Chapter 3

“Where have you been?” He sounds angry. He glances at my hand.

I remember the ring I have on my finger. He wants the ring back. I should have guessed.

Leaving my food on the table I walk over to him, slipping the ring from my finger, I hand him it.

I move to leave the room, but he catches my arm, stopping me and turning me around. He actually looks hurt and worried.

“Why? You love me and I love you.”

“Are you kidding me?” He looks genuinely confused. “You told me to shut up and apologised for me like my opinion means nothing to you! Do you have any idea how much it hurt?! And then to top it off instead of apologising to me yourself you yell at me. I’m clearly not good enough for you in your eyes or your families. It’s best we stop now because I am not planning on being the meek, obedient little wifey you want.

“I want a friend, a lover, someone who cares and respects my opinion. You say you love me but you don’t give a damn!” I am barely holding back the tears and I am surprised to see he looks the same.

“Please, give me another chance, a chance to explain? It’s a misunderstanding.”

I do love him and want to believe him. “Fine. Explain.”

“Not here. Let me take you back to the cottage.”

I reluctantly agrees and turn to grab my sandwich.

I hear him chanting but not what. But I soon know what when I see the ring back on my finger.

I look back at him with a raised brow, but instead of mentioning the ring I hold out half of the sandwich for him. “You haven’t eaten, have you?”

He smiles and steals a kiss before taking the half. “Thank you, Katrina.”

“This doesn’t mean you’re forgiven, ” I tell him as with exit the house.

He nods but doesn’t look deterred. Eating the sandwich quickly, his expression is back to his resting bitch face as we head back to the cottage.

“Are you brothers still at the cottage?” I ask remembering.

“No, but they will be back in a couple of hours to meet you properly. But Snow is there resting.”

“Is he alright?”

He smiles and nods. “I am really sorry about earlier. It was stupid of my brother but Snow is fine, just tired.” He’s an owl, so nocturnal.

“Now, tell me why I should give you another chance?” I ask sitting down on a chair opposite him at the kitchen table.

“We made love.” I stare at him and wave for him to continue. “It may not mean anything to most, but my family exclusively save themselves for the woman they will marry.”

“It was special to me too. I want the same but I don’t want to be with someone who won’t respect my opinion and will yell at me for no reason.”

“I’m sorry about that. Really. I was stressed and annoyed that my brothers came before I could explain everything to you. I know it isn’t a good reason, but it’s true. I respect you. I love everything about you, even when you are sassy with me and don’t do the school work I set you.”

“I do the school work!”

“Alright, then tell me the basic protection spell I taught you.”

He taught me a protection spell? Oops, I must have zoned out.

“Hmm… Oookay… Icklty picklty pop, protect my head?” I say not convinced. Cue a woolly hat appearing on my head.

“You weren’t specific, bunny brain. Unless you were after protection for the cold,” He says amused.

Taking the hat off, I quickly reach over and yank it over it his head before making a run for it.

“Why you…” Throwing the hat off, he bolts after me. He is much taller than me and faster, he quickly catches me and in moments we are rolling around kissing on the bed.

Lost in passion, all was forgotten as he drives me to more butterflies.

“I love you so much, bunny,” He says between kisses afterwards, heart shaped butterflies flying around us.

“I love you too. Now what did you have to tell me before your brothers arrived which annoyed you enough to get angry at me?” I ask remembering our previous conversation.

His eyes widen for a fraction of a moment as though realising he hasn’t told me yet.

But then quickly moves so we are sat naked on the bed opposite each other, but he is holding my hands. “I…” He laughs nervously. “Sorry, it’s just strange to have to explain this. You are the only person I’ve met who didn’t know who my family is.”

“Is that why you like me?”

“I like that, but no. I love you for so many other reasons, your beauty and innocence being a couple of reasons.” I smile and he continues.

“My family own and run a company which make magical enhanced items.” I nod listening. “But that’s not important. I don’t know how it started but as far back as my family tree goes all Forster brothers share one wife. I have two fathers and one mother.”

“Wow, really?” I listen not getting what he is telling me.

“Yes. Rumours are it was because Forster brothers for centuries always fought over one woman.”

“Makes sense.”

“Since then, we have always given our intended a special ring.” I glance down at my hand as it all starts to click into place. “Normally it is a joint decision…”

“But not your brothers and us, right? We don’t even know one another.”

He shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t know. They came here when they noticed the ring gone. They want to meet you properly.”

I’m not sure how to react.

“I know how you feel. Let’s forget about it for now and just see if you can become friends with them.” Easier said than done.

“What happened after I left?” I ask changing the subject.

He pulls me back into a hug in front of him. With me as a little spoon and him the big spoon we speak.

“Honestly, not much. I had expected them to flip since I never told anyone what I was planning but they just told me to get you back so they can meet you. They went to town. I went to look for you but couldn’t find you. I was so worried.” I lean back and kiss his jaw.

“I was meditating in the woods. I lost track of time.”

“The woods? You should be more careful. There are a lot of dangerous wild animals in there.”

“Dangerous animals? Oh, yes, I saw a scary man eating hedgehog and its baby,” I say laughing at him, not mentioning the sweet conjoined dog… Or should I say dogs? I’m not sure.

Cue a tickle fight and which quickly lead to more.

“Does butterflies count as dangerous?” I ask him breathlessly.

He looks down at me with a heated look as he pushes his cock inside me. I moan and he groans. “That will never get old.” He slowly rocks inside kissing me deeper with each thrust.

“Be mine forever, never leave me?” He asks almost pleadingly.

“You know I love you. Just think about what you say in future and never keep secrets from me.”

We kiss passionately until we hear a noise.

I look over his shoulder to see Snow watching us, eating my butterflies.

I frown. “He’s eating them.” Nicholas frown but I can see he is trying not to laugh.

“I hope you get belly ache, you greedy pig!” He bursts out laughing.

“Come on, bunny,” He stands up, picking me up with him. “Let’s go clean up.”

A short time later and washes and redresses we leave the bedroom and enter the kitchen to see Nicholas’s older brothers sitting at the table with Snow on the table in front of them, hiccupping bubbles.

“Ha, serves you right, you greedy piggy!” I say laughing out loud. Nicholas looks on amused.

The older brothers look back at me suspiciously. “Wasn’t you scolding us for hurting him earlier?” The tattooed brother says accusingly.

“She didn’t hurt him. He’s just dumb, eating things he shouldn’t,” Nicholas defends me.

“What did he eat?” The other brother asks. He seems most concerned, so I guess Snow is his familiar.

“Butterflies…” I answer.

“But he always eats them. They are his favourite.”

“These were very special butterflies,” Nicholas says giving me a little smile.

“Special? I should take him to a vet.”

“No,” I stop Snow’s owner. “They were magical. It will wear off. He’ll be fine.” Magically made creatures are known not to last forever, unless you use a lot of power and they are impossible to kill without magic.

As if on cue, Snow hiccups again, only this time a heart shaped butterfly fly from his beak and pops.

“At least that explains why he’s hiccupping,” The tattooed brother said amused.

“It’s good to meet you, Katrina,” He greets me standing.

“Yes…” I wait for him to introduce himself.

“You are being tutored by my little brother, right? Because you were never in a Makutu Academy before now?” He and his other brother looks at me, awaiting my reply.

“Yes. I didn’t want to come but my parents thought it would be good for me,” I reply politely still awaiting their names.

“You are related to Principal Harington?”

“What?” Both Nicholas and I am confused at this question. “No.”

“But you are a late entry in a elite academy. You must have money or family.”

“And why exactly is that?” I ask the arrogant tattooed brother.

“Because if you were a high level you would have been found sooner and been schooled here for years.” The second brother nods his head agreeing. I am unable to read Nicholas’s expression

“I am from a small village miles from anywhere, made up of mainly retirees. My mother is a vet and my father is a doctor. Neither them or any of their family has magical abilities. I was home schooled since I was the only child in the village. We met Jules Harington when he was travelling through my village. He stayed a few days and found out I have some magic abilities. Nothing special but I told him I didn’t want to go to an academy. But he is arrogant jerk and didn’t listen. But I have noticed the academy breeds arrogant people.”

“You aren’t being very nice, Katrina,” Nicholas says knowing I meant his brothers.

“But it’s true. You’re arrogant and them.”

“Hey! You are meant to love me!” He is like a bratty child at times.

“I do. But it doesn’t mean you aren’t arrogant.”

“I’m not arrogant!” Tattooed brother.

“I’m a healer,” The brother with the familiar adds.

“And who are you?”

“Nicholas’s brothers?” Tattoo brother answers as though I am dumb.

I look at my fiancé. “Can you tell me their names?” I’m bitchy when I’m hungry.

“Oh, of course. This is Vincent, he is my oldest brother. He’s twenty-four,” He indicates to tattooed brother. “And this is Conrad, twenty-three.” The brother with the familiar.

“He really is a kind man. Vincent… He is… Annoying.”

I laugh and Vincent glares at his younger brother. “Hey! I’m fun.”

“And I’m hungry. I met your brothers. You promised me dinner.”

“Great. I’m starved,” Vincent saya rubbing his stomach.

“What are we eating?”

I was hoping for some time alone with Nicholas, I guess not.

He sends me an apologetic look. “Your choice, Katrina.”

“Are we cooking or using magic?”

“You shouldn’t rely on magic food. It isn’t very nutritious in the long run,” Conrad tells me.

“Have you any food in?” I ask Nicholas who shakes his head.

“Fine. Stay here.” I move to the door but Nicholas goes to follow me.

“You can stay with your brothers, I won’t be long.”

“No. I will go with you.” He turns to his brothers, “Wait here,” He says in his normal stern tone and I can’t help but laugh.

“He’s a cheeky little brat,” Vincent can be heard saying as we exit the house.

Nicholas wears a stern expression but holds my hand. Once we begin to walk into the woods he visibly slows. “We really shouldn’t be in here. It isn’t your normal woods. Magical creatures live in the woods. They are attracted to the schools magical energy. Some of the creatures are harmless. But there are some very dangerous creatures. People are scared and don’t enter because they are attacked. I honestly don’t know how you came out unharmed.”


“You really didn’t see anything?” He asks in disbelief, holding me close as we enter the woods.

“Well, there was a conjoined dog but he… they? Hmm… It was cute.”

He laughs. “I wouldn’t be surprised. There is a lot of strange creatures around here. But why are we here? I thought we were getting food.”

“Yes. I saw some edible plants.” Seeing his curious expression I add, “My mother taught me.”

I begin collecting. “Magic me up a basket and garden trowel,” I tell him not looking back as I continue collecting. He chants a spell I can’t quite hear, but holds out the basket a moment later.

“Thank you, Nick,” I say placing the berries and herbs I collected inside.

Taking the trowel, it isn’t long before we have different types of root vegetables, mushrooms and leaks, among other things.

“Oh, maybe I got a little carried away,” I say sheepishly noticing Nicholas has magiced up a second basket.

“No. You are amazing. Just when I think I know everything about you, you do something that just shows me how brilliant you are.” I know I am blushing.

“I’d kiss you, but I don’t want to get you dirty too.”

He surprises me pulling me into his arms and kissing me.

Only moments later we pull apart hearing a thud. A dead wild boar now lay besides our baskets on the ground. I look up just in time to see a white tail disappear behind a tree.

“Cloud?” I call the name I had given the dog earlier. One of the pup’s head peck out from behind the tree with a smile.

“That’s the dog I told you about. I think he is helping us with dinner.”

Nicholas is clearly surprised, but accepts the gift, thanking the dog. He carries the boar and a basket, while I carry the second and his staff.

“You know Cloud was following us through the woods and even now?” He asks causing me to look around to see a white tail poking out of a bush.

I can’t help but laugh. “He’s my friend.”

“No. I think it’s more than that. I think he’s your familiar.” Seeing my surprise he explains. “I have noticed paw prints often since you arrived. I think he has been following and watching you, taking care. I suspected you had a familiar, but wasn’t certain until now.”

“That can just happen?”

“It’s not unusually in people with higher levels of magic.” I listen with interest. “He would have become attuned to your feelings. It’s why he first showed himself to you today, because he sensed your sadness.”


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