Chapter 46

Phe’s pov

“WHERE IS SHE?!” I yell searching the room but she is nowhere in sight.

Just like the day before, she has gotten angry and disappeared, literally.

“Fuck the damn girl! She is not important!” Everyone stop and turns to the man who just spoke, the same one who made my love angry and disappear. It is all his fault.

Lenime’s eyes are burning with fury and I know mine are the same.

“I demand you answer my-” The man don’t get to finish his question.

One of my men walk over to him and in one swift the man is on the floor with a broken neck.

“No one disrespects our future queen!” He states, moving back to his place as though nothing happened.

All the Humans look in shock, but then Dallas smiles.

“I’m glad he’s gone. He was an ignorant bastard. Had no respect for anyone.”

“It’s alright for you to say. Now I need to find a new chief of security.” Monet seems more put out than upset.

“All I need to know at this moment, is are they any threat to our planets or people?”

“No. Your planets are under Poyun protection.”

“Good. Now, let’s go find my sister.” Dallas stands up and the remaining others follow.

“How did she do that, sir?” One of the Human men ask.

“I’m not sure. She is new to her powers and they seem to be influenced by her emotions.”

“We should have given her a SAL or something.”


“Amber said it is like one of those phone things from the movies,” Lenime explains but seems not really to care what he is saying. He looks devastated.

“Do not worry, brother.” I take his hand in mine and he looks directly at me. “Our mate is strong. We will find her safe. I know it.” I hide my worry to protect him. One of us have to act strong.

“Yes, and she has midget to protect her.” He smiles at her brother’s words. “Yes. Our son and yours,” He says and Aaron and the blonde haired man nod with a smile. But worry still hidden in his eyes.

I raise an eyebrow at Lenime’s words and he looks back and sees it.

We are still holding hands as we walk to search for her and the baby.

It makes me feel close to Amber and I know he feels the same.

“It appears the baby – Marmite – very well maybe our unborn younglings mate.”

Amber’s pov

Stepping out the meeting type room I was in I move into the corridor and my eyes are instantly drawn the window.

“Oh, no, no, no, no, no,” I panicked shaking my head walking closer.

I have no idea how it happened, but I can see the planet I was just on outside the window.

The only explanation is that I have transported myself onto one of the battleships Phe was just about to tell me about.

My vision becomes blurry and I know I am crying, worse of all it is making Marmite whimper.

“I don’t know what to do. I’m too scared. I don’t want to be here,” I whisper tightening my arms around him. I need to try and stay strong for him and my unborn baby.

I don’t know how long I just stood staring out of the window, but my tears have stopped, though I still feel like crying, I force myself to stay strong.

“This is a battleship, right? So…” I think out loud trying to make a plan.

I would like to say I spent the minute or more coming up with a fantastic plan. But in truth, I spent the time asking Marmite what to do. Ha, yeah. He would reply with little gurgles and squeaks and I would nod my head and agree as if we were really speaking.

A little strange but it seemed to be enough to cheer us both up. At least, it did until what I can only describe as a giant approached us from behind, scaring the life out of us both.

“How did you two younglings get on this ship?”

Wow, even his voice is scary.

I’m not going to lie, he is incredibly handsome, look to be in his mid-twenties, but built like a truck and, at least, seven foot tall. Even the lone ridge running down each cheek or his strange pink coloured eyes don’t take away from his beauty.

He obviously isn’t Poyun. Have I transported on an enemy ship?

“Answer me, little one!” Before I have a chance the tiny baby in my arms began wailing, digging his sharp little nails into my skin. He is terrified.

I tighten my arms around him and kissing his head, rocking ever so slightly.

“I’ll protect you, beautiful boy,” I whisper very quietly to him, but obviously not quietly enough.

“I am not going to hurt either of you.” I look up to see him giving us a disappointed look.

“You are two foot taller than me and growling, what else am I meant to think?!”

Okay, maybe not a good idea to lose my temper again. I’ll either be transported or this Alien will eat us.

“I do not completely understand what you said but I beg your forgiveness for scaring you both.”

I’m just going to say it again, wow. He may not be Poyun, but he seems just as kind.

Marmite’s cries stop, but he continues to whimper slightly and clinging to me.

“Are you from the planet below us?”

I nod but remember it means nothing to them.

“Yes.” I don’t want to say too much. God only knows who he is.

“How did you both get up here? Did you come on a shuttle? Because I never heard one docking.”

“I don’t know. I was sat on Lenime’s lap and just appear here, like poof.”

“You know Lenime?” He sounds surprised.

“I do.”

“Come with me.”

So polite. Note the sarcasm.

I silently walk beside him, Marmite is gumming the top of my dress.

He can’t be teething at two months, right?

“You have amazing colouring.”

I glance up and see him looking down at me.

“My hair?” I guess.

“Your hair, eyes, skin, all very pretty.”

I know I am blushing because he reaches down and touches my cheek.

“The skin on your face has changed color. Are you sick?”

“Nope.” I can’t help but giggle. “It’s a normal reaction for my kind.”

I don’t want to go into detail.

“Beautiful.” I don’t know how, but I know he wasn’t being sleazy like Monet.

“And the infant… He is not of your race?”

“He is an orphaned hybrid, my brother adopted him.”

This seemed to please him if the giant smile revealing his sharp teeth is anything to go by.

What is it with Aliens and pointy teeth? I hope Marmite and my baby don’t have them. I don’t want to lose a nipple.

“I was an orphan too. But I was adopted by the Poyun as an infant.”

Ah, that explains why an alien is on a Poyun vessel at least.

“What is yours and the infant’s names?” He asks as we step into a lift.

“I am Daviya.”

“Hello Daviya, I am happy to meet you.” He grins. “I am Amber and this is Marmite.”

This must have been a super speed lift because only seconds later the door is opening into what I recognize as the bridge.

It is filled with at least thirty personnel, all Poyun, but all just as intimidating as I found Daviya only minutes ago.

Without a second thought, I take a step behind him, hiding myself.

Yes, I am not as shy as before. But I have my mates with me most of the time.

“Little one?” He questions looking around and then finding me standing behind him.

“What are you doing there? No one will hurt you.” He gives me a small kind smile.

“I don’t want to go out there. Can’t you just contact Lenime or Phe to come and get me? I promise I’ll try not to come up here again. I didn’t mean too. I’m sorry.”

A frown creases his face and he leans down stroking my hair.

“Do not be afraid, little one. I will personally protect you until you can be returned.”

“Can I speak to Lenime, Phe or someone on the planet?”

“Let me ask the captain for you, but I do not see a problem with it.”

“Just so you know, I’m not a youngling. I am just short.”

He looks sceptical but amused.

“Okay, tiny next to you and pretty much every other Poyun.”

“Then take my hand, tiny Amber and I will introduce you to my captain and contact the planet.”

His hand is twice the size of mine. Luckily Marmite is still small, so I am able to hold him with one arm in ease.

Eyes burns into me as I step onto the bridge. It feel just like the first time I met Lenime and the others, except this time I have no Phe and escape.

“Daviya, bring the little ones into my office.” I hear a voice but can’t tell where it is coming from.

“Yes, sir.”

He leads us to a room off to the side of the bridge. The layout is different to The Poyun Elite Explorer but similar.

I try to avoid eye contact, but a couple of times I did glance up I am met with no hostility, only curiousness.

Shouldn’t they be wanting to lynch me or something, for coming on a battle vessel without permission?

“Just in here, little one.” He steps up the step and releases my hand, placing his on my sides to lift me up the large step.

“Thank you, Daviya.”

His eyes lingered on my belly.

“You are pregnant?”

“Yes, about five or six weeks.”

“You are in need of an inco?”

He walks me further into the room, his hand in mine again.

“No, thank you.”

“If you change your mind…” He says before leading me to a desk. Behind it sat a familiar man.

“You are father… Kiy’s brother?” I guess making the man smile. He looks just like Kiy, only younger.

“I am. And may I say,” He rises from his seat and walks towards me. “You are just as beautiful as Phe’s portrait.”

“Portrait?” I ask confused.

“Oh, yes. Phe is quite the artist. Though that fact was not discovered until his departure.”

I am confused to say the least. Phe has always led me to believe his artwork was awful.

“Dozens of pictures were found in his personal quarters when my mother was searching for something.”

“But anyway….” He stops in front of me. Like the others, he towers over me. “I am Korl, Captain of this battleship, brother of Kiy and son of K’lan and Pas’ka.”

“Hello, Korl. I am Amber and this is my nephew, Marmite.” I indicate to the baby who is still clinging to me for dear life.

“A beautiful infant.” He doesn’t ask any questions, just brushed his fingers across the baby’s cheek.

Marmite relaxes his grip on my skin slightly and stares at the captain.

“I think he is a little confused,” I tell Korl. “You look a lot like Kiy.”

That is an understatement.

He flashes his bright smile. “I have not seen my oldest brother and his side of the family in many years. It will be a good reunion.”

The giant remains silent beside me, still holding my hand.

I’m not sure if it’s pregnancy hormones or not, but every Poyun I have met so far, even the non-Poyun Daviya made me feel at ease. Maybe not at first but still…

“May I use your system to call Phe, Lenime or one of the others?” I ask knowing they’ll be pulling their hair out. “They tend to panic when I am not around.”

He glances at the mark on my neck and his eyes widened. Daviya follows his gaze and has the same reaction. “A golden mating is extremely rare, no wonder he worries so.”

“So I’m told and a twice golden, even rarer.”

If possible, their eyes widen even more.

“I will show you my mark, but first please can I contact the planet?” Poyun love seeing and showing their marks, it is a kind of badge of honour.

“Yes… Certainly,” Korl snaps out of his daze and walks over to a console on the wall and starts the call-up procedure.

“I am also curious about how you came to be on my ship alone,” He says to me still tapping away.

“I promise the moment I understand how it happened I’ll tell you.”

He gives me a curious look but seems to agree.

I love how trusting these people are. But they can’t be completely naïve or one of the other races would have conquered them years ago.

I slowly approach his side and a face I recognize appears on the screen.

“Yes…” The voice trails off and eyes widen when they see me.

“Amber, how did you…? Never mind. I will patch your call to a termination close to the group.”

I never had a chance to answer before the screen darkens again.

I sigh. Whatever that teleport thing is, it really tires me out.

My legs feel weak, my grip tightens on Daviya and an arm circles my waist, holding my weight.

I look to my side and smile. “Thank you, Korl.”

He looks a little worried, but I pay it no mind.

“Amber! Oh, thank you. Where are you?” Phe appears on the screen.

“Wait a second… Is that… Uncle Korl?”

“Oh good. You can keep them safe. We will be there shortly.”

“I love you, Snow. Take care of my midget,” My brother says quickly just before the screen turns black.

“Yeah, it was good to speak to you too,” I mumble back sarcastically.

“So it appears they are coming here.”

“It would appear so,” Korl smiles, rubbing my back.

“In answer to your previous question, I have no idea how I got here,” I explain what happened the first time, how I came across Marmite, my brother adopting him and then appearing here today.

“That woman should be executed. No one harms a youngling of any kind,” Korl growls. We are all sat down in the office. They are not surprised to hear Marmite is a Trenks hybrid. Apparently, they are well known to rape, but most alien species cannot breed outside their own species. So babies are normally not a problem.

“But it is superb news about your pregnancy. Phe must be ecstatic.”

“Yes, everyone seems to be. Especially Phe and Lenime.” I smile thinking of my mates. Marmite is now sleeping and drooling on my chest.

“You and Lenime are good friends?”

I stare at Korl for a moment before asking, “Didn’t Phe tell you? Both he and Lenime are my mates. Both are my baby’s fathers.”

“That is impossible… No Poyun has two mates.” He isn’t arguing, he sounds more confused than anything.

“Lenime and Phe aren’t mates, but I am theirs. Humans – which is my species have one or two mates. My brother is mated to a man and woman and them, to each other.”

I explain how they found me, and everything. It took about half an hour but we aren’t in a rush.

“I knew Lenime often dreamed of you too, but I thought… Everyone thought it was influenced by Phe. You see, Lenime would often sit and listen to him. We just thought…”

“Yes,” Daviya mumbles, agreeing with Korl.

“And others have found their mates in my people. So maybe more of your people might.”

Hearing this, before men perk up more than I thought possible.

“Are neither of you mated?” I guess.

“No.” They both say at the same time. “I was offered the chance to choose a mate, as was Phe, but like him, I wish to wait for my true mate.”

“I think you did the right thing,” I tell them both. “I know that if I was your mate and I found out you had given up on me and mated another, I would be devastated.”

“I was also thinking the same,” He admits. “Choosing maybe is good for some. But I personally think it should be outlawed until a person reaches a hundred phases without meeting their mate.” A phase is a year.

“Many give up too young.”

“Has a person ever found their true mate after joining with another, before?” I ask curiously.

“Yes, several times and few times ended in death. The true mates killed themselves and their chosen mates also died,” He explains. “They were all less than thirty phases and the persons involved regretted not waiting for their true mate. But they made their choice and killed themselves because of it. For that reason, my parents heightened the age to choose your own mate to sixty, unless you felt the connection die. But I don’t think it’s old enough.”

“That is awful. Why did so many not wait?”

“Impatience mostly. But I think they would listen if an announcement were made. Poyun listens to official addresses from the rulers.”

I can see where this is going, but I agree with him. Something has to be done.

“I will help any way I can.”

“Thank you, Amber. I know you and Phe will be great rulers.”

“Men can be mated to other men?”

I look to Daviya.

Great, this is going to be a long day.


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