Chapter 11

“My precious princess,” Henry leaned down and kissed her. “Never change.”

“Daddy, I think your friend is gay.”

“Spread your sweet legs for me and I’ll show you how not gay I am.”

He was speaking to her but she was in Henry’s arms now, so it looked like he was speaking to him.

“He’s my daddy! You can’t have him!” She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Henry’s neck and he picked her up in his arms.

“Your innocence is incredible.”

She looked at her dad confused.

“Ignore him, Princess. I’ll have the sheets changed.”

“Hey! I am clean! I haven’t got anything.”

“It’s okay, daddy,” She yawned and stretched her arms out. “I’m really tired. Can’t we just top and tail?”

“I’ll have the tail, you have the top,” Ezra said to Henry, sending Rie a wink.

Henry was about to say something when he saw his friend’s eyes soften.

“The princess is asleep,” Ezra whispered with a small smile.

Henry looked down at Rie now fast asleep in his arms and smiled, kissing her forehead.

Ezra stood up and Henry placed her in the bed.

“She is really something,” Ezra commented watching her for a minute.

“She is,” Henry leaned down and kisses her once more before turning to his friend.

“Come on. Let her sleep.”

Leaving the room, the pair went down to his office to catch up more.

His office was the only place he was sure no one would hear them speak.

“So, the girl and children. I’m jealous, man. She’s a beauty.”

“She is so special,” Henry said with a dreamy look.

“I’m not normally into the innocent type but…”

“I had sex with her in the car while she and Lizzie made out,” Henry blurted out. They always shared their new experiences with each other.

“Wait, what? As in your sister, the sister who once slapped you for saying she had nice tits?”

Henry couldn’t help but laugh.

He was a very horny teen, even jerking off thinking about his sister more than a few times.

“Yes.” He told his friend about the kiss and everything.

“Fuck! If I knew I would have come shopping,” Ezra said openly adjusting his erection.

“Seriously, dude, she’s not a game. I am serious about her.”

“I know, man. I promise I won’t hurt her, but I won’t promise not to flirt and stare.” Ezra mumbled something and pulled out his cock.

“Seriously, dude?”

“Fuck, it’s your fault. It’s barely gone down since I saw her in the shower.” They regularly jerked off together as teenagers but not in years.

Henry nodded knowing he’d have been close to breaking if she had chosen to have only a father daughter relationship.

“Sally’s stepdaughter is her best friend,” He said changing the subject. “And she is totally in love with Rie. She is coming around tomorrow. If she doesn’t mind playing while I fuck Rie…”

He wouldn’t share long term, but he had thought about it and would let his sister and Caroline play with her if he was there. He wouldn’t touch them, but touching Rie was a given.

“Maybe I could invite Lizzie too.”

Erza groaned coming in his hand. “You best know I’m going to be here watching and more if I’m let too.”

Henry raised a brow, “Who said you were invited?” He threw his friend a tissue.

“This is our girl, Henry.” Ezra cleaned up dumping the tissue in the toilet in the next room.

“Mine, but if it’s alright with her, you can watch.”

He wouldn’t let anyone else, but Ezra was the closest person he had to a brother.

He wouldn’t do anything to someone Henry really loved.


Henry’s driver drove him to the restaurant that evening with Ezra and Rie.

Slowing down at the red lights, when a loud car horn started behind them.

“What the hell is that jerk’s problem?” The beeping continued until the guy pulled his car beside them, cutting in front of another car. The guy flipped Henry’s driver off and yelled things that couldn’t be heard through the closed windows. The driver opened the window just in time to hear the last of the impatient guy’s rant.

“YOU DUMB FUCK! WATCH THE FUCK WHERE YOU ARE GOING…” More was said but Ezra covered Rie’s ears to protect her from the bad language. A very angry Henry was just about to yell back, when the guy drove out almost crashing, but somehow getting out of there.

Ezra moved his hands.

“Is everything alright, Daddy?” Henry turned to her instantly relaxing hearing her voice.

“It’s nothing, Princess. Just a bad driver.” Not really a lie.

The rest of the drive was uneventful.
But when they arrived at the restaurant they saw a familiar car parked in Henry’s reserved spot. It was marked clearly, there was no mistaking it for a normal spot. There is even a warning sign ‘All illegally parked cars will be towed.’

“Give me a moment, I just need to make a call.”

Since the yard was just around the corner, the tow truck was there in under a minute and out in as much time.

Rie never said anything since she knew the bad driver was in the wrong.

“Come on, princess,” Henry kissed her and brushed his hand over her bump.
She was dressed in a fitted maternity dress, which showed off her growing bump.
“Let’s go feed my three favorite people.”

“What about me?”

Henry looked to his friend. “You invited yourself.”

“Hey! That’s not nice.” Henry rolled his eyes and held the door open for Rie.

“This is one of yours, daddy?”

Henry smiled and nodded. “I’ll show you the others another time.” He pointed Rie to the restroom while he walked to speak to the host.

Despite the restaurant being booked out, a couple were still trying their luck.

Henry was surprised it wasn’t the owner of the car. No, it was just a random walk in.

“I know the owner. Seat us now!”

Making eye contact with the host, Henry gave the host a head shake.

He knew it wasn’t the booking he had the restaurant cancel because Rie had made him offer them a voucher for their next booking.

He didn’t speak up at first, he was curious what the couple were going to say.

“Sorry, sir, we are fully booked. But we have a cancellation for next week,” The host was much more polite than Henry would be.

As many famous Chefs, he is known to be rude and abrupt, but is a fantastic chef and teacher, who’s restaurants are always fully booked. Getting a table without booking was near impossible.

He just stood just behind them and listened as the man demands to be seated now. “I will call the owner and have you fired.”

He watched amused as the man pulled out his phone and started to make a fake phone call.

Henry and Ezra could clearly see he hadn’t even dialed a number.

A mumbled conversation on the fake call before he announced, “He says your fired and I get to eat free as compensation.”

Henry opened his mouth to speak but stopped when Rie exited the bathroom in tears.

He made his way over with Ezra close besides him.

“Be realistic, Henrietta, you had a rubbish mom and are making the same mistake as her having a child young. You will just mess up another person’s life,” The woman who had been with the walk in man called after Rie. People were staring at her in disgust and appalled.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” His father seemed to appear out of nowhere.

“This is nothing to do with you.”

“GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY RESTAURANT BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!” Henry yelled close to exploding. A couple of large men came out of the back. One was the restaurant manager and the other a French chef with anger problems.

Seeing the woman’s angry partner storming over the men took one look at Henry and he nodded.

They escorted him out, giving him no choice but to leave. But he continued to yell outside.

The woman open and closed her mouth a few times and looked ready to follow in the direction Rie had fled.

She had ran crying into the private sitting area Henry’s father had come from. He too was still stood looking like he wanted to punch the woman.

“I dare you,” Ezra said ready to knock her on her ass. Woman or not. He had become very protective of Rie.

The woman ran from the building a moment later.

Not caring about the other customers or the couple outside, the three men moved into the private room where they found Rie sat on her aunt’s lap crying.

“What happened, Princess?” Henry asked kneeling besides them. She quickly moved into his arms. He stood, moving into another empty chair still holding her.

“She’s her old home economics teacher. She’s been putting pressure on Rie to sell her the ‘baby’ since finding out she was pregnant,” Lizzy answered for her.

The men were all shocked and enraged.

“I told her I wanted to keep it but she always told me I am not good like my mom,” Rie cried out loud.

Ezra quickly followed by Luis left the private room to head outside.

Henry would have gone too, but comforting Rie and keeping her calm was more important at that point.

“It’s alright, Princess. I am with you. I know you’ll be an amazing mother. You are nothing like Paige,” He assured her stopping her from crying.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she never contacts you again,” Lizzie said typing away on her phone. She was angry, but she didn’t need to use violence she had the law on her side. Their mother stood comforting Rie the whole time.

Luis and Ezra minutes later laughing.

“You’ll never guess what happened.”

“You didn’t hit anyone?” Rie asked accusingly. Despite everything she hated violence and didn’t agree with it.

“Don’t worry, little one. We didn’t do a thing,” Her grandfather assured her.

A waiter came and took their orders before leaving.

“So what happened?” Henry asked as they all sat around the table.

“The as… The bad driver,” Ezra stopped himself from swearing. “He was watching the couple through the window and noticed his car was gone. Turns out he was drunk, like slurring words drunk.

“He somehow came to the conclusion the couple were responsible for his car disappearing.”

“When we got outside he was pounding the guy of the couple and getting dragged off by police, then arrested,” Luis told them.

“And the couple?”

“He was taken to hospital and the woman went with him. We never had to raise a finger.”

“On a positive note, I found your mother today, Rie,” Luis told his granddaughter.

“And?” They all listen expectedly.

“I caught her alone. She didn’t even ask questions just signed everything without question. Turns out her fiancé doesn’t like you, son, and she hasn’t told him she knows you. I got the impression he wants his own children with her.”

Rie wasn’t surprised to hear her mother was getting married but it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt that she gave her up so easy to marry some guy.

“I made sure to mention I knew her secret about not being able to have children. She’ll keep quiet.”

Her fiancé was as bad as her. They deserved one another.

“Time for celebration then.”

Despite how the night started everything went amazingly and Rie fell asleep in the car on the drive home.


More coming soon


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2 years ago

I cant wait for the next chapter!

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