Chapter 4

It only got worse from there. She admitted to tricking her father into imprinting on her, my daddies and other men over the years with promises. But only wanting power. She is mentally unwell. Crazy? definitely.

This man she is in love with doesn’t know she exists. He is very happily married to his childhood sweetheart with several children. My daddies knew she had someone else she was interested in before and had no problem with her moving on since they had found their true mate.

But learning this they were horrified. Luna was even worse than her mother. She planned to killed the children and wife in front of the man, force his change and keep him as her mate.

Before my daddies could do anything to her the police arrived. Seems my sister had some sense and confessed her roll in starving me to our grandparents who call the police on my mother.

The biggest legal rules vampires have are –

No killing another vampire without good reason.

It is illegal to starve a child vampire of true blood, which my mother was doing by giving me Synthetic blood.

And killing any human under eighteen is a huge no.

All are death sentences.

The police force is made up of skilled and powerful vampires, some telepathic to read criminals.

After the police left my daddies left to find me. One returning home occasionally to make sure I haven’t returned. But staying up day and night. Staying in the shadows in the day. They have spoken to many about me. My grandparents and others had tried to have them return home but they ignored them.

Zayda came once but left when they told her how disgusted they were with her.

She didn’t know all our mothers plans but she willingly let me starve. She only isn’t in legal trouble because she was a child too and manipulated. But has lost any chance of a good career or advancement in the vampire hierarchy for four hundred years even if she mates a high ranking member.

Only seconds have passed when we break the link but it feels like hours.

I break down crying immediately realizing the pain they must have felt over the years.

I know without asking Mal is telepathically telling them what we saw, it’s faster than speaking out loud.

I saw my daddies imprint on me the moment they held me after I was born. They didn’t mean to and had no intention of doing anything. They hated themselves for it and never told anyone.

But over the years their love for me only grew. Over the years they discovered father daughter matings were more common than they thought. They planned to wait until I had my final growth spurt to tell me, Zayda and my mother. But then admitted she found someone else but wanted to wait until we had grown, they were happy they wouldn’t have trouble breaking up with her.

But then I didn’t grow, hardly and then at all. They love me and wanted to be with me but were torn, they couldn’t bare to be without me, but couldn’t be with a child. Hence why they were working so hard to help me.

“What if I don’t imprint on them? I don’t want to hurt anyone or lose any of you,” I ask in tears. I love my daddies and they are very handsome with many admirers but I’ve never thought of them that way before.

“Zelda, no matter what I know this will work and you’ll always have us all,” Jacob tells me and the others agree making me smile despite the tears.

“Don’t worry, love, I am never letting you go,” Mal tells me.

I really want to kiss them. I lean over and kiss each of their cheeks. All smile brightly.

I see a flicker of a memory. It is Lazarus.

Feeling dejected he and the twins are driving back home after their year long hiatus when Issak spots a man on the beach approaching a woman with a knife behind his back.

“Stop!” He exclaimed. Before the car has fully stopped he is out of the car. His brother and friend quickly follow.

He was barely on the beach when he caught sight of the woman properly.

I watch the moment they imprinted and fell in love with me and any doubts I had about them not loving me and only feeling sorry for me disappeared.

“I love you all. I’m just going to get my daddies.” I don’t miss their bright smiles before I leave the car.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask approaching the sickly looking pair. The word are barely out of my mouth and they have me in their arms. It was so fast I didn’t even see them move.

Even my voice has changed so I expected it to take them a few seconds at least to recognize me.

They hold me tight for the longest time before I finally speak.

“I’m sorry for leaving you both. I didn’t understand, I thought you’d prefer me gone.” Not a lie.

“Never!” Both spoke at the same time. “Never leave us again, angel,” Daddy Byron says.

“We don’t care if you stay small forever, we love you,” Daddy Dirk adds.

I’m going to end up with a harem at this rate. Yes, I did it, I couldn’t stop myself, the connection is too strong.

“Daddies…” I try to think of the right words but end up blurting it out. “I went on a little rabid and on a spree. It seems like all I needed was some real blood.”

They pulled back but barely enough to let me go and looked me over. “You have grown even more beautiful.”

“I read your mind, I watched your memories, I know what happened,” Again with the blurting.

“And do you accept us?” They ask nervously.

“There is something you should know first. My mother’s mother’s brothers, I have taken them as my mates.” They visibly deflate. “But I have imprinted on you too.” They look at me hopeful. “I couldn’t stop myself. I love you both so much.”

“We can share!” They say quickly and go to kiss me but I pull back.

“We are doing it with ancient rules. No mouth kissing or sex for five days.”

They nod in understanding. “We’d wait forever for you.” Both lean in and kiss my cheeks. I can feel the happiness radiating off them.

“Come with me.” Taking their hands I pull them along with me. They loyally follow me.

“You have grow so much. You barely reached our hips before.” I am shoulder height compared to them now. “And you are even more beautiful than we thought possible.”

I don’t know what to say, I feel suddenly shy.

At the car we are greeted by three of my mates, Mal isn’t there.

“These are my daddies, Byron and Dirk. Daddies, these are my uncles, Jacob, Issak, Lazarus and…” I introduce them, then look around.

“Mal has gone to get us a table.” Issak turns to my daddies. “We are all very pleased to meet you. And hope to be good friends with you.”

Not much is said as we head to a restaurant I didn’t know existed. I know my daddies are likely exhausted and starving, so I don’t push them. They actually appear half asleep.

I quickly learn I haven’t seen the restaurant before because it’s eighteens and overs only. They serve alcohol, food and drink and every single thing has blood incorporate blood in it. Or if you want you can have straight blood.

“Mal, these are my daddies, Dirk and Byron.”

“Hello. It is great to meet you,” He greets them. “I have a table for us all.”

‘Don’t worry, love, I know they are just tired,’ He reassures me telepathically.

He leads us to a private room. On the table are four one gallon bottles of blood and several dishes of food.

The moment my daddies smell the blood they go into a bit of a frenzy. Both move straight to the blood and each grab a bottle and drink it straight down. The blood works its magic and their skin began to heal and they go from looking like forty year old human drug addicts to my beautiful youthful daddies.

“Wow.” I turn to see my other mates all admiring my daddies.

“Yes, I told you they are handsome.”

Turning back to them I see blood dripping from the corner of their mouths and can’t help myself.

Walking over to them I lick from their jaw to close to the corner of their mouths.

Low growls, they are clearly as aroused as me but I am pull back before they can get me.

“Stop teasing them, Zelda. You know we all have to wait,” Jacob says holding me.

“And you two, pretty boys. We all want this to work and last. Which means no sexual touching, even one another.”

“Yes, because the likelihood is high that you’ll imprint us too.”

Surprised I think ‘You all imprinted on my daddies?’ Knowing Mal is likely listening. ‘Yes, it was automatic. They are just as beautiful as you.’

’And the others, have you imprinted on them?

‘Yes. Meeting you was like everything coming together and making sense. I am bisexual as are the others. But never thought I’d end up with a beautiful female and male mates.’

Looking to my daddies I smile. “I love you all and want this to last forever and have many children with you all. I am horny as hell but if I have to wait then I will.”

They smile and agree. “But we can hold her still, right?”

“Yes, hugging is fine, just no sexual contact or mouth kissing.”

I am quickly sat on my daddy Byron lap while Dirk feeds me.

“I’m really not hungry,” I laugh as they feed me. “Let me feed you instead.”

“No, we are meant to cater to you… Right?” They look to Mal for confirmation.

He nods smiling.

“But if reports are true, she has drain at least fifty people over the last two weeks. She’s likely not going to eat much for a couple of days.”

The others eyes all widen. “Fifty…” I think back and count the ones I can remember but loose count. “Probably higher. Quite a few were perverts in shared houses. It’s shocking how many men want to pick up little girls.” All are shocked but pleased I killed the men in question.

“I only regret one. The first woman. She was such a sweet, kindly old woman. She was just lonely.”

“If it makes it any better, you probably put her out of her misery.”

They all finish the food and order more but I can’t eat anything. Though the little I was force fed was good.


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