Chapter 9

Jay exited the room, pulling on his clothes and accompanying the group to the girls home.

Even Casey and her husband came. They had been invited earlier in the day while at the tattoo studio.

He and Juliet’s dad had become fast friends.

Jay made googoo eyes Lily the whole time. He had really taken with her. Her parents noticed but said nothing.

They returned to the hotel and unsurprisingly, so did Lily.

In fact, Jay’s room received a number of noise complaints before Juliet decided to step in.

“Lily, put a damn gag on him or go to bloody sleep!” It was early morning and everyone was trying to sleep since Annie and Domino had interviews early and Juliet has to go to college to speak to them about leaving.

“Okay, okay,” She called in reply.
“Shut up or no more candy!”

They all had a good laugh at that and thankfully was able to sleep after that.


Arriving at the college, everyone was eager to speak to her about the rock queen. The article about the competition had been released and everyone wanted information on the beautiful Goddess.

Being diplomatic, she told them only stuff what she knew Annie would want them to know. Leaving out all personal details and their relationship.

All were eager for more information, but she made her excuses and made her way to college admin.

They tried to talk her out of it since everything was already paid and she was on her last year but she had her mind set.

With everyone out all day, she returned home to do a much needed update to her channel.

You see Juliet has a secret. Well, her family know, but none of the outside world. She adores singing and has a very popular YouTube channel. It all started as a dare. Lily and she had been drinking a little too much and were playing a game of truth or dare. Mostly dare since they knew most things about one another. The dares were childish. But then Juliet dared her sister to send a tit pic to her friend’s father. It was stupid and the man was going through a divorce. But Lily had been speaking a lot that evening about how attractive she found him.

Only when she went to send it she clicked a similar but wrong name and sent it to her married coworker. Quickly realising she sent messages not to open. Hoping to spam him enough not to see the picture but he did.

After that Lily only gave her sister one more dare. Create a YouTube channel and post a video of you singing in a panda half mask and a blue wig.

It was meant to embarrass her. But she enjoyed it and by the end of the week she had over two thousand subscribers and was getting requests. She never wanted to be a professional singer, despite having a good voice and enjoying it. It was only a bit of fun. She uploaded at least two videos a week. In each she wore the same mask and wig.

All covers since she couldn’t write to save her life. But she got thousands requests and now had more subscribers than she could ever dream. Even earned money from the channel thanks to the popularity.

But still, her real dream job was photography. Singing and tattooing was just for fun.

But Panda-puss – her Youtuber name – got a lot of attention and messages from ‘agents.’ She wasn’t stupid, she knew the chances of them being real were tiny but she didn’t care. She always cut and paste the same reply. It made ridiculous demands and if anyone replied to that she’d ask for a large amount of money up front. No one ever paid and she didn’t expect them to. It was just a way to get them off her back.

But then a man claiming to work for a major animation company began contacting her. She sent the normal first reply. Agreed to every stupid thing.

‘We want you to voice a part in our next project,’ The person told her. That was a job she would actually take, but didn’t believe a word of it. Especially when they claimed Spectra was voicing a part too.

She did acting occasionally but rarely and never an animated movie, at least not in the last twenty years.

She sent them a message making it clear she didn’t believe them. But they were determined to have her voice. They sent her long message explaining why they were real and even saying if she gave her phone number they’d contact her personally.

‘Anyone can call and pretend. If your really working with Spectra contact her and ask to speak to Juliet.’

Annie was incredibly private with her number and so she thought that was the end of matter.


“I’ve missed you so much, fairy.”
Annie hugged her the moment she was back. Juliet had driven to the hotel and met her there.

They cuddled up on the couch in her suite. “Did you sort everything out at your college?”

“I did and how did your interviews go?”

“Good. Lots of questions about mine and Casey’s relationship. Everyone thinks we should hate one another, I told them a half truth. I told them we actually broke up a while ago – I didn’t mention how long. But Cass and Raymond started dated with my blessing.”

“They accepted that?”

Annie smirked and shook her head. “They asked a dozen other questions about it.”

“And you answered?”

“I told them I realised I shouldn’t be someone I’m not.” She pressed a kiss to Juliet’s neck.
“Is your schedule free?”

“Until we return to the US, yes. Well, other than visiting my family.”

“Of course. I love your family.” Juliet couldn’t help but smile and soon they were making out.

“You like singing?” She asked as afterwards as they still lay hugging facing on another.

“Yes, it’s fun, like tattooing, but photography is my real passion,” She answered without thinking too much about the question.

“How come you didn’t tell me you were a YouTuber?”

“How did you… Lily told you didn’t she?” Juliet asked but didn’t give her a chance to answer.
“I didn’t really think it was important. It just started as a dare but took off,” She explained. “Sorry, princess, I should have told you earlier, but I didn’t think it would matter. No one knows it’s me and I don’t intend telling them. It’s just for fun.”

Annie smiled and stole a kiss.

“What’s your channel name?” She asked standing grabbing her tablet from the coffee table.


Annie gave her a strange look.

“It was Lily’s idea.” She told her the story as Annie quickly found her channel.

“I know this. You did a ‘it’s getting better’ metal cover.”

Juliet blushed embarrassed. “Eh, yes. That was the first song. I was drunk.”

Annie smiled and pulled up a video which was a lot more pop than she normally did. A cover of an old sixties song when Juliet’s phone began to ring.

She was going to ignore it until she noticed who it was.

“I need to take this.” Annie nodded and Juliet went into the other room leaving her girlfriend watching her videos.

“Who was on the phone, Fairy?”

“My college professor.”

“I thought it was done?” Annie asked confused.

“I did. But I’m one of his best student. His words not mine.”

“What did he want?”

“He said I can continue the course, he’ll contact me with the lesson and I can do the work. Then email him all the course work and I’ll get an official qualification. And maybe improve my work.”

She moved to sit on Annie’s lap and stole a kiss. “And I still get to be with my beautiful girl.”

“Anything you want, Fairy,” Annie said stealing a kiss before pulling back.
“I have one question.” Juliet nodded her head to continue. “I understand the panda part. But why puss?”

“It was my sister’s idea,” She blushed as she spoke. “Panda pussy eater aka Panda-puss.”


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