Chapter 10

‘Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years. I’ll love you for a thousand more.’ The emotion raw as the masked singer sang beautifully.

It was a harder, metal version of the original Christina Perri song, but just as emotional.

Annie was watching all of Julie’s videos embarrassing her.

“Will you sing me ‘Over the Rainbow’?” Annie asked after finishing the last video.

“It’s kind of embarrassing,” Juliet felt suddenly very shy.

“Would it be less embarrassing if I was naked?”

“Can I eat your pussy if I do?”

“You can do that anyway. You know how much I like making love with you.”

Juliet’s heart skipped a beat. She loved this woman so much. She’d do anything.

“If you have the music. Do you want the original version?” Annie smiled and nodded.

Finding the instrumental music was easy.

It was a much mellower song than she’d normally do but she liked the song.

Feeling nervous, she closed her eyes as she sang.

She couldn’t deny Annie. After all, she always sang for her.

“Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There’s a land that I’ve heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
Really do come true.

“Someday I’ll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops,
High above the chimney tops,
That’s where you’ll find me.

“Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can’t I?
If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can’t I?”

Opening her eyes she was shocked to see tears in Annie’s eyes.

“I can see why they want you. You are amazing, perfect.”

“What? Who? Are you alright, Princess?” She checked Annie over.

“I am happy. You are an amazing singer.” Annie pulled her in by her waist and stole a kiss.
“Ray Michaels called me.” Juliet tipped her head to the side with a confused expression. It was clear she had no idea who the man was.

“So cute.” Annie stole another kiss. “He is the CEO of ‘Pixie City.'” The animation company that supposedly tried to contact Juliet. “He is also a film producer and working on an animated movie called ‘Flower in the Forest.’ He told me a representative for him had tried to contact you but you didn’t believe them and sent him my way.”

Juliet was staring slack jawed.

“That was real?” She asked in disbelief and Annie nodded smiling. “Oh my God! I thought it was another conman. People are always contacting me saying they are ‘someone important.’ I have a saved response I send to them.”

She took out her phone and pulled up the conversation, showing it to Annie.

She read the messages and agreed in her situation she likely would have replied the same.

“Can you tell me about the movie? I don’t want to be a professional singer. But I’d love to try this once. But only if it’s alright with you?”

Annie furrowed her brows.

“You don’t have to ask my permission, fairy. I know you love me and aren’t with me for fame. I’ll love to work with you. Do you want me to tell you a little about it and I can set up a meeting if you’re interest?” Juliet nods her head.

“It’s about a fairy who goes to the Human world to stop them approaching on her land and save her people. In the Human world she meets and befriends the woodcutter’s daughter. There’s a love story and the pair fall in love and work together to save the forest and be together. It’s the company’s first LGBT themed family movie and first over all to my knowledge.”

Juliet listened surprised.

“That sounds amazing. Are you the fairy?”

“Nope, I’m the woodcutter’s daughter. There is a lot of singing, so wanted a professional singer/actor for the role.”

“I’m interested. But I don’t know if I’ll be any good. I mean I am confident in my singing. But my voice acting…”

“You’ll do great, fairy.”

She picked up her phone and began going through her contacts. “I’ll make the call straight away before you can change your mind.”

She called the number and only seconds later someone answered.

“Hi Ray.”

A mischievous smile came over Juliet’s face and a moment later she was pushing Annie onto her back. She crawled over the older woman, sliding her hand inside her knickers and finger on her nub. At the same time she lifted her top and became teasing her breasts.

“Yes,” She replied to the man on the phone, struggling to keep her breathing under control.

“She’s interested.” Digging her nails into the bed.


The person on the other end spoke.

“She’s not available at the moment but I can have her call you back?”

Reply from person as Annie struggled.

“We are actually in the north of England at the moment, but we’ll be back in New York for my meeting with you. Do you want me to bring her or…?”

A long replied as the pair kisses, tongues and all.

“Yes,” A little breathless now. “Send me the details and I’ll have it arranged.”

A few more words were exchanged before the pair hung up the call.

“You are such a bad girl.”

“And you are a really good actress.”

“I should punish you,” Annie said amused but ready to explode.

“Then sit on my face. Make me eat you until you are screaming.”

Juliet climbed off the bed and stripped off her clothes and laid back down on the bed. “Punish me, mama!”

Annie couldn’t help but smirk, standing up, she slowly stripped before returning to the bed.

“This seems more like a treat than punishment, my little pussy eater.”

“Please, mama?” She begged. “I need your pussy.”

“Fuck! I can’t say no to you. I love you. I love how caring you are, everything about you.”

Instead of sitting on her face, they kiss, grinding against one another.

“I feel like I am dreaming when ever I am with you,” Juliet told her looking at Annie, her eyes filled with love. “Is it too early to ask you to marry me?”

Tears welled in Annie’s eyes.


“Hey, Annie, what is this message ab…?” Casey walked into the room saw the sweaty naked couple and turned back around.

“Come back in twenty minutes,” Annie called to her sister. “We’ll get dinner.”

“Again?” Domino could be heard laughing as his wife exited the room.

“Shut up!” The door closed quickly.

The women laugh together and kiss again before they head for a shower.

A little while later and the two women are sat in the sitting area of the suite when Casey and her husband joined them. But not before calling to make sure they are decent.

After ordering food to be brought up to the suite, the four sat down to speak.

“I received an email about an appointment in Manchester, a vocal audition for Flower in the Forest,” Casey told her sister. Being Annie’s assistant she had access and always read emails for her sister.

“I thought you already had the part? You have a meeting Ray Michaels when we get back.”

“I did. The audition is for Juliet.”

The married couple were both clearly surprised.

“Before you ask, it has nothing to do with me. They approached her.” She gave them the story.

“This is wild! I love Panda Puss. We were actually just listening to your recent upload,” Casey says excited.

Juliet had been worried they would think she was using Annie to be famous. But it wasn’t even mentioned.

“Annie should make a cameo in your next video,” Casey suggested excitedly.
“Make it your coming out announcement,” Domino joked, earning a glare from his wife.

“That might not actually be a bad idea,” Annie said surprising them all.


“Seriously, think about it. It would get the truth out there, I’d be in control of my own coming out, no one come twist it for their own head line. Well, they probably will still try, but fuck them. My parents wouldn’t be able to say it is lies printed by the media. Everyone will know Juliet is mine and her channel would get more followers and publicity, which would also work promoting ‘Flower of the Forest.’ It’s a win win.”

“We don’t know I have the job yet,” Juliet said embarrassed.

“You don’t use auto tune, right?” She shook her head. “Then you got it. The audition is just protocol.”

Juliet wasn’t convinced but did agree Annie should come out in her own way.

“Either way, I want to do this. I want the world to know you’re mine.”


More coming soon.


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Avry Kitchen
Avry Kitchen
2 years ago

Amazing like aways

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