
Emily lay naked beneath her best friend and lover, Kennedy. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Kennedy asks her friend positioning herself between Emily’s legs.

She cupped her friends face in her hands, “I’m sure, Ken. I wouldn’t want to give my virginity to anyone else.”

The women embrace and their lips connect. Their naked bodies press against each others. Still deep in the kiss Kennedy reaches down between her legs and grabs one of her last traces of manhood, positioning it at her lover’s core and slowly pushes forwards….


Emily Roadz is a nineteen year old college student. She was starting another year of the animal care course she had taken to help her in her ambitions to become a veterinary nurse.

This would be her second year. Entering the class room on the first day, she was surrounded by many familiar faces and a couple of new ones.

Probably transfers. She thought to herself as she took her seat at her desk.

“Good morning, class and welcome. For those of you who don’t know me, I am Mr. Summers. I will be your tutor for the following seventy two weeks,” The man in his fifties with grey, reseeding hairline told the class, who were all now seated.

“For the following weeks you will be expected to work in both pairs and alone. I have already assigned you a partner so there will be no arguments.”

He began to call out names in no particular order, “Clive and Gary. Rachel and Kerry. Emily Wade and Gemma Haynes,” In class this year there was three Gemma’s and two Emily’s. Mr. Summers decided to make it easier for everyone, they would call them by their last names after today.

“Kennedy and Emily Roadz.” Emily stood up and looked around, until her eyes stopped on another girl around the same age as her. She couldn’t help but feel jealous of the tall, short haired raven beauty, who had a perfect curved body, tanned skin, full lips and blue eyes with long, natural lashes.

She, on the other hand, was just below average height, at five foot four. Had natural light ash blonde, large hazel eyes, small lips, though she had been told she had cute rosebud lips. Porcelain skin and average body. All these things, she was told, have her a doll like look, but she thought otherwise.

She hadn’t realized she had been stood staring at the girl, until a sweet, almost sing song voice brought her out of her thoughts.

“Hi. Are you Emily Roadz?”

She looked up to see the raven beauty. She silently nodded her head, making the girl grin. “Good. I’m Kennedy Thompson, your partner.”

“Oh… Hiya.” Emily squeaked. She wasn’t normally this awkward around girls, then again she didn’t usually find herself checking other girls out.

Kennedy chuckled, “You’re cute doll.” She wrapped her arm around Emily’s shoulder. “I know we’re gonna be best friends.”

After another awkward ten minutes of Mr. Summers explaining what their first jobs would be and they were finally allowed to go into their different rooms.

Kennedy and Emily were sent to help groom dogs, as were most of the others.

Being their second year, they had already been shown how to do it. But Mr. Summers and a woman were at hand if they were unsure.

Each couple were in their own stall, with all the equipment they needed.

“This is your second year too?” Emily finally asked, finding her voice.

Kennedy turned her head slightly whilst she was holding the small golden retriever.

“I am indeed, doll. I took a couple of years off since my first year, but I’m back now,” She told her shorter friend.

“Oh really? How old are you? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“I don’t mind. I’m twenty one, how about you, doll?” She asked, all the time smiling.

“Nineteen… Why do you keep calling me doll and smiling? Have I got something on me?” Emily asked reverting back to her shy, nervous self.

“Aww, doll. I didn’t mean make you self-conscious. You are just so cute, like my own pretty little doll. It’s hard not to stare at you.”

Emily looked at her for signs she was playing with her, but saw nothing but honesty.

“Thank you,” She said blushing. “But you are the gorgeous one.” Kennedy seemed surprised by the shy girls words.

“You think I’m gorgeous?”

Emily looked at her intently, “Of course I do. As does every guy in class.” She suddenly felt nervous again.

“But I am not trying to come on to you or anything. I mean, your hot and I would…. I mean, I like boys… Though I’ve never actually been or dated one or anyone for that matter. But I never liked girls like that before now…”

“Your rambling, doll and just to let you know I’ve never dated anyone before either.”

“You haven’t?” Emily asked shocked.

“No. No one has ever really accepted me,” She said in a sad tone. Emily could tell she was hiding something, but wasn’t sure what.

“Who wouldn’t want you? I mean if you were mine I would and I’ve never even been attracted to a woman until now,” The moment she said it, she wasn’t sure if she should have.

“Oh crap. You’re gonna think I’m a weirdo now and ask to be moved,” She voiced her thoughts.

Kennedy chuckled, but looked surprised, “Not at all, my little doll. You are perfect and I’m happy your drawn to me because I like you too. I like girls, not boys. And you, my doll, are the girl I want.”


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