Chapter 29

“I am both yours and Emily’s mum. You will both come with me.”

“What the hell?! You can’t be both our mums. My mum was called Anna Forward and would have been in prison when Emily was born.”

“I got out on good behavior, met Emily’s dad and married. Anna is my old nickname, as in Diana Forward – my maiden name.”

She told him his birthday date and where he was born.

“Come back to mine. I’ll explain there.” People had were watching and she was still looking at Kennedy with disgust.

“No.” Jack was cold towards her.
“I’m going home with my beautiful sisters. And best friend.”
Ignoring her, the two men escorted the two women out to the car.

The drive home was quiet all round, with Neil driving the car the short distance.

“On a plus note you really are my big brother, blood and all,” Emily said breaking the silence back in the flat.

A smile crept on to his face.
“That’s one plus,” He had his head on her lap and she was playing with his hair whilst she sat on Kennedy’s lap.

And Neil was sat in the floor in front of them with his head resting against the side of the women’s legs despite there being a free chair.

“You’ve always been my sister. Though, I have to admit to find out you are my blood sister only makes me love you more. And wish more than ever I was there to protect you from her.”

“You weren’t to know and we are together now thanks to my princess.”

Before anything else could be said Jack’s phone began ringing.

“It’s dad,” He said picking up the call reluctantly.
“Hi dad.”

“Helilo. Is everything alright? Is your sister okay? You didn’t call us? You’re back right?” The voice on the other end asked quickly.

“Dad, I’m just gonna put you on voice speaker,” He said sitting up, knowing already his father had him already on speaker.

He could hear Pa – Kevin – asking too what was wrong.

“Something happened,” He began telling the pair.


“Pa, dad… I don’t know how to tell you this, so I am just going to come out and say it,” He paused.

“Jack…” His dad said in a warning tone.

“Emily’s mum-“
“What did the bitch do now?” Pa snapped.

“She is Anna, my mother.” He went on to tell them the incident at the store.

They could hear the two older men speaking among themselves. Both sounded confused to how they were with the same woman without knowing. It wasn’t like Kevin had never told his partner about Diana. They were already making plans to drive down that evening.

“Didn’t you ever see a picture of Emily’s mum?” Neil asked Mark curiously.

“I only had pictures of Emily,” Kevin answered for him. “Anna was never keen on having her photo taken.”

“We will be there in a few hours.”
“No, dad. You don’t have too. We won’t let anything happen…”

It took a while but they managed to convince the pair not to come down that night.


That night…

“Shh, doll.” Kennedy spooned Emily, rubbing her large erection against her backside.

“Let me make love to you please?” She whisper asked, sounding more like it had been weeks and not just hours since they were last joined intimately.

“But the guys…” Emily whispered glancing Jack and Neil who had insisted on making up there beds on the bedroom floor and not the living room. Both now fast asleep.

For this reason both women were dressed in over sized shirts and panties.

Kennedy was just thankful Jack hadn’t decided to sleep in bed with them again or there would be no chance of the couple being together as lovers should.

“I’ll be discreet.” She pushed a finger inside her fiancée, pumping it inside several times before pulling it out and bringing it to her mouth.

“So wet. You want me too.” Emily said nothing, she instead pushed back her ass as if to encourage her. Forgetting everything around her.

That was the in sign she needed. Only a moment later Kennedy had Emily’s panties pulled to the side and entered her.

That night they fell asleep sated and interlocked.


The next day…

College went easier than expected. Their tutor was helpful, giving them all the catch up work they needed and even advised them how to go about transferring to another college.

Not surprisingly, the couple received more than a few suggestive comments from guys at college. Not to mention the break the couple spent together in the empty classroom. Their tutor trusted the pair and left them alone to ‘catch up on the work.’

They finished a couple of hours later than normal, but managed to catch up on the little work they missed.

Exiting the classroom and walking down the hall, Kennedy’s hands began to move down Emily’s back and towards her backside.

“Ken, no,” Emily whispered loudly.
“Dolly,” She looked down doe eyed at her fiancee. “What did I do?” She asked innocently, but kept her hand in place.

“Kennedy,” Emily said, now in a warning tone.

She grinned and squeezed Emily’s backside. “What do you fancy for dinner, doll?” She asked clearly trying to distract her. There wasn’t many people around at the time.

The shorter woman shook her head and tried to fight back a smile but failed.

“I was thinking your titties and for dessert, you sit on my face.”
Her cheeks heated up and by the time they had reached the car park where the guys were already waiting her cheeks were red from a vivid description her partner gave her.

Kennedy’s hand was roaming again and she wasn’t hiding her needs when they approached the car.

“Kendy, please stop pawing my sister.” She just laughed and stuck out her tongue.

“Any trouble today, girls?” Jack asked hugging the pair when they got to the car.
“Nope, everything was good.”

Neil pushed him aside to hug the pair. Emily giggled, both Jack and Kennedy rolled their eyes and Neil grinned pleased with himself.

“Good, because it took me hours – again today – to convince Dad and Pa not to come down tomorrow. But they wanted to come down this evening. I convinced them to hang off. But they made it clear if anything happened. For example – Diana, her husband or stepson approach either if us they will be coming down, asap.”

“Mum never came here before. But Steve came a few times. He was banned from college grounds for fighting.”

“Fighting? I’m not surprised from what you told me, but why?”

“Apparently any guy who looks my way is after bedding me.”


A short time later and the four of them were sat at the local Carvery tucking into large plates full of food.

“Yummy, I want more beef… I think…”

Kennedy smiled watching her lover eat.

“It is indeed, little Em,” Neil agreed tucking into his own food.
“So, I was thinking…” He began. “How about the four of us have a night out tonight? You haven’t any classes tomorrow, do you?”

“No, but…” Kennedy looked to Jack for help.
“I think it’s a good idea for you to have a little fun. And don’t worry about any fools, you have us with you.”
“Yes, Jack and I spoke about it early and decided we would be good boys on this trip.”
“Fun? As in…?” Kennedy knew like her Emily would be just as happy staying in.

“Show us around town, go to a few pubs and have a drink. If we’re going to be here a while it would be good to know where the good places to go are.”

Kennedy hadn’t been out drinking in the town but nor had Emily – because of his step-brother.

Well apart from one time when Steve took her out as his date to a New year do a couple of years ago. But he never took her out again because apparently she got too much attention from guys. She was glad about this because she didn’t like being with him anywhere in the first place.

After telling the guys this it was decided that this was the perfect night to go out on the town.
The perfect way to make everyone forget everything for one night and have some fun.

After eating they returned home to get changed and freshen up.

Emily wore a pair of black skin tight leather trousers, red camisole tank top, leather jacket and black ankle boots with golden heel.

Kennedy dressed in a black lace off the shoulder top with black bra beneath. Red Jean shorts and black thigh boots

“Woo, you both look hot,” Neil complimented the women.

“Yes. Let me guess, Kendy dressed you both?” Jack enquired.

“Actually,” She stood behind Emily with a grin. “I choose hers and she choose mine.”

Jack raised his brows.

“She has nice boobies,” Emily said quietly and blushing. Kennedy smiled proudly. “Dolly wanted me to look sexy. She wanted me to wear a catsuit but I don’t have one.”

Jack thought she was lying until he saw his sister’s deep red cheeks.

“You are a little pervert, sis. But you both do look beautiful.”

“Thanks, you don’t look bad yourself. I mean for a guy,” Kennedy teased.

He and Neil both were wearing smart but causal shirts and trousers.

“We’re definitely going to have to watch guys don’t try anything with you two,” Neil said seriously and Jack nodded his head in agreement.

Kennedy waved her hand dismissively. “We’ll take care of each other. My girl has my back,” She said proudly and placed a kiss behind Emily’s ear making her giggling.

“Nah, nah,” Jack picked up his sister.

“Call a taxi, Kennedy and you can have her back.” Neil sat back amused.

Kennedy glared at Jack and made the call.

The moment she finished she had Emily back in her arms.

“I missed you, doll,” Kennedy said playing with Emily’s loose hair.

“Hang on, I need to snap a picture of you, you look so sexy.” She had been taking more and more pictures recently. Then again, so had Emily. Her new phone already had a special folder just for Kennedy’s photos. It already had more than a hundred

“Are you done?” Kennedy kissed Emily and nodded. “I am now.”

“Thank God Emily isn’t a photo addict,” Jack joked.

“That’s what you think. She just took her picture before you came in,” Kennedy said suggestively.


“Steve hangs out in Cleethorpes, so we shouldn’t see him here,” Emily answered earlier when Neil asked.

He was worried that the moment Jack saw him he’d beat the hell out of him and rightly so.

Now in a local bar, they were all sat at a bar having a drink and the guys were not to discreetly checking out some scantily dressed women by the bar.

“If you really want, just go over. I can take care of me and dolly.” Kennedy held Emily’s hand in hers stroking the back.

“No way,” Jack said turning his head back to them. “Have you seen those guys at the bar?”

“I was looking at the girls, he was glaring at the guys eye raping you,” Neil explained turning back as both Kennedy and Emily looked to the bar to see a group of three guys staring at them.

“Ew. No, thank you. I’ll keep my doll.” They turned back to the boys.

“Will you nip to the toilet with me?” Emily asked Kennedy quietly.

“Of course, doll. You just have to tell me and I’ll go anywhere with you,” She assures her and pecks her lips before turning to their companions.

“Dolly just needs the loo. We’ll be right back.”

“Do you want me to wait outside?” Jack says acting as the overprotective brother.

Kennedy waves her hand dismissively. “No, we’ll be fine. It’s only over there.” Holding Emily’s hand she led her to the toilets where there was a small cue.

They stood silently together until a cubicle came free. That was only a minute later.

No one seemed to bat an eye at them going in together and the other women in the restroom continued to prime themselves in the mirror.

“You go first-” Kennedy began to say but was cut off by Emily jumping at her. Wrapping her legs around her partner’s waist, Emily kissed her hungrily, drying humping Kennedy’s quickly expanding bulge.

“I want you so bad, princess. You look so sexy tonight,” She whispered in a husky voice.

Kennedy didn’t know whether she was more turned on or shocked. No, that’s a lie. She was definitely more turned on.

After a moment of dry humping she placed Emily on her feet and indicated she remove her trousers. It would be impossible any other way.

Erection freed, she picked Emily – who was now naked from the waist down – up and with the smaller girl’s back against the door, she pushed herself inside her fiancée’s core.

“Yes, just there,” Emily moaned and Kennedy covered her mouth with hers to muffle her moans.

But someone must have heard it because they heard giggles.

“Is this what you wanted, baby doll?” Kennedy whispered.

“Yes, I love you so much. You know that right?”

Kennedy slowed down and smiled. “I do, doll. I know you love me just as much as I love you and for that I’ll forever be thankful.”

Emily kissed her repeatedly making her giggle.

They could hear chatter and a couple of comments but were too involved in each other to even care.

“Come on, Kenny, cum inside of me, I want your baby.”

She smirked and only a few thrusts she came deep inside.

“I feel so full. I love the way it feels when you cum inside me. It never fails in making me orgasm.”

They kiss again and redress.

“I just need the loo. Beer goes straight through me.”

“Are you ready?” Kennedy asked after Emily had used the toilet.

They exited the toilet only to find a couple of women waiting and neither said anything.

But the guys were something different.

“Kennedy,” Jack began when they arrived at the table.

“It wasn’t me,” She answered already knowing what he was going to say.

“You expect me to believe that?” Jack accused with a laugh. Neil looked at Emily who blushed red.

“She is so pretty. I couldn’t help it,” She said looking at Kennedy dreamily.
“As are you, sexy doll.”

Neil laughed out loud and Jack palmed his face but laughed.

“On another note…” Kennedy sat down with Emily at her side. Both had new drinks waiting for them.

“I was thinking, if we’re all living here together for the next several weeks then we should probably get a short term lease in a house. Preferably one with two or more bathrooms,” Kennedy told them her idea and took a drink.

“We could,” Neil agreed. “And we’ll split the rent two ways.”

“Three ways,” Jack corrected. “But don’t you have to wait weeks to go through checks and stuff?”

“I can use the money I use to pay for this place and add some of the money I have what mum and dad gave me and still have plenty left over. I’ll pay alone,” She told them. Emily wanted to argue but knew it was pointless. She’d find a way, somehow to pay her and everyone back.

“The man who owns my place has plenty of houses and flats. I’ll call him tomorrow and get somewhere. That way there won’t be any checks and the money I have already paid for the bond is easily transferable,” She explained.

“You’ve really thought this through, huh?”

“Of course. We need more space so you can have rooms of your own and I can have dolly fun times without risking waking up you.”

“Ew. Don’t tell me,” Jack covered his ears and Neil laughed.

“Dolly missed waking up to cock, don’t you?”

Neil and Kennedy looked to Emily. Her cheeks turned red and she stood up. She took a large gulp of her beer, but said nothing.

“See, you are cock blocking me even when you’re sleeping. We need a bigger house.”

“I personally don’t care what you do while I’m asleep,” Neil replied honestly.

“You may not mind but I don’t really want to wake up to my two little sisters bonking.”

Neil laughed out loud.

“Let’s get the new place. But I insist me and Neil pay for the other bills.” Her cousin nodded his head in agreement.

“No arguments.”

“We’ll see.”


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