Chapter 44

I never thought it was possible, but Aaron actually got my mates wanting to go shopping for our baby and me. They aren’t the only Poyun who want to go. Dallas mentioned that even though it is arranged at short notice, many of stalls will be set up.

He told us that it is due to the fact that news is spreading of Aaron and his mates return.

For that reason, the trio would have to be accompanied by a group of guards where ever they go.

He offered me the same, after all, I am technically the original. But my mates and father alike made it known that they would personal look after me, not to mention Dax.

I think for this reason – along with my brother’s sudden clinginess to me – Aaron, Lance, and Lula won’t be far.

Dallas set up a large area separate from the main area outside the ship for the VIPs.

Basically, the area is for his family or I guess I should say our family and the Poyun crew – Dax and Blake included. Monet is allowed in too as he had stayed the night.

And that is where I am right now, sat speaking to Xuina and Ren. Both are sat on their mates laps.

Blake completely adores Xuina and is clearly upset about hurting her.

“He refuses to join with me in case he hurts me,” She tells us, not shy at all about sharing personal details.

“At least, for the next week, he should not,” Ren tells her. “We have to see if you will cap first. Then we will assess you again.”

She didn’t seem too happy about this but agreed.

Everything is going great. My mates keep trying to feed me and Lenime keeps putting his hand up my skirt.

There is a special children’s area where the different children can mix.

“I think Kraysa and Willow might be mates,” I say thinking out loud.

“What?” Dallas and the others are looking in the direction of the children’s play area where the two are.

“I was actually thinking the same,” Koya admits and Steph nods.

“He doesn’t generally socialize well outside the family. So imagine my surprise when he approached her.”

“If that is the case we should speak to them.” Dallas is already ready to go but Ty stops him.

“He is safe with our daughter if they are mates,” He reassures him.

“Our children age fast until fifteen to sixteen at which time they reach adulthood, their aging slows and are capable of joining. They can tell if a person is their mate, but not complete the mating before that.”

Another interesting fact learned.

“If they are it will mean regular visits until the mating…”

They are adorable together. Another boy approach them and Willow hugs her to his side, glaring to the other innocent kid. It is kind of funny, Willow was the same height as her now but before long she will be taller.

“He is definitely her mate. He is super possessive,” I laugh watching the scene. He doesn’t even seem to like sharing her with his twin sister, who he looks to have told to go away.

“We are very fortunate to have found your planets. It has only happened several of times before Amber, which our people found mates outside our own species.”

I switch off as soon as Dax arrives with a collection of cakes for me.

I am so lucky to have such lovely people around me.

“Want to escape and pig out with me? I brought some fried chicken.” My eyes widen not noticing the large bag earlier.

“Yes,” Lenime answers for me. “She is due to have medication now.” Without another word, he picks me off Phe’s lap and heads towards the ship.

“I guess we’re going.”

Dax laughs. “Don’t worry. I brought more than enough.”

Phe whispers something to Kiy before quickly catching up to us.

“Where are we going?” I ask noticing we are going in a direction I haven’t been before.

They have given me tours of the ship before, but they are the main areas mostly. Similar to the tours they are giving to people throughout the day today.

“Somewhere we won’t be interrupted by visitors.” I am going to ask why not our quarters but stop myself.

I am excited to see a new area.

“Len!” I hit his hand which is between my legs.

“But it missed me and it is only Dax and us now,” He argues, making the large black man laugh.

“My button,” He continues to rub and purr in my ear as we walk to a lift.

Phe doesn’t stop him, instead, he is stroking my thigh and the action is making them both hard.

“Stop it both of you.” I push their hands away. “You will get carried away and I am not joining with you in front of Dax.” Phe opens his mouth but I cut him off. “And you are not sending him away. He is our friend and family.”

Dax sends me a happy and grateful smile.

“Fine,” Phe sulks. “I want to marry you.”

“What?” That is a sudden change of subject.

“Like they do in the movies,” He explains. “Lenime and I decided last night we will speak to Dallas and get married. The three of us in a Human ceremony.”

“You decided?!” I ask in disbelief.


I can’t help but glare and try to wriggle out of my mate’s arms, but he held me fast.

“Stop. You will hurt yourself.”

“Put me down!”

They stop walking and look me over.

“She’s not hurt, guys,” Dax tells them understanding what my mates obviously can’t.

“She’s angry at you both.”

“Angry?” They both look at me in a panic. I hate it. Why I am angry again?

“What did we do?” Phe sounds pained and Lenime Removes his hand from between my legs.

“I will not do it again if it upsets you that much, my love.”

Oh, goodness. Why do they have to be so sweet?!

The next thing I know I am crying and my brother is yelling at my mates.

Where the hell did he come from?

“What the hell did you do to my sister?!” He barks out. Marmite is in his arms dressed in a full bodysuit with hood, made of the same material as the Poyun’s clothes and matching mittens.

Only his tiny little face is peeping out from the hood. His little eyes are shining a bright violet colour – which apparently is their natural colour – after Ren gave him some special eye drops which repaired his eyes almost completely.

That reminds me, what happened with that bitch, which was supposed to be looking after him.

My tears stop as my mind wanders.

“They told her they were getting married,” Dax explains.

Aaron looks confused.

“They didn’t ask.” Realisation crosses their faces.

“Do you not want to marry us?” Lenime looks a little glossy eyed.

“I do.” They look more confused.

“I do not understand. Why were you mad and upset then?”

“Because a girl likes to be asked. And crying… Because I upset you both.”

Dax is holding back a laugh looking at both my mate’s perplexed expressions.

“I don’t know about pregnant Poyun women, but pregnant Human women are notorious for having quick fluctuating emotions and often crying for no reason.”

I glare at my brother. “What are you doing here?” I ask annoyed. Maybe he is right about my emotions.

“Midget and I noticed you were gone and so we decided to come and find you.” He and Marmite have become inseparable in the short time they’ve known one another.

“He wanted to show you his new outfit.” He holds Marmite out and the baby squeals happily.

“Doesn’t he look perfect?” He grins looking at his son.

“Just between us, I have decided I am going to try to convince Lula to have another baby. I miss having a house full of babies. But between her and you and I am sure we can make that happen.”

My mates are nodding their heads vigorously.

“Will you marry us, love?” Phe asks changing the subject back.

“Yes! I want nothing more.”

Seconds later I am being hugged and licked by the pair.

Aaron makes a lewd comment but I choose to ignore it.

“What the…” I turn my head to see Aaron holding Marmite out and above my head. “Care to tell me what you are doing?”

“Me?” He says innocently pulling the baby back to his chest. “Nothing. Midget wanted a kiss too and I was just doing what any good dad would and helping my son.”


“Have I told you I love you recently?”

He grins, showing me all his pearly white teeth. “Probably. But it’s always good to hear. Especially from someone you love back.”

“What is this place?” Lenime walks into a large – No, correction, giant room, bigger than a football field. It is empty except two large holes in the floor. One looked to be about one meter deep and the second, three.

“Pools?” Aaron asks excitedly.

“Of sorts,” Phe answers cryptically.

“They are for livestock. Marine livestock. But they have never been used. No one ever comes down here.”

“Why not?”

“In truth, I am not entirely certain. But we have never had any need for them,” He explains.

“The Cycla, the produce we grow and other foods we pick up on the planets along our way have been enough.”

Lenime sits me on a bench type seat running along one side of the room, but Phe picks me up and sits me on his lap, placing his hands on my abdomen, stroking it lovingly.

Lenime approaches a Cycla panel and returns a moment later.

He placing my pills in my mouth and pouring me a drink in one of the glasses his has brought from the machine. I accept it without question. He smiles and presses a kiss to my head.

My brother is watching with a smile.

Dax holds out the bag of food and everyone takes some, other than Marmite of course. But he keeps on sticking his tongue out like his is trying to lick it.

“No way, Midget,” Aaron chuckled holding it out of reach. “It’s not healthy.”

“Why do you call the youngling that name? Is it a nickname as such Amber told us about?”

“Hmm?” Aaron looks up. “Oh, yes. It is a nickname for a tiny person, like my baby. Hence, Midget.”

“I like that,” Lenime smiles. “Perhaps we should call you it.”

Dax fights back a laugh and Aaron almost chokes on his food.

“You call me that and I won’t speak to you for a month.”

I think it’s safe to say he won’t be calling me that.

“But why do you not like it? Many of our men would adore a mate as small and delicate as you to take care of.”

I stare at Phe blankly. “That maybe so. But it isn’t going to change my mind.”

“Alright, my love. We will not call you that if it makes you unhappy.”

“Good. Now let’s eat. This chicken is great, Dax.”

“I thought you would like it,” He says with a smile.

Aaron began questioning him about his mate. Dax said he has been looking but has yet to find her.

“May I ask you a question, sir?”

“Call me Aaron, and yes, feel free to ask me anything you would like.”

My mates are now feeding me cakes, one bite for them and one for me, licking me every now and then.

“Your mates, Lance, and Lula,” Dax look nervous about asking, completely different from the normal confident man he is. “Why do they keep staring at me but never speak?” He asks, but then quickly adds, “Have I done something to offend them?”

“Not at all. They like you,” Aaron quickly reassures him. “They are just nervous about meeting you.”

Marmite is becoming a little restless and so Aaron gently rocked him in his arms.

“Nervous about meeting me? Why? They are originals, I should be the nervous one.”

“They are your ancestor,” Phe tells him casually just before the panel on the wall began buzzing, indicating an incoming call.

“How do they know we’re down here?” I think out loud as Phe places me on his brother’s lap and stands up.

“Each room has sensors which can sense and distinguish different people’s life signs,” He explains before going to the panel and talking to someone. I can’t hear what is being said.

“Ancestor? But… I’m black.” I could almost laugh at Dax’s expression but I stop myself.

“The last several centuries or so, yes, it would appear your ancestors were of darker skin. But before that your great, great, great, great grandmother – there might be more greats, I’m not sure. But she was white and she was Lance and Lula’s first daughter, they had before I met them and everything happened. But she was as much a daughter to me too. She called me Papa and I loved her.” Aaron looks a little teary eyed.

“She was amazing, you would have loved her.”

“But…” Dax is in shock. “Are you sure?”

“Certain. And that means you are Dallas’s cousin and Midget’s nephew.”

Aaron hold the baby out in Dax’s face and I can’t help but giggle.

“Say hello to your Uncle Marmite, Dax.” Marmite squeals happily, wiggling in Aaron’s hands. Dax is unable to stop a grin from taking over his face.

“Hello, little man. It’s good to know you.” He gently takes the baby’s hand and shakes it.

“Eeee,” Marmite squeals again, this time drooling all over Aaron and Dax’s hands.

I love how much happier he is today. He is like a new baby.

“That means he likes you. You should see the look he gives some of the house guards,” Aaron laughs. “It is downright scary.”

“I’ll take your word for that,” Dax says rubbing his hand on his trouser leg.

“Speaking of like…” Aaron holds Marmite out to me with a pout and says in a baby voice, “Midget would love to have his favourite aunt to give him some of her delicious milky… Please?”

“I’m his only aunt.”

“See favourite. Yay!” He holds him closer to me so his face is almost touching me. At that time, Marmite decides it would be a great time to stick his tongue out and drool on me.

“See, he loves you too.” It isn’t Aaron this time but Lenime saying it.

I wipe my face on the back of my hand.

I pull one of the sleeves on my dress down and expose my breast before picking Marmite from my brother’s arms.

“You are lucky you are so cute.” I kiss his head and I swear he grins at me.

He is pretty advanced for such a young baby but can he understand me? Nah, surely not.


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