Chapter 3

Annie had some rare time off – minus a few interviews – before her upcoming world tour in a few weeks.

Usually she’d spend it writing new material, visiting family and friends or catching up on much needed sleep.
But not this week.

This week she was spending almost all her time with a beautiful young girl who had won a competition to meet her.

All the executives at Starlight music were completely aware that her relationship with her fellow band member was fake. But understood her reasons for doing it, so played along.

She had known since she was young that boys didn’t interest her. She did try for her parents. But after her first on screen kiss with fellow actor, Jason Taylor, she knew she could never be with a man.

Since then she had dated and had sex with women in secret.

Sadly none of her relationships lasted much past a month. Well, minus Justine Jones, a Starlight rep and employee she dated for several months when she was transitioning from acting to music.

But that didn’t last. She was her first real girlfriend and sexual partner. They have been civil at work after the break up but nothing more. Justine had been too jealous, controlling and often accused her of cheating.

It was never love, at least not for Annie, so she easily broke it off and never dated her again. But it’s not from lack of trying on her ex’s part. The first few months after she pestered her nonstop.

But then Annie reported her to the higher ups and they had a word with her. Minus asking her for a drink every now and then, she hadn’t bothered her since.

Despite her religious parents, she did still want to date. But they never worked out. She blamed work and her secretive relationship with them.

They would say they were fine, but then suddenly just leave her, normally with a dear John letter. But not always.

In the beginning it didn’t bother her much. But as she grew older her girlfriends stayed shorter.

In recent months she had been luckily to keep a girl for more than a couple of nights.

She had no problem getting them. Women loved her, even straight women. But keeping them was a problem. And it was also the reason for her depression.

She was lonely, she didn’t like herself much and was even thinking of coming out, even if it meant losing her family. Only her sister and husband knew about it. Which was why she spent most of her day with the pair.

More recently, when the company announced her going on a date with a fan she had straight out said no, especially after learning the winner was a guy.

But the media had gone crazy for it and she had no choice but to go.

She had sat at the table thinking of possibly ways to get out of it when her sister came in with a stunningly beautiful girl. She was clearly much younger than her. But that didn’t matter.

The moment she learned that there had been a mix up, that Chase was actually a girl she could have kissed her bosses.

She was beautiful with an innocent vibe. But every now and then she flirted with her and then came the tattoo.

She knew she probably shouldn’t have but she had to touch her.

Touching her sweet tight pussy was heaven and her clumsy kissing. She doubted the girl had even kissed but that just made her like her more.

She was completely genuine and upfront. She said what she was thinking and had no hidden motivation to be with her like many people had.

She barely asked anything about her fame, music and acting, which pleased her immensely. Instead she tried to get to know the real her. After only a few days together she felt a bigger connection with her when anyone else in her life.

It wasn’t only friendship though. The sex was amazing too. Unlike many of her past partners, Juliet always insisted on pleasuring and going down on her.

This was something she found many women didn’t enjoy doing.

But Juliet loved it. Annie even gave her a card key and they slept together every night.

They never left the room or got dressed once after their first time together. They spent their time talking or making love.

Casey had called every day but not visited. She didn’t want to see her sister in action again.

It was day five and Annie had to leave for a meeting with her manager which she arranged herself only the night before.

“Fairy, I have to go to a meeting at Starlight. But I’ll be back this afternoon,” She said after waking Juliet up.

“But I haven’t kissed you yet,” She pouted sweetly and Annie felt her heart speed up a little. This was definitely new territory for her.

She leaned down and gave her deep tender kiss. “If you want food, you can get room service or…” She dug in her pocket and pulled out a wad of cash handing it to Juliet. “Go out, buy yourself something nice.”

She watched confused as Juliet sat up with a frown. “I am not taking this.”

“If it not enough-“

“Not enough?” She looked shocked. “It’s too much.” She held out the cash for her to take back.

“I’m not taking your money, Annie. I have my own money. Maybe not as much as you, but enough. I don’t want you to give me you money. Just let me be with you.”

She took the money back unsure what to say. No one ever said no to her money before.

“How about I put it in the drawer and if you change your mind, you have it?” She walked over to the side table and put the notes in the drawer.

“It’s not going to change, I don’t want your money, just you.”

She almost felt like she was saying I love you. But apart from that once the first day Juliet hadn’t said it. She had put it down to sexual excitement at the time.

But now she found herself wishing it was true.

She left a minute later meeting her driver in the car park.

He drove her to the Starlight music offices where she met with her manager and the executives telling them her new plans.


She returned a little after one in the afternoon to fine the suite completely silent.

At first she thought Juliet may have gone to her own room to collect some clothing.

That was until she saw a hand written letter on the bed.

She knew it wasn’t good news even before she read it.

But she forced herself to read it. She needed to know what it a said.

‘To my dearest Annie.
I am sorry that I outstayed my welcome. I had the most amazing time with you. In our short time together you showed me what it is truly like to be in love. I am aware you do not return my feelings and was expecting to be sent away sooner rather than later. Even though I was expecting it I can’t say it didn’t hurt. I truly came to love you. I only wish you had said good bye instead of sending someone to do it for you.

I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable by kissing and touching you all the time. I have signed the new nondisclosure contract, but I would never tell anyone anything. Our time was special to me. I would never belittle it by telling tales.

I left the check you gave Ms Jones for me in the drawer with the rest of the money you left. I promise it is all there. You never have to give me money. I had hoped we may be able to stay friends at least. But hearing myself being referred to as a dalliance and indiscretion… I’m sorry it hurts too much.

I have to go now. My flight in an hour. Well, I will be over the Atlantic by the time you read this.

I want you to know despite everything, you will always have my heart. You may have unintentionally hurt me but I could never hate you.

Take care, my love.

I truly wish you happiness.
Yours forever,

She sat in silence unsure whether to cry or scream.

She felt panicked. She picked up her phone and called reception. Sure enough, she had checked out just after ten.

She made a series of calls and managed not to break down until she saw her sister enter the room.

“What’s wrong, Annie?” Casey rushed over seeing her sister in tears.

She had seen her cry but this was different.

Annie said nothing and handed her the letter.

“I don’t get it,” Casey said more confused after reading it.
“You tried to pay her off? I thought you liked her? You haven’t spent more than two minutes away from her in days.”

“I didn’t pay her off! I gave her a some money to go shopping but she didn’t want it. I don’t know where the check is from! I like her, a lot. I didn’t want her to go.” She was in tears.

“I felt happy when I was with her. She was perfect,” She admitted.

“Hang on a second. Which drawer is she talking about?”

“This one,” Annie opened the drawer and pulled out the check.

Casey’s eyes went big looking over her shoulder.

“Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars?” She exclaimed. “She left a quarter of a million behind… Fuck, she must really like you, sis.”

Annie wasn’t crying or listening anymore though.

“Have you seen who authorised this check?”

Casey looked again. “Justin Jones? But she doesn’t have that much money.”

“No, she doesn’t.”


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