Chapter 2

Adoe held the sleeping female in his arms the whole way. Even holding her when they came to the transport.
He had been hesitate to let her go when they arrived home.
She had snuggled against him and slipped her hand under his vest. At first he had thought she was awake but no, she was well and truly asleep.
Arriving home, he took her straight to Mex for scanning. They had to check she was disease free and if she was any species in their databank.
He never would have guessed she’d be the one they were looking for.
“She’s a beautiful creature. Do you think we could take her as our mate?” Xon asked excitedly. He had taken an instant liking to the small female.
“Truth be told, I was thinking the same,” Odac admitted. “She is a beautiful creature, very pleasant.” He hadn’t said much to her, but she clearly affected him too.
“I too. But you know she’ll never bear our young?” Adoe reminded them.
Every Venchy male was partnered with two to five other males. The group would eventually take a mate together when the time came. Until then, they took solace in one another’s arms.
“Yes, it is unfortunate. But perhaps in time we will find a way for us all to have children together.” Xon, ever the optimist. That was one of the reasons the older males had agreed for him to join their pairing group.
There was at least several pairing groups mated for love to a female they couldn’t breed. He was certain they were hoping for the same.
Even before she was fully awake she could smell something delicious.
It was vanilla, fresh cut grass, pine trees and all her favorite scents.
“Mmm,” She moaned stretching her body. The bed was so soft.
Had she actually got home instead of having a power nap at the base?
Slowly opening her eyes, she was met by an unfamiliar pale green wall.
She quickly sat up and looked around.
“Do not be scared, little Cass.” Her eyes snapped to two large red alien males. One was familiar.
“I will go get Warrior Kosh,” The unfamiliar male said, leaving the room.
Everything what had happened in the last twenty-four hours came flooding back to her.
Destroying the meteor, going through the energy portal, crashing and meeting the strange aliens.
Everything seemed to hit her all at once. She had always thought she would be excited to meet aliens, but the possibility of never returning home was too much.
She may not been in contact with her family, but she always hoped they would reconnect one day. That maybe they would see she saved the world and they would want her, love her again.
It was a laughable childish dream and she knew it.
Not caring anymore, she broke down. The floodgates opened, she held her face in her hands and began to sob.
In less than a second the man had picked her up and was looking her over concerned.
“What’s wrong, Cass? Are you feeling unwell?” The familiar male asked.
“Xon?” She asked trying to stop crying but failing.
He smiled brightly. “You remember my name,” He said proudly and stroked her cheek with his large hand.
“Won’t you tell me what is wrong, my Emaia?”
“I’m alone. I’ll never see my home planet or family again,” She cried.
“I am certain you will. But you aren’t alone.” His words sent goosebumps to her skin, but in a good sense.
“You have us.”
She could tell he genuinely meant it. Taking a risk she leaned in and hugged him.
He made a purr type sound and hugged her back.
She felt so relaxed with him, like she had known him forever. She felt the same about all the men she had met so far.
“What is that smell?” She asked temporarily distracted. She leaned in closer and inhaled his scent.
“Mmm, it’s you.” She smelled him again. She knew she probably came off as a completely weirdo but the smell was intoxicating.
He looked puzzled and smelled himself. “I smell nothing.”
She didn’t know what came over her but she had the overwhelming need to taste him. He watched her curiously as she stuck out her short stumpy tongue and licked his neck.
He let out an aroused growl.
She glanced up at the sexy alien male holding her. He was aroused and it was because of her. This was a new feeling for her, in more ways than one.
She had been aroused before but males – hot males – never looked at her like that. Like the most beautiful, precious thing they had ever seen.
“I’ve never been with a man before,” The words seem to leave her mouth on their own.
“I neither have taken a female mate,” His voice thick with need. He moved her to sit on the edge of the high bed.
Seconds later and their mouths collided. She had been kissed once or twice, but they were repulsive mistakes. Not like this.
She could feel his teeth and tongue were both different than hers but it didn’t matter.
It was wrong but gentle all at the same time.
He wanted her and she, him.
Her hands wandered as though they had a mind of their own and found their way around his very large erection. Another growl and second later he had tore her horrible union suit off.
She knew what was going to happen, but she wasn’t going to stop it. She wanted it too.
“I would like to mate you, my Emaia.”
It sounded almost like a question. His painfully hard erection was already aimed and ready at her wet, virgin hole.
“Do you accept?” He asked stopping and waiting for her answer.
Her body ached with need. She had never been so aroused in her life.
“Yes, I accept. Take me, Xon.” The second the words left her mouth, his hands were all over her body and slowly he eazed himself inside her.
She managed to fight back a yelp. It was a lot more painful than she expected. Probably due to his immense size. But quickly as the pain came it began to fade and pleasure like she had never known took its place.
He said nothing, but held on to her breasts as he roared loudly at the ceiling.
He didn’t need to say anything, she knew he was enjoying it too.
A strange sensation built up in her stomach. She couldn’t understand what it was until a sudden rush of ecstasy filled her.
She cried of in pleasure, digging her nails in Xon’s skin.
His thrusts became faster until…
He let out a ear piercing cry and his seed flooded her insides.
That feeling alone was almost enough to trigger her second release.
He leaned back down and kissed her, this time much softer and caring.
“Xon! What did you do?!” The angry voice of Warrior Kosh came from behind them.
Now in the room was the three men who had first found her, the unfamiliar man who she saw after she woke up and another slightly older, but still as handsome alien male.
Scared, she reached behind her, pulled the blanket, drew it around her and clung to Xon, hiding her face against his neck.
“I asked her to mate and she said yes. I am sorry, Warrior Kosh,” He apologised but continued to hold her securely against him.
Kosh growled in frustration and she tightened her grip, unintentionally digging her fingers in Xon sides.
“You are scaring Cass, Warrior Kosh.”
Footsteps and a third hand on her bare back.
“Forgive me, little Cass. I did not intend to scare you. I just wished for us to mate correctly.”
Scared but confused, she peered at him. “Us?” She asked nervous. She had a good idea what he meant but wanted to be sure.
“Yes, our mating group.” Seeing her confusion he became a little concerned.
“On my planet people only normal have one partner,” She knew it sounded pompous. She didn’t mean it too but it did. She had that trouble a lot.
“But some take multiple mates, correct?” He asked sounding hopeful.
“Some, but rarely.” She didn’t want to go into details knowing how annoying and preaching she could become.
“Then you shall become our mate.”
“What? Hey! Who is we? What do you mean by mate? And who gives you the right to tell me what I’ll do?!” She snapped jumping off the bed and in front of him, luckily the blanket had gone with her.
“I know I had sex with your man, but that doesn’t give you the right….”
Her mind drifted off mid sentence when the other men approached her.
She gulped but stood her ground.
“Our mating grouping is we,” He indicated to all the men in the room.
“Five males?” She asked surprised. The males were large all over and incredibly handsome despite their alien appearance.
“Yes, all groups are between three and six males.”
“And one female?”
“If they are lucky enough to find one.”
She didn’t get a chance to ask what he meant because the third male from their first meeting spoke first.
“Have you a ‘uman mate, Cass?” He sounded a little disappointed. She couldn’t help but think he sounded cute.
“No, but that’s nothing to do with it!” They all smiled despite her words.
“What is a mate to you? Sex, a life partner, a mother, what? For goodness sake, I don’t even that your names!”
“I am Xon, Warrior of Kosh.” Kosh sounded more like a title than name now.
She turned to look at him amused. He knew she knew his name. He just wanted her attention.
“I am Odac, head warrior of Kosh,” The unnamed male from her first meeting introduced himself.
“I am Mex, the healer of Kosh,” The male who was with Xon when she woke up introduced himself.
Though he was dressed similarly to others, they seemed more rough than him.
“I am Beqat, elder of Telka,” The older new man introduced. Older but not elderly.
He seemed a more closed off than the other men, like he was keeping something back.
“I am Adoe, Warrior Kosh of Telka.”
“Oh, Kosh is a title?”
“Yes. I am leader of the Venchy and Telka is our planet.”
“As in everyone is under your rule?”
“Yes, you are in our home. As our mate it will be your home too. You will be everything you mentioned, a life partner, lover and…”
He looked to Mex as of asking him a question.
“I have not yet determined if she can bear our young.”
No-one seemed surprised, though they hid it, she could tell they were disappointed.
“If you wish for children, why not take another mate?” It made her more sad than she cared to admit but it was best for them all.
A knock sounded at the door, Mex answered it, there was some low speaking and he returned a moment later with a small bundle in his arms.
“We did not have anything in your size. I gave our tailor your measurements and he made these for you.” He held out the bundle for her.
She took the bundle, thanking him.
Looking at the items, it was a short sleeved dress, about knee length, made from the same material as their clothing. Also, there was a pair of tiny knee length boots in her size.
They were unlike anything she owned, but she liked them.
“Are they suitable?” The healer asked her. “We are not used to providing for females.”
Cass surprised him by hugging his waist. Being about two foot smaller, it was all she could reach.
“Thank you, it is amazing.”
She wasn’t much up on fashion, but she was certain the women back home would go mad for it.
He didn’t hesitate to bend slightly to return the hug.
“You are so small. I would like to check you over to make sure you are not injured after mating.”
She couldn’t help but laugh. “Apart from a broken hymen, I’m fine.” The last words was barely out of her mouth when he picked her up and placed her in the bed.
“No!” She clamped her legs together and glared at him.
“What are you doing?” She asked calmly.
“You said you were broken,” He said worried.
this is still an awesome story.