Chapter 1

I am completely in love with the diner. It is huge and is incredibly ornate. It looks like a expensive restaurant, except it has stools and booths.

I had changed into the uniform from one of my old jobs in the back room.

My ex manager asked me to give it back once I left but since I bought it out my own wages, no way. I check it. It didn’t have any company names only mine, which I embroidered in personally.

It was just an ordinary pink uniform, with white collar and cuffs on the shorts sleeves.

Right now I’m glad I kept it. It saves me getting my own clothes dirty.

“You got anything specific you want me to cook?” I ask as the mayor explains to his brother what is happening.

“Corn bread, mash potatoes and streak, that is for Kurt. He’s one of the elderly gentlemen, but very picky about food. The rest… I have a list on the board but feel free to change it. Just make a dozen fruit pies.”

“A dozen?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be there to help, between the two of us we’ll easily be done in time.”

Gary hung around as we cooked. Apparently he didn’t have much to do unless it was breaking up sibling arguments or manning the bar in the evening.

“There is the Hunter brothers. There is five of them. The triplets, they are forty-two and the twins, they are thirty-seven. They hunt animals and fish, do handy work around town and brew a mean beer.” He was telling me about everyone in town. They literally do everything in town between all the families. That means they hardly ever have to outsource.

“Then there is the James brothers. They are two sets of twins, forty-one and thirty-nine. They raise life stock.

“Next, the Harrison brothers. Also two sets of twins. They are forty and thirty-nine. They grow grain, vegetables, fruits and pretty much anything you need.

“The Richard twins. They are a couple of years older than us. One is a lawyer but usually helps out at the farm or picking. The second is the doctor, but also works as a vet. You can usually find him at the farm. If we need anything out of town, it is normally them who goes, but once in a while me and my brother goes,” He explained.

“Then there are Kurt, Ray and Mike. They are older than dirt and are complete pains.”

“Just send them my way if they say anything,” Graham tells me helping me cook.

“Gary, if you’re going to hang around, make yourself useful and chop them apples.”

His brother sniggered, he clearly wasn’t used to being told what to do.

“I don’t know how.”

I just stare at him.

“He’s like this all the time. He is pretty useless when it comes to the kitchen,” His brother tells me and Gary doesn’t argue.

“I’ll chop, you stir this and don’t stop.”


The bell on the door rings precisely one o’clock and I hear some people enter. But couldn’t see from where I was in the kitchen at the back, a wall was in my way.

“That’ll be the Kurt, Ray and Mike, they are always here at the same time,” Graham tells me. His brother was stood around drinking coffee again.

“You serve, I’ve still got to finish these pies.” He nods and looks to his brother as though silently speaking to him before the pair left the kitchen. Giving me some much needed silence.

I’m beyond happy how things are working out. The Jones brothers are like kind uncles. But I’m nervous about meeting everyone else.

Like I said before, I’m hardly a social flower. I can talk, but that’s a big front.

Pulling the muffins out if the oven, I press one down and watch it sprang back up.


I know they only wanted fruit pies but I decided to bake these too.

If they don’t want them, all the more for me.

I hang around in the kitchen, knowing sooner or later I’ll be called to cook something up that gets done at the last moment. Such as eggs and pancakes.

But much to my surprise, I don’t.
I dish up plate after plate of the food I had ready. I ate my food in the kitchen while I waited to see if anything wanted anything else.

I knew by now everyone was there. I could hear the men laughing and chatting.

Graham came in and started taking all the pies and muffins out, but not before I had already ate one.

He returned a minute later and stood in front of me.

“You didn’t have to eat in here,” He looked guilty. “I would have finished up.”

I waved my hand dismissively. “It’s alright. Besides, I’m a little nervous now. What if they hate me? I am not good with people. I’ve never had a friend before.”

He leaned down and placed his hands on my shoulders. “I don’t know what has happened to the world. But you are an amazing girl. I would be ecstatic if I had a daughter like you. If the rest of the country can’t see that then I’m sorry for them. Because I know they’ll love you.”

“Promise you won’t leave me alone?”
He smiled. “Just think of me as your father. If any of them hurt you I’ll beat them.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Our three elderly residents have already left. You can meet them next time.”

But then I noticed a light flickering on the wall.

“That has been like that for years. Ignore it.”

“Have you a screwdriver?” He nodded and left the kitchen and returned a moment later with a small, old tool box.

Luckily it was a plugged light so I didn’t have to turn off all the power.

After unplugging it, I climbed on the side and began tinkering.

“The wires are loose,” I say as fix them back into place, not looking back. “It’s easily fixed.”

I jump off the side and plug it back in to see it working perfectly.

I didn’t realise I had an audience until I turned to see the mayor, sheriff and a couple of older twins.

“That great. How did you learn to do that?” One of the unknown men asked.

“My father’s an electrician. I used to like watching him when I was younger.”

“This Jimmy and Jake Richards, I told you about them earlier.”

“Oh, the lawyer and doctor.” I walk over and held out my hand.

“It’s nice to meet you both.” They both took and shook my hand in turn.

“And you,” They both said in reply.

“Can you fix anything else?”

“Most things. If you have anything that needs looking at I can have a look once I’m settled in.”

“That would be great. It’s one of only a few things we can’t do ourselves.”

They were handsome and tall, just like the Jones.

If everyone in town is as nice as them, then everything is going to be great.

“Jake is going to start that contact for you.”

“Yes, I’ll draw them up tonight and you’ll have them tomorrow.”

“Thank you.” I didn’t know what to say. It all still didn’t seem real.

“Come through, meet the others.”

I nod and one of the Richards twins held the door open for me. “Ladies first.”

Walking out of the kitchen I could feel eyes on me before I could see them.

Thirteen large handsome men, all tanned with different shades of blonde hair. They were movie star handsome and there were two or three of each.

They said nothing just stared.

“Hello… I’m Winnie,” I say more than a little uncomfortable.

They were all looking me over with hungry eyes and I kind of liked it. It made a change being lusted after, rather than told I was disgusting.

“Are they mute?” I turn and asked the others.

Gary laughed, he seems like the joker of the four older twins.

“No, you normally struggle to get a word in with half of them.”

I nodded.

“I’ll introduce you.” He walked around the corner to the other side where the men were.

“This is Ford, Frank and Freddy Hunter,” Three identical men. “And there younger brothers, Angus and Andy.” Identical twins. All five were clearly brothers. All with medium length honey blonde hair, green eyes, tanned, very tall and burly.

“Hello,” I greet them again.
They all nodded but said nothing.


“Lloyd and Lee, Ian and Issak James.” Two sets of identical twins and brothers. These all medium length dark blonde, blue eyes and just as tall, tanned and burly as the hunter brothers.

I greeted them and got the same greeting as the Hunters.

They maybe gorgeous but they were completely ignorant. It annoyed me more than I’d like to say.

“Finally, this is Walter, Wayne, Harry and Hadley Harrison.” Again they were two sets of identical twin brothers all with long blonde hair, grey eyes, tanned, tall and herculean, they were a lot wider than the others.

Once again I greeted them not expecting a reply. But they surprise me.

“Hello Winnie. It is a pleasure to meet you,” Walter said and Wayne the second half, almost as though the same person. It was really interesting.

“You are really beautiful,” Harry tells me making me blush.

“Do you want to have dinner with us?” Hadley offered.

“Yes, tomorrow!” Walter added.

“Calm down, boys. You’ll have plenty of time for that later,” The doctor said laughing.

“Tomorrow she will be busy with her new house,” The mayor began to say.

“Which house?” Wayne asked.

“The old Connors house.”

“We’ll see you there.” Not giving anyone a chance to answer, they all got up and left, all thirteen.

“I am sorry, Winnie. I will tell them not to but I doubt they will listen,” The lawyer told me.

“It’s alright. Four extra sets of hand can’t hurt.”

I didn’t fail to notice them exchange a look when I said four, like they knew something I didn’t.

“Forgive them, they didn’t mean to be rude. They are good lads really.”

“It doesn’t matter.”
I’ll be civil, but I won’t go out of my way if they aren’t going to try.

“Could I maybe see my house when we’ve done here? I want to see if I need to drive to the next town to get anything.”

“I’ll show you, but you shouldn’t need anything that we haven’t got,” Graham told me.

“Yes, once they were empty we cleaned out anything that could spoil and covered the furniture. It’s should only need a dust and airing, probably the chimney cleaned. But I can have one of the lads do that.”

“We do regularly checks on the properties. We always planned to expand our town again.”

“What kind of people are you looking for?” I ask them curiously.

“Families, skilled tradesmen, all sorts really. People who want to live in a happy town, but aren’t afraid to put in the work,” Graham answers and the others agree.

“I’m not saying I’m going to give all the houses and stores away for free. But I will sell or even rent at a reasonable price. Probably cheaper than they’ll get anywhere else. But in the end it will all benefit us and hopefully we’ll be the great town we once was.”

“I don’t know much about how it used to be. But right now I think it’s fantastic. You are all amazing how you’ve kept the place looking pristine. Anywhere else would be a reck and looted by now.”

“Oh, people have tried and failed. We’ve had a few bikers and men drive through. But not in a long time. I think they got the message.”

“From what I’ve seen this isn’t only the town of twins, it’s the town of freakishly buff giants. I’m not surprised they ran.”

“Ha, yeah. I think it’s something in the soil.”

“Is it only boys or girls too?”

“Both, though mainly boys, when they were still having babies.”

“So none of you are married or have children?”

“No. But we’re still hopeful for the future.”

I nod but then think of something. “The Harrison brothers, when they meant dinner what did they mean exactly?”

“I am pretty sure they intend of pursuing a romantic relationship with you.”

“All four?”

They nod.

“But I don’t what to break a family by choosing one over the others.”

“That’s another thing about our town, Winnie, we’re polygamous.”

I shake my head unsure what that meant.

“All the brothers of one family usually marry one girl.”


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