Chapter 7

Her face morphed in to one of pure despair.

“No, don’t panic, little one. Me and my son talked it over and he explained everything. How it started innocently,” Luis said seeing her panic and not liking it.

“I admit, I was not entirely convinced at first. I know my son is a cold ass, but he would never do anything to hurt family.” She seemed to calm down a little. Henry continued to hold her, rubbing circles on her stomach.

“You… You aren’t going to report us?” Henry wanted to know the same.

His dad walked closer, stopping a foot away.

“As long as you are happy, then that is all I care about.”

“Thank you, papa.” She leaned across and hugged him before pulling back.

“Are you going to stay, papa? You can share my sandwiches with me and daddy?”

He smiled at her sweet offer. “You can watch the movie with us too,” She added happily.

“Princess, I think he’s going to be busy with work. He’s a fancy high-class lawyer,” Henry told her.

“I am sure I could free up a couple of hours to have some lunch with my grand-daughter.”

Henry looked at him dad surprised.

“Alright. But I’ll have Mary make more food. I don’t think my dad will enjoy yours.”

“What’s wrong with mine?”

“Princess,” He released her waist and bend to the table, opening the sandwich to reveal the contents.

“Normal people don’t eat peanut butter, pickles and frankfurters together in a sandwich.”

Her eyes became glassy and down lip started to quiver.

“I’m sorry, Daddy. I don’t mean to be a freak,” She began to cry.

“Well done, Henry,” His dad said in a scolding tone.

“Princess… Princess, I didn’t mean it like that…” She continued to cry and he picked her up and held her on her lap on the couch.

“Fix this or else,” Luis warned. “I’ll speak to Mary.” And he left the room, leaving the pair alone.

“Rie, I really didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry, princess. Please don’t cry.” He cup her cheek and pressed his lips to her damp ones. “Please, I know it’s your pregnancy and I love everything about you. I’m sorry,” He repeated against her lips before deepening the kiss.

“I’m sorry, daddy,” She sniffled pulling back a minute later.

“I know you didn’t mean to make me cry, I’m just over emotional and I don’t like when people bullying me.”

Henry frowned and she stiffened. “Have you been bullied, princess?”

She avoid eye contact and said nothing.

“Henrietta, who has been bullying you and when?” He demanded in a powerful tone.

“They don’t now I’m here.”

“Henrietta,” He warned.

She sighed and her shoulders dropped. “Kids at school, mainly because I’m intelligent and keep to myself. Apparently that makes me a freak. Mom, for similar reasons. And now my old friends – except Carol – because I’m pregnant and fifteen.”

He was mad at them all but especially her mom.

But sensing his anger, she did the only thing she knew to calm him down. She kissed him.

Luis returned to the room a minute later and was completely taken back to find Henry on top of Henrietta on the couch, dry humping her and kissing her hungrily.

“This is something I could have lived never seeing,” He muttered to himself quietly. But it made it clear they were both into each other and he would be hurting them both if he reported them.

“That is enough!” He took hold of his son’s shoulder and pulled him back.

Rie was pulling down her dress before he was even off her.

He stood up and she sat up blushing. “Oh, hey, dad. I didn’t hear you come in,” Henry said adjusting his erection. His dad rolled his eyes, looking away.

“It’s not surprising. You are like a randy teen boy.”

Mary enters the room with a couple of plates stacked with sandwiches only seconds later, placed them down at the table. One of the maids followed with glasses. She asked them if they needed anything else and they left.

“You need to speak to them, if you intend on doing what you told me,” He told his son cryptically, but Henry understood.

“I will. But first…”


Lunch was fun. Rie ate more food than either man had ever seen a tiny girl before – hers and theirs included. They watched the rest of her movie and chatted, getting to know each other.

“So you are not in freshman year?” Luis asked in awe of his grand-daughter. Even Henry was impressed listening.

“No. I was bored to death in my other classes and the teachers were struggling to set me work. so I was allowed to skip a couple of years, a couple of years ago. I’m a senior, but I only have a few months left.”

“Wow, that is very impressive. What’s your favorite subject?”

“Hmm… Well, I really like Science and English, a lot. But Maths is my favorite,” Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she spoke. “I love going online in my spare time and solving random Mathematical problems. I’ve only ever failed one subject and that’s sports.”

“I have no idea where you get your brains from. It’s definitely not your mom’s side and none on our side are that clever either. Henry failed maths all the time. We had to hire him a tutor.”

“You are my smart little princess.” Henry found himself getting turned on at the idea of her as a sexy maths teacher – as he was imagining her.

“What do you want do when you’ve graduated? Are you going to finish at the same school?” Luis asked ignoring his son’s previous comment.

“My school have offered me online classes before because I was bullied a lot.” Neither man was pleased at hearing this. “But I made friends with Carol and so I decided to stay. But I’ll take them now, because it’s a couple of hours away and a bit too far to travel every day.”

“You won’t have to go back?”

“Daddy will have to call them and we’ll have to probably go in so he – as my guardian – can sign papers to confirmed I’ll finish online. I should be able to stay at home then. But I will have to go back for my final exams, but that’s only a few days,” She explained.

“I’ll have the guardianship fixed asap,” Luis said and Henry knew he meant that he’d track down Paige.

“I don’t know if or what college I want to go to. I’ve personally been approached by a few, but still… I was thinking maybe I’ll take a year or two off with the babies,” She said and nervously looked to Henry. “I mean, if that is alright?”

He smiled brightly and cupped her face. “Princess, you never have to do anything again if you don’t want. I have enough money for us both to never work again and still live in luxury.” He wasn’t giving up work completely, he was just making a point. He placed a lingering kiss on her mouth.

“Thank you, daddy.” She didn’t argue, but she knew she’d never going to do nothing, she just needed to think what she wanted to do.

“School has been calling because I missed a couple of days.”

“We’ll fix it, princess.”

Luis’s phone beeped for the tenth time in the last couple of minutes.

“Well, I’m sorry, little one. But I’ve got a meeting with a judge that I can’t get out of.” He stood up, taking her into a hug.

“Are you going to come back another time?” She asked glancing up at him. She reminded him so much of his younger sister in so many ways, that he couldn’t help but love her. He knew without seeing her birthmark that she was a Chambers. His sister was the only one of their family with any brains before Henrietta.

“I’ll tell your grandmother about everything tonight and I know she’ll want to come around there and then. But I’ll keep her home until tomorrow. I have a day off tomorrow and she was only planning on dragging me to the golf course.” He had once liked golf, that was until his wife gained a liking for the sport. Now every free minute he had she dragged him for a game or ten.

“Do you think she’ll accept us?” She asked nervously.

“Yes,” He said honestly. “After I tell her everything and she sees you both for herself.”

His daughter was another matter. She and Henry always fought, he had no idea why, but they could never be in the same room for more than ten minutes without arguing.

A minute later and after their goodbyes Luis finally left to leave. Exiting the room he overheard them speaking.

“I like Papa and I like having a real family.”

He couldn’t fight back the smile from taking over his face.


Father and daughter spent the rest of day as planned and by the end of the day his hatred he felt for her mom only grew. Especially learning when Paige was only twenty she had a hysterectomy so she wouldn’t ever had any more mistakes – yes, she used to call her daughter that to her face.

He blamed himself for her poor childhood. If he hadn’t moved, if he had stayed around he would have found out Paige was still pregnant then he could he taken her to court for full custody.

Luis is one of the best trial lawyers – something which helped him rise through the ranks. He never lost a case, not once. People paid thousands of dollars for his council. He was famous and a millionaire in his our right. He often represented famous and powerful people.

His dad would have won the custody battle for him.

But laid in bed that night with her in his arms, he was thankful in a way he didn’t bring her up. He may not have ended up with her being his future wife and mother to his children. But he liked to think he would have, though he doubt his parents would have taken it so well.

He fell asleep that night and dreamt of two tiny babies, both the spitting image of their mother, his daughter, his lover, his wife.


The next morning…

“AH!” The high pitch scream had him running from his office where he has gotten up extra early to speak to his several employees who knew about Rie being his daughter.

In short he had back tracked, saying she was not his blood daughter, but she is the daughter of a close school friend who passed recently. He was her new guardian. He also told them he had met her a few months ago at a party and… But was unware of her age and who she was until now.

He also made it clear he was intending on taking the relationship further when she was older.

His employees had been shocked. Under the rules of their contract couldn’t say anything. But they had surprised him by congratulating him. They had told him they saw a difference for the better in him and could see how much they loved one another, so they wouldn’t say anything.

Mary had come quickly to see the young girl as a daughter she never had.

That was when he heard the scream.

He was out of the room in a flash. He heard footsteps behind him and he knew without looking it was Jason.

“GET OUT!” Rie screamed at someone.

He ran faster, into their room and by the bathroom just as a man came out. He didn’t even look at who it was, he jumped on the man and began pounding his fists into the man’s ribs.

“Henry!” The man said trying to block his punches. “Stop Henry!”

“You fucking bastard! I’ll fucking kill you!” Henry growled hitting him again. He never noticed Mary past them and go into the bathroom.

“For fuck sake, Henry, stop!” The pushed him, knocking him back.

Before he had a chance to get back up and hit the guy again Jason held him back.

He was seeing red. The guy knew his name and obviously knew him, but he was to angry to think straight.

“Go look after the miss,” Jason’s voice cane through his angry haze. “I’ll deal with him.”

He glare at the guy clutching his stomach and nodded before disappearing into the bathroom.


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