Chapter 27

“I am proud of you not taking her bait,” Pat said to Emily with a pat on the shoulder.

The older woman was dressed as a geisha and her husband, in a kimono.

“Thank you, Pat. And you look great.”

“Aww, you are too sweet. And call me mum.”

Emily didn’t have a chance to answer before Kennedy was dragging her off.

“Kennedy!” Her mother said in a warning tone.

“Sorry, mum. She really needs to wee,” The dark haired girl made up. “You must remember the nappy dolls when I was little,” Kennedy said called back with a grin, not really caring if other people could hear her. “Dolls have no bladder.”

Without another word Emily was dragged into a downstairs bathroom she hadn’t been in before.

“Ken, I don’t need the loo.”

“Well, that’s good to know,” She began to unbuckle her belt and undid her fly. “Because I was planning on breeding your sweet little dolly pussy.” She pulled out her manhood, already standing to attention.

“You know,” Kennedy said seductively. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to make love to a living doll in my parent’s bathroom during a Halloween party.” Emily laughed out at this.

“Care to make my dreams come true, little dolly?”

Emily smirked, but then covered it, changing it into a pout and widening her eyes.

“Oh, my sweet prince,” She played along. “I have this aching void between my legs and no matter what I do I cannot fill in. Could you possibly help a poor little dolly in need?” She batted her lashes.

“I’ll have to examine it first,” Kennedy fought back a grin, pulling the girl’s panties down and sitting her on the counter. “Let me see…” She spread the girl’s lips with her fingers and for what felt like the first time, she looked it over in detail.

“Hmm…” She ran her finger down the girl’s slick pussy. “Is this the void you were talking about?” She circled her entrance with her finger but didn’t enter it.

“Mmhmm,” Emily hummed. “Can you help me? Make me complete?”

Kennedy jumped up in a hero stance, her hands on her hips and her cock jolting out.

“I certainly can. But it comes at a steep price.”

“I’ll pay anything.”

“Good!” Kennedy thrust her length into Emily’s tight hole and groaned.

Emily half moaned, half squealed at the sudden intrusion.

“From this moment and for all eternity, you will be my wife and bear all my children.”

“Anything,” Emily moaned wrapping her arms and legs around her fianc e.

“Just don’t stop… Please…”

“Never,” Kennedy brought their faces within a breath of one another.

“Tell me who you belong to?”

“You, Kennedy. I am yours,” She breathed out.

“And who do I belong to?”

“Me. You are mine!”

“And never forget it,” She pressed their lips together and hammered inside her.


“My pussy hurts. I think we need to rest for the day.”

“Oh, dolly,” Kennedy hugged Emily to her chest.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. If you ever don’t want sex, you just have to say. I don’t want you to feel forced.”

Emily smiled. “I want sex with you all the time. Sadly my pussy isn’t built for that.”

Kennedy grinned. “We’ll let her rest. You tell me when she’s ready again.”

They exited the bathroom and wasn’t surprised to find a couple people waiting.

“Prince, eh?” The man in his fifties who was stood with Olivia earlier was now stood outside the bathroom.

“How about you come back in there with me and I’ll show you what a real man can do?”

Emily frowned and shivered in disgust, moving closer to Kennedy’s side, who was glaring at the man with hate in her eyes.

“I’ll even let you call me daddy, and you, my little girl.” He reached out to touch her, but Kennedy pushed her behind her.

A fist came out of nowhere before Kennedy could react and knocked the old man to the floor.

“Don’t you fucking dare speak to my daughter like that, you disgusting old pervert!” Mark exclaimed looking down at the man with fury in his eyes. He looked ready to kill.

But instead, he turned to Kennedy and Emily and ushered them away to the other end of the hall, passed the curious looks.

“Thank you, Poppa.” Emily moved to hug him and Kennedy did the same.

“That man…” He sighed and hugged them back in his arms.

“Mark, Rosie…” Kevin rushed over with Jack, Spiderman and a few others, including Kennedy’s mother. Her father was seeing to the group which formed around the old guy.

“Are you alright?” Kevin looked his daughter over before pulling her into a hug.

“I’m okay, Daddy.”

“Are you sure?”

“Certain,” She smiled and he kissed her forehead.

“What happened, Dad?” It was Jack this time asking and he brushed his hand over the back of Emily’s head in a comforting manner.

“The dirty old bastard propositioned Rosie and then reached to drag her in the toilet!”

Emily wasn’t sure if the last part was true, but Kennedy nodded. She would never lie.

“He is lucky so many people were around or I’d make sure he couldn’t stand again,” He sounded livid, now stood beside Kevin.

Kennedy had shadowed Emily, always be her side protectively.

Jack said nothing, but the look on his face alone was enough to scare anyone.

“I’m going to kill him!” Kevin released his daughter and began storming over.

But Emily rushed, stopping him. “Don’t please…”

“Fine,” He sighed. “But if he looks this way…”

“Thank you, Fathead.”

He chuckled and kissed her head again. “I love you, Rosie.”


Turned out the old man was Olivia’s father, Harris Beaufort.

Not surprisingly, Olivia and her mother – Mariana – both tried to cause trouble.

But her brother – Lewis – on the other hand, found it highly amusing. It seemed there was no love lost between the men.

Other than that the party went well.

Jack ended up sleeping in the girl’s bed again. Not that Kennedy minded, Emily was still too sore to do anything sexual.

After packing up the stuff they would need, they said their goodbyes to Kennedy’s family.

Patricia had cried, hugged them and not let them go until they had promised to call her every day.

They needed to stay in contact to speak about the wedding.

With the dresses already brought, everything else they trusted Patricia to arrange.

Leaving the house, Jack rode in David’s car and his dads in theirs.

Emily and Kennedy in hers.

“You are the most handsome boy,” Emily cooed to the small Pomeranian.

“Oh, I wish you could come home wish us. But we haven’t got the space,” She frowned stroking the dog’s head which was rested on her lap.

“If he is still here when we come back, we can take him.”


“I promise,” Kennedy reassured her.

They had decided to stop by the sanctuary before going to Emily’s grandparents.

“Well… We have to go now,” She pouted and kissed the dog’s head. He was much mellower than a regular Pomeranian. Not aggressive in the slightest.

“I’ll see you real soon.”

They stood up and the dog followed her, giving her a little bark as she left.

“Goodbye, and take care,” They both said to Hilda as they left.

She stayed behind to tend to the animals.

They walked outside, joining the others.

“Ready to go?” Mark asked seeing them exit.

“Yes,” Kennedy said, but Emily was still pouting.

“You can see the animals another time,” Kevin said guessing the reason correctly.

“Yes, you are welcome anytime,” David offered. He was still being cool and quiet, seemed to be a little kinder.

“Thank you, David,” Kennedy said in the same cool tone.

“Yes. You will probably regret that when they are living here,” Kevin said humorously, but wasn’t joking.

“Perhaps,” David mumbled, which everyone heard but said nothing.

“It has been nice meeting you,” Kennedy held out her hand in politeness.

“And you, both of you.” David took her hand his and her eyes widened slightly when he brought it up to his lips and kissed the back before doing the same to Emily.

Kevin glared at him but said nothing about it.

“See you soon.” They all said another round of goodbyes before continuing their drives to Blackpool.

Again, the dads stayed in their car. But this time, Jack joined Emily in Kennedy’s car.

She had chosen to take one of the larger ones since there would be four of them in the car.

She had suggested her cousin or Jack bring their car, but Jack said they would be with them all the time, so they wouldn’t need it.

Either Jack or Neil or most likely, both would drive and pick them up from college and go to the shops and places they needed to with them.

“Your uncle is strange,” Kennedy commented from the driver’s seat.

“One moment he looks like were crap on his shoe the next he is kissing our hands and welcoming our return.”

“I know. He’s always been a little weird but got worse in recent years.”

“What’s his story? If you’re allowed to tell us?”

Emily was sat in the back of the car, much to Kennedy’s dismay.

“Your family too and it isn’t a secret. So I don’t see a problem telling you both.”

The girls listened silently as he spoke.

“David had been friends with Suzanne since school. They started dating a couple of years later.

It was on and off, so no one expected much. But they lasted ten years. He was completely in love with her and planning to ask her to marry him. They were already trying for a child, so it was the next logical step.”

Emily was surprised at how sad Jack looked as he spoke.

If Jack loves his uncle that much he can’t be such a bad guy, right?

“Things all went downhill when he found a pack of contraceptives. Turns out she had been taking them the whole time. She didn’t want children. Obviously, David was heartbroken but thought they could get over it. But turns out that wasn’t her only secret.” There was a pause before he continued.

“Turns out she had been seeing another person at the same time as him. For Lord only knows how many years. But the only difference is the other person was a woman and she knew about David. Long story short, Suzanne left him for this woman and got married.”

“And that’s why he is strange with us?” Emily guessed.


“He does know I’m trans, right?”

Jack wore a thoughtful look. “I think so… Probably… Though… Maybe not.”


“Do they know we’re coming?” Emily asked standing outside a familiar house from her childhood.

“I called them to make sure they stayed in,” Kevin replied.

“So they don’t know about me?”

They were stood outside her grandparent’s house.

“What if-” Jack covered her mouth with his hand.

“Don’t!” He gave her a warning look and uncovered her mouth.

“They will be over the moon to see you.”

Not giving her a chance to answer he walked over to the door and just walked in without knocking.

“Grandpa, Nan, your favourite grandson is here,” She heard him call.

“Don’t worry, he’s right.”

Kennedy and Emily followed Kevin and Mark into the house.

It was completely different to how she remember but had the same ‘at home’ feel.

“Jack, it’s great to see you,” She heard an older man’s voice.

“It’s been a few of days, where you been? Busy with that girlfriend, no doubt,” The same voice said.

“Nah. I dumped her. But I’ll tell you about that later,” Jack dismissed.

“Boys,” A woman in her sixties came rushing out a side room. “Where the bloody hell have you been?! I’ve been calling and went to your house and office and nothing! Why are you ignoring me?”

Kennedy couldn’t help but chuckle at the older woman telling the men off as if they were little boys.

“And who are these pretty girls?” The older couple finally noticed them.

“New girlfriend, Jack?” The man asked.

“No way, Grandpa.” He shook his head. “Don’t you recognize your granddaughter?”


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