Chapter 1

Alex struggled to get out of the man’s grip.

“Don’t, Rodriguez!” He warned tighten his grip, but she continued. Pain suddenly hit her and then everything went black.


“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, but you should have done as I told you.”

She opened her eyes to see Jordan leaning over her. The difference from before being, she was no long in the toilets, but what looked like a large storage cupboard.

He had removed her jumpsuit, leaving her in only a white t-shirt and panties and he had gagged and tied her wrists.

It was only then she noticed he had also pulled his own jumpsuit down. He must have seen her look of horror, “If you had just done as I wanted you to I wouldn’t have hurt you and you might of actually like it.” He reached out pulling her t-shirt up and smirking when he saw a bra.

“I was expecting to see breasts,” He pulled he bra up too. “But these are unbelievable,” He moved them around and squeezed them.

“You can’t see any scars… They feel real?” It sounded almost like a question.

“But what I really want to see is the prize.” He looked down to her white cotton panties.

“There is a tiny bulge in them cute panties, but not enough for real equipment.” She tried to scream as he moved his hand down her smooth body and to her underwear, but it came out muffled and trying to move was just as pointless.

Pulling them down his eyes widened, “No way!” He whispered staring the equipment between her legs.

“This is…” He looked at her small penis which was in the place where a woman’s clitoris normally was and down to see a vaginal opening.

“This is some kinda manga shit.” He continued to stare at it until he noticed she was crying.

“Were you born like this?” She reluctantly nodded.

“Have you ever been with a man before?” Her eyes were full of fear as she shook her head, answering no.

He smirked, “This is perfect,” He moved his hand over her member and to her hole.

“Don’t worry,” With his second hand he pulled out his own, much larger erect member.

“I’ll make it so good, you’ll be begging me for more.” He rubbed the tip over her virgin hole. She started screaming and kicking more, but he wasn’t giving up.

She closed her streaming eyes tight as his tip entered her, not enough to break her virgin barrier, but still enough to scare her.

“God, you are so tight.” He groaned.

Just then the sound of the door rushing open gave Alex hope, but she kept her eyes closed in case it was worst.

“Close the door and you can have a go when I’m done with her,” Jordan’s voiced her fears.

“I just got to break this tight pussy in first…” Less than a second later she felt the weight being lifted off her and out sounded like a scuffle.

She couldn’t open her eyes, she was too scared. Instead, she continued to cry.


Benga had purposely ignored his cellmate all morning. Even after the guard left to do rounds. He had looked several times to make sure the feminine boy was alright because he was still worried about the stupid boy despite saying otherwise.

He had noted that he would have to watch Jordan. He was harmless enough, but the way he was continuously trying to touch the boy had him worried. He had already heard a group of men at breakfast speaking about how they want a go on him. This along with the way the evil dike bitch Hodges was actually being nice to him – something she is known for is never being is nice – had people speaking. And Benga starting to think there is more than meets the eye about him.

He looked up expecting to find Jordan harassing him again, only he wasn’t there. Benga spun around searching the whole garden, neither of them were.

Sickness settles in his stomach, something was wrong.

“Freddie,” He rushed over to the old man who was working by the entrance to the building.

“Please tell me you saw where Rodriguez and Jordan went?” He sounds more worried than he should have been.

“The girly?” Benga nodded, “The girly told me she was going to the toilet, Jordan..” He shrugged, “I honestly didn’t seen him leave.”

“Cover for us,” Benga asked and the man nodded before Benga disappeared.


Arriving in the toilets, Benga found no one. He was about to leave and check the second set of toilets when he saw something that made him worried even more, blood. Only a few drops but enough.

“Shit! Shit! Shit!” He cursed leaving the scene and checking all the places they may be.

Just as he walked towards the cupboard where the clean linen was kept when he heard some strange noises.

“God, you are so tight.” He heard.

Jordan groan just as he got to the door.

‘Too late!’ He scolded himself as rushed in the door to see Jordan on top of his ward.

“Close the door and you can have a go when I’m done with her,” Jordan told him.

Rodriguez was laid beneath him, wrists tied to a shelving unit, mouth gagged and eyes shut fast as tears fell.

“I just got to break this tight pussy in first…” Less than a second later Benga pulled him up and punched him over and over until he was unconscious on the floor.

He was beyond angry, no matter what he said in the past, he knew his cellmate wasn’t like that.

Turning back to Rodriguez he froze. Not because of the perfect bosom ‘the girl’ had or the delicate waist, but what was further down.

He may have been in jail fourteen years, but he knew enough about cosmetic surgery to know it was natural.

The sound of a muffled sob brought him out if his trance.

He leaned down and pulling her panties up and her top down, before untying her wrists and removing the gag. She immediately sat up and moved to the corner with her knees to her chest.

“I’m sorry, I should have kept a better eye on you.” He didn’t know what to do. He had never been good with girls.

“It is alright, I promise he won’t hurt you anymore. I’ll protect you.”

She opened her eyes, stared at him and for the first time he realised what beautiful piercing hazel eyes she had.

“You’ll protect me?” She asked as if though not believing him and began straightening out her bra and t-shirt.

“Of course,” He said honestly. He spotted her looking for the rest of her clothes. “They’re here,” He picked up the jumpsuit and handed it to her.

Pulling up her clothes, Benga noticed a small patch of blood on the back of her neck.

“Shit! You’re bleeding. Are you alright?” He reached out, but stopped himself.

“Course, I’m fine. I just been knocked out and someone just tried to rape me but I’m totally fine,” She said sarcastically.

“He didn’t…?” He tried to speak, but she cut him off.

“No, he couldn’t get it in. Not that you care!” She walked past Jordan’s still unconscious body and to the door. “I’m just the little trannie fag you are being forced to babysit.” She exited through the door leaving him with a stomach full of regret.

He was quick to follow, he didn’t want her being hurt again.

She stopped by the toilets again. She winced as she washed the blood off.

“Let me help,” Benga took a damp paper towel and wiped her neck.

“What are you?” The words left his lips without thinking.

“Everyone will find out sooner or later,” She said reluctantly. “I am intersex.”

“What’s that mean?” He asked non-the-wiser.

“Hermaphrodite.” He looked stunned. “Although technically I am a female and would have been born as one. I had an identical twin sister, no male bits though. She grew normally, but I got am abnormal overdose of the male hormone which made my clitoris develop into a penis. But I don’t have testiicles or anything else male.”

“Why are you here then and not in a women’s prison?”

Her facial expression hardened, “Because the legal system is full of bigoted asses like yourself!” He was taken back by her sudden outburst. “All they see is a trannie, there is no such thing as other in their world. You are either male or female and because I have this useless piece of shit between my legs that makes me a man. It doesn’t matter that my passport and all legal documents say female. Or that all Doctor’s who examine me say I am female. No, I have a cock that means I’m male.”

Instead of flipping and yelling back as he normally would with a man, he felt bad. If what Rodriguez told him is true, then she really is just an unlucky woman.

“You have a womb?” She nodded.

“Then you are a woman and should never have been put in this place.” He hated himself for how he had treated her so far.

“I am so sorry for the way I treated you.” She stared at him not convinced. “I know I have been a complete ass so far. I shouldn’t have jumped the gun and judge you. I’ll do a better job protecting you in the future.”

“Alright. You don’t have to, I don’t want to be a burden. I knew when I was told I was going to a male prison that I wouldn’t make it out a virgin. I’m not stupid.”

“But you are a child, your first time shouldn’t be by force,” He argued.

“I’m twenty-four and it’s not as if what I want will make any difference.” She finished tidying herself up and she left the toilet with Benga following behind.

“Well, I’m thirty-six and I say you are still a child. As for the other matter, whilst I’m around no one will touch you,” He reassured her. “What’s your first name? I’m Saami, Sam for short.”

“Alexia, Alex.”

“That’s pretty,” He said smiling at her, “Like you.”

She raised an eyebrow, “Who’s the fag now?”

He shrugged, “I’m not a fag because I was wrong before. You are not a little trannie fag – you are beautiful young woman and I thought that even when I said otherwise.”

“Are you a secret gay and want to play with my little man?”

Sam let out a booming laugh, “Never heard it called that before.” Then tapped his chin with a thoughtful expression, “Then again it was pretty small.”

She gasped, “You pervert!” And playfully hit his arm.

“In my defence, you are hot and I haven’t seen a woman naked in fourteen years.”

“Ah, that explains everything.”

“But seriously, you are beautiful.”

“Yeah and you’re a fricking giant,” She looked up at him from her five-foot-six-inches.

“Six-foot-four,” He said proudly, both forgetting temporary what happened earlier.

“Like I said, giant.” He chuckled and before long they were back in the garden and still no guard was there.

Not that they could escape because the walls were ten foot and covered in razor wire. There was a second wall beyond that which was guarded by armed officers and trained dogs.

“All sorted?” Freddie asked him.

“Yes. If anyone asks, Jordan has a bad stomach and keeps running to the toilet.”

“He does?” The older man asked knowingly.

“Probably,” He remembered how hard he hit him. “And…” He said with a raised voice, “Anyone else who tries to touch Rodriguez will have to face me!”

Alex didn’t seem to be the only one who was surprised at what he was doing. But no one seemed to want to go against him either.

“Good. Now that is dealt with, back to work.”



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