Chapter 1

Juliet sat looking through the car window at the luxurious restaurant they had stopped outside. It wasn’t even close to where she would normally spend her time. She normally went out of her way to avoid these types of places. The places where rich and snooty people who thought they were better than you frequented. But today was different.

She had even gone shopping and brought a new outfit especially.

She wore her old trusty black denim jacket, a newly acquired black high waisted skirt, white off the shoulder crop top with black floral pattern, a pair of black Mary Jane platform shoes which gave her much needed height, a pink clutch bag and the necklace with bike pendent parents gave her.

She thought she had chosen well, but standing here now, she felt under dressed.

Nervous, she pulled a compact mirror from her bag. She looked herself over, her nose and her olive skin had always been her favourite parts of her body. Her large doe-like light brown eyes were surrounded by naturally thick long dark lashes with only the smallest hint of mascara and her cupid bow red lips – also natural, she was often compared to a doll and she hated it.

When she was in school she was teased and told she looked like a creepy doll.

Her short height didn’t help it either.

She knew she couldn’t hold it off any longer, she had to go.

She nodded to the driver and he got out and held the door for her.

Walk to the door and you’ll be greeted by a man. Show him your ID and he’ll show you inside.

She repeated the instructions in her head she had been given at the hotel by the Starlight music representative.

The man at the door was huge, but not as big as some of the men she knew back home. He didn’t intimidate her. Her nerves were because she was meeting the person she admired most in the world.

The man raised a brow as if surprised but let her inside. It wasn’t the first time and it wouldn’t be the last today.

Inside was completely different than the outside. It kind of reminded her of what she would expect a Turkish brothel to look like – lots of red velvet, satins everywhere the eyes could see.

She giggled to herself. She was so distracted by the décor that she didn’t notice a woman approach her until she spoke.

Casey Grey, well, now Clark.

“Sorry, can I help you?” She looked unsure.

“Hi. I’m Chase Lucas.” They were in the reception area, the dining area was through another door.

Her eyes widened but then she smiled, a genuine smile. “I know, you were expecting a guy. The other woman said that too.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. It’s just a surprise.” She straighten her expression to look more professional and held out her hand.

“Hello, I am Casey Clark. If you need anything ask me, I’m here to help.” They shook hands.

“The restaurant has been booked out just for us. So no unexpected surprises. There will been a couple of photographers later, but I’ll warn you when that happens.”

Juliet silently nodded.

“She looks scary, but trust me, she’s a sweetheart.” She was certain that if she had been a guy she wouldn’t have been told that.

“Any questions?”

“Hmm. Is there anything I shouldn’t ask?”

“Not really. But she’ll tell you if she can’t answer. So don’t be afraid to ask.”

As Casey led her through doors to the table Juliet could feel her heart beating ten to the dozen.

Sat at a table the middle of the room was her date.

Child actress turned rock Goddess, Spectra aka Ann-Marie Grey. She was thirty-two but looked younger.

Big breasts, toned, muscular but not extremely, tanned with short black hair, pale blue eyes surrounded by the darkest lashes, lots tattoos, including sleeves and not to mention she is five foot nine without heels, which was nine inches taller than Juliet.

Juliet knew everything about her since becoming a fan of her childhood movies when she was very young.

Noticing her sister/assistant approach, Spectra stood up.

She was dressed in fitted dark blue jeans, black leather jacket, white studded skull vest, a pair of black studded ankle boots and thick silver chain necklace.

“Spectra, this is Chase Lucas,” Casey introduced the pair. Spectra looked at Juliet with a surprised smile.

“Well, this is a pleasant surprise.”

“Can I take your jacket?” Casey offered.

“Thanks, that’d be great.” She could feel eyes burning into her skin as she shrugged off her jacket and handed it to the woman.

“Take mine too!” Casey seemed surprised when a leather jacket was handed to her but said nothing.

“Take a seat and I’ll take your order in a moment.” The woman at the hotel had already explained that a Starlight employee would act as a waitress for security reasons. Even the security cameras were turned off, but hired security were hidden around the building, out of sight.

Left alone, she turned to Spectra.

“So, Chase, that’s an unusual name for a woman?” Spectra said now sat opposite her.

“Yeah. Apparently it was my dad’s idea because he had to chase my mum for years before she agreed to go out with him. But most people called me Juliet, that’s my middle name.”

“I like that. It’s a beautiful name. It suits you. You can call me Annie.”

“Okie, Annie.” Juliet could feel her herself blushing.

“How old are you, Juliet? It’s hard to tell with your beautiful baby face.”

“I’m eighteen,” Juliet felt suddenly shy.

That’s good. And you’re British, from the North of England, right? I love the way you speak.”

“Yes. I’m from Lincolnshire. You’re local aren’t you?” She tried to hide her nerves.

“I am. Outside touring I haven’t had much of a chance to travel. But I would love to see more of England one day.”

“Well, if your ever in my neighbourhood I would love to take you out.”

“Definitely. I’d love that.”

“So you aren’t disappointed that I’m not a guy?”

“Quite the opposite. I’m pleased. To be perfectly honest I wasn’t looking forward to today until I saw you walk through the door.” Juliet grinned, she felt she really meant it.

“Sorry I took so long,” Casey re-entered with a couple of glasses and a bottle.

“This is non-alcoholic champagne, but if you want anything else to drink you tell me.”

“No, that’s great thanks,” Juliet told her.

Casey poured them both a drink and took their food order before leaving them alone again.

“I love your tattoos. They really suit you. They are really sexy,” She blushed as she said it making Annie smirk.

“Well, you are full of surprises, Juliet.” She looked surprised but happy. “How about you, have you any little tattoos hidden away?”

Juliet blushed darker.

“You have, haven’t you?”

She nodded.

“Can I see?”

Juliet couldn’t say no.

“Can anyone see us?”

“No,” She replied with a raised brow and watched as the girl stood up and walked around the table, stopping in front of her.

“There is that one,” She hitched up one side of her skirt to reveal an elegantly written quote on the top of her slender thigh.

“I am starlight, I am air, I am free,” Annie read and smiled. It was a quote from one of her songs.

“I never thought of that song being sexy until now,” She said and ran her fingers over the writing.

“I have another one,” Juliet said a little breathlessly.

“Show me, little fairy.”

Juliet swallowed a lump in her throat and turned around, pulling her top up to reveal two naked women astride a motorbike making out.

“Wow.” Annie stood up. “I am honestly shocked you have a tattoo like this.” She ran her hand over it and looked closer.

“It’s amazing work, such fine details. Who did it? I know many of the best tattooists around the world.”

“My dad, he’s a tattooist. But I doubt you’ve heard of him.”

“You’ll have to give me his details.”

“If you search ‘Tiny Lucas tattoos’ on Facebook, you’ll find him. All his details and pictures of his work are on there.”

“I’ll be sure to do that.” Annie stood up not removing her hand when the top dropped. Instead she moved her hand to Juliet’s side and moved to stand in front of her, placing her hand on her other side.

“You like girls?” She asked.

Juliet nodded her head once. “But I’ve never done anything with anyone,” She admitted quietly so only Annie could here.

She struggled to stay standing as the famous woman moved both her hands up to cup her breasts.

“Do you like me like that? Would you like me to be your first, little fairy?” She leaned in and placed a very brief teasing kiss on her lips.

Juliet didn’t know what she was doing. She might have just been trying to make a fool of her, but she couldn’t pass up the possibility.

“Yes. You are so beautiful.” She watched as the older woman’s eyes raked over her body.

“You are pretty fine yourself.” The next thing she knew she was sat on the edge of the table with Annie’s hand in her knickers and her mouth on hers.

“You are so wet, little fairy.”

She slipped a finger inside her untouched pussy and smirked against her lips as Juliet moaned.

“I’m going to make you cum real quick. I hope you’re ready.” Not waiting for her to answer, she began fingering her and rubbing her clit.

A new feeling rushed through her body in no time and only seconds later she had her face buried in Annie’s large breasts as she had her first ever orgasm.

“That was sexy. I can’t believe no one has every touched you before.”

She blushed red. “Apparently I look like a creepy doll.”

Annie looked genuinely shocked.

“You are a sexy little minx. I wanted to touch you the moment I saw you,” She told her honestly and pulled her hand out of Juliet’s knickers, bringing it up to her mouth and cleaning it.

“Mmm, you taste good.” She picked her back off the table and straighten out her clothes.

“You’re staying at The Valiant, aren’t you?”

“Yes, why?”

“Meet me in the lobby at eight,” She gave her another kiss before returning to her seat.

Juliet was still a little dazed and confused by what just happened when Casey returned with the food.

“Are you alright, Chase? You’re looking a little flushed,” She asked concerned.

“I’m fine, thanks. Just a little warm.”

Casey glanced at her sister who was fretting concerning too.

“I’ll have them turn the aircon on.” A second later she had gone again.

“Good save, fairy.”

The rest of dinner went quickly with Casey popping in every other minute.

They ended up not mentioning their encounter, instead spoke about her future tour and Juliet’s photography course at college.

The moment dinner was done both were met by photographers who took a series of photos of them together. Before they were each whisked away to different locations. Annie to do a radio interview and Juliet to the hotel.


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