Chapter 48

Lenime’s pov

Amber passed out, but thankfully Phe had a firm hold on her so she and our child are safe.

After a lot of yelling from Aaron, we moved Amber into the medical bay where the on board medical officer checked her over and verified she was alright.

“I know you’re protective of her, but you cannot go pulling off peoples heads in front of her!” Her brother growls at me. “She is sensitive and sweet. You are going to terrify her.”

I frown worried now that she will wake up and be afraid of me. I know without asking Phe is thinking the same thing.

“I agree, you did the right thing killing that woman. But next time, do it somewhere my sister, wife and baby won’t see.”

Lula has been sick and Marmite won’t stop crying.


Two days later…

Amber woke up shortly after Aaron’s warning. But instead of being scared she stood up and slapped me across the face, hard. Cried, hugged me, told me she was sorry and she loves me, all before yelling at me about twisting peoples heads off like a soda bottle – whatever that means- and then apologized again.

Aaron reassures me her changing moods are normal for Humans during pregnancy – hormone levels unstable or something.

But in truth, I don’t mind. She can hit me as much as she likes – it doesn’t hurt – as long as she never leaves me.

Right now we are making our first trip back to the planet where we will have face to face meeting with the leaders of the planets. We have already spoken over our ships – this and the one on the planets – communications screen, but have to verify things.

The short of it is that whilst waiting on the edge of our system for us to return a scout picked up a transmission between two Trenks ships – they haven’t the best security on their lines, all muscle, no brains. Apparently the ship which visited the Marshall Providence managed to send out message of the planet to conquer – use for resources – sometime before they were killed.

Having not heard anything since, the Trenks ruling body ordered two battle ships – at least – to go to the planet.

That only means to one thing and everyone who knows the Trenks know it. Hence why my grandparents sent the armada. Yes, my people are peaceful. But we are advanced in technology and are often approached by less advanced races for protection.

We only help is warranted – for example, the Trenks are targeting them for resources – and we never give them weapons, but we do place specially developed shields on the planets. As well as have our ships protect them until it is clear the world is under our protection. But we are always on call if they need us, if the threat returns. It meant we have earned many close allies over the years. Some we helped long ago and they have developed their our technology with our protection. Technologically advanced or not, they both make great allies. Many are also great trading partners.

That is what we wanted to do with the Human planets – provide them with shields, also the armada would protect them. I have no doubt the Humans could easily beat them on land, but not with the ships. They have poor space vessels which have no real shield or weapons. With the permission of my grandparents I will have some of our people help with that problem.

We wouldn’t normally do this, but since our future queen – Amber – and other Poyun mates are located among their kind, it makes them special. Poyun before now have never successfully mated outside our own species. Yes, they had found mates outside. But that only happened a handful of times that I know of and most of them with Trenks and for obvious reasons which Marmite’s mother sadly found out, they ended badly. The other have ended even worse. The man was mated to a Decmoz woman. At the time they were a new race to us and we didn’t find out until afterwards that the female consumes her mate after successfully joining. It’s safe to say they are on our no go list.

Luckily though no one else seems to be mated to the Decmoz or if they are they don’t know and now with our new technology they didn’t have to be, they can choose a mate among the unmated.

One thing I know Phe wants to change when he is in power is the age a Poyun can choose their own mate. He wants to change it to at least one hundred Earth years. That way they will have had plenty of time to find their true mate and still be young enough to start a family.

Of course there will be exceptions. For example, if the persons true mate is one of the hostile species or the persons true mate has died before they met.

It is rare, but I have heard of it happening. Apparently the alive mate feels a great pain unlike any other and they just know. Long ago this would doom the person to a live of loneliness and pain, but not now. Not with ‘Tasa’ the procedure I created to created a bond between non mates.

The good thing about the procedure is that only a select number of specially chosen people know how to do it, so it is impossible to get on the underground. Less than ten people, that is including me.

Yes, even the Poyun planets have underground – less than legal – communities. Though normally they do not do anything significantly bad, so they are left to their own devices. But we do keep an eye on them.

Right now, we are on our uncle’s ship with the rest of the fleet in defensive positions around the planet. With the rulers permission, any who wish will be allowed to visit the planet and perhaps – if the case maybe, find their mate. But only after the threat had been dealt with.

“Confirming landing plates down and gravity adjusted accordingly?” A female – who had taken over Tal’ee role – calls as she made some the last minute checks to land.

“Plates confirmed.”

“Gravity confirmed.”

“Coordinators safe and secure to land,” Daviya calls.

He has become a good friend to Amber and surprisingly to me and Phe too.

Before, when I was younger, I never spent much time with him. Tal’ee always had a reason for us not to. She always made him out to be a bully and suchlike, but he is one of the kindest men I have ever met. She was my best friend at the time and I trusted her. But now I see she was always manipulating me.

Her parents will be devastated, but understanding. What she did would have earned her a lot worse, drawn out punishment back home. She was lucky she was found guilty in space.

Much like last time, Dallas has sectioned off a large piece of land for us, not too far from ‘The Poyun Elite Explore.’ Our father took the shuttle down the day before and is waiting with the others on the planet. But Aaron, along with his mates, had refused to leave. Aaron had made a point in saying he never wants to chance losing Amber again, therefore if she left the planet he and his mates would follow.

And as for the crew on the current ship we are on, I know the unmated are eager to see if they can find their mates among the Humans.

“Team one, prepare for landing,” My uncle calls as he walks towards the lift.

Team one is basically, Aaron and his mates, little Marmite, Amber, Phe, me, Korl, Daviya and a couple of Korl’s best people.

Preparation mainly consist of all the Poyun, Marmite and Amber being coated in the UV1A cream before heading outside. Aaron insisted on the shower as well so he can coat Marmite. Amber had offered but he rejected, saying he’d rather do it himself.

“You just want to look at all the guys junk,” I hear her whisper to him, he laughs but doesn’t deny it.

I’m not sure what ‘junk’ is but I have a good idea.

Naked and in the shower the Poyun are respectful as normal, but do look at Amber a moment or two longer than they would have normally, obviously taking in the differences.

I, myself, have my eyes glued to her swollen button which peaks out of her folds looking at me and begging for my touch. It is my special button and I want it in my mouth.

I make a quick move to get on my knees. My plan is to pick her up, get her legs over my shoulders, her back against the wall and my face bury between her legs, sucking on my button.

I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head and Amber is lifted from in front of me.

“Phe!” I know without looking who did it. I rub the back of my head and look up to see my brother indeed holding her with a stern expression.

“Lenime?” I turn to see everyone in the room watching curiously and perhaps slightly concerned. “Are you alright?” Uncle Korl ask holding out his hand for me.

I take it and pull myself up smiling. “Yes, Uncle.”

Phe’s pov

I swear the moment I first saw her on that planet – Earth – that I’d let her choose, but the moment I talked to her, felt her, knew her touch… I knew I could never let her go. She is mine. If things were different and she had said no, I would have forced her into joining with me. She would have been bound to me and would never have been able to leave. She probably would have been angry at first, but when she saw how much I love her, I know she would have changed her mind.

Who am I kidding? I could never do that to her. I would have followed her around and begged her, been her slave and make her changed her. That sounds more realistic.

Lord knows why, but she loves me, Lenime and our child. This is how things are meant to be, her round with our child and us spending every moment together.

After hearing from Uncle how Tal’ee – Lenime’s childhood friend – had treat Amber from the moment she met her, I wanted to have her punished. And not the quick death she was given. No, but I am thankful for my younger brother taking control. I know if I had my way I would likely have left our mate traumatized for a long time.

I know she was scared by Lenime’s actions, but she instantly understood why he did what he did.

Tal’ee was deluded, thinking anyone would reject their genetic mate to be with her. Especially Lenime, he has been openly dedicated to finding her for as long as he has been alive.

It is an honour for me to share a family with him.

If I had to choose between the throne or them, I’d choose our new growing family.


“I promise I’ll be good, Phe?” Lenime follows beside me and Amber.

“I am only carrying her until we get outside and then she is walking,” I tell him. I don’t really like the idea, but I had promised her. The last thing I want is to upset her. From what Aaron has been telling me when she gets further along in her pregnancy she is likely to ask me to carry her.

My brother frowns and gives me that sad puppy dog look.

“We are almost there, you can hold me next time. Now, give me a kiss and a smile.” He does just that and again I stop his wandering hand.

I would love to join with her right now, but now isn’t the time. Our group is going to meet Dallas and Monet and the others to discuss the progress of the shields.

Yes, a couple of specially equipped ships will place the large modules on either side of both planets. That is part of the reason we never returned home sooner. Thankfully, our ships are much more advanced and faster than the Trenks meaning we have at least a few more days before they arrive.

Over the next few days we are going to be traveling between the Marshall Providence and the Reese Providence over seeing the installation and meeting the public. That is to put them at ease, let them know all Aliens aren’t bad. And maybe even find some of our unmated people their mates. But our main task is to make sure all the defences are in check and everything is prepared for the worst case scenario.

“This is so exciting. We are going to meet your brothers and sisters soon.” Aaron is lifting the tiny baby on the air, as though making him fly, causing him laugh hysterically. It is beautiful. The change in the baby has been fast. Everyone who meets him adore him and want to hold him.

My uncle and father especially. I’m certain it has made them both wish for a child or another child as the case is for my father. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear him and mother are expecting again when we return home. I know they wanted more but put having more children on hold to help me and Lenime on our journey. It is just another reason I love my parents.

I feel for my uncle though. Despite his young looks, he is only a year younger than my mother.

Now a days it is almost unheard of that a person of his age to be unmated. If they haven’t found their mate they choose one themselves.

“How is my tiny nephew?” Uncle asks addressing Aaron, but looking at Marmite.

He had instantly accepted Amber, Aaron and his mates into the family without question.

“He’s doing great thanks to your medical technology and medicines.”

He is all but healed and one of the happiest babies I know. He especially loved hugs with Amber, enforcing our belief he is our child’s mate. If he is or not, only time will tell.

The doors open and the bright light shone in, temporarily causing us all to close our eyes.

We are going to my ship to have the meeting. The journey is short but we are met by some of Dallas’s guards to escort us – at his insistence, so we don’t get lost. At first he had wanted to have us driven, but Amber had insisted on the walk. Telling me ‘the sunlight is good for the baby,’ our baby and Aaron agreed.

The moment I place her on her feet Lenime has her hand and pulls her so close he is almost holding her.

“Lenime,” I send him a warning look and he reluctantly gave her a little space, but kept hold of her hand, while I hold the other.

Once again, on the land surrounding ships are many of people, only now stores have been set up and some of the Poyun from my ship are interacting with them.

All is going well. We are greeted and welcomed back by many of them as we pass. But all too soon we are back at the ship and heading to the meeting room. Mother has a family dinner planned for later today.

But none of us are prepared for what is going to happen next.


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