Chapter 45

Moving him to my breast, he latches on like a pro. But then instead of being content and laying on my arm as he normally would he wiggles and turns his body until his legs are dangling down and his arms are on the top of my growing bump as though hugging it. It is covered by my dress but he doesn’t seem to mind.

Okay, that is a little strange. But as long as he is happy.

Lenime’s hand is on my lower belly, rubbing my bump.

“Do you think he can sense there is a baby inside?” Dax asks, sounding like he is thinking out loud.

“I don’t know. Maybe. I’m just happy he is happy. Lord only knows what would have happened if he had stayed with that awful woman.”

Aaron’s smile disappears and he nods. “I am thinking of asking for a death sentence. She shouldn’t have hurt my son, but also would have hurt you if it wasn’t for your shield. I want her gone. No one hurts my family.”

“I agree, she should be punished to the full extent of the law,” Dax says with similar angry expression.

“I was never keen on her, but she has a good history with children. It is only logical that she look after him. No one would have guessed what a xenophobic bitch she really is. Dallas originally was going to adopt the child himself. But with the light problem and things, neither he nor Steph really had the experience or confidence to care for him.”

“That explains a lot.”

“I will kill her.” We all stop speaking and I turn too looked at Lenime. His expression is positively terrifying. He looks murderous. Never before have I seen him look half as mad.

“No one hurts or attempts to hurt my mate or future Queen and gets away with it.”

“I like you, Lenime. You are just the type of mate my little Snow needs.”

“Lenime and Phe are completely dedicated. You should see all the drawings Lenime drew of Ann before he even met her in person.”

“Really?” Aaron asks in awe.

“Yes. He is a great artist.”

“Phe drew as well,” Lenime adds.

“Yes, but he hasn’t shown me any of his work because he said they weren’t very good and he destroyed them,” I remember.

“I have not seen any in many Phases… Years,” He corrects himself.

“But from what I remember, they were amazing. At least in my eyes, just he never thought they were good enough.”

“I wish I could have seen,” I say thoughtfully.

“My brother pretends to be miserable and unintelligent-”

I slap his arm, cutting his off. “Don’t be nasty. Phe is amazing and kind.”

“To you and when you are around. But when you are not there…”

Dax nods in agreement but then adds, “You are hardly any better. When Koya told me you two were known to be quiet and moody, I thought she was over-exaggerating. But no, you two are downright arses. Thank goodness she came along when she did.”

I look back at Lenime glaring at Dax, but Dax seems unaffected.

“I can’t believe it. Lenime is by far the sweetest, more caring I know. Yes, Phe can be a bit rude, but…” I pause.

“Actually, I can believe Phe was, but I don’t care. I love him and Len so much, no matter.”

My mate’s arms tightened around me. “My Amber.” He nuzzles my neck. “We were so lonely without you. I am very happy you accepted me. In all honesty, I expected you to reject me when we discovered we were mates too.”

“Never! I love you and Phe both, one just as much as the other. We complete each other.”

“Yes.” He smiles, stroking my cheek.

“I have always felt closer to Phe than my other siblings, but I did not understand until recently why.”

“So you really aren’t your brother’s mate too?” Aaron just had to ask.

“You are not sexually attracted to him?”

“In a sense, I guess we are mates. But not in the true sense of the word. We hold a deep connection and love for one another and I would never want to lose him or Amber. But I am not sexually attracted to him. But I do enjoy watching him please her sexually and joining as a trio is the best feeling.”

Aaron nods in understanding. Dax looks looks a little sad but tries to hide it behind a small smile.

“And when he made her explode and showered him with her juices this morning-”

“Lenime!” I exclaim mortified.

But it is already too late, Dax and Aaron look beyond amused.

I look to Phe but he is still deep in conversation, wearing a serious expression.

“What? I thought you would be proud you tasted so-” I struggle, but somehow managed to hold Marmite in one arm and slap my other hand other my mate’s mouth.

“Don’t finish that sentence.”

“Aww, but why, Snow? This is very interesting stuff.”

“Not funny,” I glare at my brother.

Hearing a soft sigh, I glance down and smiled. Marmite has falling asleep but looks like he has finished.

“He needs winding before he sleeps,” Aaron reminds me and I nod, lifting him away from my breast. And hold him out for my brother while I adjust my dress.

“He wants to stay with you,” He comments I notice the baby is clinging to my dress and whimpering.

“Alright.” I finish covering my breast and take him back in my arms.

“Marmite, stop!” I say probably a little too harshly but he is going to hurt himself if he doesn’t stop wiggling.

I manage to move him into the correct position and start winding him as I was shown, but he is far from cooperative.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with him,” Aaron says in thought.

“Maybe he’s just tired,” I say with a smile watching Lenime kiss the baby’s nose making him relax a little.

Phe is still on the panel talking to someone. What is taking so long?

Marmite settles enough for me to wind him but the moment I stop, he is wiggling with a vengeance.

“Alright, alright, Grumpy bum.”

I keep a secure hold on him but allow him to wiggle into the position he wants.

“Him and your belly,” My brother laughs shaking his head.

Marmite has moved all the way down my body, so he is now sprawled out on my belly, like a starfish, his hands hugging my bump.

“This reminds me of something I once heard Kurt – Dallas’s father say.”

“Which was?” Aaron asks Dax amused.

I never really noticed before, Dax has incredible eyes. They are a green/hazel colour that shines and make his eye… I guess you could say pop.

“Dallas and Steph’s parents are good friends. So they often spend time together,” He explains. “To cut it short, Dallas was the same whenever Steph’s mother was around him – when she was pregnant.”

“Because she was…”

“Pregnant with his mate.”

“Oh my goodness!” Aaron squeals.

“Maybe Midget and mini Snow in there are mates.”

“Possibly,” Dax adds.

“That would mean we are going to have a daughter,” Lenime says excitedly.

From what I have learned, the Poyun automatically accept their child’s mate as their own child. Hence why Kiy and Ren call me their daughter.

An annoying noise rang, it sounds as though it is coming from Dax. We all watch him curiously as he pull a handset device from his pocket.

“It’s my SAL,” He says as though we should know what that means.

“Social aerial link,” He adds answering the thing.

“I think it’s a phone,” Aaron whispers and I nod my head.

“Hello?” He answers.

“Yes, sir.” He straightens up.

“Right away.” A pause.

“They are here… Yes. He is… He’s on a com with someone… Maybe… Yes, sir…. Right.”

Phe walks back over with a serious expression just as Dax finishes on the phone thing.

“Were you speaking to them?” Dax asks him cryptically.

“Yes,” Phe nods walking over.

“Are they yours? Because Dallas and Monet are freaking out.”

‘What the hell?’ I mouth looking at Aaron. He looks equally confused.

“Yes. I am going to go outside now and explain to him.”

Dax rose from his seat.

“He told me to tell you Kiy has taken them to the meeting room to wait for you.”

Every time I open my mouth to speak one of them spoke. Maybe I am being impatient but I want to know what the hell is happening.

“Yes, that is a good place to speak away from the public. Do they know?”

“I do not think so.”

Aaron stands and as does Lenime, cradling me with Marmite now fast asleep, but still in the same position.

“I am sorry for taking so long, my love.” Phe leans in and licks my lips. “Please forgive me?” Gone is the hard man from a moment ago and back is my love.

“Always. Now tell me what going on! We can walk and talk if need be. But I want to know what happening.”

“Of course, my love. I intended to.” Again he licks my lips but, this time, pushes his tongues between them and into my mouth.

I moan and he groans pressing his lips to mine before pulling back.

“Grandfather has sent the battle armada.”

“What? Why?” Lenime seems equally confused.

“I’ll explain when we are with the others.”

I don’t argue, we are only around the corner now so I won’t have to wait long.

Upon entering the correct room, we are greeted by at least a dozen or more people.

That including Kiy, most of his sons and a few others, Lance, Monet, Dallas, his dad and several people I don’t know.

“What the hell is going on?” A large angry looking Human man in his forties all but yells at us when we enter.

Everyone sat down, Aaron on one side, Phe on the other, Dax next to my brother and me and Marmite still on Lenime’s lap.

“The Poyun battle armada sent by grandfather,” Phe is addressing his father.

“Why in the hell…?!” The same man demands.

One thing that has become clear over the last couple of days is that pregnancy has made me a little emotional.

“If you want answers I suggest you stop demanding and give him a chance to talk!”

Yes, I’m a little mad.

The man looks at me with distaste, “Maybe you should go look after your baby and leave the talking to us, men.”

My jaw clenches. So much for sexism being dead.

I want to kill him! I am ready to dive across the table, but I remember Marmite and stop myself.

“Why don’t you…” A flash and…

I tighten my arms around my nephew and I feel the ground shift beneath us.

Lenime is gone or should I say, I am gone. But for some reason, Marmite came with me.

My backside lands on a cold floor, more gently than I would have expected.

“Not a bloody gain!”

A bright light shone around us blinding me for a moment until it fades, revealing a large room or at least what little I could see of it from behind this large metallic object blocking my view.

“Where the hell am I this time?” I mumble to myself, trying to push myself off the ground.

Marmite is now wide awake, thankfully not crying, but looking as confused as I feel.

I lifted him higher into my arms, he doesn’t seem to please but doesn’t complain or struggle. I think he understands I have to lift him higher to push myself up because it is proving impossible for him on my belly.

Then again it isn’t going much better now.

Again, I try to push myself up and again nothing.

My legs just don’t seem to want to cooperate with me.

“Where the hell is Len when I need him?!” I mumble lowly, wonder how come baby can but not him.

Marmite finds this very funny and is a having a great time letting me know with a squeal.

“Ha, you would find this amusing, midget.” I lean press a kiss to his head.

“Maybe…” I make sure his hood is up and place him in the floor, on his back.

His lip instantly start to quiver.

“Shh.” I easily get to my knees and into a position which will be easier to stand from. “Shh, pretty boy. I am never going to leave you.” I pick him back up and kiss his head. “You are basically my son if you really are my baby’s mate.”

He clings to my dress as soon as he is close enough. It is as though he is scared I’ll abandon him.

I hate what that old witch has done to him. “I love you, Marmite,” I whisper capable of standing finally. I recognize our surrounding straight away. Well, kind of. I am definitely on the ship. I’m just not sure where.

“Come on, pretty boy, let’s go find daddy.”


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