Chapter 19

Victoria didn’t even have a chance to react because a moment later Tristan was scolding her in French.

The others in the room didn’t know what he was saying but they could guess.

He knew as well as they did that Victoria didn’t want to meet her aunt and uncle or grandparents.

“I will send them away,” Kraven tells her leaning down towards her and kissing her gently.

Standing up from Theo’s lap, she took Kraven’s hand and led him out of the room.

Theo didn’t say anything, knowing she probably wanted to say something but couldn’t speak in front of Gigi.

Gigi, on the other hand, didn’t know that and frowned.

“I did not mean to upset her. Only to have a family gathering for wedding plans.”

She sounded sincere but Theo didn’t trust her still. He’d watch her carefully.

“Did you invite the so-called Lord and Lady around too?” Kraven asks re-entering the kitchen with Victoria at his side.

Lord and Lady Hogan, Devon and Victoria’s grandparents.

The title brought, to make themselves sound more important than they are.

Gigi quickly shook her head.

“Not even Devon’s parents like them. They are…” She seem to be thinking of a word. “Controlling… Hmm. I think that is the right word.”

“They are that and more,” Theo agreed with his sister for the first time.

“Vicky said her aunt and uncle can come inside. But not her grandparents.”

Gigi agreed and told them that they hadn’t been invited.

“Devon doesn’t even want them at the wedding as they will make it about them.”


Victoria didn’t want to see her uncle and aunt in the slightest.

“They can come, but don’t expect me to act like nothing happened. If he had stood up for my mom then they wouldn’t have moved. My mom likely would still of died, but my dad wouldn’t have,” She had told Kraven.

Her dad would have been safe in the small town. Instead the big hearted man was forced to move to an unfamiliar place where he was mugged, punched in the head once and died. A tragic death that should have never happened. He had a life time ahead of him. He wanted to earn enough money for them to move back and could prove he was good enough to be married Joyce. Instead he was killed and his wife fell into a deep depression she never recovered.

“I give you permission to punch or throw my uncle in horse manure if he annoys you,” Victoria told Krave quietly when the twins and Gigi went to answer the door. He let out a loud belly laugh.

“Upset Vicky and I won’t hesitate to throw anyone of you out. That means you too,” They heard Theo threatening someone.

“She’ll be nice,” Devon says, clearly answering for his fianc e.

“I already apologised,” She quickly adds.

“You did?” Devon asked obviously surprised.


“I need some air,” Victoria said standing from where she was sitting. She was getting fidgety, clammy and breathing faster. Kraven nodded his head, standing up, he took her and walked out the back door.

Pulling out his rarely used phone he shot off a text message to Theo.

‘Vicky is having a panic attack. Gone to see the horses. Don’t worry, we’ll be back in a little while.’ He knew Theo would worry but worry less if he knew where they were.


Theo more than disliked Victoria’s aunt and uncle and he didn’t hide it.

He greeted his parents, allowing them to hug him. But it was all still so new and he was a little uncomfortable with the hugs, but allowed it knowing what they must have been through over the years.

He was pleased to have learned the truth. But didn’t regret his life. Had he lived a different life he likely would have never met Victoria or Kraven.

“Hello Theo. Thank you for allowing us to come here,” Brody, Devon’s father greeted him.

“I didn’t. Gigi invited you all over without asking anyone here. As it is, you’ll be allowed in but don’t touch Vicky or expect her to speak to you,” Theo warned. “And if you say anything you’ll regret it.”

“That’s unfair…” The man’s wife tried to say but her husband stopped her.

“No, it’s fair. I wasn’t a good brother.”

“At least we can agree on something,” Theo said before turning to the others. “Come through.”

Walking through to the front room he noticed neither Kraven or Victoria was there when he phone buzzed. He knew even before opening his phone it was Kraven because he had his own tone. Pulling it out he read the message, but still became worried.

“Wait here!” He ordered them and turned to his brother. “Make them drinks. I’ll be back.”

“Is everything alright?” One of his fathers asked him before he could leave.

“Yes, Vicky is just feeling a little overwhelmed.”

He left the house a moment later and to the stables. Once there he found them in the stall of one of the young miniatures, with Kraven teaching her how to groom the colt.

Theo stood back and watched as her eyes lit up as she brushed him. She seemed to instantly relax and clearly loved the horses.

It was a few minutes before she turned to smile at Kraven and finally noticed Theo watching them.

“Feeling better, baby?” He approached them.

“Yes,” She nodded her head almost shyly. “I really like the miniatures.”

“I’m glad, baby.” He walked over and hugged her kissing her forehead.

“Are you ready to come in or do you want to stay out here?” He asked still holding her. “Either way we’ll stand by you.”

“I want to… But then again I don’t,” She looked from him to Kraven. “Do you know what I mean?”

“We understand.” Kraven glances at the horse, not even a year old, he is barely as tall as Ozzie.

“Would you feel better if Fred came with us?” Theo looked at him with a raised brow. The horse didn’t have a name last he checked and no way they would normally let one in the house.

“Really? Can I?” She asked hopeful. The colt is one of the more behaved horses and seemed taken with her.

“We wouldn’t normally. But we will allow Fred if he will help you.”

“Yes! Yes! Thank you!” She replied excited.

“Come on, Fred, let’s go inside. I will give you a carrot.” She told the colt and amazingly it followed her.

“Fred?” Theo asked Kraven amused.

“I let Vicky name him,” He told him what he had expected.

They caught up to Victoria in the kitchen feeding Fred a carrot as a confused looking Ozzie watched on.

Hearing talking getting closer, a moment later siblings Tristan and Gigi entered the kitchen.

“Oh… C’est trop mignon,” Gigi says rushing over and watching Fred eating.

Watching over, Tristan kisses Victoria’s forehead. “How are you feeling, ma Ch rie?”

She smiled and nodded but said nothing, reaching back she grabbed another carrot. Only this time she handed it to a surprised Gigi.

“Merci!” She thanked her with bright and genuine smile.

“Has he got a name?” She asked Victoria and all were surprised when she answered. “Fred.” It was only one word but it was progress.

It seemed to flick a switch in Gigi who began talking at her like they were old friends.

Victoria said nothing but wasn’t hyperventilating. She looked more amused and maybe a little confused.

“We came to get drinks,” Tristan explained to the guys.

Together the guys made drinks, with Tristan taking some through to the front room before returning for more. The last of them the Theo helped with and Kraven follow behind with Victoria, Gigi, Fred and Ozzie.

Fred turned out to be a good distraction. Everyone was so busy petting and asking about him that none mentioned Victoria, though all looked at her, especially her aunt and uncle.

Then the subject turned to the wedding.

“Victoria is my maid of honour. So we need to get her measurements and have a new dress made as soon as possible. There isn’t a chance she’ll fit in Claudine’s,” Gigi told her parents.

Victoria didn’t really want to be a bridesmaid at all but wanted Theo’s family to like her so had agreed. Gigi had assured her she wouldn’t have any responsibilities, expect be at her side while getting ready and walking down the aisle.

She didn’t take offense about the size comment. Claudine towered over her. She’d be like a child playing dress up in her mother’s clothing wearing her dress.

“I can’t say I’m not pleased Claudine isn’t involved. But why?” Riche asked his daughter.

“You were all correct in your judgement. We are no longer friends. I have sent her home.”

“She’s pregnant and tried to say it was mine,” Tristan told them. Their expressions morphed into ones of anger. Riche pulled out his phone and exited the house likely to make an angry call to the woman’s parents.

“I had a vasectomy many years ago and regular check ups. It isn’t mine,” He said seeing Victoria’s families confusion.

“Can I bring Ozzie?” Victoria whispered to Tristan.

“What did she say?” Gigi asked almost instantly.

“She want to know if Ozzie, the dog can come too?”

“You’ll have to make sure all vaccines are up to date, but it shouldn’t be a problem,” Rene replied with a smile.

The dog now sat besides the horse, sniffing him, but still looking confused.

“If we fly someone in to help run the ranch on your absence would you all fly to France next week?” Rene questioned.

“If you can have them here in the next couple of days from me to train them and can assure they won’t kill all our animals. But why so soon?” Theo answered. He had ranch hands but wasn’t one hundred percent convinced they could run it alone.

“The person in question has working and living on my own ranch for many years. He is very trustworthy. I wouldn’t hire anyone but the best.” Theo nodded in understanding.

“As for the other question, to prepare for the wedding. It will also give Vicky a chance to get to know us and settle some before the wedding. But I would also like to have a small family gathering before the wedding, introduce you, Theo.”

“Yes. I completely understand and agree. As annoying as Gigi maybe, I do not wish to take all the attention away on her wedding day.” Gigi smiled but then frowned.

“But none of us have passports.”

“That’s no problem,” Maisie, Victoria’s aunt said. “My passport expired recently, so I had to get a new one. There was a day option if you go straight to the passport agency. But I think you have to call ahead to make an appointment.”

She told out her phone and opened her browser. “I still have the site open. Here’s the number.”

“Thank you.” He was surprised how nice she was being. He hadn’t spoken to her before, but seen her in passing and always had an pompous air to her.

He made the call there and then. They tried to make him an appointment for several weeks away until he mentioned wanting an expedited passport for twenty-four hours. The person made sure he knew it would cost much more before making an appointment for the three the day after tomorrow. They offered tomorrow but it’s the day of the showcase.

“The day after tomorrow. It’s a good few hours drive, so I’ll find a nice place to have dinner,” He told his partners. Turning to his brother, he knew without asking he’d be coming along too.

“You can come too. You can tell me any details I have wrong.” He planned to start using his real family name and also contact the tax office the new details at some time in the next few days. The sooner he had it fixed the sooner he could relax.

More coming soon.


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10 months ago

I was so excited when I saw the email it was a great chapter I like that they all getting to know each other and Victoria is growing more and more confident

10 months ago

Love it. I have a question, would they be able to have certain horses to help people with depression, anxiety and things like that, umm like a service animal?

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