Chapter 1

Just when I thought I had completed my education, I received a formal invitation to Lowcaran Makutu Academy.

A magic school for ages eight to twenty-one.

Not everyone is magic, but those who are go to a Makutu Academy.

I always knew I have magic abilities. I regularly use them in day to day life. But being home schooled and from a small village no one outside the village knew.

I have no clue how they found out but surely sending me to Lowcaran is a mistake.

Lowcaraln is the capital city of magic. Only the most powerful wizards or richest go there. I am neither.

My parents both have good, important jobs, but we haven’t money to burn. We are comfortably off.

“Do this, Katrina, it could be enormous for you,” My parents insisted. They never pressured me into anything, but they want what is best for me. I, on the other hand, am a homebody and was reluctant to leave.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy and friendly, I spend a lot of time around my village. But it is small, made up of mainly older people. Which means no need for a public school or any friends my age. But I don’t mind. I love my life.

Not to mention the academy is hours away.

I knew from the moment my parents heard the news I’d be going. Packing a case, I left the next day in the chauffeur driven car sent by the school.

Several hours, half of that with me napping and we arrive at the grand enormous castle like building they call a school.

The car is met by one of the most handsome guys I have ever seen.

A blonde, blue eyed giant with earrings and holding some kind of staff.

I can’t help but grin as I climb out of the car. He looks like a character from a fantasy film or something.

“Katrina Wren, you will come with me,” He says, his voice holding no emotion and began to walk away.

“Hello to you too,” I reply sarcastically.

“I have luggage, you know?”

He pauses and indicates to the driver. “It will be delivered to your dorm.” Then continues walking.

“Wow, you’re just a ray of sunshine, aren’t you?”

“Shut up and move.”

What a jerk.

“This is the school building. School hours are between eight am and four pm. But being a late starter you will likely be kept longer.”

“Are you a tutor or a student?”

He stops realizing he hasn’t introduced himself.

“I am Nicholas Forster,” He says as though it is meant to mean something.

Imagine a paper plane flying straight over my head.

“I’m the head prefect.” He is still giving me the same look.

I just nod as though I know what he’s talking about. Though clearly I don’t.

I think that prefect means he’s a senior pupil who is authorized to enforce discipline. At least that’s what I think and I only know that because of old television shows.

“Didn’t you read the handbook when you applied?” He asks as though he’s scolding me.

“Handbook?” Another paper plane.

He narrows his eyes clearly frustrated by me.

“The text the academy send to every single student when they apply. It is a necessity to pass the entrance exam today and get a permanent place.”

“A exam? It didn’t say anything about that in the letter I got.”

I could imagine steam coming out of his ears now.

I’ll fail miserably. I know nothing about magic except what I can do.

I am so distracted I don’t pay attention to where I am going. Tripping over a step I didn’t notice, I begin to fall forwards.

It isn’t the first time, I know it won’t be the last.

Before I can hit the ground, I move my hand as though to catch myself, but instead an invisible pillow like cloud catches me and pushes me back up.

It is always the same. Being clumsy it is one of the first magic tricks I learned.

Quickly moving to follow him up the step, I am surprised to find him watching me with raised brows.

“How did you do that?”

Huh? Fall?

“I wasn’t watching where I was going, sorry.”

“No, I…” He shakes his head. “Never-mind. Probably a fluke,” He mumbles to himself.

He begins to walk again.

Passing a small group of girls they don’t seem to notice me. One even tries to speak to my guide but he outright ignores them.

“Wow, he is so aloof,” “So handsome,” “So mysterious,” They all say dreamily.

All I can think is that they are delusional and he is a jerk. Handsome, but a jerk.

A moment later we stop at a large door.

He knocks and a moment later a familiar voice answers.

“Come in.”

I recognize the voice even before the door opens.

Cautiously I enter.

“Welcome, Katrina. It is great to see you again.”

“You’re the one who reported me to the magic council?!”

“Katrina!” Nicholas says as though to scold me. Then turns to the older man.

“Sorry, sir. She didn’t read the handbook. I’ll have her read it before the entrance exam.”

Brown noser.

Jules Harington chuckles. “It’s perfectly alright. It was my fault. I didn’t send her it.” He walks over closer to me, stopping in front of me. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. I am principal of this academy.”

The prefect listens looking confused.

“I visited her village recently and invited her to attend the academy.”

He doesn’t look any less confused at the principal’s explanation.

“Thank you for the offer. But you know I’m not rich or powerful, so why am I here?” I try my hardest to stay polite.

“You are the most naturally gifted person I have seen.”

“I don’t know about that,” I reply suddenly feeling embarrassed.

“Come on,” He indicates to a small table with three chairs. “Take a seat.”

“I shall pour the tea,” Nicholas says rather than asking.

The principal holds up his hand.

“No, Katrina, use a spell to prepare tea.”

“I only know one spell.” I hold my hands out and chant, “Cake, cake, cake and tea.”

“That’s not going to work. It’s not even a spell,” Nicholas scoffs.

Three large plates of cakes and a large pot of tea appear out of thin-air.

“What on earth?” He looks confused.

Jules, on the other hand, wears a bright smile and chuckles.

“That’s the reason I invited her to join.”


No exam, I was automatically accepted. Something to do with being invited. Apparently invites aren’t unheard of but are very rare. Though I did have to spend the first week doing tests with the principal to see what level I am.

I had no idea magic classifications were so complicated.

Magic spells have their own grades depending on how much power or skill they take.

1 Basic,

2 Medium,

3 Intermediate,

4 Advanced intermediate,

5 Master,

6 High master.

Then there is the actual user’s level, the level represents what level of magic they can perform.

1 Little to no magic ability (Doesn’t normally attend Makutu Academies),

2 Some basic spells,

3 Basic spells (Most common globally)

4 Basic spells and medium with hard work,

5 Medium spells (2rd Most common globally)

6 Medium and some intermediate,

7 Intermediate,

8 Intermediate and some advanced intermediate,

9 Master (Rare),

10 High master (Extremely rare).

The Makutu Academy I am currently attending only takes students with level six or above, unless their family is rich.

Meaning the academy have a lot of students who don’t deserve to be here.

But since most officially don’t know their grades anyone can say they are a master.

You only find out your level in your final year.

The tutors know the grades, so can tailor the work accordingly.

But with some it is just obvious.

Over the following days I met dozens of different people. Most people are great. My roommate is a nice girl called Glenda. She has been in the academy since she was eight and isn’t rich. So she has to be at least a level six.

Days move fast and it quickly became clear I am a lot more skilled at magic than I originally thought.

Turns out most have to actually say a spell to cast, but I don’t always have to. Which explains why Prince Nicholas (a nickname used by those who love and hate him alike) was so surprised when I fell.

He also happens to be a level nine in his final year, he has already finished but has to wait until graduation to officially leave. Which is why Principal Harington has made him my official tutor, because – and I quote – ‘you need advanced tutoring, a tutor just to focus on you since you have no other magic schooling.’

I wasn’t best pleased, but he is the only person available.

He is really popular, he even has a fan club.

The typical ‘don’t touch him, he’s mine’ type. I just laugh at them. I can’t help it. Clearly none of them have ever spoken to him before or they’d no what a jerk he is.

“Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh,” I try to be nice to the stuck up rich girls who are glaring at me.

“But it’s not like that. He doesn’t like anyone. He is just tutoring me because I’m behind.”

It’s not even as though they are young girls with a childhood crush. These are women of twenty. It is ridiculous.

One of the women laugh, well, more of an unladylike snort. “Ha, yes. I forgot you were a dunce. As if he’d want a poor farmer girl like you.”

“Ha, good on, Mira,” Her idiot friends laugh.

“Actually, my parents are a vet and a doctor and unlike you, who had daddy paid to get you in, I was actually sort-out and invited by the principal.” I give them a sweet smile and walk away feeling pleased with myself.

I’m not normally a mean girl, but they are cruel and self entitled.

The Mira girl says she is a level eight but my friend in her class, Luke said the she can’t even light a candle, which is a basic level spell.

My group of friends consists of me, my room mate and two guys. I speak to others in passing but don’t actively hang out with them.

So when I received a love note a couple of weeks in I automatically think of them awful women.

I honestly thought it was a joke the first couple weeks, yes, weeks, a note once a day.

I thought it was some kind of initiation joke. I mean, what do I know, I haven’t really been around people my age.

Why a joke? Well, you see both Luke and Reed are gay and dating. Whereas Glenda is also a gay and dating someone. But it’s a secret, so I don’t know who.

But after some discreet questions without letting them know about the notes, I quickly learned it wasn’t any of them.

‘My beautiful enchantress, I am under your spell. You have taken my heart. From your secret admirer.’

‘Angel of my heart, accept my love and take my hand. From your secret admirer.’

‘Flowing rivers run deep in my heart for you. From your secret admirer.’

They are just some of the notes, hence why I thought it was a joke.

A couple month of notes like that, each posted in my work book and I had no clue who it could be. Only a handful of people have access to my book.

But it couldn’t be them, they are either tutors or the prince’s friends.

All just as pompous as him.

As for the prince himself… I can’t help but laugh at the idea.

“What are you laughing at, bunny brain? You haven’t even finished the task I set you!”

Does that sound like a secret admirer? No chance.

The task. Write and create a disappearing spell.

“Yes, I have.” I hold up my book and show him my spell.

He looks at the page to me to the page and back to me.

“This just says disappearing spell.”

“Yes,” I grin, “It’s inventive, ain’t it?” I love winding him up. He gets so annoyed at me, goes red and tells me off but never shouts.

He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “This isn’t a spell,” He says for what feels like the hundredth time.

“No?” I furrow my brows, but then place my pen on my lap and hold my hand over it.

“Disappearing spell!” I say my thoughts full of intention. Normally if I focus my crappy spells work, much to his dismay.

The pen disappears, but so does my skirt which it was sat on.

I stare not processing it for a moment before realizing I had chosen today of all days it wear my nude lacy panties which are basically see-through.

I squeal and quickly stand with my back to him, taking off my blazer and wrapping it around my waist before awkwardly turning back to him up in time to see him look up.

“Were you staring at my butt?” I ask him accusingly.

“That’s enough practice for today,” He tells me as aloof as ever.

Maybe I was mistaken. Rumours are he has a fiancée, some girl in school.

He is one of the rich kids, so probably one of the snooty girls.

Thanking him, I quickly leave the room and rush back to mine unseen.

That evening I have lunch alone with Luke as Reed gave my room mate some private tutoring. She is struggling with transformation spells, something he specializes in.

We sat laughing and joking before finally returning to our dorms.

I was just entering the girls dorm when a piece of paper flew at me.

Not like a paper plane, as in had a spell cast on it.

I look around but see no-one.

Quickly entering my empty room, I open the envelope and find a note from my admirer.

‘Seeing you joke and laugh with Luke leaves me sad. I want that to be me and you.’

Hang on, he was watching us?

The room had been crowded, it could have been anyone.

There is more.

There is a fold in the paper, unfolding it, my eyes widen at what I see.

A picture and then more text. ‘Come to the bridge at midnight if you feel the same way. From your secret admirer.’

I stare almost drooling looking at the picture. A selfie with a difference. It was from the neck down of a tall, buff and tanned man, completely naked. Yes, his huge hard cock hung between his legs.

I don’t need to see his face to know he is hot.


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