Chapter 10

They dropped Retta off at the mall. She was eager to shop, they would join her after the school trip.

Lizzy, on the other hand, had chosen to attend the school meeting with them. Henry wasn’t happy at first. But when she explained she could deal with anything legal that might come up, he reluctantly agreed.

“Eh. This school is a hole,” He said in disgust as they walked through the old corridors. It looked as though it hadn’t had anything but a fresh coat of paint since the eighties.

“I wouldn’t allow you to continue to attend here,” He stated. There were gang tags on many of the lockers.

This was not the sort of place his Princess should ever have been.

“It’s not that bad… Minus the people,” Rie mumbled the last part.

“I agree with my brother on this matter. You should not have attended this school. You are too cute.” She furrowed her brows unsure how being cute mattered in the situation.

“The office is just through here.”

They walked through the doors and to the desk where an elderly woman was sat.

“I’m Mr Chambers. I am Henrietta Clark’s guardian. Mr Tenant is expecting us.”

She made a call and a moment later they were shown into the office where Principle Tenant was sat waiting.

The man must have recognize him because he all but offered to kiss his feet. The permission slip was signed and the login information, along with a booklet and information was given to Rie.

“She will have to return for exams, as they have to be done under a controlled situation,” He reminded.

“I am aware.”

The man rabbited on about her excellent scores and praising her for being the most outstanding and promising student he had worked with in his twenty years.

Henry’s chest swelled with pride the more he heard. Even more so when he learned she had not only had colleges approach her and offer her full scholarships as she said, but a few had as so offered her positions in advanced programs open normal only to college graduates.

“She has a incredible mind for numbers, even more so than our staff.” That surprised him. “Often the extra work she does in math is so advanced that even her teacher struggles to comprehend.

“But for that same reason of being gifted, she has had some trouble with bullies. That along with her recently pregnancy news, the bullying has only grew worst.”

Henry clenched his first and jaw.

“We have a zero bullying rule. But when it isn’t reported or the instigators aren’t named there is little I can do. I think it is this is for the best.”

Another few minutes of chatting and they exited the office.

“You should tell me the names so I can deal with them,” He said through gritted teeth.

“You can’t deal with the whole school, Daddy.”

“The whole school?”

She shrugged, “Since the Peppies, more or less,” She admitted.

They walked through the corridor. The students were now on their lunch break and a few hung around the lockers. Henry glared at them, while Lizzy and Rie chatted happily. Girls openly ogled Henry as they passed.

Once outside they headed towards the parking lot where Jason was waiting. But stopped when they heard someone calling Rie’s name.

“Rie!” A familiar girl ran over from a nearby group of about fifteen kids on the grass outside the school.

“I was so worried.” She pulled Rie into a hug placing kisses on her head.

Henry recognized the girl as her friend, Carol. But he didn’t like how she was looking at her. There was more than friendship in her eyes.

“Where have you been? Why didn’t you answer my messages?” She asked quickly then saw him and sneered.

“Did he force you to go with him? I know he’s been stalking you. You can tell me, I’ll protect you.”

He reached over and picked Rie from her friend’s embrace.

“She came to me and we are happy!”

He tried not to lose his temper, knowing she was his daughter’s only loyal friend.

“You are together?” A hint of pain flashed through her eyes.

“It’s complicated. But tomorrow is the weekend so…” Rie looked to him for permission.

If they were going to hang out he wanted it to be where he could watch them.

“You are welcome to stay at ours tomorrow,” He offered.

And Rie squealed happily, almost as if she hadn’t expected it.

“Thank you, Daddy,” She hugged his waist. He didn’t fail to see a hint of relief and confusion at hearing her call him that.

“Yes. I’d like that.”

“I’ll have Jason pick you up at one.”

He allowed the girls to speak and say their goodbyes. But before long his eyes drifted, feeling eyes on him.

The group Carol had just come from, most of the guys were watching curiously while most of the girls were giving him lustful and flirty looks.

To get to the parking lot they’d have to pass the group.

As they did he heard someone – a girl – say slut, followed by giggles.

He turned glaring at the group.

“You are,” He told the girls. “You’re all sluts and bitches who are jealous of my Princess because she has something you will only ever dream about. All the money she could ever dream of, a big house, a great family, children and most of all me,” He smiled smugly as their faces dropped.

“Remember calling her that when your begging for work at McDonalds.”

Without another word he turned to leave, leaving the group speechless.

“I love you, Daddy. That was awesome,” She cheered as they got to the car.

“It was pretty great, Bro.” That was probably the nicest thing she said to him in years. But in truth it was kind of his fault.

They climbed in the car and Jason began to drive.

“Have you ever done anything sexual with Carol?” Henry asked bluntly.

She looked confused and shook her head. “No. We are best friends, like sisters. Why would you ask that?”

So innocent, so blind.

“You know Carol friend is into you, right?” He stated, still confusion showed on her face.

“Darling,” Lizzy got her attention. “Your friend is a lesbian.”

“What?” She gaped. “But… How are do you know?”

“I’m a lesbian too and I know the signs, the looks.”

“You are?”

“Mm hmm,” She nodded.

“Why wouldn’t she tell me?”

“She was probably scared, worried she’d loose you. I, myself didn’t officially come out until after school, but everyone pretty much guessed.”

“Is that why you and daddy argue?”

Silence, surprise.

“Did I say wrong?”

“No! We’re just surprised. Most people don’t ask.”

“I caught her kissing a girl I liked,” He admitted. “I was still in a teenager and not as grown up as I liked to admit.”

“You don’t say?!” His sister mumbled.

“Long story short, I seduced her girlfriend at the time and we’ve kind of been at loggerheads since.”

“Only one?” Lizzy said accusingly and he said nothing, but his guilt was clear.

“Daddy!” Rie looked at him with a scolding expressions.

“I know…” He turned to his sister. “The way I have acted towards you has been atrocious.”

His sister listened in shock. “I knew you didn’t know I liked that girl – in all honesty I don’t even remember her name.”
“Me either.”

“I’ll just want to say I was wrong and I’m sorry. I was a dick.”

“Yes, you were.”

“Does that mean he’s forgiven and you’re friends again?” Rie asked hopeful.

“Hmm,” Lizzie hummed and glanced at her brother with a smirk. “Under one condition…”

“What?” He asked with narrowed eyes.

“I want a kiss from my pretty niece.”


“Just one?” Rie questioned.

“Just one, Pretty girl.”

“No, she is not doing it.”

“Daddy, it’s only one. I want you and Aunt Lizzie to be friends again.”

He sighed and nodded. He hated seeing his girl sad. “But one kiss only,” He warned.

Lizzie smiled and leaned closer to her niece. Timidly Rie leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her Aunt’s lips. Lizzie did the unexpected – at least to Rie, Henry was expecting something. She grabbed the back of Rie’s head and deepened the kiss, turning it from a chaste kiss to something far from that.

Henry was about stop her, but realized Rie actually seemed to be enjoying it. Seeing Lizzie’s tongue invade Rie’s mouth… At some point the car stopped.

“Lizzie, get on your back.” His sister looked at him as if he were crazy.

“Just trust me,” He told her through gritted teeth. The moment he did that, he pressed the button, placing the privacy screen up so the driver couldn’t see – the windows were tinted so no one could see inside too.

“Tell me if you’re are uncomfortable at any time, Princess,” He whispered as he began to remove Rie’s panties. “Yes, Daddy.”

“This is a one time thing, Lizzie. You can touch and kiss her…” He placed Rie on top of her, in doggy. “She can touch you too. I hate to admit it, but you two look so sexy together. It is making me so horny, I’m going to fuck my little princess while you two make out.”

He had done a lot of things, but never been with two women at the same time before – not that he actually planned on touching anyone but Rie.

“Let me look about those hot titties, pretty girl.” Lizzie didn’t seem to care that her brother was only inches away, sticking his erection inside the girl on top of her.

He honestly expected her to tell him to get lost and punch him. It wouldn’t be the first time.

“What ever you’re doing, keep doing. Her pussy is going crazy.”

“Good girl!” He continued to pump his hips, but moved his head to the side to see his sister was rubbing Rie’s nub.

At the same time Lizzy was sucking and playing with her breasts.

She was clearing lovingly all the attention. He still felt possessive but knew his sister wouldn’t try to take her away from him despite their past.

He felt like the siblings had finally put their past behind them and could possibly be friends once again.

“Princess, put your hand in Lizzy’s panties.”

Lizzy swore and moaned out loud.


By the the time they arrived at the mall the siblings had definitely put their feud behind them.

“Ever want to play again, Rie, then let me know.”

“Don’t Forget she’s still my girl,” Henry warned. He wasn’t up for sharing her long term. But he maybe up for seeing her take pleasure in another woman again.

“Yeah yeah, yeah. Let’s just find mom before she buys everything.”

He groaned knowing despite everything, his mother would have gone crazy.

One step inside the baby store and he was ready to turn around again.

He had to tell his mom repeatedly that he had the furniture chosen.

When they arrived in store she was trying to buy a ghastly furniture set for the twins.

“No, mom,” He told her repeatedly. She even tried to talk Rie around but she hated it as much as her father.

They arrived back home late afternoon.

Thankfully, his mom and sister went home leaving Henry and Rie alone. At least that’s what they thought as the walked into their bedroom.

“What the….!” Henry mumbled curses under his breath and storms over to the bed where his best friend lay sleeping.

“What the hell-” Rie takes his hand and stops him.

“Don’t hurt him, daddy,” She looked up at him with them puppy dog eyes.

“Don’t look at me like that, Princess.” He felt guilty for what he had planned to do to his friend and horny looking at those innocent eyes.

“Not the way I like to wake up,” A voice mumbles. And he turns his head to see Ezra’s face on inches on the bed from the bulge in his trousers.

“See? What did I tell you, Princess? He’s gay.”

“Hey!” Ezra jumps up and looks to Rie. “I am definitely not gay,” He glanced down at his own bulge and wiggled her brows at him.

“I’m confused,” She said tipping her head to the side. “You said you’re not gay but daddy’s mister made you happy?” Henry burst out laughing.

That clearly wasn’t the reaction either were expecting.


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