Chapter 19

Her dad, Mark and Jack stared in shock.

“Damn! If you weren’t my sister that would be really hot,” Jack said earning him a slap around the back of the head from Mark.
“I was only joking, dad. I was just testing her, they seemed kinda close,” He defended.

“And if we weren’t together?” Emily asked.
“Oh well. I guess I would have got a date,” He replied in a teasing tone. “It would have been great, my little sister on one arm and my girl on the other.”
“Jack, stop teasing your sister.”
“Sorry, Papa Smurf,” He said and Kevin just nodded as if it was normal to be called that.

Kennedy sat deep in thought as the group spoke.

“So you and Kennedy are a couple?”
Emily smiled and said proudly, “Yes. That is partly why me and mum fell out. She said I was messed up like you. But I don’t think it is wrong whether she is a man, woman or other. As long as we are happy that’s all that matters, right?” She asked the men who were now looking at her in awe.
“Right,” Mark said smiling, “That is all that matters.”
“You are a lesbian?” Kevin asked his daughter.
“No… not really. A few people have asked me that. But I was thinking about it and if anything I would say I am pansexual,” They looked confused.

“Bi is female or male, pan is female, male and any other gender. Like Trans or intersex.”
“It really doesn’t bother you?” Jack asked surprised.
“No. I have only ever really been sexually attracted to Kennedy, though I have found other people handsome or pretty.”

“You still love me, right, dad?” She asked worried by his silence.
He perked realizing how his silence was being taken, “I love you always, Rosie.” He leaned over again and kissed her cheek.
“Whether you like boys or girls, I’m just a bit surprised,” He admitted.
“But I should have guessed at how protective and close she is to you. But I thought you were just friends.”

“We were up until a few days ago. But I fell in love with her and her with me, we admitted our feelings for each other and became a couple.”
“Have you always lived in Blackpool?” Kennedy asked out of the blue. Earning her a chuckle from Jack.

“Yes, why?” He answered for them.
“I think I know you,” She mumbled.
“You do?” Emily asked.

“Yes. Up until I was fifteen, just before…” Emily nodded understanding that was the age she started living as a female.
“Well, mum and dad always took us a few times a year to visit my Uncle Jeff and his wife, Katie and their son, Neil, in Blackpool.”
Jack listened and frowned thinking.

“Neil Thompson, his dad owns nightclubs?” Mark questioned, remembering his son’s best friend since they were in nappies.
“Yes. I am his cousin and he always used to drag me around to play football with his friends, when I was in town. But I would always get bored and sit on the sidelines.”

“You,” She turned her attention to Jack. “Always used to talk about how you had a little sister, but her mummy stole her and so your daddy and Papa Smurf was trying to find her. That when you did, she could sit and watch you become a pro-footballer and you would get loads of money to pay her mummy so she wouldn’t take her again.”

“I remember Neil’s tiny little cousin,” Mark said as he used to attend all of his son’s games.

“Yes, the tiny one who all the other boys went easy on because he was half the size of the others,” Kevin said thinking.
“But that was a boy,” Jack said staring at Kennedy.

“Yes, I was.”

Now the men were twice as shocked and their mouths were hanging opening.

“Yes, my Kennedy is a chick with a…” Kennedy covered Emily’s mouth laughing.

“You are a transsexual?” Jack asked still wide-eyed.

“Yes, I take the hormones and had my boobs done,” She admitted.

“Now I think about it, you do look a lot like little Ken,” Mark said.
“Except she is a girl. Are you sure you were a boy? You are too hot.”
Kennedy laughed, “You can ask my sister or yours or pretty much anyone in the bar. It’s no secret.”

“She still has her mister if you want to see,” Emily reached to pull up Kennedy’s skirt.
“No, Rosie,” Kevin said laughing at Kennedy stopping her.
“We believe you.”

“You are meant to be shy, doll,” Kennedy whispered.
“I am. But these are my family so its alright, Princess,” Emily said pecking Kennedy’s lips.

“Dad, me and Kennedy are getting married in December. Will you give me away?”

“You are getting married? Really?” Jack asked.
“Yes. I love her so much. I don’t want anyone else. I want Kennedy to be wifey and my baby mama,” She said looking at Kennedy with love.
“I love you too, Dolly,” Kennedy said back looking at Emily with the same look.

“I would love to give you away, Rosie,” Kevin said proudly. “But I want you to help me and Mark plan a wedding for the new year?”
“Really? I would like that.”
“Good and I would like to get to know you both more then.”
“Yes, it would be good to spend more time with you both,” Mark agreed.

“What should I call you?” Emily asked him.
“What would you like to call me?”
“Poppa? If that’s alright?”
He and Kevin smiled at Emily accepting him. “I would love that, I’d be proud to say you were my daughter.”

“Are you staying in town overnight or driving home?” Kennedy asked them.
Jack shrugged, “It was all spare of the moment. The minute Kennedy told Pa that you were in Ambleside, he had us in the car.”
“Well, if you want you can stay at the Manor?” She offered.
“Wouldn’t they mind?” Kevin asked.
“No, but I’ll call them to make you feel better.” Not giving anyone a chance to say anything else she pulled out her phone and called her mum.

“Mum, is it alright if dolly’s dads and stepbrother stay over?”
“I thought she didn’t know where he was?” They heard Pat reply.

“She didn’t. But I am super and found him for her and you remember Neil’s friend with the two dads?”
“Yes. The pretty one always spoke about football?”

Kennedy chuckled at Jack’s embarrassed expression, “Yep. Well, it turns out one of his dads are Dolly’s too.”

“Woo, this is exciting. Bring them over. They can stay. We can tell them about the babies and wedding…”

“Mum?” Kennedy tried to shut her mum up.

“Oh, we can plan baby name.” Emily’s mouth fell open and her dad looked at her.

“I’m not pregnant,” She whispered.
“I was a virgin until a few days ago.”
“Mum, stop speaking now. I’ll be back soon. Bye,” Kennedy said hanging up.

“Sorry, my mum is a bit eccentric. She is planning on me and Emily getting married, living in the Manor forever and having fifty children.”

“You can still make babies?”

“Jack, don’t be dumb. If she has the equipment still then of course she can,” Mark tells his son.

“So will they call you mummy or daddy?” Jack asked confused.
“Emily is mummy, because she is the one who will have it,” She said looking to Emily as if to ask what she thinks.
“Kenny will be mama. Me and Jack have two dads, so my children will have two mums,” Emily answered looking back at her with a smile.
Kennedy’s smile widened, “Let’s go. Just be prepared for stupid comments and ideas from my mum. She is a bit crazy,” She said before finishing her drink and stood pulling Emily up with her.

“It’s alright. My mum…” Kevin looked to Emily, “Your gran, Is a bit like that.”
“She is very funny. She’ll probably kick pa’s butt. Her and grandpa adore you. They have dozens of photos of you when you were little and a baby,” Jack told her.

“Do you have any photos of you?” Kevin asked her.
“Actually, I have a load saved to my laptop. Mum didn’t like me looking at photos. But a couple of times when she was out and Steve was feeling kind he let me make a copy of them. But I have nothing from when you were around. They accidentally got lost.”

“I didn’t like your mum before. I like her even less now,” He told her as they still stood in the flat.

“It was alright until my nan and granddad died several years ago. I would spend a lot of time with them.
But they both died one after the other and I was alone with mum.” Her bottom lip started to quiver and her eyes tear up.

“I thought that I didn’t have any family other than Kennedy.”

“Don’t cry, little Em,” Jack hugged her. “Now you have a big brother and two dads, not to mention the rest of the family and Kendy and her family.”
“Kendy?” She sniffled and chuckled.
“Yes, it sounds girlier.” She chuckled more, making him smile. “Feeling better, Em?”

Kennedy continued to rub Emily’s back and Mark and Kevin watched happy how their kids had bonded so fast.
She nodded, “Yes, thank you, Jack.”

“Now I have a cute little sister and sister-in-law, friend, I’ll have to punch a few of my friends to stay away.”
“Aww, the protective older brother. That’s sweet,” Kennedy teased.
“Yeah, yeah. Show us to your fancy Manor, Miss posh pants.”

She stuck her tongue out and grabbed Emily’s hand and Jack walked close to her other side.

“Come on, dad, poppa,” Emily called behind her.

“You’ll love it. It is like a palace.” She looked to Kennedy, “Princess Kenny’s palace.” Kennedy smiled back.

It wasn’t long before they got in the bar.

“Everything alright?” Angelina asked as she noticed them.

“Yep. I’ll tell you everything later,” Kennedy told her giving a kiss goodbye

“Alright, Kenny,” She kissed her back and did the same to Emily.
“Take care, Emily and don’t let my pervert sister take advantage,” She joked.
Emily went bright red, “I won’t.”

They said their goodbyes and the women went to the bikers whilst the men waited by the door.
“I expect to see you both again before you leave,” Clive told them.
“Don’t worry, you will. We will be here a couple more days and the party tomorrow,” Kennedy told him.
“I’ll see you there.”

A minute later the women joined the men outside.
“You are friends with bikers? That is so cool,” Jack said impressed.
“Indeed. They are the best,” Kennedy said walking out to her car.
“Follow us and we’ll talk later,” She said getting into her car with Emily by her side.


Emily sat in the car with a very quiet Kennedy as they drove to the Manor.
“Kenny, what wrong?” She asked worried. “Why are you so quiet? Aren’t you happy?”
“I am…” Kennedy answered. “I really am happy you got your dad back.”

“But? There is something, isn’t there?” Emily asked as they got to the Manor and the gates opened.

The car with the men followed before the gates closed.
“Now you have your dads and brother you won’t need me,” Emily watched tears begin to fall from Kennedy’s eyes as she parked the car and let her barriers fall.
“You will leave me…” Emily frowned, climbed out of her seat and onto Kennedy’s lap.

“Kennedy,” She lifted her fiancee’s face up to look at her.
“You are mine forever,” Emily whispered to her. “I am never leaving you. Remember that.” She began kissing Kennedy’s damp face, forgetting about the people in the other car.

“We are going to get married and I am going to have your children. I don’t want to be with anyone but you. You are just as important to me as my father is. Never forget that,” She kissed her lips before pulling back stroking her hair.

“I love you so much, Emily,” Kennedy said back in a whisper. “I just don’t want to loose you,” She rests head on Emily’s shoulder.
“You’ll never loose me,” Emily said once more and kissing her head.

“Let’s go inside before your mum comes out or my dads think we’re having sex.”

Kennedy laughed and pulled back, “That’s my pretty princess,” Emily said smiled and stroked her cheek. “You should always smile, princess.”


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