Chapter 28

“Don’t you recognize your granddaughter?”

“Rosie?” The old man swooped her up in his arm and hugged her against his chest as though she was his own child.

“Hiya, Grandpa.” She hugged him back, surprised it didn’t feel awkward.

“It’s really you.” Another person moved and hugged her from behind, sandwiching her between them and she knew without question it was the older woman.

“Hiya, Nanny. I missed you both.”

She relaxed into them.

“Let me look at you,” Her Grandpa while still holding her, brought her face up to his. His wife moved to his side to see better. Her face was damp from tears. Even his eyes were glossy.

“You grew up just as beautiful as I thought you would.”

Then cursing of her mother began and the questions.

“Mum, Dad,” Kevin said getting their attention. Kennedy was now stood with Jack, giving her fiancée a moment with her grandparents.

“Let me introduce, Kennedy.” He ushered her forward.

“She is Rosie’s fiancée and the one to thank for bringing her back to us.”

“Oh my goodness!” Nanny rushed over and hugged her. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“Yes. Thank you, darling. You have no idea what this means to us all,” Grandpa said hugging her once his wife had released her.

“I just wanted my dolly to be happy,” She said truthfully.

“She deserves a caring family.”

Emily moved to her side and Kennedy drew her arm around her partner.

“Diana?” The older woman asked with a frown.

“Among others.”

“Come inside and tell us everything.”


As was expected, the grandparents were beyond angry.

Her Grandpa was spitting fire and ready to kill everyone who ever said a cross word to Emily.

He made his hate of her mother clear and said he never understood why Kevin was so taken with her.

Learning that they were returning to Grimsby, even for a short time, the older couple weren’t happy and made a point to tell them they would visit at least one weekend, even if it meant staying in a hotel. This gave the dads an idea and they said they’d do the same.

“None of you are coming. We’ll only be gone several weeks. You can speak to us on the phone or Skype,” Jack argued. But knew they probably wouldn’t listen.


“You’re a transgender? I don’t believe you. You’re too pretty,” Grandpa asked a few minutes later.

Kennedy had laughed to this.

“I can reassure you, she was a little boy once. She and I used to play footie. She’s Neil’s cousin. That’s why he’s coming with us.”

“I’m happy the boys are going with you.”

“So are your breast grown from hormones or implants?”

“Mum! You can’t ask her that!” Kevin exclaimed.

“Ha. It’s okay,” Kennedy reassured him.

“They are partly both,” She explained. “The hormones didn’t make them very big, so I had implants.”

“Can I touch them?”


Emily sat back amused and watched as her Grandmother groped her partner’s breasts.

“They feel so real…” Nanny commented.

Everyone found it amusing, other than Kevin, who was mortified.

“Have you had your tiddler removed yet?”

Kevin held his head in shame.

“No, Nan. She wants to keep that little bit,” Jack answered for her.

“Hey! Less of the little.”

“So you’ll be able to have children still?” Nanny’s thoughts and wants were clear.

“Yes. And I’ll hope you’ll be attending our wedding in December?”


While they were there, they also showed Kennedy many pictures of little Emily and a video of her playing with the roses.

Nanny had even asked to be given Patricia’s number to speak and help arrange the wedding feast.

She had cried and Grandpa even got teary eyed when it was time to leave a few hours later.

They had stayed for dinner. But had to go to pack some stuff for Jack, pick up Neil and be on the road.

The girls had college tomorrow and they couldn’t miss another day.

Kevin had hugged Emily whole time and Jack packed and arranged his bags in the car.

“I am going to miss you so much,” He cried. She hated seeing him like this.

“You’ll see me in a few weeks, daddy. Then after that all the time. You’ll see me so much you’ll be fed up with me.”

“That could never happen!” He said adamantly.

“If I had anything to do with it, you would be living with me forever.”

“Mum and dad love your company. So I am certain they will not mind you staying over as much as you like, there is enough space. Plus they have already given you an open invitation,” Kennedy reminded him. Kevin nodded silently and Mark hugged each other the girls and his son before he drew his arms around Kevin.

“It has been the greatest pleasure to meet you finally, Rosie. We will miss all three of you. But we’ll come and see you soon,” He got more than a little teary eyed.

“And don’t you worry about your dad, I’ll take care of him,” He assured her, placing a kiss on Kevin’s cheek.

“And dad has to take care of you too. I need both my dads safe.”

That was enough to see what little hold of his emotions gone.

Mark burst out crying. “You really think of me as your dad?”

“Yes.” She paused looking at him, staring back at her with an odd expression and wet cheeks.

Her father drew his arms around him.

“I thought… I didn’t mean to upset you.” Emily looked and sounded confused.

Despite his tears, he laughed and closed the short distance between them, hugging her against him.

“I am not upset. Far from it. I am beyond happy. These are happy tears.”

“I think he is happy you see us as your real family, that you accepted us,” Jack explained.

Emily didn’t look any less confused. “But you are my real family. Why would I not accept you?”

Mark’s arms tightened around her and he pressed his lips to her head.

“I bloody love you, Rosie. You are amazing.”

“I love you too, Poppa,” She hugged him back and took a deep breath.

“You smell nice.”

He laughed and thanked her.

“Okay. Now where’s my love?”

She turned to Jack with a raised eyebrow. “But you are coming with us?”

“Fine, if you don’t like your big brother…” He made an over-exaggerated sigh and looked down sadly.

“Please…” Kennedy said in a mocking tone, stepping away from Kevin, who she just hugged.

“You have slept in our bed the last couple of nights and I swear every time I wake up, no matter what you are always cuddling her.”

“He has always been a cuddle-bug,” His father said smiling, drying his face with a tissue.

“He refused to sleep on his own until he was ten and then we had to force him too.”

“That’s not true,” Jack denied embarrassed.

“Asked Neil,” Kevin added. “They shared a bed during sleepovers.”

“Pa, how could you?!” Jack’s cheeks now a nice shade of red.

“Aww. That’s cute,” Emily said dreamily as Kennedy held her.

“I am not cute.” Jack reminded her of a small boy throwing a strop, stood with his arms crossed and his bottom lip stuck out.

“No,” Emily moved to hug him and Kennedy shadowed her.

Kennedy had been trying her best all day not to get in the way and with Emily time with family. But she couldn’t stand back anymore. She felt lonely not holding her fiancée all day morning. Not to mention they hadn’t been sexually intimate since last night because Emily’s soreness.

Not that she minded that too much. She just liked holding her in her arms.

“But the way you act is cute.” Both girls hugged him and he sighed.

“I’ll let you off with that but only because you’re my little sisters.”


Yet again, another round of goodbyes and the trio made their last trip to Neil’s house before heading home.

“Where are your parents?” Jack questioned noticing his friend was alone in the house.

“Dad took mum out. He said to send their wishes,” He replied, but added, “You know how emotional mum can be.”

“Ha, yeah. I’ve had enough of crying people today,” Said Jack while picking up one of his friend’s bag before heading out to the car where the girls were waiting.

“Hiya, Kenny, Em,” Neil greeted with a large smile.

“You are both looking beautiful as ever.”

Kennedy had once again dressed Emily. Today in denim shorts and a sweater, something comfortable for the long drive. While Kennedy wore leggings and a long sleeved t-shirt.

“Hi,” they both replied.

“Before you ask, dad’s took her and said to send their love,” He said once his bags were in the back of the car.

“Now…” Neil put his arm around Emily’s shoulder and led her to the back of the car. “Why don’t we get to know each other better?”

“No fucking way. You’re driving!” Kennedy pushed him aside and moved to the back of the car with Emily.

“I’ve been nice all freaking day. I’ve barely touched my dolly,” She told him fastening Emily’s seat belt and then her own before resting her head on Emily’s shoulder.

“I’ve missed you, dolly. Did you miss me?”

Neil said something but she wasn’t listening.

“I’ve been with you the whole time, Princess,” Emily giggled.

“But you weren’t in my arms, where you belong,” Kennedy began nibbling and kissing her fiancée’s neck. She was so distracted that she didn’t notice the guys climb in the car.

Emily did, though. She bit her lip as not to moan and her eyes drifted to the rear-view mirror.

Her eyes were met with Neil’s. He smirked at her as their eyes met.

“Kenny, stop. We’re not alone.” She pushed a pouting Kennedy away.

But behind all the embarrassment the only thing she could feel is a relief. Relief in the fact that all she could see in Neil’s eyes was teasing, humor. Nothing like the looks she was used to from her so-called brother, Steve.

No, she knew no matter what she could trust these two men.

‘Not all men are like Steve and George,’ She repeated in her head as the car pulled out and began their journey back to the one place she never wanted to return to.


“Please, no more, Em. For the love of God…”

“We are going to be in Grimsby soon. But we have to go to Morrisons, pick up some food. We haven’t got much in.”

The drive had only taken three hours thanks to the lack of traffic. They had spent that time taking it in turns choosing music. The last hour was Kennedy and Emily. But Kennedy had let Emily choose, meaning they were exposed to the horrors that were her playlist.

“We also need to call in somewhere to get some airbeds or camp beds or something for you to sleep on.”

“There is a place in Freshney,” Emily suggested. “It’s pretty cheap and it should be open for at least two more hours.”

“We’ll do the shopping, run the stuff to the flat and then to the shop in Freshney.”

Despite her awful taste in music Neil and Emily got on well.

His attitude was similar to Jack’s, except he loved to flirt with her, winding both Kennedy and Jack up.

But unlike most men, Emily knew it was all in fun, he wasn’t serious.

He wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt Kennedy. It was clear he adored her as he would a sister.

It wasn’t before they reached the large supermarket.

Women looked at the men admiringly and Neil even flirted with a couple but nothing serious, just playful fun.


“We need bedding as well.”

“Oh my goodness,” Emily gasped seeing the cutest rag-doll themed blanket.

“Kennedy, look at this.”

Jack chuckled shaking his head.

“She is so easily excited,” He mumbled to himself as he looked at airbeds at the other end of the small shop.

Neil, only the other hand was again stood flirting with the sales assistant in her forties.

“You look just like your dad,” A woman’s voice – not the kindest one – gained his attention.

“Sorry, were you speaking to me?” Jack turned and asked the woman staring at him. She was in her forties as well, on the larger side, hazel eyes and brown, greying hair.

She nodded.

“Do I know you?” He stared at her. She seemed so familiar but he couldn’t place her face.

Again, she nodded. “But I doubt you remember me. You fagot dad has probably brainwashed you and turned you against me.”

He opened his mouth to tell her where to go but she spoke first.

“He fooled the courts and they took you away from me. It’s his fault, everything is.”

His mouth fell open realizing who the woman was.

“But I found some pictures of you online…” She continued and his jaw clenched.

This was the woman he never had and still had no interest in ever meeting.

“Jack, have you found something,” Emily appear beside him, resting her head on his arm not noticing the older woman. But she noticed her and her expression changed into something unreadable.

On instinct, he drew his arm around her protectively.

“You can’t date him!” She exclaimed reaching to pull Emily away and gaining the attention of Kennedy and Neil, who both left what they were doing and came running.

“It’s nothing to do with you who I do and don’t date!” Emily shot back angrily, pulling her arm away.

Jack was confused, “Do you know her?” He asked her quietly.

“Eh, it’s you.” Kennedy appeared at Emily’s other side and looked her over for injury.

“Neil, buy the stuff so we can go,” She ordered and he reluctantly agreed, taking the stuff they had chosen.

“Are you okay, doll?” Emily nodded and leaned her cheek against Kennedy’s hand before kissing it.

“What do you want? Emily is mine and you aren’t taking her anywhere.”

“What the hell? Why would she take her anywhere?” Jack asked confused.

“I am both yours and Emily’s mum. You will both come with me.”

“What the hell?”


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