Chapter 2

They returned to work, only this time Benga stayed closer than before and kept an eye out.

But she still insisted on working alone.

“Where’s Jordan?” The returning officer asked.

“Bad stomach, I think he crapped himself,” The older man told him.

The guard mumbled something into his radio and disappeared.

“Think they found him?” Alex asked Benga silently with a look.

He shook head, “Even if they have, he won’t say anything. Unless he wants a worst beating.”

Again they went back to work.

“The trannie paying you in kind to keep you on side?” One of the other prisoners asked him.

“I heard you share a cell, so plenty of time to play.” Another said agreeing.

“I would love too…”



Alex was surprised at the sudden change in Benga’s personality.

As they walked to the mess hall for the dinner break, he stood close beside her. All the people from the garden had learned to be quiet, but others weren’t so good.

But one dark look from him and they backed off.

“You really don’t have to be all growly alpha male. As long as they don’t touch me it’s fine,” She whispered as he sat beside her.

He laughed but then frowned when he saw a battered and bruised Jordan walk over. He took the free seat next to Alex in the chair which everyone else was scared to sit in because of Benga.

“Hello Manga,” He sat beside her ignoring the glare he was receiving.

“I know we were interrupted earlier, but don’t worry. I’ll still have your cute little pussy,” He reached under the table for her crotch.

“Remove your hand or I’ll break it off,” Benga growled lowly.

“You had your chance, Sam. But blew it, Manga is mine.” He rubbed between her legs.

Jordan felt something sharp against his own member. Looking down, he smiled darkly and removed his hand.

“Fine,” He said reluctantly as Alex held a fork against him.

“But you will feel my meat in your sweet pussy, Manga,” He said sniffing her neck, standing up and walking away.

“I don’t know what gotten into him, but I am going to keep a close eye on him,” Benga thought out loud.

“Well, if he touches my cock again I’ll chop the bastards off.”

“I always knew he was a little fag,” He say laughing. “Why’s he call you Manga?”

“You know what Manga is?”
“I’ve heard of it.”
“You never seen it?”

He shook his head, “I’ve been in here for fourteen years remember?”

“Alright. Well, in Japanese Manga there is a type of people called Futanari.”

“And they are… well…” She looked down and then back up at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Okay, I understand.”


After dinner, they returned to work.

The guards asked everyone about Jordan, but they all stuck to knowing nothing and Jordan himself told them he did it to himself, not that they believed him.

Jordan never approached her but continued to look at her and rub himself suggestively whenever she would look.

Before long the working day was done and after lunch they were all allowed outside for their daily yard time.

Despite having guards around for the break, Benga insisted on her staying with him.

“You’ll have to be careful or people will think you are turning into a fag,” Alex teased him as they exited the building.

“For you,” He looked her over, “I could… Not that being with you would mean a man is gay,” He quickly added the last part.

“Good save. But we both know your just desperate because you haven’t had any in so many years.”

“Believe what you want,” He said almost cryptically.

“I will.” She huffed, “God, your legs are too long. I give up,” She let herself plop on the ground.

“You go play with your friends, I’m staying here.”

He stared at her amused, “You really are acting like a little girl now,” He teased.

“Oh well.”

“Stand up.”

“No, it’s quite nice down here.”

“I’ll pick you up.”

“And I’ll bite you.”

“Now, that’s not nice. Not after I saved you. Plus you’re too nice.”

“I am not nice, I am in here for beating a man unconscious with a stiletto.”

He burst out laughing, “Really?”

“Yes. He was stalking me and took some half nude photos without me knowing and sold them. The police managed to get the pictures down, but not before thousands of people had seen the ‘freak.’ They let him off with a warning, so I confronted him when he was following me home and I beat and kicked him several times between the legs.”

Benga sober slightly, “Then he deserved that and more. And just for the record, I don’t think you’re a freak,” He said honestly. “I would have probably have done worst if I were you.”

“But the worst thing is people are campaigning for me to be sent to another jail and they will probably drag the pictures out to see.”

“But the police?”

“They’ll just fined the paper. Nothing will happen. I just am thankful that you can’t see my bottom half. But everyone knows what I am and soon everyone in here will.”

“I’m sorry, Alex. I wish I could help with the picture thing. But I promise I’ll help you when these find out the truth.”

“What truth?” A large black man Alex hadn’t seen before walked over, with another man of similar build. Both looked around thirty, the second a lighter brown colour and slightly younger looking.

Alex stayed quiet, because now she had not one, but three giants towering over her.

“Oh, hi guys. Haven’t seen you all day?” Benga said changing the subject.

“We’ve were put on cleaning. Boring, shit. What about you?” The first man asked him, glancing down at Alex on the floor unsure.

“Oh, that’s Alex. She’s decided now was a great time for a rest.”

“Well, not all of us do manual labour or workout regularly,” She mumbled in defence.

“No, but you did a good job for a first day.”

“You and the girl’s friends now?” The first guy asked.

“Because we heard you said otherwise.” The second asked.

“Yes, we are best friends. We just got off to a wrong start.” He smiled down at her.

“So he’s not a trannie fag?” The second man sounded like he was trying to push his buttons.

Benga glared at him. “She,” He emphasised on the word, “Is neither a trannie or gay… Okay, she might be the second one.”

“Is it my fault women love me?” She joked.

“These idiots are my friends, Cook,” The first guy and the older of the two. “And Sid.” The second and younger one.

“How is she not a trannie? She looks like a woman,” Sid looked her over, “But she is in here, she must be…”

“Hey Sid,” Jordan said innocently coming over, but his eyes glued to Alex.

“Oh hey, what happened to you, man?” He noticed the bruises.

“I happened,” Benga growled.

“What did I say about staying away?!” His two friends watched the exchange and Alex stood up, taking a step back. But Jordan shadowed her move.

The two guys must have guessed what happened because they stepped forwards too. “Jordan, don’t be an idiot. It is obvious the poor lad don’t want any of what you’re selling,” Sid said.

“She wants it alright, don’t you, Manga?” Benga pulled her behind him.

“Leave her alone!”

“I’ll get her at some point and you know it. She is a fruit ripe for the taking and I am the one to take it.” Benga reached and crushed the man’s junk in his hand. He would have hit him, but there were too many guards around. Hopefully, this would be missed.

“If you ever want babies – leave.” He released it and a pale Jordan stumbled away.

“Now, what was that about?” Cook asked as Alex came back into view.

“Jordan knocked Alex out, tied her up and tried to rape her. But thankfully, I was on time. I don’t know what’s got into his head, he’s normally alright.”

“He’s in here for stalking a woman he was obsessed with and became convinced she was in love with him,” Sid told them.

“It looks like he’s channeling his obsessions to… Alex?” She nodded. “Alex now.”

“But I didn’t think he was into men. After what happens when one of the Queens came onto him.”

Benga looked to Alex for permission. “It’ll come out sooner or later.” The two men watched interested.

“She is a Hermaphrodite,” He whispered. “She has always lived as a woman, but an overdose of male hormones in the womb made her clit grew into a nob.” He smirked at her, “A tiny baby cock.”

“Hey!” She hit his arm ignoring his stunned friends. “I’ll have you know, women like my miniature friend! Anyway, I bet it’s still bigger than your is.”

“I can assure you mine was your size when I was eight. You can guess how big it is now.”

“Hang on,” Sid interrupted. “You’re not joking? How do you know?”

“I caught Jordan trying to rape her. He was trying to push himself in her pussy. I pulled him off and beat him. I saw all of her. I guarantee you, she may have a little cock, but she is all woman.”

“You have pussy?” Cook asked looking her over.

“And a womb, period and all. But no testies. Only a little man.”

“Cock,” Benga translated.

“You mean the crazy bastards have put a woman in with us?” Cook asked unbelievably.

“Not a woman because I have a little man.”

“Try telling that to the other men,” Cook said seriously. “You have a pussy and no balls, that makes you a woman.”

“And no real man calls their cock a little man,” Sid added amused.

“Why? It’s a term of affection. He is like a little turtle friend, who comes out to greet you and smile every now and then.” By the time she was finished, all three men were laughing.

“You definitely are a strange little girl,” Benga teased.

“You’re still hot though,” Sid commented, “Fancy going to have a quickie?”

“Leave her, Sid,” Benga warned.

“Woo,” Cook whistled, “I think Sam claimed her for himself.”

“What?” Both Benga and Alex said at the same time.

“It’s not like that,” He said making the other two men smile more. “I’m just protecting her. Plus she is a lesbian.”

“She is?”

“I am?” They all asked at the same time.

“I’m not a lesbian.” Benga looked confused.

“But you said you’ve only been with women, no men?”

“Yes, because they are nice. Not because I’m a lesbian. If I met a man, transgender, intersex, woman I liked then I would date them. I am universal.”

“In that case, I’d quite happily be your teacher? I don’t mind if you have a friendly turtle,” Sid said again smirking.

“Sid, leave her alone already.”

“Chill man,” Cook watched in amusement as Sid and Alex teased their friend. “He wants my turtle,” She leaned in and whispered to Sid, “I think he is secretly gay that is why he is so defensive.”

Instead of getting mad like they men expected, he looked amused.

“How about you let me touch you down there and we’ll see?”

Her eyes widened and she blushed, “Stop teasing,” She poked his side. “If you’re that desperate for a woman how about the nurse or Hodges?” They all looked at her as if she had gone crazy.

“What? Hodges is a little scary, but the nurse is alright…”

“I’ll wait until I get out if they are my choices.”

“I agree with Sam. Hodges is a scary alright and the nurse, I think half the guys in here have had a go,” Cook told her. “She is a ho.”

“Well, I’m not the new bike. So, keep using your hand.”

“Don’t worry, Turtle, no one’s gonna make you a bike.” Benga gave her a one arm hug.

“Those who I call line-up,” An officer called drawing everyone’s attention.

“Visitors,” Benga whispered, he still had his arm around her.

“Benga, Connor, Edges, ….” A dozen names later, “And Rodriguez, all follow me. The rest of you wait here until your taken in for rec time.”

“You’re lucky most people don’t get a visitor for the first week,” Benga said walking with her. He no longer had his arm around her, knowing the guards would think something was going on and move her.


“Sam,” He corrected.

“Sam, thank you for today. I don’t know what I’d have done without you.” She gave him a genuine smile, which he returned.

“You don’t have to thank me. I may flirt and tease you a bit, but I wouldn’t let anyone do that to you.”

“Aww, you’re like a big cuddly bear really, aren’t you?”

“Maybe for you. But don’t tell them that. I have a reputation to protect,” He stood up straighter and tried to look emotionless.

“You’re quite handsome, when you’re not being mean.”



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