before all this. Yes, I am smart, but my memory for people’s names has always been crap. I remember most by names like ‘glasses guy’ or ‘mole woman’ and such like. But not all so kind. What? I may seem nice, but it doesn’t mean inside that I sometimes don’t think ‘Fuck, I wish I could just shot you, your voice does my head in.’

Alright, so I am maybe weird or is that normal? I don’t know. But my brother and mates love me and that’s all I need.

“And he a little anti-social.”

Aaron walk around us, looking my mates over. They pay no mind, just begin nuzzling my neck and hair. “I want to touch your button so bad,” A low voice whispers in my ear and I feel one of his move down. But thankfully Phe is there to save the day and catches his younger brother’s hand on my belly. “I wasn’t going too,” Lenime defends. Phe gives him a look that said ‘I don’t believe you.’ But they keep their hands on my small bump.

“Hmmm,” I hear my brother hum as he checks out my mate’s backsides. Such a pervert. I look to his mates, both appear amused. I guess they are used to him. It’s not like my brother would ever cheat on them, looking isn’t cheating and he has always told me how he wanted to settle down with a good man and adopt some kids. It worked out slightly different, but I can tell he’s very happy.

“Me likey,” Aaron looks like he wants to slap Phe’s ass. I can’t help but giggle at the thought. God knows how he would react. Aaron looks at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Do you get to watch them?”

“It isn’t like perv,” I say rolling my eyes.

“Really? Ah, that would’ve been hot. Bro on bro.”

“What’s that mean, bro on bro?” Lenime asks me quietly.

“It means my brother is a sick weirdo.” They look at me with those cute, curious puppy dog eyes. “He wants to know if you join with each other.” They looks confused. “Like the men in the video…”

“No!” They both say at the same time in a definite tone. But made no attempt to move. Unlike Human men, they are completely comfortable with their sexuality and each other.

“They are my mates, not each other’s. Their species ‘Poyun’ only ever have one mate and there is no such thing as a same sex mating.”

“You understand them?” Aaron always jumps to a different subject at the blink of an eye.

“Yes. You want to?” I asks already knowing the answer.

“Hell yeah.”


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