Chapter 2

Outside my apartment still I could feel eyes burning into me, making me look around. That’s when I noticed the sun was rising much earlier than I had expected. That’s when my strange feelings left and the sun rose.
I must have got the time wrong because I thought it wasn’t due yet.
Good job I wasn’t like the vamps in the movies. Yes, I don’t like sunlight, but no, it didn’t kill me. But direct, story sunlight left me in large painful blisters for a while. But I could still go out in it as long as I was well covered and kept in the shade. I, usually, ended up going out dressed in trousers and a long sleeved top with some kind of sun hat to top it off. But I normally tried to keep to the shadowy areas so I didn’t burn.
Luckily today I managed to get inside before blistering.
I made my way to my bedroom which had blackout blinds, so I was able to sleep in safe.
I had a pretty peaceful sleep considering.
Waking up just after sunset, I got ready for another night at ‘Mortensons Lust.’
Getting to the club in good time, I only had to knock a couple of times tonight before being let in.
Wearing another red dress to match my mask I put it on. Making my way through the double doors and down the stairs to the main room.
Looking around, I looked for my target.
I have thought about it that much over the last few hours that it had become more of an obsession than a vendetta.
I couldn’t see him anywhere, but that wasn’t surprising. I was very early and there wasn’t many people here yet.
Making my way to the bar I sit down and order a drink and wait.
The club fills up fast and before long there is a sea of people as far as I can see.
Turning back to the bar notice a black shape in he corner of my eye.
“Can I have another of these and whatever she’s having,” The person next to me says.
I turn to see the man I have been looking for sat next to me.
Turning to the waiting barman, I say, “Thanks, I’ll have the same again.” Then return me gaze back to the guy next to me.
Looking at him closer he was so handsome, he had very fair clear skin with dark stubble, beautiful grey eyes and dark medium length which fell on his face a little.
“Thanks, I’m Marie,” I say holding out my hand and hoping to get his name back.
“It’s a pleasure. Nice to meet you, Marie. I’m Dario,” He says in a gruff but sexy voice. Then takes my hand and to my surprise brings it up to his mouth and kisses it.
Right now I am very happy I’m not mortal otherwise I would be blushing like a tomato.
But as a vampire it is still possible to blush but doesn’t happen so often, thankfully.
This guy makes me so hot just by looking at me, It is strange, something I have never really felt before.
We don’t really exchange many words, mostly hungry looks. But not hungry for blood. Wink wink…
Feeling very lustful, I was just about to ask him if he wanted to leave with me but was interrupted.
Giving me a dark lustful look he spoke again with his sexy voice, “Would you like to leave this place with me, Marie?” I bite my lip and nod.
His voice and the way he looks at me makes me so horny that I am having second thoughts about killing him. He sends me a smile that makes me wet and grabs my hand.
Leading me across the club and up the stairs, we get a lot of jealous and shocked looks, but not really sure why.
Walking out of the club, he pulls me down a car park off the side of the building.
Finally stopping at a black muscle car. Looking at him and moving my gaze down to his mouth, which is so kissable right now. The only thing I can do to stop myself from jumping on him is to bite the side of my lip again and try to hold myself.
“Don’t do that,” He says almost sounding like a growl and getting my attention.
I look at him confused, “Don’t do what?” I say now placing the end of my finger in my mouth nervously and biting it.
Saying through a growl again, “Biting your lip and now your finger,” I remove my finger and mouth. ‘What?’ I thought.
Dario sighs, “It’s OK. Get in the car,” He says opening the door for me.
I look at him for a second before getting in.
While he’s getting in the drivers side, I asked, “Where are we going?”
He locks the doors and starts up the car, “Back to mine.” He says winking, then smirking.
We drove for about half an hour before finally stopping.
The drive was spent in silence.
Even though, I was technically a vampire, I still had to keep up the habit of breathing.
Which to my surprise was a lot easier than I thought it would be.
But from what I have heard on the grapevine, most vampires have trouble doing it.
But for some reason I need to do it still every few minutes either way.
I think it must be something to do with me being able to go out in the sun.
But that is merely a guess.
Anyway, like I was saying, I still breath regularly – Well, as regular as I can – when I am around humans.
But when I am alone, I just breathe when my body asks me to.
The majority of the trip I spent trying to hide my lustful feeling and try and stop my teeth extending.
It has only happened a few times, but when I become extremely sexually aroused, my fangs tend to take on a life of their own.
When I was comfortable enough that I have calmed myself enough for that not to happen, I stopped focusing on myself and tried to take in the things around me.
Including, where the hell he was driving us to?
I looked out of the window to an unfamiliar landscape.
‘Crap, maybe I should have insisted we went to mine,’ I thought to myself, with no idea how I would find my way home when I had finally finished with him.
For the first time in about five minutes, I take a true breath of air, before continuing with the fake.
It’s not until then I notice it.
‘How did I not notice this before?’ I asked myself internally.
‘Oh yeah, that’s right, because I was too busy lusting after him,’ I answered myself.
You might think me strange, but spending most of your time by myself, having a conversation with myself in my head became the norm for me.
To make sure my mind wasn’t playing tricks on me, I took another deep breath through my nose.
The same smell from this morning, the one who followed me home.
I could smell it now.
Yes, it was him.
He was the person following me when I left the club that early morning or late night. But whichever way you want to put it, it was him.
The smell was him.
The person I felt it was him.
But why?
I turned my attention back to Dario, who was fully focused on driving.
Almost like in a trance.
I think about clearing my throat before I speak.
But no, it would be much funnier to see him jump.
“Dario…” I suddenly say without warning, making him jump slightly.
I wasn’t too worried about making him crash because I was confident that if anything did happen, my speed would be enough to save the day.
Lucky though, I had no need to worry, because Dario didn’t lose control of the car at all, not even for a second.
“Sorry, I was just thinking,” He said, not elaborating any.
But I didn’t mind, because I love the sound of his voice.
Yes, I was curious what or why he was following me, but I will find that out later.
In the comfort of his home.
“It’s OK. I was just going to ask how much further it is?” I asked in a slightly more cheery sounding voice than I meant to.
Stalker or not, if his body is anything like his voice and what I can see of his face then I will be a very happy girl tonight.
Looking at him reminds me I still have my mask on but so does he…
Maybe it is a fetish or something for him.
So I decide to leave it on or at least for now.
Dario speaking brings my attention back to him.
“We are almost there now.”
True to his word, less than two minutes later we pulled up outside the largest house I have ever seen.
‘Hotel? Flats? Apartments maybe?’ I ask myself.
Either way, this place was big and very expensive looking.
Which most mean he had some money to be staying / living here?
“You live here?” I asked in a surprisingly calm tone, as Dario pulled up his car and parked it in a cordoned off spot.
“Yes, why? Don’t you like it?”
The way he asked it almost sounded as if you were worried or cared for my option.
“Hang on… before you answer, you have to get out of the car and look at it properly,” He said cutting me off before I could say a word otherwise.
He got out of the car and in a flash was on my side of the car, opening the door for me.
‘I have a strange feeling about this sexy man,’ I found myself saying in thought.
He held out his hand for me to grab as I exited the car.
I could help but look at him with surprise.
He seems like a far cry from the angry, annoy man I first saw only a couple of days ago.
“No, still fancy,” I said out loud, in a nonchalant tone, whilst looking again at the … Not house…. No, it was more like a… mansion. Yep, a mansion described it best.
I moved my gaze to Dario, who still was holding my hand.
He seemed unhappy with my reaction.
“Don’t get me wrong it’s great. Really pretty. It’s just really big and expensive looking,” My confession makes him laugh.
“That’s an interesting response. Most women would kill to go inside my house,” He said, sound very cocksure.
I raised my eyebrows and cross my arms, taking my hand out of his, making him frown and me feel strangely sad.
I just brushed it off and continued with what I was planning on saying.
“For someone so sure of themselves, you seemed very … Hmm, what is the word? Antisocial at the club,” I tease him.
“It’s not ‘antisocial.’ I am just picky as to whom I share my company with,” He said looking at me with a strange glint in his eyes.
The look made me very nervously and I started to shuffle my feet on the ground, whilst looking down.
‘Hang on a second and rewind back.’
“Did you say your house?” I asked looking back up.
He nods with a glint of amusement in his eyes.
“The whole building?” I try to verify.
“Yes, the whole building,” He took hold of my hand again.
Which were now, starting to sweat with nerves.
Contrary to people’s beliefs vampire can perspire… Or at least I can.
But don’t ask me why I am feeling nervous, because I have no idea.
After all, it’s not like I have never done this kind of thing with a man before.
But this time something feels different.
“Yep, Come on. I will show you the inside,” Dario pulled me behind him before I caught up.
He seemed please that I wasn’t fighting him.
But little did either of us know what was to come shortly.