Chapter 23

They arrived to the large Edwardian house. Not as big as the Manor, but bigger than most people’s house.

“Extravagant houses run in the family?” Emily asked sarcastically.

Jack chuckled, but Kennedy ignored him and gave her a side hug.

“All the more space to play princess and fill with kiddies,” She rubbed Emily’s flat stomach.

“Err. Don’t start making out yet. At least wait until we get inside, so I’ll have someone to distract me and talk to,” Jack complained and pressed the bell next to the door.

A few seconds later the door opened to reveal a woman in her fifties. “Oh, hello Jack,” She smiled seeing him, but her smile widened when she saw Kennedy.

“Kennedy!” She exclaimed giving her a big hug. Kennedy didn’t seem comfortable with it.

But then pulled back looking confused. “What are you doing here with Jack and…?” She trailed off looking to Emily.

She looked at her with a blank expression as if picking at her appearance and tutting.

Emily felt the urgent need to go home. She wasn’t comfortable in the slightest. “I think I will go back. You two go without me,” She said quietly before they had a chance to say anything.

“Jessica, stop staring!” Emily was surprised how informal and abrupt Jack was with her. It sounded almost as if he spoke through gritted teeth. Even Kennedy was giving the woman a warning look. Emily was worried, she didn’t mean to cause a scene. She just wasn’t comfortable with someone staring at her as if she were dirt.

“I’ll go with you, doll,” Kennedy said taking her hand again.

This caused the woman to snap out of her daze.

“Let her go, Kennedy. She is obviously just a-” She said sneering.

“Finish that sentence and I’ll make sure you never work again,” A voice came from behind her, cut her off.

“Into my office now,” A giant man around buff, six foot five, late forties and good looking for his age came into view.

“But sir-” The woman tried to say.

“I will hear your excuses later why you are rude to all of my guests. Now office!” He sounded furious. His narrowed eyes stayed on the woman until she disappeared from view.

“I am so sorry for her,” He said, his expression softening.

“Come in. Your mum… Well, your dad called me but your mum told me all the good news,” He ushered the three inside. Emily stayed hesitant and glued to Kennedy’s side.

“I am so glad to see you so healthy looking, Kenny,” He moved forward to hug her but she resisted.

“Sorry, Uncle. I am just so mad at that witch,” She snapped, relaxing and letting him hug her. But keeping a tight grip on Emily.

Jack wasn’t much better stood grinding his teeth.

“Don’t worry about her. She has had more than enough warnings over the years and lately I have noticed her acting more like the lady of the house than a maid or house keeper. She is gone. I don’t care if she is my wife’s sister’s friend. She has stepped on my last nerve.”

“I am glad she is going, I never did like her. She is so fake,” Kennedy said to him relieved.

“Enough talk of her. Let us talk about happier things,” He took a step back and looked at Emily.

“You must be Emily,” He held out his hand for hers.

She silently nodded and took his hand, only instead of shaking it, he kissed it and released it.

“Pat told me all about you. About Kenny and you and you being Jack’s sister. I must say I was shocked. I never thought I’d see the day Kenny settled down. She was always such a sad soul.”

He looked at Kenny and gave her a sad smile, “But even though she looks like she might bite someone she looks happy. Jack though…”

“I’m happy. Well, I was. Now I just want hit someone. That woman pisses me off.”

Emily took Jack’s hand and gave him a smile which said ‘It’s alright.’

“You won’t have to see her any longer. It was inexcusable the way she spoke to Emily. She is a bitter woman, who is jealous of your youth and beauty. She was never much of a looker,” Jeff said making them all relax a bit.

“Sit in the front room I’ll get Katie and Neil to join you while I sort out that woman,” He said leading them into a large cosy room with three large sofas.

“Oh, by the way, I haven’t told either of them about what Pat said. I had just finished on the phone when you arrived,” He explained as he was about to leave, but another man around the same age as Jack came in. He was similar looking to Jeff, but slightly shorter.

“Kenny, Jessica said you were here,” The man said entering the room smiling.

“Jessica? Didn’t she go to my office?” Jeff asked clearly annoyed. “No,” The younger man shook his head. “She came in the kitchen fake crying to mum about Kenny and Jack coming with a harlot… Her words not mine. Sorry, love,” He apologised to Emily, noticing her for the first time. “Said some crap about the girl saying something her and Jessica advising her to leave. Then you coming out and yelling at her for no reason.” The man made it clear from the way he spoke that he didn’t believe her.

“That lying bitch!” Jeff exclaimed and left the room looking ready the murder someone.

“Cheer up,” Emily whispered to Kennedy and Jack, who sat either side of her.

“So I guess this is your cute little sister? I’m Neil, Kenny’s cousins and Jack’s best friend,” Neil said walking over smirking.

“Yes, keep your dirty little fingers away if you want to keep them,” Jack threatened. “Yes, yes. You know I prefer using something else anyway,” He was purposely trying to wind him up. Jack got up and punch his arm.

“Hey, you know I’m kidding. But she is a little hottie,” He smirked. “But anyway. I don’t understand why Kenny is here? How’d you find out about little miss?”

“Jack and I are dating,” Jeff’s eyes widened and his mouth gaped.

Jack and Emily were surprised by Kennedy’s announcement, but hid it well.

“I go to college with Emily. She’s my best friend. We live together. I was searching for her dad for her and bang… It turns out to be this fool.

“We met yesterday, he found out about me and last night we slept together.” She wasn’t lying they did sleep together, just not in the way she was implying.

“You are fucking my little cousin?!” Neil wasn’t playful anymore. He was now glaring at Jack, who continued to smile.

“No, I’m fucking you, you dumb ass!” Kennedy and Jack started laughing, Emily giggled and Neil realised. “You were messing with me?”

“About Jack and I being together, yes. But the rest is true. He did sleep with me… Well, me and Emily, we fell asleep talking,” Kennedy explained. “I’m really with Emily. She and I are getting married in December.”

Neil stood still as if waiting for her to say she was joking again.

Only it never came.

“But aren’t you into men?” He asked Kennedy confused. “You changed into a woman, so…”

Jack burst out laughing, “Neil, you are a dumbass. Only because she is a woman doesn’t mean she likes men. Believe me I have had to seen them basically dry hump each other all morning. They are definitely a couple.”

“Wow…” Neil stared at the pair.

“Lesbians.” He sat on the arm of the couch beside Kennedy and put his arm around her shoulder.

“Kenny, you know you’ve always been my favourite cousin… More like a sibling really.”

Jack smirked knowing what he was up to.

“What do you want, Neil?” Kennedy asked abruptly.

“Nothing much… Just maybe watch you together a little. Maybe join in if you wanted?” Kennedy punched his arm and knocked him off the arm.

“You fucking pervert,” She laughed knowing want he was like. “What happened to be as a sibling? You don’t do that with family.”

“You do if they’re hot.” That earned him another hit as he stood back up. “I wouldn’t touch you, I’m only joking. But I wouldn’t mind watching and playing with your girl…” Jack punched his arm this time.

“Emily has only ever been with me and that’s the way it stays.” Kennedy leant in and kissed Emily’s jaw. Neil watched like a little kid at Christmas.

Jack on the other hand groaned. “Please don’t.” He picked Emily up and placed her at the other side of him, so he was now sat in the middle. “I don’t want to see my sisters dry humping.”

“Don’t be so mean, Jack,” Neil said with a fake stern look. Kennedy glared a Jack.

“Can I use your toilet, please, Neil?” Emily asked shyly, drawing all attention to her.

“Yes. You don’t have to ask,” He told her honestly. He was about to offer to show her through the maze of rooms to it, but Kennedy got there first.

“Come with me, doll.” She stood up and held out her hand. “I’ll show you where it is.”

Emily took her hand and began following her out of the room.

“Wow. Who would have ever thought little Kenny and your long lost sister…” They heard Neil say once they were out of the room.

“I know. I’m still slightly in shock at that and how Kenny is now a woman. And a hot one at that.”

The voices faded away as they got further into the house. But soon enough a different voice could be heard. “STOP LYING! I WAS STOOD RIGHT BEHIND YOU!” A man’s booming voice came from a room at the other end of the hall.

“You were stood too far away, she spoke quietly,” An older woman’s voice tried to convince the angry sounding man.

“This way, doll. Ignore them,” Kennedy drew Emily’s attention back to her and pulled her into the quiet bathroom.

Knowing Kennedy wasn’t going anywhere, Emily did her business and flushed the toilet.

“Like watching me wee, do you dirty girl?” She asked seeing the bulge under her dress.

“I love your cute tiny pussy. I love the way you always cling to me, inside and outside.” Kennedy stopped Emily from leaving. “Don’t leave me like this, doll,” She begged indicating to her tent.

“As if I would. I was only messing,” Emily said grinning. Kennedy expected her to pull down her knickers to give her access, but instead fell to her knees infront of her tent.

“I want to taste you, Princess.” She groped the erection through the material of the dress. Before pulling it up and flicking her tongue over the small amount of exposed head sticking out of her knickers. “I love how you taste, pretty girl.”

Pulling down her fianc e’s knickers to her knees, Emily began biting Kennedy’s shaft softly. “Dolly, please,” She begged, her knees buckling beneath her she was forced to lean against the sink.

Kennedy was not one for teasing, she knew without a doubt she would explode in the smaller girl’s mouth in seconds.

“Please, what, princess?” Emily cupped her partner’s balls and rubbed them gently, still biting her shaft. “I want inside you. I love your mouth, but I don’t want to cum in it. I want all my seed inside your sweet pussy, hopefully making our child,” Kennedy painfully panted the words out, forcing herself not to cum.

“Hmm,” Emily hummed taking the head into her mouth but pulled back quickly. A small amount of thick liquid came out of the end, but she didn’t notice. She was too busy looking at her partner’s face in awe.

“You really want a child with me? A family?” Kennedy stood up straight, picked Emily up and sat her on the edge of the sink she was just leaning against. “I want you, children, pets, house, and the dream. I love you. You have to know how I feel by now,” She whispered, moving Emily’s knickers to the side and positioning herself correctly.

“I love you, Dolly.” She cupped Emily’s face and spoke softly with their lips almost touching. “You are my reason for living.” Not giving her a chance to react, Kennedy pushed her length inside and began kissed each other desperately.

It wasn’t the soft and loving type of kiss or sex, it was more the ‘I need to know you want me too,’ type. Both girls had their own emotional problems, but together they were learning to overcome them.

Moving her mouth down to Emily’s neck, she nibbled and kissed the place she knew made Emily scream normally. “Kennedy,” A loud moan escaped her lips. Kennedy smirked against her partner’s neck as she felt her pussy constrict and release, this motion triggered Kennedy’s own release.

Knock knock sounded at the door a few seconds later. “Are you alright in there?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” Kennedy’s reply came out as a moan. “We’ll be out in a second.”
Emily felt mortified when she heard a deep laugh from outside. But Kennedy continued pumping until she was spent and her erection softening.

Kennedy just chuckled at Emily’s attempted glare and tidied up both their makeup before picking her off the edge of the sink and straightening their clothing.

“You know you love it as much as me, dolly, or you wouldn’t let me fuck you everywhere we go,” She whispered and pecked her nose.

“Why do you have to make me so horny all the time, princess?” Emily whispered back and pouted. Kennedy’s face beamed, “It is only the same as you make me feel my love.” She took her partner’s small hand in her’s. “Let’s go.”

Kennedy unlocked and opened the door to find the owner of the voice before stood waiting with an amused grin.


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