Chapter 24

“Pat was right,” Jeff laughed. “You need to be watched at all times, Kenny.”

Emily pressed farther into Kennedy’s side. “Mum should be happy. We are making her more grandbabies. She’s always saying how she wants the manor filled with little ones,” Kennedy spoke as they walked back to the front room.

Jeff began laughing again. “I can imagine. But it is good to see you happy, real happy.”

“I am. Emily is my saving grace. Has the witch gone?” She changed the subject quickly.

“Yes and she is never coming back. Can you believe she tried to say Emily said some obscene things to her? I mean I was standing only feet away. I heard everything that was said, yet she still tried to make out I was mistaken. She made me so mad. I am a gentleman, but I was honestly close to thumping her. She accused her of many things including money grabbing. But she hasn’t even met her properly.”

“The last thing she is money grabbing. She tries to stop me buy her things and even tried to make a list of what I was spending so she could pay me back. I quickly stopped that. But she still wants to get a job to pay her way. She is my sweet little dolly.

“The moment I met her I knew I was going to marry her. She is a shy girl but treated me like her best friend. She always knew when I was sad, even if I tried to hide it and went out of her way to make me smile despite her crappy home life. She stuck up for me not only against her mother’s family, but also Olivia Beaufort,” She told him arriving in the front room where the guys and an older woman was waiting.

The woman in her mid-forties rose from her seat and smiled in the direction of the girls.

“Hello, Kennedy. It’s great to see you. You look great.” She went to hug her, Emily moved from her side making Kennedy frown. “And this must be your fianc e. Jeff was telling me about a few minutes ago. I’m Katie, Kennedy’s aunt and Neil’s mum.” Not giving her a chance to reply she moved forwards and gave her a hug too. “I am very sorry for how you were treated by our ex-employee. There was no excuse for how she acted. Especially when you did nothing to warrant it,” She said pulling back.

At five foot eight she was the same height as Kennedy. Her once blonde hair like Neil’s was now slightly greying. But Emily thought she was beautiful. Maybe a model when she was younger?

“Nice to meet you. It is alright.”

“No, it isn’t. She was a cow to my poor dolly.” Kennedy pulled Emily back into her arms. “I’m alright, princess. Don’t worry your pretty little head,” Emily told her seeing how angry she was. An immediate smile appeared on the dark haired girl’s face and her cheeks turned a light pink.

“But I do.” She turned the shorter girl in her arms. “No one hurts my doll.” She placed her lips to hers. “I love you, princess.”

“I love you too, doll.” Their lips met again.

“Please stop,” Jack groaned.

“I think it’s adorable,” Katie countered.

“I think it’s sexy.” They pulled apart just in time to see Jack punch Neil’s arm. Katie rolled her eyes and Jeff just stood with a knowing smile.

“But seriously, Em…” Jack softened, “Ah, stop being so cute,” He shook his head and patted the space beside him.

Only before she sat down, Kennedy took the place first and pulled her onto her lap.

Jack rolled his eyes, “Just, please don’t dry hump in front of me.”

Jeff sniggered, “Don’t think that’s necessary right now.” Neil smirked.

“Shhh, Jeff. Don’t tease the girls. You know what it was like when you’re young and in love,” Katie said with her husband now sat beside her.

“So, how long are you in the area?” She asked the girls.

“We are going to see Em’s grandparents tomorrow. We’ll have to drive back to Grimsby tomorrow evening or the next morning… Probably the next morning because we have college that afternoon. We already missed a class, we shouldn’t miss more.”

“Tell me,” The older woman said eagley, “Tell me how you two met, I want to know everything.”

“Well, Remember I returned to Grimsby to complete my animal course?”

She nodded and Jeff said, “I never did understand why you didn’t just stay here with us and do it at a local college.”

“I’m not sure really. I just felt like I had too,” Kennedy replied and looked down at Emily on her lap and smiled. “But I am glad I did,” She brushed a loose strand of hair from her partners face and placed a single kiss on her jaw just below her ear. Her aunt swooned and quietly whispered to her husband ‘what a beautiful couple they make.’

“We are in the same college course. Our tutor paired us together,” She smiled brightly. “I seriously was drooling when she entered the room,” She hugged Emily tighter. “I could have kissed Mr. Summers when he paired us up.

“My Dolly liked me too,” She said confidently. “She was all shy and cute, but I didn’t fail to notice her checking me out… She really likes my boobies.” Emily blushed but didn’t deny it.

“We were instant best friends. We spent most of our time together. But we were just friends until recently… We kissed.” She got a dreamy look, but then it faded. “Though Emily didn’t actually thought I was a girl at the time-“

“That is because you didn’t tell me.”

“I was worried you would reject me.”

“What happened? How did you tell her?” The older woman asked leaning forwards in anticipation.

“Calm down, love,” Jeff chuckled. “Give them a chance and we’ll find out.”

“Well…” There was a slight pause from Kennedy as she didn’t want to say anything that met embarrass her girl.

“My stepfather told me before she had a chance,” Emily spoke rubbing her thumb across her partner’s hand. “My mum, he and his son are… They are homophobic.”

“They are bast… I hate them,” Kennedy forced herself not to say the b-word, but for why? She had no idea.

Her aunt and uncle nodded but looked confused.

“It’s not what you think,” Emily defended. She wasn’t comfortable about telling everyone her past. She found it embarrassing, she was ashamed. She should have done more to protect herself. Maybe move out, not that Steve would have let her. But she could have run away, found her dad, his parents. But she didn’t, she thought they hated her.

“I don’t know if you know about mine and Jack’s dad’s… But when I was young my dad left my mother for Mark, Jack’s dad.” She frowned remembering.

“Mum told me he never wanted a child, only married her because he had too. That he abandoned us the first chance he could, no leaving a forward address or wanting any contact with me.” She avoids looking at anything other than her lap from fear of judgement of crying.

“We know of it, but he had wanted you,” Jeff told her. “He spoke of little else when Jack was younger and we talked at games. It was always Jack this or Rosie that. He does love you.”

“I know,” She sniffled and Jack placed his hand on hers.

“You don’t have to continue if you don’t want too,” He whispered.

“No, it’s alright. We will all be family in a couple of months. And families don’t have secrets, right?”

Katie was in awe by the sweetness of the girl, “I want a daughter,” She whispered to her husband. He chuckled quietly and shook his head. “We are a little old for that now. But maybe Neil will find a nice girl.”

“Mum met George when I was nine, he had lost his wife a few years before. He and mum married and we moved in together when I was ten, Steve – his son – was twelve.

“Gran and Grandpa didn’t like him much but put up with him until I was twelve and then they died.

“Steve was a little strange, but I just thought that was because he was my big brother. I thought they were meant to be like that, protect and all.” They all listened with unreadable expressions.

She was shy, but once she started talking she had no trouble.

“We were best friends. We always used to watch movies together, go to the park…” She thought back.

“Then one night my mum and his dad went out to a nightclub. They left me and him alone. I was fourteen, he was sixteen. It was the second time they left us alone, so they thought we’d be alright. But…” She told them what he tried to do that night, how she was saved, but they didn’t report it. How she learned, he had been watching her for years, obsessing with her.

“They made sure he didn’t touch me again. But I took self-defense classes in secret, just in case because despite everything, they still let him control me. He had to know where I was every second of the day. I wasn’t allowed male friends, to date and go out socially unless he was there. I wasn’t allowed to use social networks and my phone was only to be used to call him, our parents or college if need be. And he checked it to make sure. I hated wearing clothes that fit because all he would do is stare at me. I made triple sure the bathroom and bedroom door was always locked and he couldn’t see or get in. He didn’t like me doing that, but mum said I could so he allowed it.” There was a pause before she continued.

“Now I think back I kind of think they were hoping we would work out our differences and get together properly. But anyway,” She sighed. “Steve didn’t like me having friends really at all. Which is why when me and Ken hung out it was always at mine or college. He must have looked for dirt on her. He must have mentioned her to his friend because that is when he discover her secret.

“My mum, George and he were horrible to her. Mum said she should have let Steve have me when I was younger. She told Kennedy to leave and that I was going to marry him.” Jack clenched his fist.

“I told them I loved her and left.”

“And Steve has been texting her and calling her ever since,” Jack added and she felt Kennedy’s arms tighten around her. “Which is why we got her a new phone and why I need several weeks off.” Her aunt looked glossy eyed, but Jeff and his father’s expressions were unreadable.

“I know I have already taken these few days off short notice and you were great to allow me, but I really need these several weeks off. I appreciate and am thankful for the opportunely you have given me, but if you cannot give me this time off I will have to hand in my notice.”

“No, Jack. You-“

He cut her off, “You are more important to me than any job. I know you have Kennedy. But you are still both only girls. You need protection from that freak while you are in Grimsby and there is no way in hell I am letting you both go alone.”

“I’ll protect her. She is safe with me,” Kennedy defends. “I would rather die than let anyone hurt her.”

“I’m not saying you wouldn’t or at least try. But you-“

“You need to be safe too,” Her uncle cut in.

“Why don’t you stay here? Why do you have to go back anyway?” Katie asked sadly.

“We have to finish the section we are on at college before changing college. We finish it just before Christmas and that is why we aren’t returning until then.”

“Can’t you do it online?”

“No, the course is more than half practical. We need to be there.”

“Fine. Then both Neil and Jack will go with you.” She opened her mouth to argue, but he cut him off again. “They will go with you and I will get some temporary cover for them. And that is the end of it.”

“We only have a one bed flat.”

“That’s alright one can sleep on the sofa… On second thoughts, they can buy camp beds and sleep in the living room.” Kennedy said nothing knowing it was pointless to argue with him when he had made up his mind. “Good. Then it’s settled. Neil is working tonight, but he will meet up with you tomorrow. Then you can all leave early the following morning.”

“Good. I’ll let the guys know,” Neil smirked and drew an arm around his cousin. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure no one touches either of you.” His expression turned serious. “I may not know you that well, but I’ll be fucked if I let that sick cunt touch either of you.”


They spend the rest of their time together talking about college, the wedding and meeting the parents.

But before long it was time to go and re-join their dads at Jack’s house.

“Why didn’t you tell me, Doll?” Kennedy asked her on their short walk back.

“About Steve’s messaging?”

“Yes, Doll. Why didn’t you tell me he had messaged you more?”

“I didn’t want to worry you,” She admitted. “I am not planning to see him again.”

“But we are a pair, Doll. There aren’t any secrets,” She stopped walking and cupped Emily cheek, not caring if anyone saw. Jack stopped feet away.

“I wanted to protect you,” Emily mumbled. “He said some really bad, nasty things about you.”

“My Dolly,” Kennedy tutted with a small smile. “You are my life.” She leaned in closer. Jack groaned, but they ignored him. “I am the man in this relationship for obvious reasons,” She smirked.

“So let me protect you,” She whispered against her partner’s lips, brushing a small kiss against them.

“Move on.” They pulled apart before the kiss could deepen when they heard Jack say through gritted teeth. Looking to Jack they find he wasn’t talking to them, but glaring at a small group of young boys in their early teens watching them with lustful eyes and smirks.

“Come on, Jack. Let’s go before Dad and Poppa think we have run off.” Emily took his hand in her free one and began to walk again. Jack sighed and followed but not before shooting the lads a glare when they wolf whistled at the women.

“Bloody kids.”


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