Chapter 3

“Thank you for your care, Mex.”

“I do not understand. You are not hurt?” He looked as confused as the rest.

“The hymen is a membrane which covers most of a Human females vagina entrance until she has sex the first time. It is normal to tear.”

“What is the function of this hymen? Could I examine you still?”

“I’ll tell you anything you want to know later. Right now I would like a wash. Is there somewhere I can clean myself?”

Mex walked over to a panel she hadn’t noticed before and a moment later a shower type cubicle came out of the wall.

“The cubicle will clean you, you need just remove all your clothing and walk in.”

“I don’t have to press any button?”

“No, it will start automatically when you are inside.”

She stood from the bed.

It was clear they weren’t going anywhere but she still asked.

“You are staying?”

“Yes, we will wait for you to finish so we can talk about our mating,” Adoe answered.

The walls of the cubicle were clear.
They would see her. Then again they had seen her when they caught her with Xon.

Deciding to brave it, she removed the blanket, placing it back on the bed.

The aliens grunted and looked her over hungrily. Reaching back, she pulled the hair band out and unbraided her hair.

They seemed fascinated by her hair if the sounds they were making were anything to go by. Her hair wasn’t like theirs. Being so close to Xon she had the chance to touch and see it up close.

Their braids were made up of hairs as thick as her finger. Unlike anything she had seen.

She climbed in the cubicle and a second later pink water run over her.

It was unlike normal water though. Her aching muscles felt better and her body cleaner. She half expected to turn pink. Running her hands through her hair she was surprised to find it had taken all the red dye from her hair, leaving it the natural light blonde she disliked so much.

Mainly because kids in school teased her because of it, saying she had grandma hair.

Stupid really, but it hurt her.

The water stopped and was replaced by a light. She was unsure what it was, but it dried her body.

She exited the cubicle after only a minute to find the males still staring at her. Now they seemed more interested in her hair than her body.

“I coloured my hair. This is the natural colour,” She explained walking over to the bed.

“It is like the sun,” Odac said in awe.

“It makes you even more beautiful, Emaia,” Adoe commented and the others agreed.

“Now you are cleansed, I will to examine you, Emaia,” Mex didn’t seem to be giving up.

“Fine, but can we do it alone?”

“No, as your mates we will stay.”

She opened her mouth to argue, but it seemed pointless. They seemed to have decided already.

She knew she should be angry but she wasn’t.

Climbing on the bed and spread her legs. It was the most unusual gynaecological examine she had every had.

All the guys gathered around, with Mex moving between her legs.

He reached down and examined her.

“I see. This is fascinating. Unlike I have seen.” He touched her nub, she bit her lip not to moan. “This is inside the female in all the female species I know of. I have heard it is hard to find too.”

“I have another spot inside,” She regretted saying it because he pushed one of his large digits inside her.

“Oh goodness!” She moaned.

“You are very tight.” He slipped the finger out and looked to Beqat who looked like he wanted to dive inside her. Then again, they all did.

“You will need to be gentle. She is not as easily fixed as a bot.”

“Hang on. You have sex bots?” She guessed that is what he meant.

“We have cleaning bots. But as most single males on our planet, they have been adapted to serve our pleasure.”

“But Beqat always breaks them,” Xon added. He was stood by her head stroking her hair.

She looked at him and he smiled, leaned down and gave her a quick kiss.

“Can you tell me about your reproductive organs? It would help me learn if you can carry our young?”

“And if I can’t? What? You’ll no longer want me as a mate?” She sat back up.

“No, we wish to mate you either way. We feel connected to you,” She was surprised to hear Beqat say that. He seemed to find her attractive but there was something she couldn’t quite understand.

“Many of our males have mated a female of a different species despite being unable to conceive,” Mex explained.

“I don’t understand. If you wish for young, why not just mate a female of your own race?”

“Sadly, the Venchy is a male only race. We haven’t had a female born in centuries. We did used to find mates on a local, neighbouring race planet but they were wiped them all out by disease,” He explained sadly.

“We can mate any female, but we have yet to find another race with can procreate with. In all honestly we don’t expect to be able to have young with you. But we feel a connection with you that cannot be ignore.”

She felt sad for them.

“But you’re race, it will die out,” She said worried.

“Not so easily as you would expect. Our planet heals us and we can live indefinitely. If the worst comes and many die, we have cloning.”

“I am the last born,” Xon tells her.

“And I am the oldest. I once had a Venchy female mate, but she died long ago.”

Ah, that could help explain why Beqat was closed off. He was hurt.

“I am sorry, Beqat.” She stood up and hugged him.

He was rock hard all over, a mixture of tension and muscles.

He relaxed a little and lifted her up into his arms holding her against him.

Her nakedness didn’t bother her. She felt at ease.

“Venchy women, carried their young in a birthing sack on their shoulders when they were in heat. The neighbouring species laid eggs. Most species lay eggs. Venchy women were rare in the fact they carried their young,” Mex explained as Beqat continued to hold her like a child. He stroked the space between her breast.

She knew she was letting the feminist down at home but she enjoyed their attention.

“Also none, have these beautiful mounds of flesh,” Mex indicated to her chest. “Could you explain?”

A quickly explanation of the Human reproduction system and breasts and they all were fascinated.

“So young grow in here and are feed from these?” Adoe asked genuinely interested but Mex was doing something on a console.

“Yes, exactly.”

“It is a shame we can’t have young. I think you would be beautiful round with our young.”

She could see how much they all wanted children. It saddened her.

“Maybe I could help?”

“How?” Adoe asked interested.

“I maybe less technically advanced than you, but I am intelligent and studied many medical technics to help infertile women on my planet. Perhaps I could work with Mex so you and the other mated groups could have young.”

“At this time, we will take any help. But if you cannot find anything, do not worry, Cass. We will still love you.” She couldn’t help but smile.

“Cass, could I perform another scan on you?” Mex asked walking back over.

“I did one earlier, but because I didn’t know what I was looking for the settings were all wrong. But I have corrected that fault now.”

Beqat walked over to the bed, but before placing her on the bed, he leaned in and gave her a lip bruising, pussy tingling kiss.

She was left wanting more as he moved away. He must have realised because he smirked and not so discreetly adjusting the monster in his pants.

“Stand back.” They all took a step back and a second later and beam of light shone down on her abdomen.

A holographic image of her womb appeared just above her.

“What the…?” Her eyes widen.

“What is it, Cass?” The men worried but Mex was typing frantically on his console.

“That’s a blastocyst.”


“It’s the first stages of pregnancy but it doesn’t normally happen for a few days.”

“You are pregnant with another ‘uman?” Odac asked sadly.

“No, I was her first,” Xon argued.

“Then…” They all looked to Mex for help.

“It is official, Cass is pregnant with a Venchy males child, with Xon’s child.”

A thud as Xon passed out from the shock. Everyone ignored him, seemingly in shock.

“But it is too fast, how?” She was still confused.

“The Venchy females were known to know they were pregnant within days.”

“So I will be pregnant less than ten months?”

“I’d have to check regularly but I would say less than thirty weeks.”

“But I can’t, I was told I would have problems conceiving.” Which was why she studied medical procedures to help infertile women. But also studied many things for fun in her free time.

The organ looked like the perfect example of a Human woman’s healthy uterus.

“The planet has healing properties,” Mex said as though that explained everything.

She had always wanted children but never expected to be able to. Especially not with an alien.

“We are truly bless, Cass,” Adoe said proudly.

The scan finishes and she climbs off the bed to help Xon.

“No, I’ll help him,” Odac stops her. “You must be careful now you are pregnant with our child, Emaia.”

Looking around the room Odac, Adoe and Mex all looked excited, like all their Christmases had come at once. Xon was still on the ground, but Beqat, he looked close to tears.

“Are you disappointed?” She asked him worried walking in front of him.

It was fast, but she liked the men and cared what they thought.

Could it be the love at first sight she had read about in story books?

“No, I am happier than I have been in an eternity.”

“Me too,” She said with a big smile.
She maybe a intellectual, but she still wanted a husband – or five – and children.

“I knew you were special,” Xon said now awake with a face breaking smile.

“You are a miracle,” Adoe said happily before she was hugged by each of the men. But none made a move to do anything but give her a hug and a gentle kiss.

“When did you eat last, Emaia?” Mex asked her.

“Hmm… Before I left earth… So several hours ago.” She thought for a second. “Where’s my things? My shuttle?”

“Here…” Mex handed her a bundle.

“This is it,” She took the handset and kissed him. He smiled brightly.

“That is important to you, Cass?” They all looked at the handset in her hands. “Yes,” She gave a quick explanation of what the handset did while getting dressed or at least while Beqat dressed her.

“I thought your species wasn’t very advanced but this is amazing.”

It soon became clear they were a very advanced race but lacked some of the minor inventions the earth had. But they still had a lot on earth. They had a working space ship.

“We are all mates now?” She asked double checking. “I mean…”

“Yes. We are mates. We will join with you when it is safe to do so,” Adoe answered giving her a kiss.

“This is the first pregnancy in centuries. None of us will join until we are certain it is safe.”
She understood their worry, she felt the same. She loved the baby already.

“Centuries? How old are you?” She asked sure they were mistaken.

“Much older than we look,” Bequat said with a smile.

“As we said, the planet has healing affects. It works on most but sadly not on our neighboring race who died.”

“I expect a lot come here to heal?” She asks curiously.

“Yes. Many wish to take our planet. It is one of a kind. But it is the planet we were first born on, our home planet. We are a warrior race. No-one comes without our permission.”

More coming soon.


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Pretty E
Pretty E
2 years ago

Just wanted to inform, pregnancies are 9 months or 40 weeks on average. Enjoying all of your works and wanted to thank you for sharing!

2 years ago
Reply to  Pretty E

They are technically 9 months but they are 10 lunar months. 4 weeks in a month 40/4=10

Pretty E
Pretty E
2 years ago
Reply to  Kay


2 years ago

Can’t wait for another update . Love this ❤️

9 months ago

Do you know when you’ll be finishing this book?

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