Chapter 3

Arriving back with my mates, they greet me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Are you alright, love? You seem distant,” Jacob asks me as we look at clothes.

“You aren’t having second thoughts, are you?” Mal looks worried.

I walk up to him and hug him. “No. I want to be with you guys. All of you. It’s just… I’m worried about my daddies.”

“Why? They don’t deserve your worry,” Mal says what they are likely all thinking. They all know the story. Mal had told them during my bath. I was successful in sending the memories to him.

He is telepathic too, but none of the others.

“I know. But I do believe they love me.” At least I hope they do. Despite what they said I want them in my life. My mother I couldn’t care less. My sister… I am torn. I love her deeply. But she is so cruel. I maybe insane but I miss her.

“Despite what they said I believe they didn’t know what was happening. They love me, they are idiots but would never harm me.”

“Then you can call them and inform them-”

I cut him off. “No. I have to see them.” I tell them what the woman told me.

They seem reluctant but Lazarus agrees I have to see them.

The other three seemed to just want to fight with my daddies.

“Fine. But they can wait. We’ll finish here first.” I reluctantly agree. But I need clothes.

Over the next couple of hours I get more than a dozen outfits, underwear and shoes. Even a bit of jewellery.

“That will be…” The teller read out the price. A lot of money but I got a lot and have plenty of money.

“Put it on my…” Before Lazarus can finish I hand her a large wad of cash.

“Is that enough?” I can feel the guys eyes on me but they say nothing.

“Yes and a little extra.” She hands me back several notes and change.

We exit the store and thankfully fit all my purchases in the car without a problem. It is a big car, more like a truck, so that helps. I doubt they’d fit in a normal sized car.

“Why are you all so quiet?” I ask once we enter the car.

“We wanted to buy your things,” Issak says frowning making his bottom lip stick out.

“Lazarus, that ancient rule, is there anything saying I can’t bite pouting lips before five days?”

“Technically, no. But I think that would be classed as a sexually act.”

“Eh, no fun.” But the other are smiling now at least.

“I got all this money and wanted to spend it. I got a little excited.”

“We understand but we want to treat you. Pamper you.”

I don’t argue knowing it is part of the mating dance and promise they can pay next time. This seems to please them.

“Can you drive past the beach square? She said she always sees them there,” I ask once we are in the car. If I don’t see them I’ll call them.

The beach square is a privately owned piece of the town well known because it is for exclusive use of vampires. There is even a park for small vampires, fast food diner which sells blood and a several other vampire own business. It is also where most made of lower class vampires live. It is known as a private community which is how they keep humans out. Sometimes humans get onto the land. Most of the time it was easy to turn them in the right direction. The ones that cause trouble don’t end well.

It was mine on my daddies place for years. We’d go there a few times a week until recently.

“What do they look like?”

“Short curly dark green hair and brown eyes like mine. Tall and handsome. But not as tall as you lot. My grandmother – their mother – said they are male versions of me.”

“Alright. If we see them you should read them before approaching them,” Issak says to Mal and the others agree. They know I’m no good at controlling my powers.

“Yes but Zelda should read too. She can see memories and project, I hear thoughts and project my voice.” The others seem surprised. Likely because as a whole it is rare.

There are different types of Telepathic power? I had no idea.

‘Yes,’ He answers in my head.

“But I can’t control it.”

“I can help you focus. We can work together.” I nod my head.

Driving the streets and roads are much busier than I would have expected. Then again I have never been out in this part of town this late. It never took me long to find a willing human to take me home.

I can tell without asking almost all are vampires.

Vampires have social lives, jobs and are similar to humans in many ways.

“Zelda,” Jacob asks as he slows the car down. “Were you sexually involved with your daddies?”

“What? No! Why would you even ask that?”

He points to two haggard men, blistered after too much exposure to light and dry peeling skin from lack of blood. It took me a moment to realize who they are. They look devastated.

“What’s happening to them? Why would they do this?” I ask in tears but unable to move.

“Mal went through something similar experience when Jezebel disappeared. Only he had our parents and us to drag him home.”

“They are going through rejection, from my mother?” I found that her to believe. Then again I never really did know her.

“Take my hands, love,” Mal holds of them for me to take. “We will read them together.”

“But how do-” The moment our hands touch years of memories came to me.

I watch as my daddies met my mother for the first time. Only it wasn’t the fairy tale she said it was. A bloody and bruised teen, she was crying and looking for a saviour, she forced an imprinted on the first pair to show her concern.

My grandmother had been beating her and was physically abusive to her mate too. She begged them for help. They accompanied her to her home with the intentions of speaking to her parents. Instead they saw her mother through the window beating her mate and making it clear she was planning on killing their daughter when she returned.

They planned on only taking her to the vampire police enforcement team. But even then she was manipulative – her mother’s daughter. She convinced the young naïve pair that the only way to save her was to imprint on her and become her mates. It made no sense. But only fourteen and she seventeen, they lacked the years to tell what she was doing.

They still went to the police but when their parents were called my mother – Luna – convinced them with the fairy tale story. The twins never spoke up, but were uncomfortable.

Her parents were already dead when the police arrived.

My daddies shared a bed with her reluctantly to keep up the ruse, but weren’t sexually involve for years. But were involved with one another. Not that she didn’t try.

Then one day it was like a switch was flicked and they felt the most over powering urge to be with her.

They had sex and shortly after she got pregnant. Everything was good until they discovered it was twins. Luna wanted to abort one. But the twins were dead against it and it is also illegal.

But she seemed to change and accept the both children.

The birth was fast and Luna didn’t want to let go of the first born. The twins felt guilty but were happy because it meant they could have more time with their youngest.

Yes, my daddies were blind to my mother’s actions. They saw her feeding me blood but never questioned what it was because she was seemingly a good mother feeding her babies.

They tried to show equal favour but I could feel it watching their memories, they favoured me. Though I think a big part of that was because they sent no time getting to know their oldest thanks to Luna.

No, they didn’t always believe my tale telling because Zayda always acted loving and kind to me around them. I never noticed this before, but seeing through their eyes I understood finally.

When we were born the desire left and they stopped being intimate with her. Not that it seemed to bother her, not now she had a child.

As the years passed their yearn for me only grew. But they began to feel disheartened when my growth stopped.

They wanted to take me to a specialist but my mother convinced them it would only make me depressed knowing they think of me as lesser. They didn’t, she was the one who always said I was lesser when they were alone and they’d defend me against everyone who spoke bad of me. Even their own parents, which hurt to find out.

I have no doubt my paternal grandparents love me, but they see me as defective, unable to carry on the family name. My daddies were furious which is why I rarely saw my grandparents in my teen years but my mother and sister always visited.

I had been sad to be left out but enjoyed the days out alone to fairs and places with my daddies. My mother never did things like that with me.

Then the day I overheard my mother and sister and went to tell them.

They were tired and frustrated from long hours of studying, trying to find a way to help me grow. Vampires sometimes stop aging before eighteen but never as young as I appeared.

Every time they thought they had found the answer their hopes would be dashed. Another promising lead had disappeared when I entered the room and told them what I heard.

All the years of frustration they lost at the moment. They weren’t angry at me and didn’t mean it when they said I was lesser. I was shocked but everything was starting to make sense.

When I yelled at them I had projected all the bullying and catching my mother and sister to them.

Red with anger they confronted them. They were angry at my sister but they blamed themselves for letting Luna blind them. They sent Zayda to their parents not wanting her around when they and Luna argue.

I understand their logic. It didn’t mean they were any less angry at her, but it was our mother who manipulated her.

I doubt we’ll ever be friends. She isn’t a good person.

Luna admitted it, admitted to moulding Zayda into the woman she wanted to be and giving her the life she should have had. Even confessed to having a human for her true mate and was grooming Zayda to take over her roll as our daddies mate so she could be with this man.


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