
“You are one sexy little trannie,” One Mexican looking guy who looked to be in his forties said leering at her. Alex had only been inside West Smiths Male Detention Centre for little over three hours and she was already being harassed.

“I think I could turn for someone like him. Don’t you think, Keys?” A slightly younger Mexican with longer hair moved beside the previous man.

They had followed her down the hall and then walked her into the recreation room. Then waited for the guard to be called away so they could pounce and this is how she or he as they call her, ended up being cornered by two leering Mexicans.

“I’ll say.” The older man, who she guessed was Keys reached up and brushed his hand around her smooth face.

Another man, this time about twenty-five, Caucasian with short blonde hair and grey eyes walked over and stood by the other men.

“Are you sure he’s not a she?” They glanced at the younger man.

“I mean…” He waved his hands over her body, which was now clad in an orange jumpsuit. “Come on? That can not be fake.”

“He must be or they wouldn’t put her in here.”

“Oi! You three, Keys, Marco, Jordan,” The voice of the guard returning boomed through the room. “Back off!” He warned walking over to them and stepping between them and her.

“What, sir? We weren’t doing nothing,” The Caucasian man said innocently.

“Sure, Jordan. Just keep it that way. If I see you or any of the others harassing Rodriguez, I’ll have you sent to the box.”

They quickly returned to their seat but not before winking at her.

“Rodriguez, if you just come with me,” The guard, Officer Finnigan told her firmly.

She nodded and followed him out the room.

“I have the things you requested. I placed them under your pillow on your bunk. I thought that it would be less embarrassing for both of us.” She knew what he meant, she wasn’t looking forward to him handing her the small pack in front of everyone.

“Let me walk you back to your cell. It is almost lock up and I think your cellmate is back now, so I’ll introduce you.”

“Thank you, sir,” She said gratefully, “You have been a great help.” She meant it. If it wasn’t for his help, God knows what them men might have done. Not to mention him going out to buy her tampons because they destroyed hers when searching.

“No problem, you should have never been put in a male prison anyway.” He walked with her.

“You know there is already talk flying around. It won’t be long until the others find out.”

“I know,” She sighed. “But it’s my own fault, I shouldn’t have broken the law.”

“That is true, but either way, we will make sure you have an officer or trustee with you at all times. You will also be let out of your cell thirty minutes before the others so you can shower privately. As for your cell… We thought about putting you alone, but thought in the long run it would be better for you to share.” He paused and then quickly added, “Don’t worry, he is a trustee. The governor choose him specifically.”

“Thanks, I was a bit worried about that.”

Less than a minute later they arrived the cell he had earlier shown her.

Only this time a giant man with caramel skin and shaved black hair was inside, sat on the bottom bunk.

“Benga,” The man on the bed looked up to the officer, then the woman beside him. His eyes lingered on her for a moment as if trying to work something out and then they returned to the guard.

“This is your new cellmate, Rodriguez.” Benga’s eyebrows furrowed. “I know it might be inconvenient, but until the idiots up top decide to actually sent her to a female prison. The governor has requested that you chaperone her when a guard is not available,” He finished telling the prisoner and turned to Alex.

“Officer Hodges will be here at 7:30am to take you to the showers. She will tell you what’s what after that. If you need anymore…” He made pointed look at her pillow on the top bunk, “Ask Hodges or the nurse and they’ll arrange some. As you probably guessed, they are the only two females who work here.” Benga scoffed, but the officer ignored it.

“Anyway, lock up is in fifteen minutes, so I have to get back. I’ll let you know when ‘it’ gets out. That’s if you don’t find out first.” The guard in his mid forties gave her a kind smile, before leaving.

She didn’t even try to speak to her cellmate, she could tell by his cold expression he didn’t like her much.

Instead, she removed her shoes and jumped onto her bunk.

When up there, she reached under her pillow and pulled out the box.

‘I’ll have to find somewhere safe to hide them,’ She thought to herself.

“You will not be getting me up in the middle of the night,” Her cellmate’s voice said in a serious warning tone.

“And don’t think about trying it on with me because I am not gay and can not abide them. I will do as I am asked just because the governor asks. But I don’t think you need it, you obviously became a woman for a reason…”

“Why don’t you shut the hell up about things your little mind can’t understand or even know!” Alex snapped surprising the man below. “And just for the record I have never been with men, only women.”

She regretted snapping as soon as she finished. He was a giant of a man and could easily snap her neck if he wished.

“That is the only time I’ll allow you to speak to me like that, Fag! Next time I’ll make you sorry.”

She gulped and tried to stop tears from falling. Laying down, she faced the wall so no one could see her.

‘Why did I even do it?’ She thought about what got her inside, silently sobbing as tears wet her pillow.

‘I’ll never survive this,’ She thought maybe she could, at least until she met him.

That night she fell asleep quietly sobbing and wishing she could wake up from the nightmare.


Benga aka Sam thought his new cellmate was quite beautiful, but he’d never admit it out loud. That would make him like them. All them dirty little homos.

‘Always more,’ He complained to himself. He had neve been a fan of homosexuality, ever since his dad left his mother for another man. To be specific, it was actually a Transsexual – man who dressed as a woman.

Ever since then, he had become a very vocal Homophobic.

‘Trust the governor to put it in my cell! He knows I hate them too.’

He heard the door lock click as the officer locked it. Then the unmistakable sound of crying. It muffled, but he knew the sound and he also knew who it was coming from.

But instead of feeling happy, he felt bad. ‘I shouldn’t feel bad,’ He told himself. ‘I might have mistaken her… him, for a true woman when he came in. But he isn’t.’

He laid back on his own bed trying not to think but failing.

‘Why have I let him affect me so much?’ He complained again.

‘Just spend the day with him tomorrow. I’ll prove my point. All trannies and fags are evil,’ He told himself that repeatedly before falling asleep himself.


“Rodriguez?” A deep woman’s voice woke her up.

Alex’s eyes flicked open to see that to last night had, in fact, not been a dream. She was still in the cell she would call home for the ongoing future. A large woman around forty – Not large as in fat, but as in tall, though she was very stocky – with black tied back hair and a hard expression was trying to wake her up.

“Sorry,” Alex mumbled sitting up.

“I planned to be awake when you came. But I guess I overslept. Are you Officer Hodges?” She asked quietly so not to wake her grumpy cellmate.

“Yes,” The woman’s expression seemed to have softened. “Collect your things and I will take you for your shower.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”


By the time she was exiting the shower – washed and dressed – the first of the male prisoners had begun to filter in.

Not surprising she got a lot of looks and a couple of whistles, but when they saw Officer Hodges stood against the wall, they stopped.

‘Are they afraid of her?’ Alex thought slightly amused.

After that, she was shown to the dining hall where she was yet again first to be fed a bowl of porridge, a slice of toast and coffee.

She was happy to sit alone with the guard watching her from a safe distance, until the others started to fill in. It wasn’t long before her table was full. Not surprisingly her cellmate sat on another table and avoided looking at her at all costs.

“I missed you on the showers,” The blonde haired man for last night sat beside her.

“I’m Jordan, you’re Rodriguez, right?”

“Yes,” She said quietly, making him smile more.

“You even speak like a woman.” She tensed when she felt a hand on her thigh beneath the table.

The other men at the table remained quiet, but openly stared.

“I bet you would love my cock in your little boy pussy, wouldn’t you?” He whispered huskily as he tried to move his hand to her backside.

She abruptly stood up, grabbed her now empty plates and placed them in the correct place before leaving with Hodges.

But not before Jordan telling her he’d see her later.

After breakfast she was shown to the place she would be working in.

It turned out to be the garden where prisoners grew a lot of the prison’s produce.

There was a guard who watched them, but when the other inmates came out Hodges left Alex in Benga’s care.


Only Benga wasn’t the only familiar face, Jordan and a couple of other people she had seen around were on garden duty too.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you,” Jordan said knowing Benga was meant to but he had just gone to the other side of the garden, ignoring her.

She even heard him tell some of the other men how he was lumbered babysitting the trannie fag.

As creepy and as scared of him as she was, she actually felt more safe around Jordan at that point.

The way Benga was acting towards her, she was afraid he might gay bash her or something in the middle of the night.

“Sure, you will,” She said sarcastically under her breath and went to weeding.

Over the next two hours Jordan must have tried to touch her several times, but she just kept moving away. Benga still didn’t care and the guard was God only knows where.

She had needed the toilet for the last hour but tried to hold it. But she couldn’t anymore.

Properly not a good idea, she thought, but she left the garden alone and only telling an older man in his fifties as she left to the toilet she was shown earlier that day.

Alex got to the toilet without incident and without seeing anyone.

She couldn’t help but think for a prison, what low security it had.

Spending more time than needed, she pulled her jumpsuit back up. She tried to act normal, but she hated the place, she sat down on the toilet lid pulling up her knees to her chest and let her tears fall.

Managing to calm herself down, she dried her face and exited the cubicle and walked over to the sink.

“You can’t be a real man,” The voice behind her made her freeze.

“No man I know would go to the toilet to cry,” The man looped his arms around her torso and ran his hand over her abdomen.

“You really are the tiniest thing, aren’t you?” She stayed frozen until his hand went to her chest.


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