Chapter 8

“Are you alright, Princess?” He rushed in and past Mary, pulling his daughter into his arms.

Rie was damp from a shower and wrapped in a towel.

“I’ll go make some calming tea and breakfast, sir,” The older woman said before disappearing.

“I’m okay, daddy. I was just surprised. He didn’t do nothing. He just stare and looked at me.”

“I’m sorry, Princess. I’ll never let it happen again.” He hugged her, never once letting go of her.

How the hell had the guy got in?

Who the hell was the guy?

That is something he would make sure to find out soon.

“I’m fine, daddy. He seemed surprised as to see me, as though he expected someone else. Though he was a bit of a pervert. But I think I scared him pretty good screaming. He fell on his butt before running out saying sorry.”

He listened and only become more confused. “I don’t think he meant to do it, daddy.” She was too sweet, he wouldn’t tell her he beat the man.

He reached for the towel and pulled it off. “Let daddy make love to you?” She nodded, already panting with anticipated. He pulled down his fly and released hard length. “I was so scared when I heard she scream.” He picked her up and sat her on the counter near the sink, then rubbed his damp tip over her waiting hole.

“I’m okay, daddy. Don’t be scared. I love you.”

“I love you too, Rie,” He pushed inside her, earning a gasp at the sudden movement. “Am I hurting you, Princess? I can stop.”

“Don’t, daddy,” She drew her arms around his waist. “I am always horny for your touch. Fuck me, daddy!”

“Fuck me, Rie. You are so hot.” He gunned inside her making her scream. Only unlike before, this was a scream of pleasure.

She tried to bite her lip to muffle or stop them, but he stopped her. “Moan for me, Princess.”

“But… They’ll heard and know…” She worried.

“No, I told them this morning, that is where I was.” He had already told her what he planned telling them.

He reached between their bodies and pressing his to her nub and his lips to her breast, he whispered. “Tell me what you want.”

He teased and nibbled, but moved at a soft, torturing pace.

“Make me cum,” She said quietly.

“What was that?” He pretended not to hear.

“Move, daddy!” A little louder.

“Huh?” He heard heard growl and he knew he had her.

“Fuck me pussy, daddy and make me cum!” She ordered him loudly. Not loud enough to hear downstairs, but if anyone was in the bedroom or upstairs they’d hear.

“All you had to do is ask, my love.” He rubbed her harder and sucked her as he took her fast and hard as she liked.

He felt her nails digging in his clothed skin and her teeth nipping at his neck but he didn’t mind.

“Oh my God, Rie, how can you feel so fucking good?!” He groaned pistoning inside her. He didn’t stop rubbing her rub, even when she was screaming ‘daddy’ or quivering around his pounding meat. Only three more thrusts and he was joining her, milking himself inside her completely.

“I love when you cum in me, daddy.”

He looked at her and smirked. “Not as much as I do.”

Hearing a loud rumble of her stomach, he knew he had to let her get dressed. But he wanted to make a sure the guy was gone the room and find out who it was.

He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her deeply and lovingly.

“Will you be alright by yourself getting ready?” He places another kiss on her nose.

“I’ll be fine. As long as you help me down from up here?”

He chuckled and helped her down. It was pretty high for some only four foot eleven. He didn’t want her hurting herself or the babies.

He leaned down and kissed her stomach twice. “Take care of the Peppies and I’ll just go check breakfast, Princess.”

She nodded and after straightening himself out, he reluctantly pulled himself from the room.

He was shocked at who he found laid on his back.

“I should have fucking known, you little homo,” He said only partly joking.

He knew he wasn’t gay, but it was an on running joke because he had a habit of coming into the bathroom when Henry was in the shower and chatting with him.

“Hey man. I think you broke my ribs,” The man on the bed said sitting up holding her ribs.

“Don’t be a pussy. They are bruised at best and you deserved it. You scared Rie and don’t think I don’t know about you perving on her.” He push his friend off the bed.

“Come on,” Henry said for him to follow him.

“That’s the famous Rie, huh?” The man stared at the bathroom door.

“She pretty hot, I see why like her and the daddy thing…” He smirked teasingly. He had heard them but didn’t know the truth. “I’m even digging the stomach.”

Did he know she was pregnant or just think she was fat?

Henry grabbed his arm and pulled him from the room towards the stairs.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’ve been calling you. You aren’t answering you phone and you haven’t been at work. I was worried.”

He wasn’t mad at him anymore. He knew it was all a misunderstanding but that wouldn’t stop him from hitting his friend away if he tried anything with Rie.

“Sorry, Ezra… The last few days have been crazy. I’ll explain everything later.”

Ezra, the guy who helped him through the depression of losing his baby with Paige. He had always been protective. He was more like a brother than a friend.

“You best and introduce me to the beautiful Rie.”

“Ezra, seriously, she isn’t a game.” Several times in the past they have tag teamed women, Sally included.

“She…” He looked around and saw Inez cleaning.

“Is everything alright, sir?” She looked from him to Ezra.

“Yes, it was a misunderstanding,” He had her. “Could you have me called when Henrietta is down? I’ll be in my office.”

She nodded and the two men walked into the office, closing the door and taking a seat.

“I think you are the only one who might understand what’s happening.”

“I don’t understand?” His friend said confused.

“Remember about the party?” Henry had told him about Rie and trying to find her. He nodded.

“Well, a few days ago I got a call.” He told him about the call. “Imagine my surprise when I find out my daughter on the couch is no other than Rie, the woman I’ve been looking for.”

“So let me get this straight,” Ezra said expressionless. At six foot three he was tall but not as tall as Henry. He had black hair – short back and sides, caramel skin, hazel eyes and as a professional quarterback he had a naturally musclar body.

“You had sex when your fifteen-year-old daughter that you didn’t know you had and now your still fucking her. Sound about right?”

“Yes and no. I love her, more than just my daughter and she is pregnant. We are a family. I know it’s wrong, but I can’t stop myself. She is so damn perfect, I get hard just thinking about her.”

“I had an idea from her stomach,” His friend said but then smiled. “This is so hot. I-” A knock sounded at the office door.

“Rie is probably down.” Henry stood up. “All I need to know is if you accept us or if you’ll report us? Dad knows the truth. The staff know, minus the blood daughter part. So what’s your answer?”

“Need you even ask, man?” They both walked the door.

“Thanks, Ezra. You’re the best.”

He opened the door to reveal his maid. “Miss is in the kitchen.”

“Thank you, Inez.”

They entered to kitchen to find her already digging into a plate of pancakes.

She had her long hair tied back in a blue bow. She was wearing his favourite dress, a royal blue shift dress with a lace collar and elasticated below the chest to show off her growing bump.

“Princess,” He said picking her from her seat and sitting her on his lap.

“Hello, daddy.” She pecked his cheek.

“You look beautiful.”

“I wanted to look smart got when papa and grandma come.” He smiled at her cuteness.

“Is everything alright?” She glanced shyly at his friend who had sat on the opposite side of the table.

“Yes, Princess. This is my friend, Ezra Hamilton. Remember I told you about him?” She nodded.

“Hello,” The man said with a smug smile.

“Ezra is slightly inept, he doesn’t know how to knock and plus his homosexual tendencies drew him to look at me naked.”

“It isn’t like that at all. It’s just I’ve seen it before during sex and how was I meant to know you had someone living here? Maybe if you answered your phone…”

He stopped his rant when he noticed her eyes had filled with tears.

“What’s wrong, Princess?” Henry said noticing too.

“Are you gay, daddy?” There was no sign of humour. “Are you going to leave me?”

He glared at his friend.

“Sorry, slip of the tongue,” Ezra excused. But it didn’t stop the glare.

“No, Princess.” He turned her face more to him. “Never. I have never touched a man in that way and would never want too.”

“But he said…”

“We’ve shared some whores in the past.”

“Ezra, keep your mouth closed. You aren’t helping.”

Ezra shrugged and began eating some pancakes, all the time watching them.

“Taking some of our one nights together, not sharing a girlfriend,” Henry corrected.

“But now I have you and that’s all in the past. It’s only you and me.”

“Unless you want to experiment.”

“Seriously, man, I’m going to beat you if you don’t shut the hell up.”

“What? I’m hot. Every woman wants Ezra Hamilton, hot shot!”

Rie listened to the pair shoot comments back and forth for a couple of minutes before she couldn’t take it any longer.

She was normally sweet and quiet, but this guy was an arse.

“Wow. You are so up your own backside I’m surprised you are able to even see.” They both stared at her in shock.

“You are an arrogant, self important, big headed, pretty boy, who thinks because he is paid to run after a ball he is worth the Nobel prize. Only because gold diggers and loose women spread their legs for you, it doesn’t make you God’s gift.” Henry was fighting back a laugh at this point at the expression on his friends face.

“When truth is your nothing but a grown man playing at being used and using people. You are going to be a lonely old man.”

Silence for a minute and she was starting to think she had been to harsh.

“I have never been spoke to like that before.”

She was about to apologise when he opened his mouth.

“I liked it. It made me a little hard,” He said wiggling his eyebrows.

Her face turned bright with embarrassment.

“Daddy, you friend is weird,” She whispered.

“I know, my love. I think all them hits to the head during games has finally got to him,” He said loud enough for Ezra to hear. He flipped him off.

“Ezra, can you be normal so we can eat breakfast in peace before my parents invade my house?”

“I am normal.” True enough. He was always a flirt with women, everyone of them.

“You know what I mean! If you can’t then go home.”

He smirked but stayed quiet and watched as Henry fed her her food.

“So you’re pregnant, Rie? I can call you that, right?” She nodded.

“We’re having twins, a boy and girl.”

“You must be excited?” He asked Henry knowingly. They both loved children and wanted their own.

“He fainted when he found out it was two babies.”

Ezra burst out laughing and his friend glared at him. “You would be the same.”

“I would,” He admitted. “But I have literally never done it without a raincoat, so it’s extremely unlikely.”

“He’s a germaphobe,” Henry whispered to Rie.

“No, I just don’t want some little whore tricking me into getting her pregnant.”

He didn’t realize how accusing it sounded until said it. He regretted it straight away.

“I didn’t mean you were…”

“It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean me,” Rie said with a smile, but he could see the tears in her eyes. He felt awful, he could see from what little he seen that she really wasn’t like that.

“I’m just going to the bathroom.”

“Alright, Princess,” Henry pressed his lips to hers, kissing her so deeply he took her breath away for a moment. “I love you so much, princess, never forget that.”

She smiled brightly and her eyes sparkled with love and happiness. “I love you too, daddy.” She pressed her lips to his nose playfully, shuffled off his lap and then disappeared out of the room.

He stare at the door for a moment with a smile, but it disappeared the moment his eyes landed on Ezra.

“As much a I love you, man,” Ezra would normal joke at this but he kept his mouth closed this time. “You are like a brother to me. But if you ever say or do anything to hurt my girl again, you’ll regret it.”


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