Chapter 38

It is kind of funny how Aaron’s attention can wonder. I am glad to see nothing has changed.

When I told him all about the injection he couldn’t move fast enough. He wanted to take me with him, but it became clear to him fast that my mates are feeling a little possessive this evening.

While Ty got ready to inject my brother, his mates and Dallas’s parents Aaron rambles on about how sexy all the aliens are. Not surprisingly, the Poyun are unaffected. I think they actually find my brother amusing.

Yes, we are still beside the pool. But there is a lounge set nearby, so we all hang around that area.

Phe had made sure to sit me on his lap and Lenime beside us and Dallas on the other side. He is excited about meeting his great … Grandparents and kept leaning over and hugging me. I know they are a peaceful people but I think both my mates are growing annoyed at having me taken away from them. I can feel it. But I made sure to give them a look or kiss every now and then and it seems to please them.

“I am so happy. First a sister and now my great grandparents.”

I am happy to hear he still thought of me the same. I had feared that when my real brother arrived he would no longer think of me as a sister.

“Me too. I love you. But I have missed Aaron so much.”

Aaron looks over at me and grins holding out his arms for me to come to him.

After a little shuffling and a warning look from their father, they finally let me up.

My brother squeals like a girl when I sit on his lap. He is so distracted he doesn’t notice the injection. “I love you, Snow.” He hugs my waist rocking me back and forth.

“Hang on…” He stop and look at my chest before reaching up and squeezing one.

“Aaron!” I slap away his hand and I hear an inhuman growl. But he ignores it.

“You can’t just go around squeezing your sister’s tits,” His husband – Lance – says doing a poor job at hiding his amusement. Ty injects him, again no reaction.

What the hell? Are these guys even Human?

Alright, so they kind of aren’t. Or at least not the kind I remember.

“Eh, but come on… These are much bigger than before. We haven’t been apart that long… At least from your perspective,” Aaron defends.

“And how do you know her boob size?” Lance asks again.

“She lived with me her whole life. I used to sit with her as she bathed.”

“Ignoring my pleas otherwise,” I mumble, he grins and continues.

“Lord, I’m certain she even knows my exact length when I’m hard. She walked in on me either doing someone or myself.”

I shiver at the memory, but it is true. Plus my brother is an extrovert.

“Can we please stop talking about your cock and my boobs? If you want to play with them that much, go play with your wife’s.” I only notice then how close my mates have gotten. “Her mates look ready to pounce, Aaron,” Lula – his wife – warn this time after her own injection. Ty move onto Dallas’s parents.

“Aaron, have you seriously not noticed?” I ask getting his attention back to me.

“Your get big tits? Yes. Was it the enzyme? Because they are porn-star worthy,” He goes to grab them again but stops when my mates growled. “She doesn’t want you touching them,” Lenime says in a tone I have never heard him speak in before. It is kind of scary but also hot.

“I was only playing. Geez, calm down, sexy. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, she knows that,” Aaron says then turns his attention back to me.

“Your mates are sexy as hell but very scary. I thought you said they are peaceful?”

“They are normally. We just have a strong bond, they are very protective of me. They don’t want me hurt. It can’t be the touching… Well, maybe a little. But they are very liberal, they have unisex communal showers. They see being naked as nothing. Clothes are merely for protection and warmth.”

He and his mates look at me shocked. “It’s true. For instance, I was completely naked in a shower with all these guys before we left the ship and they never batted an eye. It means nothing to them. The only naked person to affect them is their genetic mate as they call it.”

“But don’t they ever get turned on by other women or men?” Lula ask curiously. She is really beautiful, with bright emerald green, long chocolate coloured hair and a curvy body. She is around about Aaron height, which was five foot seven, she might be slightly smaller.

Lance, on the other hand, is about six-two and had a body of a wrestler, with short raven hair and piercing grey eyes. They are a beautiful couple. Aaron is a lucky man and from what little I have seen, the way they look at him and each other, they really love each other. All three of them.

“There is no such thing as casual sex or same sex relationships,” I go on to tell them the short version of mating a Poyun female. “And you don’t mind only have sex every six months?” Aaron asks Tou shocked. “Joining,” I translate for him. Not all of them understand some of the different words I use yet.

“Why would I?” Tou replies honestly. “We have many young ones and will have more.”

“Their connection doesn’t depend on sex. They simply enjoy each other’s company.”

“Sex is only for making babies?”

“Yes and no,” I answer. “They enjoyed it too, but children are a big part.”

“Though my sons seem to think if they have to do it every moment they can,” Kiy jokes and I blush when Aaron and his mates look between us. “They are sex mad. They almost had sex with me in the shower in front of the guys. But I stopped them.” Aaron chokes on his laughter.

“I guess that explains the baby,” Lula comments with a grin.

“Baby?” His eyes widen when he looks down at my small bump.

“You’re pregnant? Like with a baby? A real one?”

“Of course a real baby, you idiot.” I frown and look at my mates, “See, I said I just look fat.” Phe growls and picks me out of Aaron’s lap and draws me to his chest, cradling me.

“I didn’t mean-” Lenime cuts him off. “You upset my love,” His words come out as a growl.

“Come on, snow, I didn’t mean too. I just meant your chest distracted me.” My heart broke hearing the tears in his voice.

“It’s alright, Lenime. It isn’t his fault,” I stop my mate from killing my brother. “I’m just over reacting. All I seem to do today is cry,” I begin to get teary eyed again.

Aaron shuffles forwards shyly as though worried about me mate’s reaction.

“Come here, it’s alright,” I reassure him and he steps forward and takes a look at my mates. “I love you, idiot, give me a hug,” I reach out my arms. Phe glares at him. “Phe, you’ll let your family hug me but not my own?”

He relaxes a little, but he and Lenime still gives my brother a cold look.

“I’m sorry, Snow,” My brother leans in and pecks my lips. He was never embarrassed about kissing me on the mouth. But it’s not as if it means anything sexual.

“I didn’t even notice your belly, it is tiny. I was distracted at seeing you again. I miss you so much. I don’t mean to make you almost cry.”

“He never was any good with pregnant women. I swear he made stupid comments without thinking all the time when Lula was pregnant. Her emotions always went into overdrive more so than a normal Human pregnancy,” Lance tells us.

“It’s the change, the enzyme. It doesn’t only hype up your body defences but also sends your hormones in overdrive. Hence the crying and fast gestation,” Lula explains.

“It’s alright. I am kind of getting used to it.” Aaron reaches down and touches my belly gently.

“You are very big considering the short time you have been awake.” He continues to rub my bump as he speaks. “Even under the circumstances.”

“I’m due in least than four months. I’m going to get big fast. Plus have you seen these guys, they are huge and the females and children aren’t any different.”

“Yes, I think all the guys were shocked to learn Xuina was only seventeen,” Dallas joins the conversation from beside his father who has gotten his shot, as has his wife.


“She is a…” Dallas stops abruptly and his eyes widen. “Shit! Fuck!” He curses under his breath, along with soon other choice words.

“What’s wrong, Dallas?” I asks sitting up the best I can in Phe’s arms.

“I just realized… She has a cover… Hmm, a flap over the vagina entrance, right?”

“Yes. All Poyun females do,” Lenime replies.

“Well, what you may not know is that when Human males got changed,” Everyone listens curiously. “When we started find our mates and have sex… Join for the first time or if she is ovulating, our penis extend at the tip when we cum. Making a plug and stopping it escaping, helping fertilization. It takes a good hour to go down.” My eyes widen listening.

“I will contact, Ren,” Kiy tells us before disappearing to the other side of the room for a little privacy.

“Sorry, I may be having a ditzy moment, but I don’t see the problem. You aren’t male,” Aaron says puzzled.

“No, but Xuina’s mate is. One of Dallas’s guards to be exact.”

“It will already be too late. She was already in heat when they left together, they would have joined by now.”

“Oh no. Will she be alright?” Lula asks concerned. “Isn’t she a little young to mate?”

“We have to wait and see. I just hope it doesn’t damage her cap,” I reply and Lenime answers the second question.

“As for being of age, Poyun females and males age differently to humans. They grow quickly until they reach their early teens, then it begins to slow down. By the age of eighteen, sometimes younger, their aging slows down completely. It is normal for a Poyun to mate even as young as fifteen if they find their biological mate. Though most do not find theirs until they are in their late teens and some even longer, like Phe and I.”

“Why? How old are? You don’t look that old?” Aaron asks and I scoff. “Says the hundred and twenty-something-year-old.” He grins and winks at me.

“I am forty-four, my brother is seventy.”

Aaron’s eyes widen in surprise, “Wow. That is a long time to go without any.”

I shake my head. Trust him to only think with his dick.

“I think it’s sweet,” Lula swoons. “Waiting so long for the one you love.”

“Me too. Especially considering they have the ability to make a woman compatible if they really want too.”

“You think that’s dedication?” Dallas inserts, “They left their own plant thirty years ago in search of her. In search of the white haired girl both brothers dreamt about.”

“She is our future queen. We would do anything for her.”

“Queen?” Aaron asks wide eyed.

“Yes. How/why were you frozen and how are you still basically the same age? I know the AKV Enzyme can slow down, but- ” My sentence is interrupted by a hand over my mouth.

“My sister? A queen?”

A series of growls and eyes widen in fear at snarling Aliens in front of us.

He removes his hand from my mouth and surprises me by placing me protectively behind him.

“Stop!” I try to say, but my words are drown out by the testosterone-fuelled battle in front of me.

“Stay behind me, Amber!” My brother yells not letting me move around him.

The exchange between the groups continues ignoring my attempts to stop it.

Anger and annoyance burns in my gut.

“Fine!” I growl. Everything turns black, then as if opening my eyes, I am in an artificially lit corridor, alone.

“What the…?” I mumble to myself.

Glancing around the small corridor, I am certain this isn’t in the house I was just in, but in a smaller building if the ceiling height is anything to go by.

“How the hell did I get here?” I look at the unfamiliar walls again. There is no pictures, only stripy wallpaper.

“Where in the hell is this?” I begin to worry. “Am I even close to the Dallas’s house now?” Pointlessly I ask no-one but myself.

“Bob!” I curse. “Len, Phe, Aaron, Dallas, daddy, everyone’s going to be pooping themselves,” I remember. “Way out…” I turn to the arch which looks like the logical way to the exit and go to move. But my feet are glued.

“What now?!” I huff. But my annoyance doesn’t last long.

“That’ll teach you, you desecration!” I hear a woman spit venom followed by pained cries. The only sound I have ever heard which I could compare it to is the sound of a calf crying on my parent’s farm when it was attacked by a fox.

Without thinking, I turn the other way to the door where the sound seems to be coming from.

Slamming the door open without a second thought. The first thing I see entering the room fills my body with a burning anger, the like I have never felt before.

“What are you doing here?!” The older woman sneers. In her arms is a naked baby – tiny boy no older than a couple months old. His pale skin is red and blistered from the sunlight coming through the small window, which the woman is holding him up to.

“WHAT AM I DOING?!” I growl making her wince. But she still held the howling baby to the sun which is clearly hurting him.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, YOU SADISTIC OLD COW?!” The words fly out of my mouth and I snatch the baby from her hands.


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